I have a table of data, one column contains images. I am trying to extract an individual records image column and export to image file using BCP. My code is as follows:
bcp "SELECT PictureData FROM BigTable WHERE RecordId='ASDF-QWER' queryout "C:\Path\File.jpg" -n -SCONNECTION\STRING -T
The output after running the command appears successful, it says 1 rows copied but when I double click on the file created it says "cannot open this file". If I modify the statement to select different rows and copy them to a text file using something like:
bcp "SELECT Name,Address FROM BigTable WHERE RecordId='ASDF-QWER' queryout "C:\Path\File.txt" -n -SCONNECTION\STRING -T
Then the text file contains the data I expect it to contain
Limitations on some software I'm using require me to think outside the box, so can you have a query that automatically returns a "file" with the results in it? I imagine it would be as BLOB or a base 64 encoded string or something similar.
Using Microsoft SQL Server
You can use two methods to achieve this
1. Use SQLcmd
SQLCMD -S SERVERNAME -E -Q "SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3 FROM MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable"
-s "," -o "D:\MyData.csv"
Run this above command in a cmd and achieve the expected result.
2. Use OpenRawset
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM DatabaseName
You need to have the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider available. The Jet 4.0 provider will work, too, but it's ancient, so I used this one instead.
The .CSV file will have to exist already. If you're using headers (HDR=YES), make sure the first line of the .CSV file is a delimited list of all the fields.
If you can create objects in the target database or another database on the same server, you could use the stored procedures and functions from my answer to this question: SSMS: Automatically save multiple result sets from same SQL script into separate tabs in Excel?
You would just need to exclude the #OutputFileName parameter to force output as a single column, single row varbinary(max).
select * into #systables from sys.tables;
select * into #syscolumns from sys.columns;
select * into #systypes from sys.types;
exec dbo.GetExcelSpreadsheetData
#Worksheets = 'sys.tables/#systables/autofilter|sys.columns/#syscolumns/autofilter|sys.types/#systypes'
drop table #systables;
drop table #syscolumns;
drop table #systypes;
Output (truncated):
I have a problem with BCP. I try to import CSV file to table through view as below:
bcp vImport in "CSV\data.csv" -U[user] -P[password] -S[server] -ddb -c -t; -F2 -e"CSV\error.err"
The file contains about 900 rows, but BCP has loaded only 400 rows. I was looking for parameter or Db setting, but without success.
I cut the file to 400 rows than BCP loaded 200 rows.
The reason was that source table has got one more column than csv file so last column of table was filled with next row from csv file.
I am using below code to export data from SQL Server to Excel:
update openrowset('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Excel 12.0;Database=E:\..\.xlsx;',
'select Column1,Column2,Column3 FROM [Sheet1$]')
set Column1=null,Column2=null,Column3=null
insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Excel 12.0;Database=E:\..\.xlsx;', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')
select Column1,Column2,Column3 from table_Name
I am using 64-bit OS with 64-bit Excel 2010.
This code is working fine on 32-bit system with 32-bit Excel but in 64-bit system first time it's working fine as expected but next time onwards I want to set blank all the record and insert new records and update is working but after the update when I am executing the insert command SQL Server is showing how many rows are affected but when I open the file it's totally blank.
Only SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) support export to Microsoft Excel workbook.
Microsoft Excel users can open CSV file the same way as a native Excel file.
So export to CSV files is suitable for most cases and you can use a simple command line utilities instead of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
The disadvantage of the export to Excel workbook or CSV file is that a user receives a new file every time and losts its changes.
If you want to use SSIS to xlsx file follow this link
If you change your way to use CSV file:
Pay attention to the following tips:
The datetime fields should follow formats shown above to be undestandable by Microsoft Excel.
Text fields should be quoted otherwise column data comma separates the fields.
First two chars of CSV file should not contain capital "L" or "D" othewise Microsoft Excel shows "SYLK: File format is not valid" error message when users open a file.
final command is:
'-S . => Defines the localhost server
'-d AzureDemo => Defines the database (ex. AzureDemo)
'-E => Defines the trusted connection. Instead you can use user credentials: -U Username -P Password
'-s, => Defines the comma as a column separator. Use -s; for semicolon.
'-W => Removes trailing spaces.
'-Q "SELECT * FROM ..." => Defines a command line query and exit
'ExcelTest.csv => Outputs the result to file ExcelTest.csv
'findstr /V /C:"-" /B => removes strings like "--,-----,--------,--------".
sqlcmd -S . -d AzureDemo -E -s, -W -i ExcelTest.sql | findstr /V /C:"-" /B > ExcelTest.csv
Note :
sqlcmd utility has no switch to change NULL to empty value!
Use the ISNULL function in the SQL query to change NULL to ''.
Or add | replace-null.exe > ExcelTest.csv at the end of command text.
I have a SQL Server 2005 table with an image datatype as on of the table fields. I have a specific row I am interested. I'd like to write the binary data in the image field to a file on a network share.
Let's call the share \server\sharename
This worked for me. Obviously path names and instance names may need to be altered your end.
It requires master..xp_cmdshell enabled (but you could just run bcp directly if there is no need to do it in T-SQL)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell
'bcp "SELECT [LargePhoto] FROM [AdventureWorks2008].[Production].[ProductPhoto] WHERE [ProductPhotoID]=70" queryout C:\temp\YourImage.jpg -S(local)\SQL2008 -T -fC:\temp\test.fmt'
It requires the following format file C:\temp\test.fmt
1 SQLBINARY 0 0 "" 1 col1 ""
How to export a table to a text file?
I need to get the INSERT script (structure and data) for an already existing table.
In SQL2k, try to read about bulk copy, the command should be bcp i think
examples from MS help file has something like ...
Exporting data from table to text file
bcp "SELECT au_fname, au_lname FROM pubs..authors ORDER BY au_lname" queryout Authors.txt -c -Sservername -Usa -Ppassword
Importing data from text file to table:
The command to bulk copy data from Newpubs.dat into publishers2 is:
bcp pubs..publishers2 in newpubs.dat -c -t , -r \n -Sservername -Usa -Ppassword
Alternatively, you can use the BULK INSERT statement from a query tool, such as SQL Query Analyzer, to bulk copy data:
BULK INSERT pubs..publishers2 FROM 'c:\newpubs.dat'
In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, you can use the Import/Export Wizard (not sure if you specifically needed a script, or simply a way to export the structure/data to a file, but this suggestion will do it without an actual script):
right-click on the database containing the table
select Tasks->Export Data
Choose a Data Source screen: (after the welcome screen) leave defaulted values, click Next
Choose a Destination: "Flat File Destination" for the Destination field. Then fill in the file name/path and the other options as you wish, click Next
Select Copy data..., click Next
Select the table to export, click Next
On the Save and Execute Package screen, you can just leave Execute Immediately selected, or if you'd like to save the resulting "script" as a SSIS package you can select that option also. Click Next, then Finish, to execute the export
Your resulting file will have the contents of the table. If you then need to "insert" this data into a different db you can use the "Import Data" option of the Wizard to import the data from the text file into the other database/table.
try this:
You can build the INSERT statement programatically by fetching the column info from the information_schema where each row of data describes a column:
SELECT table_name,
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name LIKE '%TableName%'
ORDER BY ordinal_position
For exporting data BCP is the tool and the BOL has several decent examples:
bcp AdventureWorks.Sales.Currency out Currency.dat -T -c
You can run a insert script generator like this one
or a desktop tool like this link