React without webpack project setup - reactjs

I am learning React. I wanted to create new project using React/React router/ES6. I read tones articles about setuping project using grunt/webpack etc. I tried to setup using simply npm. I believe it is possible to do this without of tons of configuration and adding many external libraries. But I don't know how :) Can someone give me some articles how to setup project using only npm?
Thanks for all answers

Best easy way to start react project
install react-create app by using following command
//install react create app globally to the system
npm install -g create-react-app
// generate project
create-react-app appName
cd my-app/
npm start


How to avoid using npx Create-react-app every time

Idk but it take too long too settle things ...should i install it globally -g?
It installs react,react-dom too everytime ..if i'd install react globally will it reduce time?
Keep a git repository which is a bare CRA app. Whenever starting a new project copy over the files. I particularly like this for typescript projects where I set up ESlint the way I prefer then save it to a project starter repo.

How to use ant design icons without NPM in Visual studio

As title.
I'm developing a web system for customers use react.js and Ant Design.
So many items are required NPM to download.
I use Visual Studio to develop ASP.Net web systems under Windows platform, so I wonder if I can understand what is should be added into the project and what is shouldn't inside what I downloaded from NPM. Furthermore, I need to deploy my product to a test site or even to customers.
I've read Use of Ant Design Icons While Offline but I don't know what is I really needed because of my poor English. I've downloaded Ant-design-icons by NPM, but I failed to add it to my project because it make my Visual Studio busy and no response. I've tried to add the contents of the "dist" folder in the package downloaded by NPM, and I got 1 error per 1 ts file while compiling. Could I have a way to achieve it?
I recommend using create-react-app for a quickstart to react.
Simply type (in terminal. in some directory):
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm i antd #ant-design/icons
npm start
This will initialize a new react app in a folder called my-app (you can change the name if you wish), change into that directory, install ant design and the icons package. and start the dev server.
That should be enough to be able to get started using Ant Design.
If you are having npm trouble, try yarn.
Same idea:
yarn create react-app my-app
cd my-app
yarn add antd #ant-design/icons
yarn start

reactjs application add to existing reactjs application

I'm just starting out in Reactjs.
I have a RedHat Linux VM.
I've installed nodejs and created a simple reactjs application:
npx create-react-app my-first-project
My first project works OK.
Now I have found this great reactjs package with a demo:
I want to install the demo part of this package that consists of index.css, index.html, app.js, index.js
How would I go with this?
Where do I put this new code relative to my-first-project?
How do I call this new code?
The package I think calls redux so I assume I will install this first.
You should learn how npm works. If you find some cool package and you want to use it then you have to install that package. There is a installation command on Readme file on that github repo. Install package via npm install material-ui-filter then you can just use the html file on demo project.

How to install React on WebStorm

I'm having trouble installing React on an empty project in WebStorm. The instructions on the WebStorm help page tells me to get create-react-app.
Is there a way I can just get react? And if not, what is the difference between the two?
I'm trying to follow this specific tutorial series online about React for beginners. It's a 4 minute video so can anyone please explain to me what the youtuber did?
I would recommend using create-react-app because you will not need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel.
You need to install it from if you have npm (node package manager) installed you can just type npm install -g create-react-app

React app with the create react app commad. How do i include bootstrap?

So i created a react app using the create-react-app folder-name from cmd
So how do i add bootstrap and other libraries to launch on npm start i.e. when i launch the app. Do i install them with bower install or with npm install. I am so new to this i don't even get how are all the scdripts from the framework are launching with idnex.html. I know that the question is probably somewhat retarded, but idk how to even ask it correctly.
You can add any libraries you want utilizing npm and ES6 Import
Just Import anything you want in App.js.
Here is step by step guide on adding bootstrap to your project.
