Problems with connecting to SQL Server instance on multiinstance computer - sql-server

I have a computer with several SQL Server instances installed - 2008, 2012 and 2016. From this computer there is no problem to connect to any of them using Windows Authentication.
Now I try to connect to the SQL Server 2016 instance from another computer. On the server computer I've created the appropriate Windows user and SQL Server login. But when I try to connect to this instance from the different computer, the login fails.
Finally I've managed to connect to SQL Server 2016 database engine using following server name:
But when I try to connect to the SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services, the login again fails.
Can anybody give some advice on how to connect? All instances are very important and re-installation is a problem.
Thanks in advance. Alexander Mitchenko

When you say
On the server computer I've created the appropriate Windows user and SQL Server login.
This makes it sound like you are creating a local windows login on the server machine. It should be noted that in order to use Windows authentication both your connecting machine and the server need to be on the same domain.
Creating a SQL login is a separate authentication process called "SQL Server Authentication". When you use this methodology you connect with a username and password only. For this process you would connect by putting the login credentials into a connection string.
Do you have multiple domains? This can cause problems.
Cross Domain SQL Server Logins Using Windows Authentication
Does the SQL instance expose all the required ports to the internal network?
Is the server running a Windows Firewall?
What software are you connecting from?


SQL Server 2012 Express login failed from client machine

I have installed SQL Server 2012 Express edition on a pc which is on a workgroup running Windows 10. I have also created an user for access to the database through the VS2013 application.
When trying to connect to the server from the client machine, I am getting a message saying login failed and it is from an untrusted domain. The client is also on the same workgroup. However, after the SQL Express was installed on the "server" machine, the name of that pc was changed. I can connect to the database from the server using SSMS using the new computer name (in the instance). I have set remote connection parameters and also configured firewall rules. Yet I am unable to access the server from the client machine.
I also want to ensure that the database is totally secured against access or intrusion. Anyone having access to the server machine can view/edit the database using Windows Authentication. How best to safeguard against it?
Any tips would be appreciated.
try to make a new user in server machin using SSMS and be sure that you are adding the new user to the Login Part of Security in SSMS . For this you need to Login to SSMS as administrator ...

How can I use an Active Directory login in Microsoft Access linked to SQL Server?

We have a client who uses MS Access to manipulate data in their SQL Server DB. I know that we can set up SQL Server to authenticate using Active Directory. If we set this up, can they use their AD logins to connect to SQL Server through Access? How?
I tried Googling this, but to no avail. Any links or direction would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Also, please direct me to the correct place, if I should ask this question elsewhere.
Yes this should be pretty straight forward. You can use Windows Authentication to connect to sql server.
When establishing ODBC connection from your Client, The Wizard for connection configuration to SQL Server takes you to a page which gives you options to choose how you want to connect to SQL SERVER. There you can choose to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. You can choose the Windows Authentication Option.
Now when a client tries to connect to the SQL Server their windows credentials will be used to authenticate the user. And obviously if they are on a network their AD Account will Authenticate them.
See below a snapshot from ODBC Data Source Administrator wizard when configuring connection to sql server.

SQL Server 2012 Remote Access Outside Domain

I have an SQL Server 2012 instance installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2.
I configured SQL Server for remote access.
I need to access the SQL Server from a machine which is not on the same domain as the SQL Server instance using JDBC. I get the following error
Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used
with Windows authentication.
I simply need the ability to access the SQL Server from various machines which will not (and never) be part of the same domain as the sql server instance.
Solutions appreciated.
This is a broad question since there are so many factors that can prevent access to your SQL Server. Here are some general tips:
Enable access to certain protocols (TCP/IP, Named Pipes, etc.) via SQL Server Configuration Manager on the db server.
Enable access to port 1433 (the port used by SQL Server) on the db server via Windows Firewall and any network-level firewalls.
If using a Windows user to log in to the SQL Server then make sure this user (or one of the groups to which it belongs) is mapped to a SQL Server login.

Connecting to remote SQL Server

I have installed SQL Server 2005, the SQL Server instance name is SOSO, the machine name is HERO, I tried to connect from another computer using SQL Server Management Studio:
Server name: HERO\SOSO
Authentication: Windows Authentication
But I didn't succeed.
SQL Server is enabled to be connected remotely.
So what is the problem?
Windows Authentication uses the Active directory user from the connecting machine to authenticate with the database. Does it have the right permissions to access the database? Maybe try authenticating with a SQL Server database user first. Maybe you've created a SA user on installation, try connecting with that.
But as the other replies also tell, first check network / firewall connection and please provide us with the error message.

How to connect to external database through SQL Server Management Studio?

So I have a server, being hosted by an external hosting provider. To work on the server, I just need to remote connect with an IP address, a username, and password. When I remote connect, I can open SQL Server Management Studio and work on the databases. I use:
Server Name: (local)
Authentication: Windows Authentication
Username: SERVER\Administrator (Administrator is the username to remote connect)
I would like to connect to the server databases from SQL Server on my local machine. I obviously can't use (local) as the Server Name, and I can't use Windows Authentication.
I'm terrible with configuring things like this, and I really don't even know what to search for. Do I need to set up something in SQL Server on my server? Or can I use the credentials for the server to connect?
You probably won't be able to do this as the firewall will block the port that SQL Server communicates over. The hosting provider probably won't allow this traffic over their firewall as it's a big security risk.
Essentially you're stuck with the remote desktop.
The other possibility is a VPN arrangement or SSH tunneling. See if your provider can support an IPSEC VPN. If you can set up a VPN then you should be able to connect to the server that way.
There are going to be two issues.
The ports will need to be open on the remote server to connect from your machine to the server
When using Windows Authentication, there will need to be a trust relationship between SERVER and the authentication domain for the account running SSMS on the local machine
You can get around 2 by making a SQL Server account in the server (if you have rights to do that) and logging in as a SQL Server user instead of relying on a domain controller for authentication.
1 is not as easy to get around without some kind of VPN or other tunnel. Once you set up a SQL Server user, just try to connect to the machine by IP address instead of (local).
