angular drag and drop and angular horizontal timeline - angularjs

I tried ngDraggable
but it does not work if I do not have a list of draggable elements (I do not)
I need to drag a div to another div.
Is there a react directive that is simple to use and works with single element drag?
I basically want to drag a div to the timeline taken from:
which means that I will need to make the timeline droppable.
Can I have some pointers on this please?


React beautiful DND - auto-scroll between Droppable

I created a draggable drag and drop table with draggable rows.
For the need of my project, i added multiple drop targets with multiple Droppable elements like in this example:
It work pretty fine, but there is one problem, the scroll speed.
When i'm trying to drop an item in an element at the bottom of the page, it gets very slow.
This GIF will show the problem.
Do you have any clue for a solution ?
This may be a result of react-beautiful-dnd autoscroll, interfering with a css property called scroll-behavior. I just spent a day de-bugging this myself.
If you are using bootstrap, by default, bootstrap sets {scroll-behavior: smooth} to the entire html tag. To apply react-beautiful-dnd's fast auto-scroll, this css property should be {scroll-behavior: unset !important}
If you are not using bootstrap, or another library, check your css stylesheets, and see if {scroll-behavior: smooth} is set anywhere in any parent containers to your Droppables, and unset them.
A good way to debug this is by also opening Inspect Element in your browser, and looking at the styles applied to the html, body, or parent containers to your Droppables.
It appears that when scroll-behavior is defined in css or javascript( if you use window.scrollBy()), it may interfere with react-beautiful-dnd's fast auto-scroll feature, and make it slow.
Let me know if this works for you :) !
Here is my example in a gif - All the containers in the column are droppables

Inverted react-beautiful-dnd order

I have a working vertical column drag and drop React app using react-beautiful-dnd, but would like to 'invert' it so that Draggable items fall to the bottom of the Droppable div instead of floating to the top. Is this possible?
If I'm understanding you correctly, you'd like to have a list where when the container is not full, the items within that list are aligned to the bottom of the container?
If so, then yes - I would utilize flexbox.
Here is a good resource for flex -
There are multiple different ways to implement this with flex. Pick your poison.
Based on the code sandbox:
I would add a wrapper div to the bay component with the same height as what you have now. On the child div, add a dynamic height field that is dependent on how many tables the bay contains.
Users won't be able to drop into the entire column but you could style it to show the user where they need to drop when the column is empty.
I ended up just creating another invisible strip with flexGrow = 1 to push everything to the bottom.

Properly animate hiding/showing element with Angular and animate.css

I have a basic plunker which shows the problem: When you click on the button the first element is shown/hidden with a bouncy animation. This works fine, but the problem is that the items below it just jump to the new place which is quite ugly and jarring.
So, if you click on the button, item One slides away and then a second later items Two and Three jump up. I'd like everything to slide up while item One slides away. How can this be done? Do I need to drop animate.css and write my own custom animations? How would that work? (I don't really care about the bouncy animation, it should just slide away / back into view.)
The current bouncy animation that you have is using a transform property which isn't going to effect sibling elements. If you did something like animate the margin, other elements would move as well.
You could either change the animation method on your target element, or leave it and additionally animate the target's adjacent sibling. I modified your Plunker demonstrating the latter:
*This also demonstrations using transitions on the hide and keyframes on the show.
To select the adjacent sibling next to the one being effected by ng-hide, make a css selector with the + symbol: + .item {...}
Then by transitioning/animating margin-top, the remaining item elements will get pushed around too.

D3.js SVG not clickable inside angular-ui tabs

I'm trying to use D3 inside of an angular-ui tab. Specifically, a clickable canvas where I can add and drag little black circles. If I put the svg element inside the tab, no clicks get registered. If I put the svg element outside of the tabset, the clicks seem to take and my callbacks executed. Is there something I'm forgetting to do on the angular-ui side of things?

Cannot drag draggable DIV from panel in ExtJS 4.1

I've created some simple example with ExtJS drag-b-drop, it available here.
And there is some issue - I cannot drag draggable divs from side panel (or region) - draggable div stays under the center region. Is that a bug in Ext or something wrong in my code?
I've done in hacking way. It looks like this
In short, I appending element to document body tag - and dragged element displayed fine.
