Random Memory Reads vs Random Memory Writes - c

In low level languages like C I know you should try to use the CPU cache to your benefit as much as possible. As a cache miss means your program will temporarily have to wait for the RAM to dereference a pointer. However are writes to memory also effected by this? If you write to memory it would seem that the CPU does not need to wait on a response.
I'm trying to decide if reordering a array of items would truly be worth it when I need to access items in the array in certain groups repeatedly (so sorting it based on those groups). However those groups will frequently change so I would need to keep reordering the array if I do this.

Depending on your architecture, random memory writes can be expensive for at least two reasons.
On today's multi-core machines, almost all writes will require some kind of cache coherence protocol to be run so that the corresponding cache lines on other caches will be invalidated.
In terms of ordinary writes, they will either always cost a memory operation or sometimes cause a memory operation depending on whether the cache is write-through or write-back.
You can read more details about the possible behaviors of caches on Wikipedia.

This is a very broad question, so my answer is nearly as broad.
The source code, the compiled code, and the underlying hardware are not necessarily all in sync when it comes to reading and writing memory. Your C/C++ code simply references variables. The compiled code will turn that into appropriate machine language which is close to the source code but can vary in the case of optimization, volatile keyword, etc. Finally the hardware will optimize the 3 main levels of storage: CPU cache (fastest), RAM, and hard disk (yes, your program variables can actually be stored on the hard disk, in the case of swapping).
Whether the CPU waits or not depends partially on what's going on at the hardware layer combined with the machine code (again for example consider data specified as volatile).


Cache pre-fetching while traversing an array: what if some memory pages have being swapped out?

The biggest advantage of an array, of, for example, int, is that, if you read it sequentially, it can be fully preloaded in cache because the CPU checks the memory access patterns and pre-fetches the next locations about to be read, so the "next" element of a vector is always in cache.
At which extent is that sentence just "theory"? Thinking about timing, for that to be true, the pre-fetcher must know how much time will take sending the next cache line to cache (which implies knowing how "slow" is the RAM), and how much time is left before such data is the next one to be read by the CPU (which implies knowing how time-consuming are the remaining instructions), so the first sequence of actions takes no longer than the second.
The specific case I have in mind: let's assume that the first 5 pages of a 10-pages-long array are in RAM and the last 5 in swap. If the next address that the pre-fetcher wants to load is the first address of the fifth page, that pre-loading time will be unpredictable long and the pre-fetcher will fail in its mission.
I know CPUs try to do a lot of guessing and speculations about the future of a process, like such cache pre-fetching, branch prediction and probably a lot of other techniques I'm not aware of, some of them probably talking to the OS to speculate together (and I'm eager to know more about this, it surprises me every time).
So, does CPUs and/or OSes try to solve that kind of guessing-timing problems, for example, by trying to answer the pre-fetcher's question of: how much time do I need in advance for my speculative pre-fetching to cause 0 delay?
So, does CPUs and/or OSes try to solve that kind of guessing-timing problems
This is solely handled by the CPU HW. If you read some memory location the CPU will simply bring a memory block containing your location into a whole cache line.

Why is memory barrier not required for UP? [duplicate]

Consider the following example taken from Wikipedia, slightly adapted, where the steps of the program correspond to individual processor instructions:
x = 0;
f = 0;
Thread #1:
while (f == 0);
print x;
Thread #2:
x = 42;
f = 1;
I'm aware that the print statement might print different values (42 or 0) when the threads are running on two different physical cores/processors due to the out-of-order execution.
However I don't understand why this is not a problem on a single core machine, with those two threads running on the same core (through preemption). According to Wikipedia:
When a program runs on a single-CPU machine, the hardware performs the necessary bookkeeping to ensure that the program executes as if all memory operations were performed in the order specified by the programmer (program order), so memory barriers are not necessary.
As far as I know single-core CPUs too reorder memory accesses (if their memory model is weak), so what makes sure the program order is preserved?
The CPU would not be aware that these are two threads. Threads are a software construct (1).
So the CPU sees these instructions, in this order:
store x = 42
store f = 1
test f == 0
jump if true ; not taken
load x
If the CPU were to re-order the store of x to the end, after the load, it would change the results. While the CPU is allowed out of order execution, it only does this when it doesn't change the result. If it was allowed to do that, virtually every sequence of instructions would possibly fail. It would be impossible to produce a working program.
In this case, a single CPU is not allowed to re-order a store past a load of the same address. At least, as far the CPU can see it is not re-ordered. As far the as the L1, L2, L3 cache and main memory (and other CPUs!) are concerned, maybe the store has not been committed yet.
(1) Something like HyperThreads, two threads per core, common in modern CPUs, wouldn't count as "single-CPU" w.r.t. your question.
The CPU doesn't know or care about "context switches" or software threads. All it sees is some store and load instructions. (e.g. in the OS's context-switch code where it saves the old register state and loads the new register state)
The cardinal rule of out-of-order execution is that it must not break a single instruction stream. Code must run as if every instruction executed in program order, and all its side-effects finished before the next instruction starts. This includes software context-switching between threads on a single core. e.g. a single-core machine or green-threads within on process.
(Usually we state this rule as not breaking single-threaded code, with the understanding of what exactly that means; weirdness can only happen when an SMP system loads from memory locations stored by other cores).
As far as I know single-core CPUs too reorder memory accesses (if their memory model is weak)
But remember, other threads aren't observing memory directly with a logic analyzer, they're just running load instructions on that same CPU core that's doing and tracking the reordering.
If you're writing a device driver, yes you might have to actually use a memory barrier after a store to make sure it's actually visible to off-chip hardware before doing a load from another MMIO location.
Or when interacting with DMA, making sure data is actually in memory, not in CPU-private write-back cache, can be a problem. Also, MMIO is usually done in uncacheable memory regions that imply strong memory ordering. (x86 has cache-coherent DMA so you don't have to actually flush back to DRAM, only make sure its globally visible with an instruction like x86 mfence that waits for the store buffer to drain. But some non-x86 OSes that had cache-control instructions designed in from the start do requires OSes to be aware of it. i.e. to make sure cache is invalidated before reading in new contents from disk, and to make sure it's at least written back to somewhere DMA can read from before asking a device to read from a page.)
And BTW, even x86's "strong" memory model is only acq/rel, not seq_cst (except for RMW operations which are full barriers). (Or more specifically, a store buffer with store forwarding on top of sequential consistency). Stores can be delayed until after later loads. (StoreLoad reordering). See https://preshing.com/20120930/weak-vs-strong-memory-models/
so what makes sure the program order is preserved?
Hardware dependency tracking; loads snoop the store buffer to look for loads from locations that have recently been stored to. This makes sure loads take data from the last program-order write to any given memory location1.
Without this, code like
x = 1;
int tmp = x;
might load a stale value for x. That would be insane and unusable (and kill performance) if you had to put memory barriers after every store for your own reloads to reliably see the stored values.
We need all instructions running on a single core to give the illusion of running in program order, according to the ISA rules. Only DMA or other CPU cores can observe reordering.
Footnote 1: If the address for older stores isn't available yet, a CPU may even speculate that it will be to a different address and load from cache instead of waiting for the store-data part of the store instruction to execute. If it guessed wrong, it will have to roll back to a known good state, just like with branch misprediction.
This is called "memory disambiguation". See also Store-to-Load Forwarding and Memory Disambiguation in x86 Processors for a technical look at it, including cases of narrow reload from part of a wider store, including unaligned and maybe spanning a cache-line boundary...

C volatile, and issues with hardware caching

I've read similar answers on this site, and elsewhere, but am still confused in a few circumstances.
I'm aware of what the standard actually guarantees us, I understand the intended use of the keyword, and I'm well aware of the difference between the compiler caching and L1/L2/ect. caching; it's more for curiosity's sake that I understand the other cases.
Say I have a variable declared volatile in C. Four scenarios:
Signal handlers, single threaded (As intended): This is the problem the keyword was meant to solve. My process gets a signal callback from the OS, and I modify some volatile variable out of the normal execution of my process. Since it was declared volatile, the normal process won't store this value in a CPU register, and will always do a load from memory. Even if the signal handler writes to the volatile variable, since the signal handler shares the same address space as the normal process, even if the volatile variable was previously cached in hardware (i.e. L1, L2), we guarantee the main process will load the correct, updated variable. Perfect, everyone is happy.
DMA-transfers, single-threaded: Say the volatile variable is mapped to a region of memory for which a DMA-write is taking place. As before, the compiler won't keep the volatile variable in a CPU register, and will always do a load from memory; however, if that variable exists in hardware cache, then the load request will never reach main memory. If the DMA controller updates MM behind our backs, we'll never get the up-to-date value. In a preemptive OS, we are saved by the fact that eventually, we'll probably be context-switched out, and the next time our process resumes, the cache will be cold and we'll actually have to reload from main memory - so we'll get the correct functionality.. eventually (our own process could potentially swap that cache line out too - but again, we might waste valuable cycles before that happens). Is there standardized HW support or OS support that notifies the hardware caches when main memory is updated via the DMA controller? Or do we have to explicitly flush the cache to guarantee we arm't reading a false value? (Is this even possible in the architectures listed?)
Memory-mapped registers, single-threaded: Same as #2, except the volatile variable is mapped to a memory-mapped register (or an explicit IO-port). I would imagine this is a more difficult problem then #3, since at least the DMA controller will signal the CPU when it's done transferring, which gives the OS or HW a chance to do something.
Mutilthreaded: If I have a volatile variable, is there any guarantee of cache-coherency between multiple threads running on separate physical cores? Like sure, again, the compiler is still issuing load instructions from memory, but if the value is cached in one core's cache, is there any guarantee the same value must exist in the other core's caches? (I would imagine it's not an issue at all for hyperthreading threads on different logical cores on the same physical core, since they share physical cache memory). My overwhelming intuition says no, but thought I'd list the case here anyways.
If possible, differentiate between x64 and ARMv6/7/8 architectures, and kernel vs user land solutions.
For 2 and 3, no there's no standardized way this would work.
Normally when doing DMA transfers one would flush the cache in a platform depending manner. Normally there's quite straight forward instructions for doing that (since now-days the caches are integrated in the CPU).
When accessing memory-mapped registers on the other hand, often the behavior is dependent on the order of writes. For example, suppose you have a UART port and write characters to it — you'll need to make sure that there is an actual write to the port each time you write to it from C.
While it might work with flushing the cache between each write, it's not what one normally does. The normal way (for ARM at least) is to set up the MMU so that writes to certain regions of address space happen uncached and in correct sequence.
This approach can also be used for memory used for DMA transfers; one could for example set up dedicated regions for use as DMA buffers and set up the MMU so that reads and writes to that region happen uncached.
On the other hand the language guarantees that all memory (well what you get from declaring variables or allocating memory using new) will behave in certain ways. It should be no difference between if it's multi-threaded or there's signals involved. Note that the C90 and C99 standards don't mention threads (C11 does), but they are supposed to work this way. The implementation has to make sure that the CPU's and cache are used in a way that is consistent with this (as a consequence, the OS might not be able to schedule different threads on different cores if this can't be accomplished). Consequently you should not need to flush caches in order to share data between threads, but you do need to synchronize threads and of course use volatile qualified data. The same is true for signal handlers even if the implementation happens to schedule them on a different core.

Is there a way to avoid cache misses _completely_?

I read the very basics on how the cache works here: How and when to align to cache line size? and here: What is "cache-friendly" code? , but none of these posts answered my question: is there a way to execute some code entirely within the cache, i.e., without using any access to RAM (beyond perhaps during the initial process of reading the file from the HDD)? As far as I understand the bottleneck in computation nowadays is mostly memory bandwidth, and "as long as you are within the CPU, you are just fine".
Is there a way to load a program into the cache, and keep it there until it terminates? So let's say I have a 1MB compiled C program, which does some scientific computation with a memory requirement of another 1MB, and runs for 5 days. Is there a way to flag this code, so that it does not get out from the cache during evaluation? I am thinking of giving this code higher priority, or alike during execution.
In other words, how much cache is used by an idling computer, which loads its OS (say Ubuntu), and then does nothing? Is there excessive cache use during idling? Should I expect my small program to be always in the cache if the OS does not do anything besides executing it? Let's say after 5 minutes the screensaver starts. Does this lead to massive cache misses (and hence, drastic reduction in performance), since now it competes with my program for the cache space? My experience says that running several non-demanding programs (like the screensaver, or a simple audio player, pdf reader, etc.) at the same time does not significantly decrease the performance of my scientific program, even though I would expect that it would go in-and-out from the cache all the time. The question is: why does not it get its speed affected? Would it make sense to use an absolute minimalistic OS (if so, then which one?) to improve (or rather: maintain) the speed of the computation?
Just for clarity, we can assume that the code is something very simple, say it is a bunch of nested for loops where the innermost part sums up all the increment variables modulo 97. The point is that it is small enough to be put and executed in the cache.
There are different types of CPU cache misses: compulsory, conflict, capacity, coherence.
Compulsory misses can't be avoided, as they happen on the first reference to a location in memory. So no, you definitely can't avoid cache misses completely.
Besides that, typical L1 cache sizes today are 32KB/64KB per core, and L2 cache sizes are 256KB per core. So 1MB of data would also create either capacity or conflict misses, depending on cache's associativity.
No, on most standard architectures, CPU cache is not addressable.*
And even if you could, what kind of performance improvement are you anticipating here? What percentage of your program's execution time do you believe is being spent loading from main memory into (L3) cache? You should profile your program to determine where it's actually spending its time, rather than dreaming up solutions to problems that don't exist!
* I think x86 CPUs might have a hardware configuration which allows them to operate without attached RAM, but that's basically irrelevant.
Short answer: NO. Cache is being maintained by the OS/CPU and it is a bad idea to allow programs to force itself to stay in cache. Lets say you got 2 programs running at the same time, and both are trying to force to stay in the cache, chaos would happen isn't it?
Newer Intel CPUs have added "Cache Allocation Technology" (CAT) under the general rubric of their Resource Director Technology. This allows software directives to reserve certain cache (and other) resources for particular computational units (application, container, VM, etc). So, if the process in question has enough cache space set aside for it under CAT, it should experience only its initial compulsory misses (to bring its code and data into cache) and self-induced conflict misses, avoiding capacity misses and conflict misses created by other processes.
I am not sure whether it will satisfy your questions.
is there a way to execute some code entirely within the cache, i.e., without using any access to RAM?
Is there a way to load a program into the cache, and keep it there until it terminates?
It is possible to use fully associative cache( for eg Tightly coupled memories), which has single cycle access times.(This is realistic only in very small embedded systems).it is a general practise to use TCM's in embedded systems for time critical code as it provides predictability.
In case of partially associative caches it is possible to lock up cache lines or ways (for eg using CP15 in ARM ), so that the eviction algorithm doesn't consider them as a victim for cache fill.
as a side note it is also useful sometimes to use Cache as Ram for Bringup of non booting boards when the caches are in debug mode.

Out of Order Execution and Memory Fences

I know that modern CPUs can execute out of order, However they always retire the results in-order, as described by wikipedia.
"Out of Oder processors fill these "slots" in time with other instructions that are ready, then re-order the results at the end to make it appear that the instructions were processed as normal."
Now memory fences are said to be required when using multicore platforms, because owing to Out of Order execution, wrong value of x can be printed here.
Processor #1:
while f == 0
print x; // x might not be 42 here
Processor #2:
x = 42;
// Memory fence required here
f = 1
Now my question is, since Out of Order Processors (Cores in case of MultiCore Processors I assume) always retire the results In-Order, then what is the necessity of Memory fences. Don't the cores of a multicore processor sees results retired from other cores only or they also see results which are in-flight?
I mean in the example I gave above, when Processor 2 will eventually retire the results, the result of x should come before f, right? I know that during out of order execution it might have modified f before x but it must have not retired it before x, right?
Now with In-Order retiring of results and cache coherence mechanism in place, why would you ever need memory fences in x86?
This tutorial explains the issues: http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/WRL-95-7.pdf
FWIW, where memory ordering issues happen on modern x86 processors, the reason is that while the x86 memory consistency model offers quite strong consistency, explicit barriers are needed to handle read-after-write consistency. This is due to something called the "store buffer".
That is, x86 is sequentially consistent (nice and easy to reason about) except that loads may be reordered wrt earlier stores. That is, if the processor executes the sequence
store x
load y
then on the processor bus this may be seen as
load y
store x
The reason for this behavior is the afore-mentioned store buffer, which is a small buffer for writes before they go out on the system bus. Load latency is, OTOH, a critical issue for performance, and hence loads are permitted to "jump the queue".
See Section 8.2 in http://download.intel.com/design/processor/manuals/253668.pdf
The memory fence ensures that all changes to variables before the fence are visible to all other cores, so that all cores have an up to date view of the data.
If you don't put a memory fence, the cores might be working with wrong data, this can be seen especially in scenario's, where multiple cores would be working on the same datasets. In this case you can ensure that when CPU 0 has done some action, that all changes done to the dataset are now visible to all other cores, whom can then work with up to date information.
Some architectures, including the ubiquitous x86/x64, provide several
memory barrier instructions including an instruction sometimes called
"full fence". A full fence ensures that all load and store operations
prior to the fence will have been committed prior to any loads and
stores issued following the fence.
If a core were to start working with outdated data on the dataset, how could it ever get the correct results? It couldn't no matter if the end result were to be presented as-if all was done in the right order.
The key is in the store buffer, which sits between the cache and the CPU, and does this:
Store buffer invisible to remote CPUs
Store buffer allows writes to memory and/or caches to be saved to
optimize interconnect accesses
That means that things will be written to this buffer, and then at some point will the buffer be written to the cache. So the cache could contain a view of data that is not the most recent, and therefore another CPU, through cache coherency, will also not have the latest data. A store buffer flush is necessary for the latest data to be visible, this, I think is essentially what the memory fence will cause to happen at hardware level.
For the code you used as an example, Wikipedia says this:
A memory barrier can be inserted before processor #2's assignment to f
to ensure that the new value of x is visible to other processors at or
prior to the change in the value of f.
Just to make explicit what is implicit in the previous answers, this is correct, but is distinct from memory accesses:
CPUs can execute out of order, However they always retire the results in-order
Retirement of the instruction is separate from performing the memory access, the memory access may complete at a different time to instruction retirement.
Each core will act as if it's own memory accesses occur at retirement, but other cores may see those accesses at different times.
(On x86 and ARM, I think only stores are observably subject to this, but e.g., Alpha may load an old value from memory. x86 SSE2 has instructions with weaker guarentees than normal x86 behaviour).
PS. From memory the abandoned Sparc ROCK could in fact retire out-of-order, it spent power and transistors determining when this was harmless. It got abandoned because of power consumption and transistor count... I don't believe any general purpose CPU has been bought to market with out-of-order retirement.
