Configure solrnet with Solr - solr

Is it necessary to use tomcat for configuring Solr with
by this link [link]
i configured and it works!! but it uses solr 1.4 version and i want to update my solr version.
And [link]
it says that you cannot configure the tomcat with version 5 or latest from it.
so how to configure with solr latest version ?

Latest Solr runs as standalone black box. Do not look at ancient tutorials for Tomcat information, they are not useful anymore. And it is a separate issue from connecting to it via .NET client.
For the client part, the source-code version of SolrNet is more up to date. And it should work with latest Solr, with the main issue being that the URL for Solr now must include collection name, so http://localhost:8983/solr/collectionname . Check for parameters to set core or collection or similar.
There is also Solr Express you may want to have a look at.


Unable to contact your Apache Solr server

I have a problem with an old TYPO3 installation (TYPO3 site 7 LTS [7.6.9]).
The site is using Apache Solr as the search engine, but it's not working. When a user tries to search, the system shows a message telling that the search engine is not available now.
In the administration panel, if I go to the Search option, I see this message:
Unable to contact your Apache Solr server.
Hosts missing:http://localhost:8080/solr/core_es/
Of course, I have checked that Solr is running and listening on the port 8080. The Solr server is on the same machine than TYPO3.
I found this link about the Apache Solr configuration, but I cannot find these administration pages. I would like to test with the machine's public IP. In fact, I changed all the records regarding Solr in the cf_tx_solr_configuration table, and cleared all the cache tables manually, with no effect.
I have a couple of questions here:
Is it possible to change the configuration of the Solr server in TYPO3? If so, how can I do that?
Is TYPO3 shipped with an out-of-the-box search feature? If so, how can I disable Apache Solr and use the default search engine?
Thanks so much in advance!
please consume appropriate documentation Version of installed Extension.
So I assume(see Version Matix) you are using EXT:Solr version 6.5, therefore you must use the documentation for EXT:Solr v. 6.5.
Is it possible to change the configuration of the Solr server in TYPO3? If so, how can I do that?
Yes, it is. You can set it via TypoScript path "plugin.tx_solr.solr.scheme|host|port|..."
Is TYPO3 shipped with an out-of-the-box search feature? If so, how can I disable Apache Solr and use the default search engine?
Yes, TYPO3 has build in search feature. Its name is indexed_search.
PS: You know, there are much more modern versions of TYPO3 available? Please upgrade at least to the newer major release.

Sitecore and SolrCloud switch on rebuild

As you may already know that Sitecore, configured to work with SolrCloud, does not support index switch on rebuild. Is there a way to achieve this with version 4.10.3 of Solr and Sitecore 8.0?
We found a link - - but this has only been tested from version 5.2.1 to 5.5.1. Does anyone have any experience implementing this for version 4.10.3? Any issues that we may need to be aware of?
This patch was created as the old SwitchOnRebuild used the Solr Core switching API which is now deprecated in version 5.* and above. It was not recommended when running in SolrCloud mode due to an issue with Zookeeper.
This code uses the Solr 'collections' API (/solr/admin/collections?action=LIST) instead , you would need to check if this API is available for Solr 4.10 (I think it is but I'm not 100% sure)
You would then just need to ignore the parts about the schemaFactory as that is Solr 5.* specific.
Note that this patch relies on the 405677 patch to be applied too.

How to integrate apache solr in apache tomcat 7?

Is there any way to integrate apache solr in tomcat 7 or do I have to run two servers in my application? Can in run apache solr within tomcat and not as a separate server?
The official answer is: Run it as a stand alone application.
No Longer Supported
Beginning with Solr 5.0, Support for deploying Solr as a WAR in servlet containers like Tomcat is no longer supported.
For information on how to install Solr as a standalone server, please see Installing Solr.
Background about the the decision for this move can be found on the Solr Wiki.
Solr is intended to be a server not a Java web application, similar to mysql or the Apache web server. When Solr was first created, designing it as a web application was a convenient choice, to avoid writing a lot of tricky code to build a network layer. These days, this design decision has become a limiting factor.
When you download Solr and install it onto your machine, it should be Solr that gets started. It should not be necessary to install Solr into a third-party application (servlet container) before it will work.
At this time, Solr is still a webapp, but this is an internal implementation detail, not an immutable property. The intention is to make Solr into a completely standalone application. Startup scripts that start the included container are the first step towards that goal. Jetty might still be the technology used once Solr is a standalone application, but if that happens, it will be internally embedded.
Solr is still a web app. They are suggesting that not to use it in another servlet container as its not been recommended and tested by them.
They are giving a fully tested system and don't want others(developers) to invest time in testing it with other containers.
I have used solr 3.4 version and deployed it in tomcat server on port 8080.
My application is deployed in another tomcat at 8080 port and is on another machine.
I have created the solr war and deployed the same in tomcat. and only 8080 port of that server is made open and been access by our application only.
I am not sure about the solr version 5 ...i.e. whether that can be deployed in other container other than jetty...but I think it can be deployed in need to try the same...
Other thing is that dont deply application war and solr war in the same container or in a single container. The reason is if one of the application goes down everything will be down.
Like if solr goes down then the application may go down, which is not a good for the application.

How to setup DIH scheduler on Solr 5.1.0

The wiki page explains how to setup scheduling in older version of Solr but it hasn't been updated for Solr 5.1.0. The problem is I can't configure the file.
The instructions in the wiki:
regardless of whether you have single or multiple-core Solr, use located in your solr.home/conf (NOT solr.home/core/conf)
In Solr 5.1 there is no located in solr.home/conf, and it doesn't work if I use the one in the core.
Is there any way I can get this to work?
I have similar problem in my application.I have setup separate application to schedule delta/full-import.Wiki page you mentioned is not committed to Solr code base.
Hope this helps.

Compatibility :Liferay 6.1.2 ce ga3 and solr 4.6

Can any one tell me liferay 6.1.2 ce ga3 on tomcat 7 and solr 4.6 on tomcat 7 are compatible?
Used the solr web portlet avaible from liferay market.
I am working on this from last 3 days and i am still getting version issues,executing query issues ,SolrCore 'collection1' is not available issues, CommonsHTTPSolrServer even after following lot of suggestion.
I tried all permutation regarding the jars.
I also raised this issue on liferay support forum :
No they are not compatible (out of the box).
But it is doable, at least it is with Solr 4.4.0 and 4.5.1, so I would guess with Solr 4.6.0 also.
General steps to make it work:
download latest solr-web plugin (source) for 6.1.x
modify dependacies (see below)
modify source files (resolve compilation errors)
modify solr-spring.xml (if needed)
modify schema.xml (look at both liferay's and solr version, and "merge" (what makes sense) them)
List of jars
zookeeper-3.4.5.jar (probably could be removed, I did not)
Additional (provided) jars not packaged in war
Specifically for CommonsHTTPSolrServer ClassNotFoundException
in BasicAuthSolrServer constructor you should use HttpSolrServer, instead of CommonsHTTPSolrServer
