File changes in SmartGit in single window - smartgit

SmartGit shows file changes in two-windowed mode. How to set it in one-window mode like Git Extensions or SourceTree? Thanks.
UPDATE: I've been using SmartGit for a while and discovered that two-windowed mode is its really killer-feature. After some adaptation it's much easier to read code changes (although the algorithm still needs in little improvement) compare to all other git clients. It was worth it, no doubt.

SmartGit supports Unified diff since 21.1:


Real remote editing without X-Forwarding, using Vim or the like

I'm currently working an a rather large web project which is written using C servlets ( utilizing GWAN Web server ). In the past I've used a couple of IDEs for my LAMP/PHP jobs, like Eclipse.
My problems with Eclipse are that you can either mirror the project locally, which isn't possible in this case as I'm working on a Mac (server does not run on OSX), or use the "remote" view, which would re-upload files when you save them.
In the later case, the file is only partly written while uploading, which makes this a no-go for a running web server, or the file could become corrupted if the connection was lost during uploading. Also, for changing some character, uploading the whole file seems rather inefficient to me.
So I was thinking:
Wouldn't it be possible to have the IDE open Vim per SSH and mirror my changes there, and then just :w (save) ? Or use some kind of diff-files for changes?
The first one would be preffered, as it has the added advantage of Vim .swp files, which makes it possible that others know when someone is already editing the file.
My current solution is using ssh+vim, but then I lose all the cool features I have with Eclipse and other more advanced IDEs.
Also, regarding X-Forwarding: The reason I don't like it is speed. It feels way slower than just editing locally, and takes up unneeded bandwidth, when all I want to do is basically "text editing".
P.S.: I couldn't find any more appropriate tags for the question, especially no "remote" tag, but if you know any, feel free to add them. Also, if there is another similar question, feel free to point it out - I couldn't find any.
Thank you very much.
If you're concerned about having to transmit the entire file for minor changes, the only solution that comes to my mind is running (either continuously, or on demand) an rsync job that mirrors the remote site to your local system (and back). The rsync protocol just transmits the delta information. According to Are rsync operations atomic at file level?, the change is atomic.
Another possibility: run everything in a virtual machine on your Mac. The server and the IDE/text editor are both on the same virtual machine so you don't have to fear network issues.
Because the source code on the virtual machine is under some kind of VCS the classic code → test → commit process is trivial (at least theoretically).

Very fast files opening in Emacs similar to Sublime's Goto Anything

Is it possible to open files in Emacs in way that Sublime Text 2 does (Cmd+P or Ctrl+P)?
I miss this feature so much.
Have you tried Helm? It provides a unified history and buffer selector, which looks similar to what you want. You could bind the helm-mini command to a convenient key like F5.
You can check out Projectile. It was basically created to provide something similar to C-p, but has a lot of extra project level features as well. Projectile also has a Helm plugin to display project files and buffers with Helm.

Is there something similar for emacs like vims's NERDtree

For vim there is a filesystem explorer called NERDtree:
Surely an alternative or superior package exists for Emacs?
I prefer dirtree (screenshot below) by Ye Wenbin. It feels pretty close to NERDTree / the TextMate drawer.
It took me a few minutes of trial and error to figure out the dependencies, so take a look at the install instructions (and a few minor edits to the source) I've got in this repo.
You can try NeoTree .
Have you looked at Speedbar ?
The Sunrise Commander seems to be a well written package, and it has a tree extension. For a screenshot of the tree extension in action, follow this link.
Who needs any tree, when you have the mighty ido-mode . If you can train your mind to find the files, rather than just your eyes whilst visually finding it, you will win. NO need to tell me how biology works, i don't care :-) you get the point.
Personally, I prefer the ECB's tree mode.
You should also check out the CEDET stuff.
They contain a lot of other useful stuff that you can use for similar development needs.
I use a little of emacs-nav and a little of dired to navigate my projects' file trees. For file management tasks, I mostly use bash (often from within emacs).
(Shameless reanswer from A good project tree browser for Emacs? - Stack Overflow)
I just now did a word search for "explore" in package-list-packages, and discovered project-explorer. Seems to fit exactly what I want today (I don't code hardly, but getting a grip on the structure of my Jekyll site).
Keys include TAB for folding and unfolding directories. Open files with RET or f, but with prefix, it will prompt nicely for which window, and even from there allow you to decide to use window or open up a new one to any side (I didn't find the prompt string in the package code, so it seems to leverage built in Emacs functionality nicely; indeed it looks like dired even).
It's available on Melpa and Marmalade, and packaged description points to sabof_project-explorer · GitHub.
I include the site's image for convenience:
I don't use projectile or helm, but it has some integration.
Try out lusty-explorer. It's a well done plugin.
Get it here

Configuration Management for FPGA Designs

Which configuration management tool is the best for FPGA designs, specifically Xilinx FPGA's programmed with VHDL and C for the embedded (microblaze) software?
There isn't a "best", but configuration control solutions that work for software will be OK for FPGAs - the flow is very similar. I use Subversion at work and git at home, and wrote a little on 'why' at my blog.
In other answers, binary files keep getting mentioned - the only binary files I deal with are compilation products (equivalent to software object and executables), so I don't keep them in the version control repository, I keep a zipfile for each release/tag that I create with all the important (and irritatingly slow to reproduce) ones in.
I don't think it much matters what revision control tool you use -- anything that you would consider good in general will probably be OK here. I personally use Git for a sizable Verilog + software project, and I'm quite happy with it.
What will bite you in the ass -- no matter what version control you use -- is this: The Xilinx tools don't generally respect a clean division between "input" and "output" or between (human edited) "source" and (opaque) "binary." Many of the tools like to store some state information, like a last-run time or a hash value, in their "input" files meaning that you'll get lots of false changes. Coregen does this to its .xco files, and project navigator (the main GUI) does this to its .xise files. Also, both tools have a habit of inserting or removing lines for default-valued parameters, seemingly at random.
The biggest issue I've encountered is the work-flow with Coregen: In many cases, at least one of the following is true:
You have to manually edit the HDL files produced by Coregen.
The parameters that went into Coregen are stored somewhere other than the .xco file (usually in what looks like an output file).
You have to copy-and-paste the output from Coregen into your top-level design.
This means that there is no single logical source/master location for your input to the core-generating process. So even if you have the .xco file under version control, there's no expectation that the design you're running corresponds to it. If you re-generate "the same" core from its nominal inputs, you probably won't get the right outputs. And don't even think about merging.
I suggest CM tools that support version labeling and binary files. Most Software CM applications are fine with ASCII text files. They may just store a "difference" file rather than the entire file for updates.
My recommendations: PVCS, ClearCase and Subversion. DO NOT USE Microsoft SourceSafe. I don't like it because it only supports one label per revision.
I've seen Perforce and Subversion used in a couple of FPGA-intensive companies.
We use Perforce, and its great. You can have your code that lives in Linux-land checked in side-by-side with your Specs and Docs that live in Windows-land. And you get branching, labels, etc.
I've seen everything from Clearcase to RCS used, and it is really all okay for this kind of thing. The important thing is to get a good set of check-in policies established for your group, and make sure they stick to it.
And have automated nightly regressions. That way, when someone breaks the rules, they can be identified and publicly shamed.
I have personally used Perforce, Subverion, git and ClearCase for FPGA projects. Since VHDL and C are just text files, any works fine. However be sure to capture the other project and contraint files and any libraries you use.
Also think about what to do with the outputs, e.g. log file and bitstreams. Both tend to be big and the bitstreams are binaries.
Previously I used Subversion but have switched to git two years ago. Git handles FPGA design files just as well as it handles every other text and binary file. Git is all you need for version controlling your files and artifacts.
For building the designs, I recommend just using a single ISE project called "ise" (living in a subdirectory called "ise/"). You can take a look at my (very modest) FPGA open-source project on github for the file layout. I don't bother storing the ISE files at all since they are easy to regenerate. The only things I save are the Verilog files and some ISIM waveform config files. In other projects that use coregen I save the coregen.cgp project file and all of the *.xco scripts for regenerating cores. Then I use a Makefile for actually running coregen on the *.xco files. There are a few other Xilinx-specific files you should version control too: *.ucf, *.coe, *.xcf, etc.
I experimented with using Makefiles and the Xilinx command-line tools but found that ISE did a much better job tracking dependencies and calling the tools with the right arguments. Just don't make the mistake of trying to version control your ise/ project files or you will go mad. Xilinx has something like 300 different file types which change every release. If you want to save a file, you can try the ISE project file itself with a .xise extension. Anything that is hard to recreate, like the golden bitfile that you know works and took 6 hours to build, you might want to copy that and configuration manage it explicitly.

Apply file structure diff/patch on remote system?

Is there a tool that creates a diff of a file structure, perhaps based on an MD5 manifest. My goal is to send a package across the wire that contains new/updated files and a list of files to remove. It needs to copy over new/updated files and remove files that have been deleted on the source file structure?
You might try rsync. Depending on your needs, the command might be as simple as this:
rsync -az --del /path/to/master dup-site:/path/to/duplicate
Quoting from rsync's web site:
rsync is an open source utility that
provides fast incremental file
transfer. rsync is freely available
under the GNU General Public License
and is currently being maintained by
Wayne Davison.
Or, if you prefer wikipedia:
rsync is a software application for
Unix systems which synchronizes files
and directories from one location to
another while minimizing data transfer
using delta encoding when appropriate.
An important feature of rsync not
found in most similar
programs/protocols is that the
mirroring takes place with only one
transmission in each direction. rsync
can copy or display directory contents
and copy files, optionally using
compression and recursion.
#vfilby I'm the process of implementing something similar.
I've been using rsync for a while, but it gets funky when deploying to remote server with permission changes that are out of my control. With rsync you can choose to not include permissions, but they still endup being considered for some reason.
I'm now using git diff. This works very well for text files. Diff generates patches, rather then a MANIFEST that you have to include with your files. The nice thing about patches is that there is already an established framework for using and testing these patches before they're applied.
For example, with patch utility that comes standard on any *unix box, you can run the patch in dry-run mode. This will tell you if the patch that you're going to apply is actually going to apply before you run it. This helps you to make sure that the files that you're updating have not changed while you were preparing the patch.
If this is similar to what you're looking for, I can elaborate on my process.
