Unable to store special characters in Oracle 11g Database - database

I am unable to store special characters like ÐǶĄ§å in oracle 11g database, it shows the stored information as ??????. I have used UTF-8 encoding through out, and also checked the database for the supported charactersets using
select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter like '%CHARACTERSET%';
it gives the output
Is there any way of storing those special characters in database?
Any help would be highly appreciated.

convert them into binary and then store them in bfile


Handling Chinese Character in ODI 12c

How Should we handle Chinese Character in ODI12c?
While loading data from file to table chinese Characters are loading as ?? at target side I have changed in JDBC url UTF8 but still not able to process Chinese Characters in ODI12c
Your JDBC should contain: useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8.
It's similar for Oracle, by changing the connection details.

Sybase ASE 12.5 database : arabic data shown in latin letters

Good day,
i have a Sybase ASE 12.5 database on windows NT server
the database default charachterset is CP850
i'm trying to connect to it using "TOAD for sybase" ,which is on my windows 7 machine
whatever character set i choose for TOAD (utf8,cp1256..), the data are shown in latin letters instead of arabic
i tried disabling the "server character set conversion" ,and disabling the client side conversion,but still no hope
any ideas how to solve this?
CP850 is the character set for Western Europe, so that would explain the latin. If the character set used by the client does not match what is used in the server, then it defaults to English.
You need to change the character set of the server to match what you wish to use for the client, or install the UTF character set in the Server to allow Unicode use.
The Sybase ASE documentation explains the details of charactersets.
the problem were in the server itself, it was corrupted during cloning.
thanks for all the answers

writing unicode characters to Database using ODBC in MFC Application

I have connected to a database using ODBC in an unicode MFC Application and I am filling the database with some unicode data with the CDatabase::ExecuteSQL(CStringW ...) like below:
CStringW sSql;
sSql.Format(L"INSERT INTO Reports ( %s, '%s')", sField1, sValue1);
but what i actually write into database is some ? characters instead of unicode ones.
Is there any solution to this.
Make sure your database field is of type NVARCHAR(x).

SQL Server 2000 charset issues

Once again with the charset issues when talking to DB's :)
I have two enviroments running Zend Server. Bot of these communicate to a SQL Server 2000 using the mssql extension. None of them has any value given for the charset in the settings of the extension. For one it works and for the other one it returns data in the wrong encoding.
The problem became noticed when this data was beeing inserted into a MySQL database and it screamed with SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xF6m' for column 'cust_lastname' at row 1.
I tried using SET NAMES utf8 to get the SQL Server connection to return the correct data, but it complains and says that NAMES is not a recognized SET statement. Looking around most people even recommend using this but it doesn't seem to be part of SQL Server 2000 :)
So, what should I do? How do I, WITHOUT fiddling with the SQL Server database/tables, tell it to send me the data in UTF-8 encoded format?
Some more info...
SQL Server uses the Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS collation
MySQL has every table in UTF-8 format and uses utf8_unicode_ci
I didn't find a good solution and ended up converting to and from utf8 in my application. If this is encapsulated within a class it doesn't riddle the code. But a way to actually tell the SQL server which encoding to use during communication would be better.

SQL Server Express 2005 unicode characters

I'm working with an SQL Server 2005 Express instance. Any attempt (both programatically or by using a table editor (for example VS Server Explorer --> Edit Table Data)) to enter a unicode string results in a sequence of question marks (????). I guess that either SQL Server 2005 Express doesn't support unicode at all or it requires some extra configuration to enable unicode. Please help.
THe datatype must be nvarchar (note the n at the start) and you must use the N prefix when using strings ..
INSERT INTO <table> (somefield) VALUES (N'string to insert..')
Microsoft technote
nchar and nvarchar
Not all Unicode characters may be rendered correctly by the font you chose in your editor.
