Angular 2 http get querystring params - angularjs

Hopefully someone can help with this. I building an ionic 2 app which is based on the newer Angular 2, I am familiar with previous versions of Angular, but still trying to figure this whole typescript.
I have my API setup with basic get querystrings (e.g
export class TestPage {
public state: string ='ca';
public city: string = null;
constructor(private http: Http){}
public submit() {
let url = "http://localhost/api";
let payload = {"state": this.state, "city":};
this.$http.get(url, payload).subscribe(result => {
}, err => {
//do something with the error
When I execute this it pulls my API url fine and I can get a response back, however none of the querystrings are being sent in the request. Its just sending http://localhost/api. If I console.log the payload its fine.
Ultimately I am trying to get it to do https://localhost/api?state=ca&city=example
Looking at examples I can't really find anything straight-forward on this.
Is it not possible to take a payload on http with this newer version of Angular? The code above is just an example. I have many querystrings, which is why I was hoping to send a payload to it.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

The Http.get method takes an object that implements RequestOptionsArgs as a second parameter.
The search field of that object can be used to set a string or a URLSearchParams object.
An example:
// Parameters obj-
let params: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('state', this.state);
//Http request-
return this.http.get('http://localhost/api', {
search: params
(response) => this.onGetForecastResult(response.json()),
(error) => this.onGetForecastError(error.json()),
() => this.onGetForecastComplete()
Documentation: here


using multiple parameters in get method from (axios) reactjs front-end to core webapi Back-end

I want to get shop by userId and userName if the shop for that user exists.
i have used the url in axios get call as follows:
const url = `${config.apiUrl}/api/Shops/`
useEffect(() => {
axios.get(url + `details?id=${}&shopuser=${user.username}`)
.then((res) => {
At the back-end core web api I have used the following action Method:
public async Task<ActionResult<Shop>> Dashboard(int id,string shopuser)
var shop = await _context.Shops.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a=>a.UserId==id && a.UserName==shopuser);
if (shop == null)
return NotFound();
return shop;
The problem is that the call is not sent to this action method with correct parameters and hence the response with error error 500 .
The controller name is as follows:
public class ShopsController : ControllerBase
I have checked the Network tab of console the parameters are sent as follows:
thanks in advance for help.
[HttpGet("{dashboard}")] annotation means that your get request is expecting a route parameter (dashboard).So if you want to trigger your method, you should call /api/Shops/1?shopuser=asifranjha (I recommend you to keep the same naming so you should change dashboard to id or the opposite, you could also provide the type for your route with route constraints).
If you want to use /api/Shops/details?id=1&shopuser=asifranjha, you should just change your annotation parameter so it would look like this: [HttpGet("details")] and everything should work.Good luck with your project!

What's the best way to store a HTTP response in Ionic React?

I'm developing an app with Ionic React, which performs some HTTP requests to an API. The problem is I need to store the response of the request in a local storage so that it is accessible everywhere. The way I'm currently doing it uses #ionic/storage:
let body = {
username: username,
password: password
sendRequest('POST', '/login', "userValid", body);
let response = await get("userValid");
if (response.success) {
window.location.href = "/main_tabs";
} else if (!response.success) {
alert("Incorrect password");
import { set } from './storage';
// Handles all API requests
export function sendRequest(type: 'GET' | 'POST', route: string, storageKey: string, body?: any) {
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
let payload = JSON.stringify(body);
let url = `http://localhost:8001${route}`;, url);
request.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (request.readyState === 4 && storageKey) {
set(storageKey, request.response);
The problem is that when I get the userValid key the response hasn't come back yet, so even awaiting will return undefined. Because of this I have to send another identical request each time in order for Ionic to read the correct value, which is actually the response from the first request. Is there a correct way of doing this other than just setting timeouts everytime I perform a request?
You are checking for the results of storage before it was set. This is because your sendRequest method is calling an asynchronous XMLHttpRequest request, and you are checking storage before the sendRequest method is complete. This can be fixed by making sendRequest async and restructuring your code a bit.
I would suggest you instead look for examples of ionic react using hooks or an API library - like fetch or Axios. This will make your life much easier, and you should find lots of examples and documentation. Check out some references below to get started:
Example from the Ionic Blog using Hooks
Example using Fetch using React
Related Stack Overflow leveraging Axios

admin-on-rest Using PATCH method

I am a junior node developer and am trying out admin on rest to quickly run up an admin panel for my json api. However, all of my update requests use patch instead of put. I attempted revising the UPDATE method in my restClient but this seems wrong (the rest of the methods are removed for brevity)
export default (apiUrl, httpClient = fetchJson) => {
const convertRESTRequestToHTTP = (type, resource, params) => {
let url = ''
const options = {}
switch (type) {
case UPDATE:
url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/${}`
options.method = 'PATCH'
options.body = JSON.stringify(
return { url, options }
To me this makes sense but when I try to edit an object I get back HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found <pre>Cannot PUT </pre>
I know that that this wasn't possible with previous versions but I read this but was a little confused on how it works? I guess I just don't know where to start with this.
if problem still is actual now, please check some places which are using by me to set my customRestClient.
// App.js
import customRestClient from './customRestClient';
in my case i'm using httpClient to add custom headers:
import httpClient from './httpClient';
const restClient = customRestClient('my_api_url', httpClient);
and finally:
<Admin title="Admin Panel" restClient={restClient}>

Make GET call to REST service with parameters in Angular 2

I am trying to make a GET call to the YouTube Web API but I cannot figure out how to pass parameters using the http.get function. I have used fiddler and made sure the request is being made. I am currently getting a 400 error saying that I am missing a the parameter "Part". How can I modify my code to include the required parameters in my request?
private _url = '';
private _key = '';
getPlaylistVideos(playlistId, pageToken){
var url = this._url + "playlistItems";
var options = { part: 'snippet', maxResults: 50, playlistId: playlistId, key: this._key, pageToken: pageToken }
return this.http.get(url, options);
You need to include the search params in to your request. I think this will work for you:
getPlaylistVideos(playlistId, pageToken) {
let url = `${this._url}playlistItems`,
options = { part: 'snippet', maxResults: 50, playlistId: playlistId, key: this._key, pageToken: pageToken },
params = URLSearchParams();
for (let key in options) params.set(key, options[key);
return this.http.get(url, {search: options});
You create the URLSearchParams using the set method you can find the full documentation here
Please have a look at the already asked & solved question regarding AngularJS & YouTube V3 API. See here thanks to #Sandeep Sukhija.
Anyhow, about the missing parameter part, add it to the request ex: part: 'snippet'
Example code :
function getPlaylistVideos(playlistId, pageToken) {
// pass the page token as a parameter to the API
$.get('', { part: 'snippet', maxResults: 50, playlistId: playlistId, key: key, pageToken: pageToken })
How to use the part parameter
The part parameter is a required parameter for any API request that
retrieves or returns a resource. The parameter identifies one or more
top-level (non-nested) resource properties that should be included in
an API response. For example, a video resource has the following
snippet contentDetails fileDetails player processingDetails
recordingDetails statistics status suggestions topicDetails

Doing a GET passing a complex object with angular

I am using AngularJs and Resources module. I want to do a GET to obtain an object.. to do this GET I do not have to pass simply the ID to the server, but I should pass a complex object with different properties and values..
Here the code I am using:
$scope.getActivationStatus = function (event) {
if ($scope.segui_attivazione_form.$valid) {
$scope.activationStatus =
new SeguiAttivazioneService
request: $scope.activationStatus
}, function () { });
On server side I have:
public IHttpActionResult GetActivationStatus(MyComplexObject request)
//I will do something here later...
return Ok();
The problem is that "request" arrive on server equals to NULL...
I have solved the problem passing two strings to the server... in this way:
$scope.getActivationStatus = function (event) {
if ($scope.segui_attivazione_form.$valid) {
$scope.activationStatus =
new SeguiAttivazioneService
codiceFiscale: $scope.activationStatus.CodiceFiscale,
codiceRichiesta: $scope.activationStatus.CodiceRichiesta
}, function () { });
And server side:
public IHttpActionResult GetActivationStatus(string codiceFiscale, string codiceRichiesta)
return Ok();
In this way everything works... but I don't like this solution because I will have more than two input...
And this is a get, not a post (not a save, an update)...
How can I pass a complex object doing a GET?
Thank you...
It's best to use the POST method if you want to send data in the body of the request. While it's possible with Angular, some servers might ignore the body of GET requests.
This approach allows to send complex objects with arrays and sub objects:
url: '/myApiUrl',
method: 'GET',
params: { param1: angular.toJson(myComplexObject, false) }
public string Get(string param1)
Type1 obj = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Type1>(param1);
This is not an elegant solution but it works using HTTP GET:
$http.get(url + "?" + $.param(obj).replace(/%5b([^0-9].*?)%5d/gi, '.$1'))
It converts the complex object into a string with dot notation to define levels. Most of the server side frameworks like ASP.NET Core can bind it to complex objects.
This is an example of the string I send for a complex object:
Request body can only be sent by POST. With get you could at best URL Encode the OBJECT and then send it as query string params. But thats not the best solution to post some data to the server
