C shared library problems - c

I am trying to create a shared library called -lrfc7539
with the structure below:
rfc7539.o: rfc7539.c chacha20poly1305.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
chacha20poly1305.o: chacha20poly1305.c chacha20.o poly1305.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
chacha20.o: chacha_merged.c
$(CC) -fPIC $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
poly1305.o: poly1305-donna.c
$(CC) -fPIC $(CFLAGS) -DPOLY1305_16BIT -c -o $# $<
rfc7539_test: rfc7539.o chacha20poly1305.o poly1305.o chacha20.o
.PHONY: clean
#rm -f *.o
#rm -f rfc7539_test
I then do this command gcc -shared -o lrfc7539.so *.o to create .so file
Is there a better practice for my makefile to be able to do this automatically ?

You need to create a target in your makefile that runs the gcc command you gave. If this library is the main output, make an all target pointing to in.
all: lrfc7539.so
lrfc7539.so: rfc7539.o chacha20poly1305.o chacha20.o poly1305.o
gcc -shared -o $# *.o

You can just make a rule with that target:
librfc7539.so: rfc7539.o chacha20poly1305.o poly1305.o chacha20.o
I copied the command from make --print-data-base (you could update your other commands likewise). You may need to add -fPIC to LDFLAGS, too.
I called your library librfc7539.so so that you can link to it using -lrfc7539 - I think that's what you're wanting.
I believe it's best practice to explicitly specify the object files you intend to link, but some like to assume that every source file must be compiled and linked:
sources := $(wildcard *.c)
librfc7539.so: $(sources:.c=.o)
This wouldn't work for you, though, unless you renamed the source files that are compiled to differently-named object files.
I note that it's strange that your object files depend on other object files. That shouldn't be the case, although they may need dependencies on some header files.
Here's a complete Makefile (assuming GNU Make):
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra
%.so: LDFLAGS += -shared
all: rfc7539_test librfc7539.so
librfc7539.so: rfc7539.o chacha20poly1305.o poly1305.o chacha20.o
rfc7539_test: rfc7539.o chacha20poly1305.o poly1305.o chacha20.o
# Default %.o:%.c rule works, except for these files with misnamed sources:
chacha20.o: chacha_merged.c
poly1305.o: poly1305-donna.c
# Specific flags for this source file
poly1305.o: CFLAGS += -DPOLY1305_16BIT
.PHONY: clean
#$(RM) *.o
#$(RM) rfc7539_test


makefile exit with no reason when compile .pc and .c at the same time. very strange

I am using pro*c in AIX,I want make my .pc file compile to a .so libary. And link it. This is my directory:
connect.pc func.c get_log.pc main.c makefile sql_err.pc
This is my makefile:
CC = cc -g -brtl
CFLAGS = -g -c
ESQL = proc
RM = rm -f
MYHOME = /home/xxx
OBJ = main.o func.o
LIBOBJ = get_log.o connect.o sql_err.o
DBINC = -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/public
DBLIB = -L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib -lclntsh
INCLUDE = -I$(MYHOME)/include
.SUFFIXES: .pc .c .o
$(ESQL) include=$(MYHOME)/include iname=$*.pc
$(CC) -o $*.o $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(INCLUDE) $(DBINC) $(DBLIB)
$(RM) $*.c
$(RM) $*.lis
$(CC) -qmkshrobj -o $# $(LIBOBJ) $(DBLIB)
mv $# $(MYHOME)/lib
cc -o $# $(OBJ) -L$(MYHOME)/lib -lmydb
mv $# $(MYHOME)/bin
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< $(INCLUDE)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< $(INCLUDE)
rm -f *.o *.lis
when I make I get this:
cc -g -brtl -o sql_err.o -g -c sql_err.c -I/home/xxx/include -I/oracle/product/10.2.0/precomp/public -L/oracle/product/10.2.0/lib -lclntsh
rm -f sql_err.c
rm -f sql_err.lis
cc -g -brtl -qmkshrobj -o libmydb.so get_log.o connect.o sql_err.o -L/oracle/product/10.2.0/lib -lclntsh
mv libmydb.so /home/xxxlib
when it done mv libmydb.so ,it exit!!!without wrong message.why?? I also need my .c to compile to .o and finally to an executable file query link libmydb.so.
when I change the squeuce like this put .c.o before .pc.o:
cc -o $# $(OBJ) -L$(MYHOME)/lib -lmydb
mv $# $(MYHOME)/bin
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< $(INCLUDE)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< $(INCLUDE)
$(ESQL) include=$(MYHOME)/include iname=$*.pc
$(CC) -o $*.o $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(INCLUDE) $(DBINC) $(DBLIB)
$(RM) $*.c
$(RM) $*.lis
$(CC) -qmkshrobj -o $# $(LIBOBJ) $(DBLIB)
mv $# $(MYHOME)/lib
it give this message,although I have libmydb.so last step:
cc -g -brtl -c -g -c main.c -I/home/xxx/include
cc -g -brtl -c -g -c func.c -I/home/xxx/include
cc -o query main.o func.o -L/home/xxx/lib -lmydb
ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l mydb
ld:open(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 255.
I can't handle this ,very strange,Help!!
By default make will make the first rule in your makefile, but it must not start with a dot. So the default rule in your makefile is libmydb.so and that is being built.
That rule is only dependent on the LIBOBJ and OBJ is not a dependency so it doesn't care about those. It doesn't exit with no reason, it exits because it has done the job you defined for it. There is no error to report.
If you change the order then the default rule is changed and it tries to compile query. This has no dependencies to the library, so it doesn't try to compile that.
If you want to compile everything you should have, for example, a rule all that lists the dependencies. In this case probably libmydb.so and query at least, in correct order. If this is the first rule it will be the default and your compilation will succeed.

Understanding Makefile syntax

Can someone help me understand the below makefile?
I have comment on the bits I am not sure on. I have used make files but not extensively and I do not believe I have followed good practises so any advice is welcome.
CC=gcc #is CC, libs, deps, obj, etc predefined keywords or could I use something else
CFLAGS=-I. -g -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse #same with CFlags
LIBS = -luuid -lfuse -pthread
DEPS = fs.h unqlite.h
OBJ = unqlite.o fs.o
TARGET1 = test
TARGET2 = test2
TARGET3 = test3
TARGET4 = test4
TARGET5 = main
%.o: %.c $(DEPS) #not sure on this line
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS) #same here
$(TARGET1): $(TARGET1).o $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) #what are $# and $^
$(TARGET2): $(TARGET2).o $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
$(TARGET3): $(TARGET3).o $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
$(TARGET4): $(TARGET4).c
gcc -o test test.c
$(TARGET5): $(TARGET5).c
gcc -o uuid uuid.c -luuid
.PHONY: clean
rm -f *.o *~ core $(TARGET1) $(TARGET2) $(TARGET3) $(TARGET4) $(TARGET5)
CC, CFLAGS, LIBS, DEPS, OBJ and TARGETs are not predefined keywords. They are variables. You can change the name into any you feel appropriate. Just make sure you also change their reference names: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) etc.
%.o: %.c $(DEPS) -
It is a pattern rule: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Pattern-Rules.html
In brief, it says: any .o file depends on .c file with the same prefix and $(DEPS) (which are fs.h and unqlite.h)
$#, $<, $^ are automatic variables for the rules: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Automatic-Variables.html#Automatic-Variables
If works the following way: when making test.o object file from source, the rule
%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
Is interpreted as:
test.o: test.c fs.h unqlite.h
gcc -c -o test.o test.c -I. -g -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse
Then, when making test binary, the rule
$(TARGET1): $(TARGET1).o $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
test: test.o unqlite.o fs.o
gcc -o test test.o unqlite.o fs.o -I. -g -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -luuid -lfuse -pthread
So, we can see, CFLAGS reference is useless in the rule, as it defines compilation flags, and the rule actually performs linking. So the right one would be:
$(TARGET1): $(TARGET1).o $(OBJ)
gcc -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
Where LDFLAGS would be defined to some useful value, or can be left empty:

Makefile doesn't rebuild objects on header modification

I have made a Makefile for compiling my C programm but it's not building object when i change one of the headers.
My MakeFile:
CFLAGS=-O3 -Wall
LDFLAGS=-I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lmysqlclient
SOURCES=$(wildcard *.c)
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
%.o:%.c types.h cstes.h headers.h mysql.h
$(CC) -o $# -c $< $(CFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean mrproper
rm -rf *.o
rm -rf $(EXEC)
What have I done wrong ?
EDIT : Corection of the Makeil after a great comment.
Although there are other more elegant tricks, in your case, I think something like
$(OBJECTS): types.h cstes.h headers.h mysql.h
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -o $# -c $< $(CFLAGS)
should be sufficient.
Scanning your sources for dependencies is outside the scope of Make (although there are other tools, such as CMake which will do this automatically). You need to add an explicit rule to generate these dependencies, but this can be done in many different ways. I've sometimes used the following technique:
OBJECTS = ....
-include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) $< > $*.d
Google for "make automatic dependency generation" will show you other ways to do it as well.

Using a Makefile to store object files in two different directories? [C]

I need to modify the Makefile I have to store only the object file associated with "record.c" into the bin folder. Here is what my directory structure looks like before executing Make.
...and here is the Makefile:
# Beginning of Makefile
SRC = src/shutil.c src/parser.c src/sshell.c src/history.c src/hash_table.c src/variables.c src/record.c
OBJS = obj/shutil.o obj/parser.o obj/sshell.o obj/history.o obj/hash_table.o obj/variables.o bin/record.o //<----
HEADER_FILES = include/shell.h include/parser.h include/history.h include/hash_table.h include/variables.h include/record.h
LIBS = lib/libshell.so lib/libparser.so lib/libhistory.so lib/libhash_table.so lib/libvariables.so lib/librecord.so
CFLAGS = -Wall
CC = gcc
# End of configuration options
#What needs to be built to make all files and dependencies
#Create the main executable
$(CC) -o $(EXECUTABLE) obj/sshell.o -Llib -lparser -lshell -lhistory -lhash_table -lvariables -lrecord
#Create the library files
lib/libparser.so: obj/parser.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
lib/libshell.so: obj/shutil.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
lib/libhistory.so: obj/history.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
lib/libhash_table.so: obj/hash_table.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
lib/libvariables.so: obj/variables.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
lib/librecord.so: bin/record.o //<----
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $#
#Recursively build object files
obj/%.o: src/%.c //<---- I feel like this is causing the problem.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I./include/ -c $< -o $#
#Define dependencies for objects based on header files
#We are overly conservative here, parser.o should depend on parser.h only
-rm -f $(EXECUTABLE) obj/*.o lib/*.so lib/*.a bin/*.o
-rm -f .sshell_history.txt
# End of Makefile
With what I have done (most likely completely off) it doesn't compile record.c and says bin/record.o does not exist. I am not really experienced with Makefiles so I am wondering if I can have some help. Thanks!
Try using the rule .c.o instead of obj/%.o: src/%.c
If that doesn't work, maybe adding the following rule will do the job:
bin/%.o: src/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I./include/ -c $< -o $#

What is the proper way to create library files with a Makefile? [C]

I am making my first Makefile for a simple shell system. I need to make library files but for some reason the library section is not working out. In the error message it says the library files do no exist (obviously).
Am I missing something obvious that could fix this? Also, is there any other way I can make this Makefile more efficient?
# Beginning of Makefile
OBJS = obj/shutil.o obj/parser.o obj/sshell.o obj/history.o obj/hash_table.o obj/variables.o
HEADER_FILES = include/shell.h include/parser.h include/history.h include/hash_table.h include/variables.h
LIBS = lib/libshell.so lib/libparser.so lib/libhistory.so lib/libhash_table.so lib/libvariables.so
CFLAGS = -Wall
CC = gcc
# End of configuration options
#What needs to be built to make all files and dependencies
#Create the main executable
$(CC) -o $(EXECUTABLE) obj/sshell.o -Llib -lparser -lshell -lhistory -lhash_table -lvariables
#Create the library files
$(LIBS): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LIBCFLAGS) -shared -o $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
#Recursively build object files
obj/%.o: src/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I./include/ -c $< -o $#
#Define dependencies for objects based on header files
#We are overly conservative here, parser.o should depend on parser.h only
-rm -f $(EXECUTABLE) obj/*.o lib/*.so lib/*.a
-rm -f .sshell_history.txt
# End of Makefile
-Lily Banks
Before I tried to change it, here is what I had with regards to library files.
$(LIBS): $(OBJS)
$(CC) -shared -o lib/libparser.a obj/parser.o
$(CC) -shared -o lib/libshell.a obj/shutil.o
$(CC) -shared -o lib/libhistory.a obj/history.o
$(CC) -shared -o lib/libhash_table.a obj/hash_table.o
$(CC) -shared -o lib/libvariables.a obj/variables.o
The problem with this was that it compiled each file five times which is not efficient at all. So what I was trying to do was do it all in one go.
#Create the library files
lib/libparser.so: obj/parser.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared lib/libparser.a -o $#
lib/libshell.so: obj/shutil.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared lib/libshell.a -o $#
lib/libhistory.so: obj/history.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared lib/libhistory.a -o $#
lib/libhash_table.so: obj/hash_table.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared lib/libhash_table.a -o $#
lib/variables.so: obj/variables.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared lib/libvariables.a -o $#
Unfortunately, here is the error I am getting:
make: *** No rule to make target `lib/libvariables.so', needed by `sshell'. Stop.
#Create the library files
lib/libparser.so: obj/parser.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o lib/libparser.a
lib/libshell.so: obj/shutil.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o lib/libshell.a
lib/libhistory.so: obj/history.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o lib/libhistory.a
lib/libhash_table.so: obj/hash_table.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o lib/libhash_table.a
lib/libvariables.so: obj/variables.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared $^ -o lib/libvariables.a
This works but is there anything else I need to change? Thanks
You need one set of object files for each library. And the -o flag only takes one argument which is the output file, you are trying to output all the library files which you cannot do with one invocation of gcc.
You need to do something like:
lib/libshell.so: obj/sshell.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared obj/sshell.o -o lib/libshell.so
lib/libparser.so: obj/parser.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAGS) -shared obj/parser.o -o lib/libparser.so
for each of the libraries.
This line is completely wrong:
$(LIBS): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LIBCFLAGS) -shared -o $(LIBS) $(OBJS)
If you expanded all the variables, this line would look like this (adding line breaks for clarity):
lib/libshell.so lib/libparser.so lib/libhistory.so lib/libhash_table.so lib/libvariables.so: \
obj/shutil.o obj/parser.o obj/sshell.o obj/history.o obj/hash_table.o obj/variables.o
gcc -Wall -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -shared -o lib/libshell.so lib/libparser.so lib/libhistory.so \
lib/libhash_table.so lib/libvariables.so obj/shutil.o obj/parser.o obj/sshell.o obj/history.o \
obj/hash_table.o obj/variables.o
Which, it should be clear, is very not right. It's so not right I can't even really tell what you're trying to accomplish. Do you really want to create one shared library for every .o file, where each shared library contains a single .o? If so why are you trying to link both the .o files AND the shared libraries into a single executable?
If you explain what you are really trying to do, at a higher level, we can help.
