How to filter contents in linked list using select statement? - database

A class has a property which holds link of rid' testcaseLink:[#20:0,#20:1].I have a problem in selecting only certain rids from the testcaseLink using select statement.
Looking for something like select testcaseLink.get(#20:0) from tableName.Is there is any method to filter the contents of collections in orientdb

select testCaseLink[#rid=#20:6 OR #rid=#20:8] from tableName where ColumnName='Value' Solved the problem


PostgreSQL query not working in Yii2

I want to execute query in my yii2 application. I'm using PostgreSQl. There is a table called list inside the user schema. If I try to build any query it returns 1. My code is here:
$numUsers = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "user"."list"
Please show me my mistake in the query above.
This is not related to the DB type in Yii2 if you want the result of a single value you should use queryScalar() instead of execute()
$numUsers = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "user"."list" ')->queryScalar();

SQL to match the content of a nested XML node

I have a database field containing XML nested like this:
My XML can contain many instances of the <genericMailer> element (and it's subnodes). I want to find all rows where there are any instances of <genericMailer> where the <sendMethod> contains 'Mail'.
I can get all of the values for sendMethod like this:
SELECT a.ApplicationId,
x.XmlCol.value('(moduleContent/data/sendMethod)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS SendMethod
FROM Applications a
CROSS APPLY a.AppConfig.nodes('/configuration/modules/genericMailer') x(XmlCol);
however I don't know how to search only for matching values. What's the WHERE clause I need?
Here are some possible ways :
a. Using value() method to extract sendMethod value then check if the value LIKE '%mail%' in WHERE clause :
SELECT a.ApplicationId,
x.XmlCol.value('(moduleContent/data/sendMethod)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS SendMethod
FROM Applications a
CROSS APPLY a.AppConfig.nodes('/configuration/modules/genericMailer') x(XmlCol)
WHERE x.XmlCol.value('(moduleContent/data/sendMethod)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') LIKE '%mail%'
b. Using XPath method contains() to check if sendMethod value contains substring "mail" and SQL Server method exist() to filter rows that pass the check :
SELECT a.ApplicationId,
x.XmlCol.value('(moduleContent/data/sendMethod)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS SendMethod
FROM Applications a
CROSS APPLY a.AppConfig.nodes('/configuration/modules/genericMailer') x(XmlCol)
WHERE x.XmlCol.exist('moduleContent/data/sendMethod[contains(.,"mail")]') = 1

How do I update an XML column in sql server by checking for the value of two nodes including one which needs to do a contains (like) comparison

I have an xml column called OrderXML in an Orders table...
there is an XML XPath like this in the table...
There InternalOrderDetails contains many InternalOrderDetail nodes like this...
My end goal is to modify the XML in the OrderXML column IF the Item_Number of the node contains COTRGUID (like '%COTRGUID') AND the PriceLevel=NONFREE. If that condition is met I want to change the PriceLevel column to equal FREE.
I am having trouble with both creating the xpath expression that finds the correct nodes (using OrderXML.value or OrderXML.exist functions) and updating the XML using the OrderXML.modify function).
I have tried the following for the where clause:
WHERE OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') like '%13COTRGUID'
That does work, but it seems to me that I need to ALSO include my second condition (PriceLevel=NONFREE) in the same where clause and I cannot figure out how to do it. Perhaps I can put in an AND for the second condition like this...
AND OrderXML.value('(/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/node())[1]','nvarchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
but I am afraid it will end up operating like an OR since it is an XML query.
Once I get the WHERE clause right I will update the column using a SET like this:
UPDATE Orders SET orderXml.modify('replace value of (/Order/InternalInformation/InternalOrderBreakout/InternalOrderHeader/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[1]/text())[1] with "NONFREE"')
However, I ran this statement on some test data and none of the XML columns where updated (even though it said zz rows effected).
I have been at this for several hours to no avail. Help is appreciated. Thanks.
if you don't have more than one node with your condition in each row of Orders table, you can use this:
update orders set
replace value of
Item_Number[contains(., "COTRGUID")] and
with "FREE"
sql fiddle demo
If you could have more than one node in one row, there're a several possible solutions, none of each is really elegant, sadly.
You can reconstruct all xmls in table - sql fiddle demo
or you can do your updates in the loop - sql fiddle demo
This may get you off the hump.
Replace #HolderTable with the name of your table.
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('./../PriceLevel[1]').value('.' , 'varchar(64)') as MyXmlFragmentValue
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
SELECT T2.myAlias.query('.') as MyXmlFragment
FROM #HolderTable
CROSS APPLY OrderXML.nodes('/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number') as T2(myAlias)
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel)[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
print ##ROWCOUNT
Your issue is the [1] in the above.
Why did I put it there?
Here is a sentence from the URL listed below.
Note that the target being updated must be, at most, one node that is explicitly specified in the path expression by adding a "[1]" at the end of the expression.
I think I've discovered the the root of your frustration. (No fix, just the problem).
Note below, the second query works.
So I think the [1] is some cases is saying "only ~~search~~ the first node".....and not (as you and I were hoping)...... "use the first node..after you find a match".
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue001"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "NONFREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'NONFREE'
/* and OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/Item_Number)[1]', 'varchar(64)') like '%COTRGUID' */
OrderXML.modify('replace value of (/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel/text())[1] with "MyNewValue002"')
OrderXML.value('(/InternalOrderDetails/InternalOrderDetail/PriceLevel[text() = "FREE"])[1]', 'varchar(64)') = 'FREE'
Try this :
;with InternalOrderDetail as (SELECT id,
Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') Item_Number,
Tbl.Col.value('CountOfNumber[1]', 'int') CountOfNumber,
when Tbl.Col.value('Item_Number[1]', 'varchar(40)') like '%COTRGUID'
and Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')='NONFREE'
then 'FREE'
Tbl.Col.value('PriceLevel[1]', 'varchar(40)')
FROM (select id ,orderxml from demo)
as a cross apply orderxml.nodes('//InternalOrderDetail')
tbl(col) ) ,
cte_data as(SELECT
FROM InternalOrderDetail
where ID=Results.ID
FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS)+'</InternalOrderDetails>' as XML_data
FROM InternalOrderDetail Results
update demo set orderxml=cast(xml_data as xml)
from demo
inner join cte_data on
where cast(orderxml as varchar(2000))!=xml_data;
select * from demo;
SQL Fiddle
I have handled following cases :
1. As required both where clause in question.
2. It will update all <Item_Number> like '%COTRGUID' and <PriceLevel>= NONFREE in one
node, not just the first one.
It may require minor changes for your data and tables.

Select XML nodes in SQL Server

Hi I need to populate table by selecting value from child node
XML looks like this
and table has two fields
Transmitter(Id, CoverageLevel)
Transmitter([idTransmitter], [coverageLevel])
ParamValues.T.value('Id[1]', 'nvarchar(50)'),
ParamValues.T.value('CoverageLevel[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
#otherTransmitter.nodes('//Transmitters') AS ParamValues(T)
but its not working?
Your XML is not very well formatted for this kind of task - you don't have any useable child nodes inside <Transmitters> that you can depend on.
If your XML looked like this:
then you could use the XPath expression
#otherTransmitter.nodes('/Transmitters/Transmitter') AS ParamValues(T)
to get a hold of your values.
You don't have that - you only have individual <Id> and <CoverageLevel> inside your <Transmitters> - there's no "container" XML tag that holds together those elements that belong together.
There's really no XPath that will allow you to properly enumerate those nodes.....

How to populate select box with the session values in CakePHP

I have stored many employee objects in session. how to populate the select box with the name of the all employees.i am very new to cakephp so explain me the syntax.
Assuming that your employee objects in your session are in the following format
array('' => '') you can populate the selectbox with the following statement in your views: $this->Form->select('employees', $employees) (where $employees is an array formatted as above).
See also for more info on the syntax of the select box.
