Why does AngularJS select all options instead of just the one clicked? - angularjs

In my AngularJS app I have an HTML form with some option elements, and when I change one option the other options also get changed. After reloading the page I can change individual values.
A function changeVariant is called on change and the values will be changed.
What causes this and how can I fix it?

This is the angularjs feature 2 way binding. if a scope variable is changed in controller the reference (object reference) value will also get changed in corresponding html pages. to restrict this you have to break the object reference. please check the below url to get some idea.


How to call angularjs function while adding data to a json array?

As I have mentioned in this question, I have a function that returns a different text based on an input.
This is working fine when I use it in static text areas, like below:
How can I call this function while I am assigning data to a json object? Originally the input_text is added to the json, but I need to run a lookup and replace the text.
EDIT: The json object is assigned to a dropdown, but I doubt if I will be able to call my function in the dropdown attributes.
p.s. The content in dataObject could change while using the application; so the function should be invoked with the latest data.
Try setting the filter's $stateful property to true.
This should make the filter re-run upon digest cycles, even if the left-side data being passed in hasn't changed.

AngularJS: ng-model not getting applied on Controller instantiation

I am creating a web app planner using Angular and I am having some difficulties with a <select> box that is not changing value based on the variable denoted with ng-model.
My architecture is as follows:
I am using ui-router which gives me different view states, one for each page of my planner. The root HTML page has a Controller called MainController. This is where I set up my JSON model, $scope.Master = {} that I want to use throughout the planner. All pages of the planner should inherit this model and continue to modify/add to it.
I then have my 4 pages of the planner like:
Start -> Accounts -> Settings -> Review
Each page has its own Controller that gets instantiated every time I visit the page. On the Start page, I have a <select> box that has ng-model="$scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount" that gets populated dynamically using the StartController (therefore it gets populated every time I come to the Start page).
This <select> works great on the first time to the page, but if I go to Accounts and then come back, the select box is back to the default value, "Please select an account", instead of the selected account that is in the $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount model that is bound to the <select> box
I thought I could just do something like $scope.$apply or something in order to re-apply the binding to the DOM object, but that just gave me an error saying it is already digesting.
How can I apply the binding to the <select> box after the page has been loaded 2 or more times?
This is probably because every time you go back to your original page, a new controller is instantiated since it was removed from the DOM when you left it originally. Thus $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount. To save this, you can either
Use a service / factory singleton on the main app to save this value
Save $scope.Master.Start.selectedAccount as a global variable
Put that controller on the outside
Im real sorry... I realized I was populating the <select> using ng-repeat instead of ng-options no idea how I managed that... That was the problem

how to setup default ng-model value for mutiple switch-toggle inside ng-repeat

I have used switch-toggle inside ng-repeat. I don't know how to set default value to ng-model when you have multiple switch-toggle in your form and on form submit you need to have all the values. I am very much new to angular world and here is the Example In this example on form load the default value for switch-toggle is shown as "OFF". And if I submit form without making any change to the switch-toggle and check in browser console you can see empty model array. And on making some changes then I get the appropriate values.
So, how can I get all the values of the switch-toggle irrespective I make changes or not. As far as my angularJS knowledge is concern I guess it is related to its model. But how to do it in this case I feel I am lost.
This i believe should be model driven. You should intialize your switchModel, something like this
$scope.switchModel = {1:false,2:true,3:false };
instead of {}

Angular - on invalid field, fire method?

When my field becomes invalid, is there a way to fire a method in my js?
So for example, the user fails to fill out the name field, clicks submit, I want to:
console.log('they forgot');
There is a $error object made available by AngularJS. This object contains all of the validations on a particular form and tells if they are valid or invalid.
To get access to this property, we can use the following syntax:
Here is a jsfiddle sample
This document is a good reference for understanding form-validations using AngularJS.
Also, for dealing with custom validations, you can add your own directives. A sample of making such directives is given in the link above.

Image crop with AngularJS

I want to let the user crop an image, I found this JQuery plugin - http://deepliquid.com/content/Jcrop.html
I tried to use it with Angular-ui's Jquery passthrough option, adding the ui-jq=Jcrop directive to the <img>
The problem is that If I use ng-src to dynamically change the image it doesn't work and nothing is seen. If I change it to src and put a static url I can see the image and Jcrop.
how can I fix that ?
also, how can I listen to Jcrop's callbacks to know what is the user's selection ?
is there a better / simpler way to add image cropping functionality to AngularJS ?
Here is my solution:
I've written a directive that create img element and apply plugin on it. When src is changed, this img is removed and content that was created by plugin is also destroyed and then re-created new img with new src and again applied plugin on it.
Also provided 'selected' callback to be able to get coordinated that were selected (wrapped in $apply so you can modify your scope values in it).
Check my solution at Plunker
I've built a demo using AngularJS and Jcrop here:
Demo: https://coolaj86.github.com/angular-image-crop
On Github: https://github.com/coolaj86/angular-image-crop
You can leverage ui-event to create an event definition object with the keys being the event names and the values being the callbacks. Or you can simply pass these events as options to Jcrop (according to the documentation)
Finally, there is a new update coming to ui-jq that lets you add ui-refresh which is an expression to be watched to re-trigger the plugin.
Theoretically you should be able to do
<img ui-jq="Jcrop"
ng-src="imgSrc" />
Note: this simply re-fires the passthrough again, and doesn't automatically mean this will fix the problem or that the plugin will behave properly when re-initialized
We're still working on a good way to allow you to trigger different events at different times.
