Add css class when user logged ng-class - angularjs

How can I use ng-class to add a Css class where I put display: none; when the user is log in?. I'm using mean.js so I first tried using
But that only makes the element to hide like visivility : hidden;
Besides I need to add other classes in elements that i keep rather if the user is logged or not where I change margins and other stuff.
I tried using in angular a condition:
$scope.logged = false;
if ($scope.authentication.user) {
$scope.logged = true;
and then adding the ng-class condition like this:
ng-class="logged ? 'myClass1' : 'myClass2'"
But it failed, what am I doing wrong?

will remove the element altogether unlike ng-show which hides it.

With AngularJS, the right syntax is :
ng-class="{ className : Boolean}"
A example with multiple classes from AngularJS documentation :
ng-class="{strike: deleted, bold: important, 'has-error': error}"
Or with a function :
ng-class="{ invalid : !form.validPassword()}"
Hope this will help.


Add and remove active class based on scope value

Hi am not aware of angularjs that much.On my page load am defining an scope value as true/false based on location.hash.
when selectedLang is true I need to add active class to the a element in li. when slectedLang is false I need to remove active class in a element.
<li><a href="#eng" >english</a></li>
<li><a href="#hin" >hindi</a></li>
By default selectedLang should be true.How can I get it?Any help please?
You need to use ng-class like this,
If you want to have styles directly instead of classes, you need to use like this,
<li><a href="#hin" ng-style="{ color : selectedLang ? 'blue' : '#ddd', background: selectedLang ? 'red' : '#fff'}" >hindi</a></li>
And set selectedLang = true by default
if(location.hash != '#en'){
you can use the ternary operator with ng-class as following

How to change the class using click and hovering

<a ng-repeat="control in controls | filter:name" ng-href="#{{}}" ng-click="restart(" ng-class="{active: == selected}">{{}}
controller- app.js
$scope.restart = function (controlName) {
$scope.selected = controlName;
Here i have added the active class while can i add the hover class using mouseover and remover the class using mouse-leave.
As suggested above, use ng-class with ng-mouseover and ng-mouseleave:
<div ng-class="class" ng-click="class='active'" ng-mouseover="class='hovering'" ng-mouseleave="class=''"></div>
This way, you'll have 3 event listener to a single variable (in a mutually exclusive way).
If you want to have both at the same time, use an array this way:
<div ng-class="[classClick, classHover]" ng-click="classClick='active'" ng-mouseover="classhover='hovering'" ng-mouseleave="classHover=''"></div>
Use ng-class, ng-mouseover anf ng-mouseleave:
<div ng-class='{"classtoadd": add, "active": click, "hover": hover}' ng-mouseover="add=true;" ng-mouseleave="add=false" ng-click="click = true" ng-mouseover="hover = true"></div>
Thanks for your response. i want to add 'active' class while clicking.and i want add the add the class' hover' while 'hovering'

Conditional ng-class

I'm trying to use ng-class with a condition, like this:
<li ng-repeat="time in matter.times_hourly | filter:searchText" ng-class="{'time.write_off_class' : time.write_off === true, 'time.narrativeState' : time.write_off === false}" >
time.write_off_class has two classes inside it called "write_off_bg time_closed".
time.narrativestate has one class inside it called "time_closed"
time.write_off is a boolean.
So, I think my problem are the quotation marks.
I'm not sure where to put them, so I tried every possibility:
Quotes on condition:
`ng-class="{time.write_off_class : 'time.write_off === true', time.narrativeState : 'time.write_off === false'}"`
Result: Angular error.
`angular.min.js:107 `Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=.&p1=is%20unexpected%2C%…20%3D%3D%20true'%2C%20time.narrativeState%20%3A%20'time.write_off%20%3D%3DNaNalse'%7D&p4=.write_off_class%20%3A%20'time.write_off%20%3D%3D%20true'%2C%20time.narrativeState%20%3A%20'time.write_off%20%3D%3D%false'%7D
No quotes:
ng-class="{time.write_off_class : time.write_off === true, time.narrativeState : time.write_off === false}"
Result: Angular Error.
angular.min.js:107 Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=.&p1=is%20unexpected%2C%…f%20%3D%3D%20true%2C%20time.narrativeState%20%3A%20time.write_off%20%3D%3DNaNalse%7D&p4=.write_off_class%20%3A%20time.write_off%20%3D%3D%20true%2C%20time.narrativeState%20%3A%20time.write_off%20%3D%3D%false%7D
Quotes on everything (class and condition):
ng-class="{'time.write_off_class' : 'time.write_off === true', 'time.narrativeState' : 'time.write_off === false'}
Result: No error, but the element gets both classes, write_off_class AND narrativeState.
Quotes on classes :
ng-class="{'time.write_off_class' : time.write_off === true, 'time.narrativeState' : time.write_off === false}
Result: No error, and apparently the element gets the correct class (in this case, narrativeState, because at the beginning of the code all time.write_off are set to FALSE) BUT the element gets no style. If i put just ng-class="time.narrativeState" everything's ok, but if it gets it through the ng-class, then it is not working.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any reason for the element not styling through a condition with 'time.narrativeState' even when I'm sure it works by itself?
I've been trying more things and I know where the main problem is now, still cannot solve it.
My object 'time' has two fields inside that I use to give styling classes to some elements.
"time.narrativeState" has, for example, the class "time_closed" on it.
The thing is that, when I write ng-class="time.narrativeState" and I go to see the element's style, I can see "time_closed" BUT if I use instead the condition I was talking about in this question ng-class="{{ time.write_off ? time.write_off_class : time.narrativeState }}" > what the element gets as style is not "time_closed" it is literally "time.narrativeState" and because time.narrativeState is not a class but a object's field, it dosen't work.
Why it is getting "time.narrativeState" as the class and it's not looking INSIDE time.narrativestate to get the correct class "time_closed"???
You can use ternary operator inside simple interpolation tags:
ng-class="{{ time.write_off ? time.write_off_class : time.narrativeState }}"

Difficulty adding multiple classes wit ng-class

I'm trying to add two classes to this div using ng-class, but even though checkForActive is returning true, it's being ignored and only class_{{$index}} is getting added.
If I remove class_{{$index}} altogether, active is added correctly.
Is there an obvious mistake in my syntax here?
<div "ng-class="{active: checkForActive, disabled: checkForDisable, class_{{$index}}} "></div>
You could just provide true value to the key class_{{$index}} just to that property gets added as a class name to the class list of the element. It is just the way you do active: checkForActive.
{active: checkForActive, disabled: checkForDisable, class_{{$index}} :true}
But i believe there could be some undesired behavior due the usage of interpolation ({{) within the ng-class directive (Atleast used to happen with older versions). So you could as well use an array.
ng-class="[checkForActive && 'active' , checkForDisable && 'disabled', 'class_' + $index]"
The above method will add a class name false if active or disabled is false, which should be harmless.
Or pass index to a controller function say getStatus($index) and return the object from there and use it in the ng-Class directive.
$scope.getClass = function(){
var obj = {active: $scope.checkForActive, disabled: $scope.checkForDisable};
obj['class_' + this.$index] = true;
return obj;
#Okazari pointed out that it indeed works by mixing class with ng-class so you could also do:
class="class_{{$index}}" ng-class="{active: checkForActive, disabled: checkForDisable}"

Setting class values in Angular template

I'm a bit of an Angular novice an I'm struggling with something I thought would be very simple.
I have a template that is used in a read only version of a form in my app. This template displays a status field that would be styled (text/background colour) based on its value, e.g
'New issue' - orange
'In progress' - green
'Overdue' - red
My css is something like;
.status-bar {padding: 3px; border: solid 1px #333}
.new-issue {background-color: orange; color: #000}
.in-progress {background-color: green; color: #fff}
.overdue {background-color: red; color: #fff}
The issue status field is available through the controller and i use code something like this to display it.
<div class="status-bar">{{issue.status}}</div>
All works fine.
I then naively tried to simply insert the class name as an expression, e.g
<div class="status-bar {{issue.status}}">{{issue.status}}</div>
Thinking that would give me a this kind of output..
<div class="status-bar overdue">overdue</div>
But it doesn't work. I've looked at the ng-class directive, and other options but can't work this out.
Ideally I need a solution that would allow me to append/insert a class name based on a value (not a true/false like ng-class). So I'd like my oputput HTML to be like the following...
<div class="status-bar in-progress">In Progress</div>
<div class="status-bar new-issue">New Issue</div>
<div class="status-bar overdue">overdue</div>
The range of status values may change so my class names must be calculated as per the above pattern
<div class="status-bar another-status">Another Status</div>
So I need a way to hyphenate and lowercase my issue.status value and then add it as a class name. I presume a directive is the way forward, which would be ideal so I can use it in other views.
This is so easy to do after the fact in jQuery etc..., but I can't see the 'Angular' way to do it?!
Many thanks upfront for any help provided...
ng-class with a custom filter is what you are looking for...
<h1 ng-class="class1">{{class1 | titleCase}}</h1>
app.filter('titleCase', function () {
return function (input) {
var words = input.split('-');
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
words[i] = words[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + words[i].slice(1);
return words.join(' ');
and here is working PLUNKER...
ng-class should work :
<div class="status-bar" ng-class="issue.status">{{issue.status}}</div>
Working fiddle :
What You are looking for is probably You may also want to look at AngularJS ngClass conditional
