AngularJS - Using JSON contents to determine name of string for replacement in HTML contents - angularjs

I'm creating a new Web application using AngularJS. it consists of a main page with a side menu, whose structure is pre-defined via a JSON file. The JSON would look something like the following (highly simplified!!):
G_Main_Menu = {
On the other hand, within the HTML page I would be deploying labels extracted from the database (it is a multi-lingual application and hence the contents of the labels would depend on the language selected by the user):
The JSON as received from the database would look like:
{"Label_DoThis":"This is the explicit contents of label DoThis",
"Label_DoThat":"This is the explicit contents of label DoThat",
{"Label_DoOther":"This is the explicit contents of label DoOther"
So, I have a JSON that contains a string specifying the name of the element contained in a second JSON.
How could I implement such indirect extraction?
Thanks in advance.

You can search for the label in the translation JSON using a function
{{::translate(ThisIstheLabelFor_DoThis, category)}}
where category could be "Management" etc.
And the translate function could be implemented like this:
$scope.translate = function(label_name, category){
return TranslateJson[category][label_name];

let gMainMenu = {
"Management": [{
"Command": "DoThis",
"Label": "Label_DoThis"
"Command": "DoThat",
"Label": "Label_DoThat"
"Others": [{
"Command": "DoOther",
"Label": "Label_DoOther"
let db = {
"Management": {
"Label_DoThis": "This is the explicit contents of label DoThis",
"Label_DoThat": "This is the explicit contents of label DoThat",
"Others": {
"Label_DoOther": "This is the explicit contents of label DoOther"
Object.values(gMainMenu).forEach(menu => {
menu.forEach(item => {
let explicitContent = null;
for (let d of Object.values(db)) {
let key = Object.keys(d).find(k => k === item.Label);
explicitContent = d[key];
item.Label = explicitContent;


How to write a test for nested JSON response from enterprise application

I'm trying to use Postman as a test tool to validate that our customers all have a mailing address in our master system. I'm having trouble drilling down into the JSON due to its structure. Each response is an array structure with a single "node" that has no "head attribute" to address.
Example JSON:
"ID": "cmd_org_628733899",
"organization": {
"accountStatusCode": "1",
"accountStatusDescription": "OPEN"
"location": [
"locality": "LITTLE ROCK",
"locationType": "MAILING"
"locality": "BIG ROCK",
"locationType": "LOCATION"
Test code as it exists:
pm.test("Check for a Mailing Address", function () {
// Parse response body
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
// Find the array index for the MAILING Address
var mailingLocationIndex =
function(filter) {
return location.locationType;
// Get the mailing location object by using the index calculated above
var mailingLocation = jsonData.location[mailingFilterIndex];
// Check that the mailing location exists
Error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
I understand that I have to iterate to node(0) in the outer array and then drill into the nested location array to find an entry with a locationType = Mailing.
I can't get past the outer array. I'm new to JavaScript and JSON parsing - I am a COBOL programmer.
Knowing nothing else, I would say you mean this
pm.test("Check for a Mailing Address", function () {
var mailingLocations = pm.response.json().location.filter(function (item) {
return item.locationType === 'MAILING';
You want to filter out all the locations that have a MAILING type and there should be exactly one, or at least one, depending.
Whether pm.response.json() actually returns the object you show in your question is impossible to say from where I'm standing.
In modern JS, the above is shorter:
pm.test("Check for a Mailing Address", function () {
var mailingLocations = pm.response.json().location.filter(item => item.locationType === 'MAILING');

equalTo returning null from Firebase?

In my React Native App, I currently am trying to pull all items that have the selected property set to "true" from the database. However, when I log the results of this query, they are all being returned as null (even though expected response should be returning two objects). My relevant code as well as Firebase structure are included below, please let me know if you spot anything.
const rootRef = new Firebase(`${ config.FIREBASE_ROOT }`)
var queryRef = rootRef.orderByChild("items/selected");
var solution = queryRef.equalTo("true").once('value', function(snap) {
Firebase JSON:
"selected": "false"
"selected": "true"
"selected": "false"
"selected": "true"
When you run an Firebase query on a location, it takes each child node under that location and then evaluates the condition you specify. If you take each child under items, you'll see there is no path items/selected under there.
You query is instead:
var itemsRef = rootRef.child("items");
var queryRef = itemsRef.orderByChild("selected");
You should use
where("selected" = true)
instead of equalTo()

I try to implement a connection using relay and all the node's IDs are the same

I write a really simple schema using graphql, but some how all the IDs in the edges are the same.
"data": {
"imageList": {
"id": "SW1hZ2VMaXN0Og==",
"images": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "SW1hZ2U6",
"url": "1.jpg"
"node": {
"id": "SW1hZ2U6",
"url": "2.jpg"
"node": {
"id": "SW1hZ2U6",
"url": "3.jpg"
I posted the specific detail on github here's the link.
So, globalIdField expects your object to have a field named 'id'. It then takes the string you pass to globalIdField and adds a ':' and your object's id to create its globally unique id.
If you object doesn't have a field called exactly 'id', then it wont append it, and all your globalIdField will just be the string you pass in and ':'. So they wont be unique, they will all be the same.
There is a second parameter you can pass to globalIdField which is a function that gets your object and returns an id for globalIdField to use. So lets say your object's id field is actually called '_id' (thanks Mongo!). You would call globalIdField like so:
id: globalIdField('Image', image => image._id)
There you go. Unique IDs for Relay to enjoy.
Here is the link to the relevant source-code in graphql-relay-js:
paste the following code in browser console
you will find that the value of id is "Image:".
it means all id property of records fetched by (new MyImages()).getAll()
is null.
return union ids or I suggest you define images as GraphQLList
var ImageListType = new GraphQL.GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'ImageList',
description: 'A list of images',
fields: () => ({
id: Relay.globalIdField('ImageList'),
images: {
type: new GraphQLList(ImageType),
description: 'A collection of images',
args: Relay.connectionArgs,
resolve: (_, args) => Relay.connectionFromPromisedArray(
(new MyImages()).getAll(),
interfaces: [nodeDefinition.nodeInterface],

Creating an array from GeoJSON file in OpenLayers 3

I am using OpenLayers 3 to animate the paths of migrating animals tagged by scientists. I load the geoJSON file like so
var whaleSource = new ol.source.Vector({
url: 'data/BW2205005.json',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
Instead of loading this directly into a layer, I would like to use and reuse the data in the geoJSON file for different purposes throughout my program. For example, I want to pull the lat & lon coordinates into an array to manipulate them to create interpolated animated tracks. Later I will want to query the geoJSON properties to restyle the tracks of males and females.
How might I load the geoJSON data into various arrays at different stages of my program instead of directly into a layer?
Thanks much
When using the url property of ol.source.Vector the class loads the given url via XHR/AJAX for you:
Setting this option instructs the source to use an XHR loader (see ol.featureloader.xhr) and an ol.loadingstrategy.all for a one-off download of all features from that URL.
You could load the file yourself using XHR/AJAX using XMLHttpRequest or a library like jquery which has XHR/AJAX functionality. When you've retreived the GeoJSON collection you can loop over the features array it holds and split it up into what every you need and put those features into new separate GeoJSON collections. Here's a very crude example to give you and idea of the concept:
Assume the following GeoJSON collection:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [0, 0]
"properties": {
"name": "Free Willy"
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [1, 1]
"properties": {
"name": "Moby Dick"
}, {
// Etc.
Here's how to load it (using jQuery's $.getJSON XHR function) and to split it up in to separate collections:
// Object to store separated collections
var whales = {};
// Load url and execute handler function
$.getJSON('collection.json', function (data) {
// Iterate the features of the collection
data.features.forEach(function (feature) {
// Check there is a whale already with that name
if (!whales.hasOwnProperty( {
// No there isn't create empty collection
whales[] = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
// Add the feature to the collection
Now you can use the separate collections stored in the whale object to create layers. Note this differs some from using the url property:
new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.GeoJSON()).readFeatures(whales['Free Willy'], {
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
Here's a working example of the concept:
Edit after comment:
If you want all the coordinates for Willy:
// Empty array to store coordinates
var willysCoordinates = [];
// Iterate over Willy's features
whales['Free Willy'].features.forEach(function (feature) {
Now willysCoordinates holds a nested array of coordinates: [[0, 0],[2, 2]]

Trouble with updating object properties in AngularJs

I am building my first app in AngularJs.
Here is the plunkr with what I've done so far. The user should be able to add new websites and group them in groups. Groups are also made by the user. Any time the new group is created it is available for new websites. What app should also do is to update group objects with newly assigned websites... and this is where I fail.
Here is how json should look like:
"sites": [
"url": "http://sfdg",
"id": 0,
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0,
"sites": [//sites assigned
In the plunkr code I used push but that just adds new group...
Could you please direct me to the right way of achieving this.
To prevent circular references (a website object refers to a group object that refers to the website object, etc...), I would store id's to the relevant objects instead.
First, when creating a new group, add an empty sites array to it:
function createGroup(newGroup) {
newGroup.sites = []; // <-- add empty array of sites
$scope.groups.push(newGroup); = groupIdSeq;
groupMap[] = newGroup;
return newGroup;
Then, when you create a new site, update each group to which the site is added:
function createSite(newSite, groups) {
$scope.sites.push(newSite); = siteIdSeq;
sitesMap[] = newSite;
// instead of storing the groups array, only store their id:
newSite.groups = { return });
// and add this new sites id to the groups' sites array.
groups.forEach(function(group) {
return newSite;
(updated plunker here)
