Turn off system versioning of temporal table that is used in indexed views - sql-server

I have a table that is used by a number of indexed views that I want to convert to a temporal table. All the commands to add the necessary columns and to set SYSTEM_VERSIONING=ON with a history table all succeeded. But now I can not disable system versioning with this command
I get the error
Cannot ALTER 'MyTable' because it is being referenced by object 'MyIndexedViewThatReferencesMyTable'.
It seems impractical to delete all views, alter MyTable, then recreate all views in order to accomplish this. Is there another way to get this table back to non-temporal?


How to cascade the data type of a column of a table in postgres

I have a PostgreSQL database and I need to change the data type of a column. There is a view that uses that table. Is there any way to change the data type of the column without deleting the view using ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE new_type.
No, you will have to drop and re-create the view.
The pg_get_viewdef function that calculates the definition of a view will be helpful.
You can do the whole operation in a transaction if you don't want to expose the "view-less" state to concurrent transactions.

SQL Server 2012: ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN MyColumn1 fails because one or more objects access this column

I have a table which contains MyColumn1 with user defined datatype of CustomDatatype INT NOT NULL. I need to change this column to a VARCHAR(5), but I am getting the following errors:
Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 12
The object 'CustomDatatype' is dependent on column 'MyColumn1'.
Msg 4922, Level 16, State 9, Line 12
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN MyColumn1 failed because one or more objects access this column.
This does not seem to be related to an index or foreign key reference which I would omit to drop before altering the column datatype, this seems to be directly related to the originally used custom defined datatype CustomDatatype on this column.
How can I change MyColumn1's datatype without dropping the CustomDatatype because that could create apocalyptic scenario in my system or dropping the table?
Update (2018-07-31): I found a response to the same question in different forum where it states: "...This is the problem with UDT columns. You will need to drop all the columns of this type first in all tables (and may be in functions / SPs, views), then delete the type and create correct type, then re-create all the columns..." (Naomi 2011) from Microsoft (August 2, 2011) web: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/b7bf0f04-dee8-4751-803b-4c3e1f7f7c70/how-to-change-column-nametype-of-user-defined-table-type?forum=transactsql
So far the only viable solutions I came up with are to:
Create a copy of the table (script it out with all
dependencies i.e.: triggers, indexes, keys, etc.) Drop the original
table (which is ok to do even though custom datatypes are specified) and then recreate the table again with the new datatype column.
If the table cannot be dropped (for some reason) rename the old
datatype column, create a new column with the original column name
with the right datatype. Move the data from the old (renamed) column
into the new one (make sure to mind the triggers,etc.). Then force
to recompile all the Sprocs and refresh all the views which are
Can you check if there is any Index added for those column?
If yes,
you will need to drop and recreate the index.
once you drop the constraints and index , you can alter the column.
alter table Table1
alter column MyColumn1 varchar(5);
Then re-create constraints and index.
So far the only viable solutions I came up with are to:
1) Create a copy of the table (script it out with all dependencies i.e.: triggers, indexes, keys, etc.) Drop the original table (which is ok to do even though custom datatypes are specified) and then recreate the table again with the new datatype column.
2) If the table cannot be dropped (for some reason) rename the old datatype column, create a new column with the original column name with the right datatype. Move the data from the old (renamed) column into the new one (make sure to mind the triggers,etc.). Then force to recompile all the Sprocs and refresh all the views which are dependent.

Remove record from sys.objects?

I ran a ALTER SCHEMA ... on a table (SQL Server 2012 SP1) but the sys.objects record is still there. When I run the ETL I get an error that the table doesn't exist anymore because it's trying to remove all constraints. This one is of type PK Primary Key Constraint. How can I safely remove the record from the sys.objects table?
I managed to fix this issue by scripting the database to a new one, ALTER SCHEMA ... again on that table to bring it back to dbo., then DROP and recreate the table in the different table schema.

any idea why running alter column causes column to go from “not null” to “null”?

I am mass updating a SQL Server database. I am changing all our numeric(38,0) columns to int (yes, SQL Server scripts were created from Oracle scripts).
Using SMO and C# (I am a sw engineer), I managed to generate really nice scripts like SQL Server Management Studio would.
It all works very nicely except for one particular issue:
For a handful of tables, when I call
it decides to also change the column from NOT NULL to NULL. That, of course is a huge issue since I need to regenerate primary keys for most of those tables on those particular columns.
Obviously, I have plenty of options using SMO to find out which columns are primary keys and force them to be NOT NULL after or while I am updating the data type, but I am really curious as to what can be causing this.
Because in the absense of NOT NULL, the default is NULL.
from ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL)
When you create or alter a table with
statements, the database and session
settings influence and possibly
override the nullability of the data
type that is used in a column
definition. We recommend that you
always explicitly define a column as
NULL or NOT NULL for noncomputed

How do I add the identity property to an existing column in SQL Server

In SQL Server (in my case, 2005) how can I add the identity property to an existing table column using T-SQL?
Something like:
alter table tblFoo
alter column bar identity(1,1)
I don't beleive you can do that. Your best bet is to create a new identity column and copy the data over using an identity insert command (if you indeed want to keep the old values).
Here is a decent article describing the process in detail:
The solution posted by Vikash doesn't work; it produces an "Incorrect syntax" error in SQL Management Studio (2005, as the OP specified). The fact that the "Compact Edition" of SQL Server supports this kind of operation is just a shortcut, because the real process is more like what Robert & JohnFX said--creating a duplicate table, populating the data, renaming the original & new tables appropriately.
If you want to keep the values that already exist in the field that needs to be an identity, you could do something like this:
CREATE TABLE tname2 (etc.)
INSERT INTO tname2 FROM tname1
CREATE TABLE tname1 (with IDENTITY specified)
INSERT INTO tname1 FROM tname2
DROP tname2
Of course, dropping and re-creating a table (tname1) that is used by live code is NOT recommended! :)
Is the table populated? If not drop and recreate the table.
If it is populated what values already exist in the column? If they are values you don't want to keep.
Create a new table as you desire it, load the records from your old table into your new talbe and let the database populate the identity column as normal. Rename your original table and rename the new one to the correct name :).
Finally if the column you wish to make identity currently contains primary key values and is being referenced already by other tables you will need to totally re think if you're sure this is what you want to do :)
There is no direct way of doing this except:
A) through SQL i.e.:
-- make sure you have the correct CREATE TABLE script ready with IDENTITY
SELECT * INTO abcTable_copy FROM abcTable
CREATE TABLE abcTable -- this time with the IDENTITY column
INSERT INTO abcTable (..specify all columns!) FROM (..specify all columns!) abcTable_copy
DROP TABLE abcTable_copy
-- I would suggest to verify the contents of both tables
-- before dropping the copy table
B) Through MSSMS which will do exactly the same in the background but will less fat-fingering.
In the MSSMS Object Explorer right click the table you need to modify
Select "design" Select the column you'd like to add IDENTITY to
Change the identity setting from NO -> YES (possibly seed)
Ctr+S the table
This will drop and recreate the table with all original data in it.
If you get a warning:
Go to MSSMS Tools -> Options -> Designers -> Table and database Designers
and uncheck the option "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation"
Things to be careful about:
your DB has enough disk space before you do this
the DB is not in use (especially the table you are changing)
make sure to backup your DB before doing it
if the table has a lot of data (over 1G) try it somewhere else first
before using in real DB
Create a New Table
SELECT * INTO Table_New FROM Table_Current WHERE 1 = 0;
Drop Column from New Table
Alter table Table_New drop column id;
Add column with identity
Alter table Table_New add id int primary key identity;
Get All Data in New Table
INSERT INTO Table_New (id, Name,CreatedDate,Modified)
SELECT id, Name,CreatedDate,Modified FROM Table_Current;
Drop old Table
drop table Table_Current;
Rename New Table as old One
EXEC sp_rename 'Table_New', 'Table_Current';
alter table tablename
alter column columnname
add Identity(100,1)
