Angular with Datepicker: minDate behaviour - angularjs

I don't understand why date-min="dateMin" with $scope.dateMin = new Date(); doesn't work... But if I use datepicker-options, it works fine. Why?
Here is an example:
plnkr datePicker minDate example

As you can see at angular bootstrap Datepicker documentation there is no date-min but only minDate at datepicker-options as you use it.


Angular material datepicker md-date-locale directive not working

I'm trying to use the md-date-locale directive to overwrite angular material options for one date-picker input (as specified in but it's not working.
Here is an example using the angular material example to test
md-date-locale="{ firstDayOfWeek: 2 }"
If it's not possible, I need to update datepicker options after loading (not in module.config() ).
You need to set firstDayOfWeek in config function then its working fine
myAppModule.config(function($mdDateLocaleProvider) {
$mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = 2;
Working codepen

uib-datepicker-popup calendar with null/NaN if input initially null

I use UI Bootstrap 1.3.2, Bootstrap 3.3.6 and Angularjs 1.5.5, but I'm having a problem with uib-datepicker-popup. If the value of the corresponding input field is null/not set, the calendar shows undefined date fields (null, NaN):
Code of input field:
<input type="text" uib-datepicker-popup="dd.MM.yyyy" datepicker-options="datepickerOptions" ng-model="mydto.teilnahmebis" />
The initDate option is ignored - code from controller:
$scope.datepickerOptions = {
minDate : new Date( '2010-01-01' ),
initDate : new Date()
The popup works if the input field already has a value. But normally that's not the case. Any idea, how to resolve this issue? Thanks for an answer.
I had the same problem, your ng-model variables is setting with a invalid date data...
check if you are overwriting your default value and set it as null
I think you might have done something wrong.
I have created a plunker code for you, and its working as it should be.
You can go through it.

Angular Bootstrap DateTimePicker - Highlight Today Date on embedded Calender

Please accept my apologies if i had any mistakes in my post. This is my first post here. But, i am not new to StackOverflow. Correct me if any.
I am using angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker library from the below url:
Link to library
I am currently embedding the calender on the page.
I am using angular.js, moment.js, grunt and bower. Absolutely no issue loading the calender and can even select a date and display the selected date as well.
Here is the sample code:
Selected Date: {{ data.embeddedDate | date:'yyyy-MMM-dd' }}
<datetimepicker data-ng-model="data.embeddedDate" data-datetimepicker-config="{ startView:'day', minView:'day'}" />
I am trying to highlight today's date automatically when the datetimepicker shows on the page.
As you can see, in the config options, i could set the default view and min view.
Note: I tried to mimic the working code (till now) in Plunkr but, its not showing the calendar. I added all libraries as well. Anyways, that's just for idea only. If i could get the Plunkr working, i will update again.
Here is the link to Plunkr.
Any suggestions (regarding highlight today date by default) will be appreciated.
To get the directive to show todays date by default, you can set the value of data.embeddedDate in the controller through its scope, like so:
$ = { embeddedDate: new Date() };
Working Plunkr

Angular UI - Datepicker doesnt work until selected

When using the Angular UI datepicker in the edit view of the form, until I change the date of the input box the date is not getting passed through Angular UI.
Eg : If the existing date value is 16-September-2014
If I just POST the data without clicking on the datepicker the value I get in javascript is
But if I first select the datepicker and change the date the final value I get in javascript is
'2014-09-06 00:00:00'
This is library I am using
Try this on your code.I am not sure, but it may solve your problem.
$scope.toDay = new Date();
$ = $scope.toDay;
Now bind $ in your HTML/Jade using ng-model.

Angular UI date-picker min Date is not working

I am using angular 1.0.8.
I want to use angular ui datepicker. I want to set minimum date to yesterday.
I had tried min-date option like "min-date='-1d'" but it's not working.
Does anyone have this issue? I need help in setting min-date option.
Thanks and regards,
Jay Patel
I am using angular.ui 0.10.0 version and it's having "min" instead of "min-date".
I changed "min-date" to "min" as per comment and it's working properly
In your Controller you can write ,Use the latest version of date picker from Angular UI it will work , its an example of date of Birth selection
min-date="'01/01/1901'" max-date="maxDate"
$scope.toggleMax = function() {
$scope.maxDate = $scope.maxDate ? null : new Date();
