How to call a dynamic label in different .bat file - batch-file

If I want to call :foo in foo.bat from bar.bat I do:
echo.wont be executed
exit /b 1
echo foo from foo.bat
exit /b 0
call :foo
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo.will also not be executed
But if I don't know the label name but get it passed as a parameter I'm stuck
:: calling a dynamic label is no problem
call :%~1
exit /b %errorlevel%
::don't know how to "catch-all" or set context of "current-label"

You can use a batch parser trick.
You don't need to do anything in foo.bat for this to work
echo.wont be executed
exit /b 1
echo foo from foo.bat
exit /b 0
echo Hello from %0 Func :unknown
exit /b
You only need to add any labels into bar.bat that you want to call in foo.bat
#echo off
call :unknown
echo Back from Foo
call :func1
echo Back from Foo
exit /b %errorlevel%
The trick is that after calling a label in bar.bat and then start foo.bat without calling it (only foo.bat), the foo.bat is loaded and the last called label is jumped to.

Labels are searched by the parser literally before resolving environment variables or argument references, so you cannot use such in labels.
However, hereby I want to provide an approach that allows to use dynamic labels, although I do not understand what is the purpose of that, so this is more kind of an academic answer...
The batch file parser of cmd does not cache a batch file, it reads and executes it line by line, or correctly spoken, it reads and executes each command line/block individually. So we can make use of that and let the batch file modify itself during its execution, given that the modified part lies beyond the currently executed code portion. The following script accomplishes that:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Check whether a label name has been delivered:
if "%~1"=="" (
echo ERROR: No label name specified! 1>&2
exit /B 1
rem /* Call sub-routine to replace the literal label string `:%~1`
rem within this batch file by the given dynamic label name: */
call :REPLACE_LINE "%~f0" ":%%%%~1" ":%~1" || (
rem /* In case the given label is `:REPLACE_TEXT`, display error
rem message, clean up temporary file and quit script: */
>&2 echo ERROR: Label ":%~1" is already defined!
2> nul del "%~f0.tmp"
exit /B 1
rem // Perform call of the sub-routine with the dynamic label name:
call :%~1
rem /* Call sub-routine to replace the given dynamic label name
rem within this batch file by the literal label string `:%~1`: */
call :REPLACE_LINE "%~f0" ":%~1" ":%%%%~1"
exit /B
:REPLACE_LINE val_file_path val_line_LOLD val_line_LNEW
::This sub-routine searches a file for a certain line
::case-insensitively and replaces it by another line.
:: val_file_path path to the file;
:: val_line_LOLD line to search for;
:: val_line_LNEW line to replace the found line;
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Store provided arguments:
set "FILE=%~1" & rem // (path of the file to replace lines)
set "LOLD=%~2" & rem // (line string to search for)
set "LNEW=%~3" & rem // (line string to replace the found line)
set "LLOC=%~0" & rem // (label of this sub-routine)
rem // Write output to temporary file:
> "%FILE%.tmp" (
rem /* Read the file line by line; precede each line by a
rem line number and `:`, so empty lines do not appear as
rem empty to `for /F`, as this would ignore them: */
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /N "^" "%FILE%"') do (
rem // Store current line with the line number prefix:
set "LINE=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Check current line against search string:
if /I "!LINE:*:=!"=="!LOLD!" (
rem // Current line equals search string, so replace:
) else if /I not "!LNEW!"=="!LLOC!" (
rem // Current line is different, so keep it:
) else (
rem /* Current line equals label of this sub-routine,
rem so terminate this and return with error: */
exit /B 1
rem /* Searching and replacement finished, so move temporary file
rem onto original one, thus overwriting it: */
> nul move /Y "%FILE%.tmp" "%FILE%"
exit /B
::This is the sub-routine with the dynamic label.
::Note that it must be placed after all the other code!
echo Sub-routine.
exit /B
Basically, it first replaces the literal label string (line) :%~1 by the string provided as the first command line argument, then it calls that section by call :%~1, and finally, it restores the original literal label string. The replacement is managed by the sub-routine :REPLACE_LINE.

foo.bat (secondary):
#echo off
echo this is foo.bat
REM check, if the label is defined in this script:
findstr /xi "%~1" %~f0 >nul 2>&1 || goto :error
goto %~1
echo reached foo.bat, label :foo
exit /b 0
echo wrong or missing label: "%~1"
exit /b 1
bar.bat (primary)
#echo off
echo this is bar.bat
call foo.bat :foo
echo back to bar.bat - %errorlevel%
call foo.bat :foe
echo back to bar.bat - %errorlevel%
call foo.bat
echo back to bar.bat - %errorlevel%
exit /b

As aschipfl already correctly stated you can't have a dynamic label, but you can dynamically call present labels, but you should check for the presence prior calling it like Stephan does but in the primary batch.
So this is a combination of Stephans and jebs batches.
:: bar.bat
#echo off
REM check, if the label is defined in this script:
If "%~1" neq "" findstr /xi "%~1" %~f0 >nul 2>&1||goto :error&&Call :%~1
call :Func1
echo Back from Foo
call :func2
echo Back from Foo
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo wrong or missing label: "%~1"
exit /b 1
:: foo.bat
#Goto :Eof
echo reached foo.bat, label :func1
exit /b 0
echo reached foo.bat, label :func2
exit /b 0
Sample output:
> bar
reached foo.bat, label :func1
Back from Foo
reached foo.bat, label :func2
Back from Foo
> bar fx
wrong or missing label: "fx"


Batch script not processing remaining of the file after the goto step

I have batch file that writes to the text file with the records. Each of this record needs to be processed from the file. For example if Name == KD then go to step 1 else continue with the next steps.
The issue after it goes to step 1, it exits the file. I need to come back to the next record to continue processing with DF. I did add label to the section to come back but it keeps processing only KD record.
Text file example:
Line Name Container
1 KD 123
2 DF 657
set txtfilepath=C:\Temp\Test.txt
set /a cnt=0
for /f %%a in ('type "%txtfilepath%"^|find "" /v /c') do set /a cnt=%%a
echo %txtfilepath% has %cnt% lines
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1,2,3,4,5* delims=,] " %%a in ('find /v /n "" ^< %txtfilepath%') do (
echo.%%b - this displays variable fine.
if %%b==DF (
set result=true
) else (
goto donotexecute
echo I am in true loop.
echo i am in do not import loop
So the code goes in the donotexecute label and then I have no way to go back to my initial for loop to continue with the next line in the text file.
First, don't use set /a (evaluate arithmetic expression) if you just want to assign a value to an environment variable.
Environment variables are always of type string. On an arithmetic expression each number specified directly or hold by an environment variable is converted temporarily to a 32-bit signed integer for evaluation of the expression and the integer result is finally converted back to a string stored in the specified environment variable. So much faster is assigning the number string directly to the environment variable.
Second, Windows command processor does not support labels within a FOR loop. You need to use subroutines.
#echo off
set "txtfilepath=C:\Temp\Test.txt"
rem Don't know why the number of lines in the files must be determined first?
set "cnt=0"
for /F %%a in ('type "%txtfilepath%" ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe "" /v /c') do set "cnt=%%a"
echo %txtfilepath% has %cnt% lines.
for /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1-5* delims=,] " %%a in ("%txtfilepath%") do (
if "%%b" == "DF" (
call :ProcessDF "%%c"
) else if "%%b" == "KD" (
call :ProcessKD "%%c"
echo Result is: %result%
rem Exit processing of this batch file. This command is required because
rem otherwise the batch processing would continue unwanted on subroutine.
goto :EOF
rem This is the subroutine for name DF.
echo Processing DF ...
set "result=true"
echo Container is: %~1
goto :EOF
rem The command above exits subroutine and batch processing continues
rem on next line below the command line which called this subroutine.
rem This is the subroutine for name KD.
echo Processing KD ...
echo Container is: %~1
rem Other commands to process.
goto :EOF
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
echo /?
find /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
rem /?
set /?
type /?
exit /B could be also used everywhere where goto :EOF is used as this is exactly the same. Run in a command prompt window exit /? for details. Sometimes on larger batch files it makes sense to use for example exit /B where used to exit processing of batch file and goto :EOF where used to just exit a subroutine.

Batch-I want to set second part of variable

I have a problem.
set /p command=
if %command% == "display (i want the second part of the variable here)" echo (second part of the variable)
For example, i type:
display hello
I want it to simply:
echo hello
I want to use this for custom commands in my game.
Firstly, you can split the text on firstword|notfirstword with a for /f loop using "tokens=1*". See help for in a console window for full details.
Next, you could use attempt to call :label where :label is whatever the first word was. In essence, you're creating batch functions and letting the user choose which function is executed. If the function label doesn't exist, then errorlevel will be non-zero and you can handle appropriately using conditional execution. This makes it easy to expand your script without having to add an if /i statement for each choice or synonym you add. (It might be a good idea to hide the error message for attempting to call a non-existent label by redirecting 2>NUL.) Here's a full example:
#echo off & setlocal
set /P "command=Command? "
for /f "tokens=1*" %%I in ("%command%") do (
2>NUL call :%%I %%J || (
if errorlevel 1000 (exit /b 0) else call :unsupported %%I
goto :entry
exit /b 0
ping %~1
exit /b 0
echo OK, toodles.
exit /b 1000
:unsupported <command>
1>&2 echo %~1: unrecognized command
exit /b 0

Call a subroutine in a batch from another batch file

#echo off
echo in file one
call file2.bat (Here i want to call only Demo routine in the file2.bat)
echo in hello
echo in Demo
From the batch file1 I want to make a call to a sub routine in the batch file2.
I tried for example call file2.bat:Demo but it didn't give the correct result.
How I can achieve this?
the file with subroutines must look like:
#echo off
call :%*
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo in hello
exit /b 0
echo in Demo with argument %1
exit /b 0
then from the other file you can call it like
call file2.bat demo "arg-one"
You can write your functions file (in this sample it is library.cmd) as
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
rem Not to be directly called
exit /b 9009
echo test [%*]
goto :eof
echo test2 [%*]
goto :eof
echo testErrorlevel
exit /b 1
And then the caller batch can be something like
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
call :test arg1 arg2 arg3
call :test2 arg4 arg5 arg6
call :testErrorlevel && echo no errorlevel || echo errorlevel raised
goto :eof
echo calling function %0
library.cmd %*
echo calling function %0
In this case, the labels need to be defined with the same name in both files.
The direct invocation of the "library" batch file will replace the context of the call :label, and when the invoked batch is readed, a goto :label is internally executed and code continues inside the indicated label. When the called batch file ends, the context is released and the code after the call :label continues.
As Jeb points in comments, there is a drawback in this method. The code running in the called batch file can not use %0 to retrieve the name of the function being called, it will return the name of the batch file. But if needed, the caller can do it as shown in the sample code.
edited 2016/12/27
Answering to dbenham, I have no way to know if it was a coding error or an intended feature, but this is how the process works
The lines in batch file are processed inside the inner BatLoop function when a batch "context" is created. This function receives, as one of its arguments, a pointer to the command that caused the "context" to be created.
Inside this function the commands in the batch file are iterated. The loop that iterates over the commands makes a test in each iteration: if extensions are enabled, it is the first line in the batch file and the arguments of the command that started the context starts with a colon (a label), a goto is generated to jump to the label.
Up to here, I have to suppose that this is the intended behaviour to handle the call :label syntax: create a new "context", load the file, jump to the label.
But the command argument received is never changed, a different variable is used to track the execution of the commands in the batch file. If a new batch file is loaded into / overwrites the current batch "context" (we have not used call command), after loading the new batch code, BatLoop resets the line count (we start at the first line of the loaded file) and, voila, the condition at the start of the loop (extensions enabled, first line, the colon) is true again (the pointed input command has not been changed) and a new goto is generated.
To comment a bit more, here is the code I came out reading the answer. It basically give you a 'utility' file where you can add your sub/fnc in a common library for code maintenance.
A) As a example, here is the 'utility_sub.cmd' file:
REM ==============================================
REM ==============================================
REM echo %~1
GOTO :%~1
REM ==============================================
REM ==============================================
REM Ref :
REM Demo call
REM =========
REM set msg="%tab%- Error detected ..."
REM ==============================================
REM ==============================================
REM CALL :SUB_STDOUT_MSG "%param1%", %param2%, %param3%
REM Instead of this stdout sub, we can use Unix 'tee.exe'
REM but there is no 'line counter' feature like this sub
REM Call example :
REM EDI_Generate_Stat_Csv | tee c:\temp\voir.txt
REM Def :
REM Capture output from a program and also display the output to the screen, at the same time.
REM %~1 => Expand %1 removing any surrounding quotes (")
set msg=%~2
set sendtoLog=%3
set addCounter=%4
If !msg!==. (
REM Write empty line
If !sendtoLog! EQU 1 (
echo!msg! >> %log_file%
) else (
REM (a) Write comment line (b) add counter if any
If !addCounter! EQU 1 (
set /a msgCounter+=1
set msg=!msgCounter! - !msg!
REM Pad counter left for single digit
If !msgCounter! LSS 10 (
set msg=0!msg!
REM Output to console
echo !msg!
REM Output to log
If !sendtoLog! EQU 1 (
echo !msg! >> %log_file%
B) And here is how to call the 'SUB_STDOUT_MSG' in you 'main-logic' command file:
REM ... some other code here
REM ==============================================
REM ==============================================
set msg=.
set msg="My programA - End"
set msg="%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%"
set msg="+++++++++++++++"
timeout 2 > Nul
REM ==============================================
REM ==============================================
REM echo calling sub %0
CALL "C:\Utilitaires\Financement\Utility_Sub.cmd" SUB_STDOUT_MSG %*
What about providing the target label as the first agrument of the called script? You needed to modify the called dscript then though.
file1.bat (main):
#echo off
echo File "%~0": call "file2.bat" [no arguments]
call "file2.bat"
echo File "%~0": call "file2.bat" :DEMO
call "file2.bat" :DEMO
echo File "%~0": call "file2.bat" :DEMO A B C
call "file2.bat" :DEMO A B C
file2.bat (sub):
#echo off
set "ARG1=%~1" & if not defined ARG1 goto :TEST
if "%ARG1:~,1%"==":" goto %ARG1%
echo File "%~nx0", :TEST; arguments: %*
goto :EOF
echo File "%~nx0", :DEMO; arguments: %*
echo before `shift /1`:
echo "%%~0" refers to "%~0"
echo "%%~1" refers to "%~1"
shift /1
echo after `shift /1`:
echo "%%~0" refers to "%~0"
echo "%%~1" refers to "%~1"
goto :EOF
>>> file1.bat
File "file1.bat": call "file2.bat" [no arguments]
File "file2.bat", :TEST; arguments:
File "file1.bat": call "file2.bat" :DEMO
File "file2.bat", :DEMO; arguments: :DEMO
before `shift /1`:
"%~0" refers to "file2.bat"
"%~1" refers to ":DEMO"
after `shift /1`:
"%~0" refers to "file2.bat"
"%~1" refers to ""
File "file1.bat": call "file2.bat" :DEMO A B C
File "file2.bat", :DEMO; arguments: :DEMO A B C
before `shift /1`:
"%~0" refers to "file2.bat"
"%~1" refers to ":DEMO"
after `shift /1`:
"%~0" refers to "file2.bat"
"%~1" refers to "A"

Batch file and DEL errorlevel 0 issue

The batch has to remove files and directories from specific locations and output success or stdout/stderr messages to a new .txt file. I have created the most of the script and it performs exactly as it should, except when the deletion is successful it moves forward to the next line rather than echo a 'successful' message on the log.
echo Basic Deletion Batch Script > results.txt
#echo off
call :filelog >> results.txt 2>&1
notepad results.txt
exit /b
call :delete new.txt
call :delete newer.txt
call :delete newest.txt
call :remove c:\NoSuchDirectory
echo deleting %1
del /f /q c:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%1
if errorlevel 0 echo succesful
echo deleting directory %1
rmdir /q /s %1
For some reason I can't find the syntax for if del succeeds echo 'successful'. In the above example if I remove the line
if errorlevel 0 echo successful
Everything works fine, but no success message. With this line left in it echoes success for every line.
del and ErrorLevel?
The del command does not set the ErrorLevel as long as the given arguments are valid, it even resets the ErrorLevel to 0 in such cases (at least for Windows 7).
del modifies the ErrorLevel only in case an invalid switch is provided (del /X sets ErrorLevel to 1), no arguments are specified at all (del sets ErrorLevel to 1 too), or an incorrect file path is given (del : sets ErrorLevel to 123), at least for Windows 7.
Possible Work-Around
A possible work-around is to capture the STDERR output of del, because in case of deletion errors, the related messages (Could Not Find [...], Access is denied., The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) are written there. Such might look like:
for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('del /F /Q "\path\to\the\file_s.txt" 2^>^&1 1^> nul') do (2> nul set =)
To use the code in command prompt directly rather than in a batch file, write %# instead of %%#.
If you do not want to delete read-only files, remove /F from the del command line;
if you do want prompts (in case wildcards ? and/or * are present in the file path), remove /Q.
Explanation of Code
This executes the command line del /F /Q "\path\to\the\file_s.txt". By the part 2>&1 1> nul, the command output at STDOUT will be dismissed, and its STDERR output will be redirected so that for /F receives it.
If the deletion was successful, del does not generate a STDERR output, hence the for /F loop does not iterate, because there is nothing to parse. Notice that ErrorLevel will not be reset in that case, its value remains unchanged.
If for /F recieves any STDERR output from the del command line, the command in the loop body is executed, which is set =; this is an invalid syntax, therefore set sets the ErrorLevel to 1. The 2> nul portion avoids the message The syntax of the command is incorrect. to be displayed.
To set the ErrorLevel explicitly you could also use cmd /C exit /B 1. Perhaps this line is more legible. For sure it is more flexible because you can state any (signed 32-bit) number, including 0 to clear it (omitting the number clears it as well). It might be a bit worse in terms of performance though.
Application Example
The following batch file demonstrates how the above described work-around could be applied:
echo Deleting "%~1"...
rem this line resets ErrorLevel initially:
cmd /C exit /B
rem this line constitutes the work-around:
for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('del /F /Q "C:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%~1" 2^>^&1 1^> nul') do (2> nul set =)
rem this is the corrected ErrorLevel query:
if not ErrorLevel 1 echo Deleted "%~1" succesfully.
goto :EOF
Presetting ErrorLevel
Besides the above mentioned command cmd /C exit /B, you can also use > nul ver to reset the ErrorLevel. This can be combined with the for /F loop work-around like this:
> nul ver & for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('del /F /Q "\path\to\the\file_s.txt" 2^>^&1 1^> nul') do (2> nul set =)
Alternative Method Without for /F
Instead of using for /F to capture the STDERR output of del, the find command could also be used like find /V "", which returns an ErrorLevel of 1 if an empty string comes in and 0 otherwise:
del "\path\to\the\file_s.ext" 2>&1 1> nul | find /V "" 1> nul 2>&1
However, this would return an ErrorLevel of 1 in case the deletion has been successful and 0 if not. To reverse that behaviour, an if/else clause could be appended like this:
del "\path\to\the\file_s.ext" 2>&1 1> nul | find /V "" 1> nul 2>&1 & if ErrorLevel 1 (1> nul ver) else (2> nul set =)
Different Approach: Checking File for Existence After del
A completely different approach is to check the file for existence after having tried to delete it (thanks to user Sasha for the hint!), like this, for example:
del /F /Q "\path\to\the\file_s.txt" 1> nul 2>&1
if exist "\path\to\the\file_s.txt" (2> nul set =) else (1> nul ver)
When using this syntax, instead of this
if errorlevel 0 echo successful
you can use this - because errorlevel 0 is always true.
if not errorlevel 1 echo successful
Just use rm from UnxUtils (or gow or cygwin). It sets the errorlevel correctly in case of a nonexistent file, or any errors deleting the file.
This was added as an edit by the original asker, I have converted it to a community wiki answer because it should be an answer, not an edit.
I found out how to do it... one way anyway.
echo Startup > results.txt
#echo off
call :filelog >> results.txt 2>&1
notepad results.txt
exit /b
call :delete new.txt
call :delete newer.txt
call :delete newest.txt
call :remove c:\NoSuchDirectory
echo deleting %1
dir c:\users\newuser\Desktop\%1 >NUL 2>&1
del /f /q c:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%1
dir c:\users\newuser\Desktop\%1 2>NUL >NUL
if %existed% == 0 (if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 echo "successful" )
echo deleting directory %1
rmdir /q /s %1
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 [cmd] will execute every time because IF ERRORLEVEL # checks to see if the value of ERRORLEVEL is greater than or equal to #. Therefore, every error code will cause execution of [cmd].
A great reference for this is:
>IF /?
Performs conditional processing in batch programs.
IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command
IF [NOT] string1==string2 command
IF [NOT] EXIST filename command
NOT Specifies that Windows should carry out
the command only if the condition is false.
ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run
returned an exit code equal to or greater than the number
I would recommend modifying your code to something like the following:
echo deleting %1
del /f /q c:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%1
if errorlevel 1 (
rem This block executes if ERRORLEVEL is a non-zero
echo failed
) else (
echo succesful
If you need something that processes more than one ERRORLEVEL, you could do something like this:
echo deleting %1
del /f /q c:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%1
if errorlevel 3 echo Cannot find path& GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
if errorlevel 2 echo Cannot find file& GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
if errorlevel 1 echo Unknown error& GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
echo succesful
echo deleting %1
del /f /q c:\Users\newuser\Desktop\%1
goto :delete_error%ERRORLEVEL% || goto :delete_errorOTHER
echo Unknown error: %ERRORLEVEL%
GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
echo Cannot find path
GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
echo Cannot find file
GOTO :delete_errorcheck_done
echo succesful
The answer of aschipfl is great (thanks, helped me a lot!) using the code under Presetting ErrorLevel you get a nice standard function:
Take care to use %~1 instead of %1 in the del statement, or you will get errors if you use a quoted filename.
::call :DELETE "file.txt"
::call :DELETE "file.txt" "error message"
>nul ver && for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('del /F /Q "%~1" 2^>^&1 1^> nul') do (2>nul set =) || (
if NOT .%2==. echo %~2
goto :EOF
BTW 1: You can give a nifty error message as a second parameter
BTW 2: Using :: instead of REM for comments makes the code even more readable.
Error Code: (What you did)
if errorlevel 0 echo succesful
The problem here is that you aren't calling errorlevel as a variable and plus you didn't add in the operator to the statement as well.
Correct Code: (Here is what it should actually be.)
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 echo succesful
EQU: The EQU stands for Equal. This kind of operator is also called a relational operator. Here is the documentation link to operators if you wanna know more, there are other ones but this helped me.
ERRORLEVEL: is declared as a variable and usually get the error level of the last command run usually. Variables are usually called when they are between percent signs like this
For some more help on variables, go to cmd (Which you can go to by searching it on windows 10) and type in "set /?", without the quotes. the set command is the command you use to set variables

Batch (.bat): get the name of the first script, not the current one

I have first.bat and second.bat.
first.bat is: call second.bat
Second is: echo %~n0 (displays filename of the executing batch)
The output is Second.bat, but I want it to display the caller filename, not it's own.
Is this possible?
This batch detects the name of the caller script or even if it's called directly from the command line
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "func=%~0"
for /F "delims=\" %%X in ("%func:*\=%") do set "func=%%X"
if ":" == "%func:~0,1%" (
goto %func%
REM *** Get the name of the caller
(goto) 2>nul
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
call set "caller=%%~f0"
call set _caller=%%caller:*%%~f0=%%
if defined _caller (
set "callType=batch"
call "%~d0\:mainFunc\..%~pnx0" %*
) ELSE (
set "callType=cmd-line"
cmd /c "call "%~d0\:mainFunc\..%~pnx0" %*"
exit /b
echo :mainFunc of %~nx0 arg1=%1 is called from '%caller%'/%callType%
exit /b
It uses the fact, that a (goto) statement will remove one level from the stack.
This results into leaving the current batch file and %~f0 will be the name of the caller script (and %~0 the current function of that batch) or the text %~f0 in the case of called from the command line.
Then the own script is called again with "%~d0\:mainFunc\..%~pnx0"
External Script
For easy use you could add a helper batch file.
Use it in your own scripts with this line
#echo off
<:GetCaller <nul call GetCaller.bat myCallerVar
echo This batch was called from "%myCallerVar%"
Name the helper batch file GetCaller.bat
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "func=%~0"
for /F "delims=\" %%X in ("%func:*\=%") do set "func=%%X"
if ":" == "%func:~0,1%" (
goto %func%
REM *** Get the filename of the caller of this script, needed for later restart that
(goto) 2>nul
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion %= it could be reenabled by the GOTO =%
set "_returnVar=%~1"
call set "_lastCaller=%%~f0"
call set "_argToLastCaller=%%*"
call "%~d0\:Step2\..%~pnx0" %*
exit /b %= This is never reached =%
REM *** Get the filename/cmd-line of the caller of the script
(goto) 2>nul
(goto) 2>nul
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion %= it could be reenabled by the GOTO =%
set "_returnVar=%_returnVar%"
set "_lastCaller=%_lastCaller%"
set "_argToLastCaller=%_argToLastCaller%"
call set "caller=%%~f0"
call set _caller=%%caller:*%%~f0=%%
if defined _caller (
set "callType=batch"
call "%~d0\:Step3batch\..%~pnx0"
) ELSE (
set "callType=cmd-line"
cmd /c "call "%~d0\:Step3batch\..%~pnx0" "
exit /b %= This is never reached =%
REM *** STEP3 Restart the requester batch, but jump to the label :GetCaller
call :GetCaller
exit /b %= This is never reached =%
REM *** This uses the trick, that starting a batch without CALL will jump to the last used label
if "%_returnVar%" NEQ "" set "%_returnVar%=%_caller%"
%_lastCaller% %_argToLastCaller%
echo #6 never reached
I think the easiest way of doing this would be to pass the filename of the first batch as a parameter to the second, like this.
REM First.bat
call Second.bat %~n0
REM Second.bat
echo %1
Hope this helps!
Store the value of %~n0 in a environment variable before calling second.bat
