Dont need id attribute which sequelize created automatically - database

let data = require('./../../config/db')
let connection = data.connection
let sequelize = data.sequelize
let sql = function(){
let clubMembers = connection.define('club_members',{
type :sequelize.ENUM('President','Treasurer') ,
allowNull : false
classMethods : {
associate : function(models){
let clubMembers = models.club_members
let club =
let student = models.student
foreignKey : "club_id"
foreignKey : "student_id"
return clubMembers;
module.exports = sql;
I dont need id attribute in this table but sequelize automatically creates it . And combination of both the foreign keys should be treated as primary key i.e composite primary key .

You should use belongsToMany in the associate function
associate: function(models){, { through: models.club_members, foreignKey: 'club_id' });
models.student.belongsToMany(, { through: models.club_members, foreignKey: 'student_id' });
This would create the club_members table with composite primary key consisting of club_id and student_id, without the default id column.


Create Mock Custom Metadata with Child Relationship Query

I have a Controller class on which I execute a SOQL query to Custom Metadata Type records.
The SOQL query also contains a child relationship query (Master-Detail relationship).
I need to write a test with mock custom metadata records
public static List<Response> getLeadMetadataValues() {
List<Lead_Business_Status__mdt> leadBusinessStatusList = [
SELECT Id, Label, DeveloperName, Index__c,
(SELECT Id, Label, DeveloperName, Reason_Status_Api_Name__c FROM Lead_Reason_Status__r)
FROM Lead_Business_Status__mdt ORDER BY Index__c ASC
List<Response> resList = new List<Response>();
if (Test.isRunningTest()) {
leadBusinessStatusList = new List<Lead_Business_Status__mdt>();
for (Lead_Business_Status__mdt bs : leadBusinessStatusList) {
Response res = new Response();
res.Id = bs.Id;
res.businessStatusLabel = bs.Label;
res.businessStatusDevName = bs.DeveloperName;
res.index = bs.Index__c;
for (Lead_Reason_Status__mdt rs : bs.Lead_Reason_Status__r) {
ReasonStatus rsObj = new ReasonStatus();
rsObj.Id = rs.Id;
rsObj.reasonStatusLabel = rs.Label;
rsObj.reasonStatusDevName = rs.DeveloperName;
rsObj.fieldApiName = rs.Reason_Status_Api_Name__c;
return resList;
I use Test.isRunningTest() to populate the leadBusinessStatusList with the mock data.
I am able to create a mock object for the Master record: Lead_Business_Status__mdt and Detail record: Lead_Reason_Status__mdt. However, I wasn't able to add the Detail record to the related list: Lead_Reason_Status__r
private static Lead_Business_Status__mdt createMock() {
String reasonStatusStr = '{"Label":"Transfer to Queue", "DeveloperName":"Transfer_to_Queue", "Reason_Status_Api_Name__c":"Transfer_to_Queue"}';
Lead_Reason_Status__mdt reasonStatusObj = (Lead_Reason_Status__mdt) System.JSON.deserialize(reasonStatusStr, Lead_Reason_Status__mdt.class);
System.debug('Lead_Reason_Status__mdt: ' + reasonStatusObj);
String businessStatusStr = '{"Label":"Wrong Lead", "DeveloperName":"Wrong_Lead", "Index__c":"1"}';
Lead_Business_Status__mdt businessStatusObj = (Lead_Business_Status__mdt) System.JSON.deserialize(businessStatusStr, Lead_Business_Status__mdt.class);
return businessStatusObj;
The test is covered except the inner for loop of the Lead_Reason_Status__mdt.
How can I create a mock object with populating the child relationship list?
Can you try use JSON.deserialize method to setup these metadata records.
List<Lead_Business_Status__mdt> leadBusinessStatusList = (List< Lead_Business_Status__mdt >) JSON.deserialize( '[{"Id": "xoid914011599", "Label": "test", "DeveloperName": "test","Reason_Status_Api_Name__c": "test"}, {"Id": "xoid9140115992","Label":"test2","DeveloperName": "test2","Reason_Status_Api_Name__c": "test2"}]', List<Lead_Business_Status__mdt>.class );

Jessneggers / Laravel MongoDB whereRaw lookup not working

I migrated my database from Sql Server to MongoDB
I want to Join existing customer Table with contact Table .
Customer have multiple contacts . I tried whereRaw lookup
customer collection
"_id": 77,
"custid": 93
Contact Collection
{"_id":77,"contactid":77,"custid":93,"firstname":"Christy ","lastname":"Lambright" }
{"_id":79,"contactid":79, "custid":93,"firstname":"Marlys ","lastname":"Barry" }
Customer Modal
class custt extends Model
use Notifiable;
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
Contact Modal
class contact extends Model
use Notifiable;
protected $primaryKey = 'id';
In Controller
$cnt = DB::collection("custts")->raw(function($collection)
$more_where = [];
$more_where[]['$lookup'] = array(
'from' => 'contacts',
'localField' => 'custid',
'foreignField' => 'custid',
'as' => 'country',
return $collection->aggregate($more_where);
Error comes --
Empty Results
I tried Lots of options for hasMany and belongstoMany . Not working ...
please suggest
ok , finally found it working
source -
$cnt = custt::raw(function($collection)
return $collection->aggregate(
'$lookup' => [

How to insert into a table based on an Eloquent relationship an array of foreign keys

I have two models TeamMember and ProjectRequest.
A TeamMember can have one ProjectRequest, that is why I created the following Eloquent relationship on TeamMember:
class TeamMember extends Model {
protected $table = 'team_members';
protected $fillable = ['project_request_id'];
// Relations
public function projectTeam() {
return $this->hasOne('\App\Models\ProjectRequest', 'project_request_id');
In my Controller I want to query both tables, however it returns the failure message.
What is important to know is that $request->projectTeam is an array of emails, looking like this:
array:2 [
0 => ""
1 => ""
Meaning that I need to bulk insert into team_members table the project_request_ id for each team member where the emails are in the array.
How can I do that in the right way? The following is my attempt:
public function createProjectTeam(Request $request){
try {
$title = $request->projectTitle;
$TeamMember = $request->projectTeam;
$projectRequest = ProjectRequest::create(['project_title' => $title]);
$projectRequestId = $projectRequest->id;
$projectTeam = $this->teamMembers->projectTeam()->create(['project_request_id'=> $projectRequestId])->where('email', $TeamMember);
//$projectTeam = TeamMember::createMany(['project_request_id' => $projectRequestId])->where($TeamMember);
return $projectRequest.$projectTeam;
} catch(\Exception $e){
return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'project team creation failed'];
There are a few things you can do.
Eloquent offers a whereIn() method which allows you to query where a field equals one or more in a specified array.
Secondly, you can use the update() method to update all qualifying team members with the project_request_id:
public function createProjectTeam(Request $request)
try {
$projectRequest = ProjectRequest::create(['project_title' => $request->projectTitle]);
TeamMember::whereIn('email', $request->projectTeam)
'project_request_id' => $projectRequest->id
return [
'success' => true,
'team_members' => $request->projectTeam
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return [
'success' => false,
'message' => 'project team creation failed'
I hope this helps.

Update records of database table : Laravel

I need to update the database table according to the edited data.
public function update(Request $request)
$subscriptionplan = SubscriptionPlan::find($request->id);
return back();
But nothing happens when I submit the form. When I use dd($request->all()); at the beginning of the function, it correctly shows the edited data as follows.
array:10 [▼
"_method" => "patch"
"_token" => "gOCL4dK6TfIgs75wV87RdHpFZkD7rBpaJBxJbLHF"
"editname" => "SUP_EVA_001"
"editdesc" => "des"
"editprice" => "1000.050"
"editlimit" => "1"
"editperunit" => "20.000"
"editexceedunit" => "30.000"
"productid" => "1"
"id" => "1"
But database has not been updated.
My table name is Table: subscription_plans and model is SubscriptionPlan
These are the table columns:
protected $fillable = [
Any idea on how to solve it or what I have done wrong?
If your solution did not work, try the 1by1 like this.
public function update(Request $request)
$subscriptionplan = SubscriptionPlan::find($request->id);
$subscriptionplan->_method = $request->_method;
$subscriptionplan->_token = $request->_token;
$subscriptionplan->editname = $request->editname;
$subscriptionplan->editdesc = $request->editdesc;
$subscriptionplan->editprice = $request->editprice;
$subscriptionplan->editlimit = $request->editlimit;
$subscriptionplan->editperunit = $request->editperunit;
$subscriptionplan->editexceedunit = $request->editexceedunit;
$subscriptionplan->productid = $request->productid;
return back();
In order for Laravel to automatically fill the model attributes, the indexes of the array passed to the fill method must correspond to your model attributes names.
Also, instead of
Then save the subscription plan with $subscriptionplan->save();

Laravel 5. Composite primary key. Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause'

I don't use 'id' column in DB.
Instead, I use a composite primary key user_id + tmdb_id.
If I add new record like this:
$movie = new Movie();
$movie->user_id = 1;
$movie->tmdb_id = 2;
$movie->ratio = 3;
it works fine!
But if I try to edit an existing record like this:
$movie = Movie::where([
'user_id' => 1,
'tmdb_id' => 2,
$movie->ratio = 4;
Then I have the error:
Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause'.
The migration file looks like this:
public function up()
Schema::create('movies', function (Blueprint $table) {
// composite primary key
$table->primary(['user_id', 'tmdb_id']);
Laravel doesn't support composite primary keys.
You have to use an additional package like
