Initializing char and string variables in C - c

noob here
I've been doing a lot of research into how to initialize variables in C. I've concluded that it is good practice to always initialize variables. However, I haven't found a definitive answer as to how to initialize variables. For example, how do you initialize a char and a string? Sure you could initialize them however you want, but what is a good zero/blank value to use?
int a = 0;
char b = ?;
char c[] = ???;
Also, what about if you declare and define a variable in a basic program and then use scanf() to get the value from the user? Should you still initialize the variable before you use scanf()?
Thank you in advance.

Initializing variables with zero/dummy/blank values is a bad practice that should be avoided. Not only it makes no sense, it can prevent modern compiler run-time code sanitization tools from detecting read access to variables that have not been assigned proper values.
In modern C you can declare variables anywhere in the executable code. The greatest benefit of this feature is that almost always you can initialize such variables with meaningful values, instead of just zero/dummy/blank values. Take advantage of this. Strive to declare your variables locally, where you are ready to immediately initialize them with meaningful values.
In those rare cases when you have no meaningful value to initialize your variable with, it might be a better idea to leave it uninitialized, instead of initializing it with zero. There are exceptions from this guideline, but they are rare.

Generally speaking, if a variable is going to unconditionally have a value assigned to it at some point after it is declared but before it is read, you don't need to initialize it. You example of the address of a variable being passed to scanf () is a good example of a variable that doesn't need to be initialized.
If a variable needs to have some kind of default value, that's when you need to initialize it. If you find that a variable is read before it is written to, that's a good sign that it needs to be initialized.


Is there anyway to know if a variable has been initialized in C?

I'm currently working on a program which picks up input(via main) and draws different fractals depending on the input.
I'm saving the parsed and converted(to a number)user input, in a structure:
typedef struct
unsigned int xcord,ycord;
typedef struct
int fractalType;
double lstart,lend,lconstant;
double leftangle,rightangle;
point_t drawStart;
The problem I'm having is that certain fractals don't use all the variables contained in the structure, and if a certain fractal is called with a variables it doesn't use I must show an error.
Anyways now on to the problem, I know that variables when DECLARED "pick up " garbage from what was before hand in the assigned memory position. Is there any way to know if a variable has been initialized during run time, as to insure after parsing that no unnecessary variable has been used? (If so I need a cross platform solution)
No, there is no way to find this out directly. Reading from an uninitialized variable invokes undefined behavior and there is no way to recover from that. However, you have a few options to prevent this from happening.
If your variables have meaningful default values, just initialize them to those defaults before doing anything else with them. You still won't be able to tell the difference between a variable that was defaulted and one that just happens to have the same value but if your logic works without that knowledge, then this is perfectly fine. (For example, if you were to plot a sine function f(x) = a + b sin(c x + d), it would be natural to default a and d to 0 and b and c to 1.)
If your parameters don't span the entire value range of the data type, you could initialize them to some sentinel value and check for that before using them. For example, you could use NAN for floating-point values or −1 for quantities of any type that cannot be negative. Many people dislike this solution because it is all too easy to forget checking the value and using the sentinel as if it were a proper value, thus computing garbage. I believe that there is a time and place for every technique but this one is probably indeed overused.
If everything else fails, you can add a flag per variable that indicates whether it has a value. To make this usable, I recommend you create a data type with a reasonable name such as this one.
struct optional_float
bool initialized; // always safe to read, set appropriately
float value; // only safe to read if initialized == true
In C++, you can do much better by using the new std::experimental::optional<T>. But I realize that the C++ tag was removed from your question.
Finally, be sure to run your code through a debugger such as Valgrind or use a sanitizer to detect accidental reads from uninitialized variables.
I don't think there is method to check a variable wether initialiez or not .
As default variable in c has a random value or 0 before you initialize it.
If you want to know wether a variable is initialzed ,you can make a legal value scope of this variable. Before you use it ,you can check wether the value is inside the scope.
The best method in c to safty using variables is checking it by yourself if you are to use it.
why not just initialize that struct with some invalid value, then the problem become whether the value is invalid.

C - Newly declared array contaminated with values from other variables

I'm alarmed to see that a newly declared array is being contiminated with some random values and some partial values from other variables within my C program.
Here's the source code of my function. I'm basically writing some pseudo code in preparation for doing some complex XML parsing and file manipulation (think similar to a mail merge). Anyway I'm concerned if there are random values in my newly declared array. Why isn't it empty of values when I first declare it?
Do I really need to traverse my entire array to set it's elements to blank values before I begin assigning values or is it likely that there's something wrong with other variable declarations in my code?
Thank you for your help.
void ShowArray(void)
char aryString[5][5][255];
int numRow;
int numCol;
for (numRow=1;numRow < 6;numRow++)
for (numCol=1;numCol < 6;numCol++)
printf("%d,%d:%s\n", numRow, numCol,aryString[numRow][numCol]);
Unfortunately you have to initialise the values of every element in an array.
Having random values populating your array and variables when you first declare it is normal. This is because when your computer frees up memory, it doesn't reset them to zero. You computer just allows other programs to overwrite the values in those newly freed memory locations.
Those uninitiallized values are just leftovers from other functions.
A local variable in a function will have an initially undefined value. This is, in fact, what you want, since the alternative would be for the compiler to force an initialization that in most case you don't want, unavoidably slowing your function. It is your responsibility to ensure that any variable has been properly defined before trying to use its value. I have never found this to be a problem.
You are also writing to the [1][5]th string in your code with sprintf. Your aryString variable is of dimensions [5][5][255]. Remember that array indexing in C is 0-based. You should not go beyond the [1][4]th element. You might want to delete that line and try again, because you will end up corrupting your own data by yourself.
Yes, all auto(opposite to static, which is declared explicitly) variables you declare in a function calls for manual initialization. The compiler won't initialize it automatically because it don't know what do you want to be written to that memory. To make it write the default value, which is usually 00000000, to uninitialized variables, write char aryString[5][5][255] = {};, or more commonly, char aryString[5][5][255] = {0};.
Also, the value an uninitialized variable contains is not only a garbage value, but also likely a trap representation, and merely accessing it will cause undefined behavior.

Initialize all variables, always

I am reading the FreeBSD coding style and am quite liking it (as I like vertically compact code). There is however this:
Initialize all Variables
You shall always initialize variables. Always. Every time. gcc with the flag -W may catch operations on uninitialized variables, but
it may also not.
More problems than you can believe are eventually traced back to a pointer or variable left uninitialized.
When there is no appropriate initial value for a variable, isn't it much better to leave it without a value. That way the compiler will probably catch reading it uninitialized. i am not talking about T *p = NULL, which is a trap representation and might (or may not) be quite useful, but rather int personal_number = 0 /* but 0 is a valid personal number!!*/
To clarify, in response to abasu's comment, my example is trying to illustrate cases when there are no available invalid values. I have asked a question and was answered that using impossible values to mark errors or other conditions is awesome. But it is not always the case. Examples are plentiful: 8bit pixel value, velocity vector, etc.
One valid alternative to "Always initialize variables", that I can see is:
//logical place for declarations
T a;
/*code, for example to set up the environment for evaluating a*/
a = fooForA();
/*more code*/
This way if initialization is forgotten, there will be warning and the bug will be fixed, removing the warning.
Are all integers valid personal numbers?
If not, then use an invalid value to initialize personal_number.
If they are, then even when you have not initialized personal_number yourself it still holds a value that is a valid personal number -- but that value is unknown. So initialize it to 0 anyway -- you have not introduced a problem (valid number before, valid number after), the only difference is that the number is now known to you.
Of course in both cases it would be better to not use an integer literal for initialization, but rather do something like this:
int personal_number = INVALID_PERSONAL_NUMBER;
Compilers often don't catch reading variables uninitialized. Instead, they're likely to use that information to make assumptions about the rest of the code to perform optimization, possibly introducing new and worse bugs:
int get_personal_number(const char *name)
int personal_number;
if (name != NULL) {
/* look up name in some array */
personal_number = ...
return personal_number;
An optimising compiler will infer that name cannot be NULL and eliminate the check. Similar issues have caused security bugs; see e.g.
Instead, rewrite your functions to initialize variables with their eventual correct value at declaration; this may require writing lots of small functions, using ternary expressions etc., which is generally better style anyway.
When there is no appropriate initial value for a variable, isn't it much better to leave it without a value.
In my opinion yes. Modern compilers are pretty good at catching uninitialised variable errors and the clang static analyser almost spookily perfect. It's much better to have a compiler catch an issue than put in something that will cause a runtime issue down the line. For instance, initialising a pointer to NULL will suppress the compiler warning but it won't stop the core dump when you try to dereference it.
However, if you are using a modern compiler, you are probably using C99 which means you don't need to declare the variable until you know a sensible value for it. So that's what I would do.
Initializing the variables is always useful and is a good coding practice.
This could be understand with this example:
an uninitialized variable will contain some garbage value in it. And if you didn't initialize it and by mistake you tried to use it. You could get some unpredicted results.
For example:
int test(void)
int a; //uninitialized variable
//You didn't initialize a
if(a > 10)
//Unpredicted result
return 0;
The situation becomes severe in case of bigger programs, where these types of miss are common.
So to avoid silly errors which might otherwise could consume lot of time in debugging them, variables should always be initialized

global variable initialization optimization

Global variables are initialized to "0" by default.
How much difference does it make (if any) when I explicitly assign value "0" to it.
Is any one of them faster/better/more optimized?
I tried with a small sample .c program but I do not see any change in executable size.
Edit:0 I just want to understand the behavior. Its not a bottleneck for me in any way.
The answer to your question is very implementation specific but typically all uninitialized global and static variables end up in the .bss segment. Explicitly initialized variables are located in some other data segment. Both of these will be copied over by the program loader before the execution of main(). So, there shouldn't be any performance difference between explicitly initializing to zero, and leaving the variable uninitialized.
IMO it is good practice to explicitly initialize globals and statics to zero, as it makes it clear that a zero initial value is expected.
When you say optimized, I am assuming you mean faster in execution. If so, then there won't be any difference. And the compiler might even remove the initialization of the global variable (not sure on the compiler internals). And if you mean the space utilization of the program - there won't be a difference in that either.
Bigger question though is - is there a specific reason you are trying to look to optimize via the initialization of global variables. Can you please explain a bit more.
Static objects without an explicit initializer are initialized to zero at startup. Whether you explicitly initialize the object to 0 or not will probably make no difference in term of performance as the compiler usually initialize all the zero objects in one go before main.
// File scope
// Same code is likely to be generated for the two objects initialization
int bla1;
int bla2 = 0;
On the other hand, if you assign 0 instead of initializing, it could make a difference because the compiler could not infer what was the previous value of the object.
void init(void)
bla1 = 0;
bla2 = 0;
I doubt there is a difference, but, even if there is, I have much more doubts about the fact that your program is so optimized that the bottleneck is that.
I'd rather suggest not to care at all about all this kind of issues and write the code as you like, maybe giving way to readability rather than speed, leaving optimization only as a final problem.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
There is none. The optimizer sees that as a no-op.
Explicit initialization is more verbose and clearer to the untrained eye. If you have juniors in your team, I'd explicitly initialize these variables.

Why we must initialize a variable before using it? [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What happens to a declared, uninitialized variable in C? Does it have a value?
Now I'm reading Teach Yourself C in 21 Days. In chapter 3, there is a note like this:
DON'T use a variable that hasn't been initialized. Results can be
Please explain to me why this is the case. The book provide no further clarification about it.
Because, unless the variable has static storage space, it's initial value is indeterminate. You cannot rely on it being anything as the standard does not define it. Even statically allocated variables should be initialized though. Just initialize your variables and avoid a potential headache in the future. There is no good reason to not initialize a variable, plenty of good reasons to do the opposite.
On a side note, don't trust any book that claims to teach you X programming language in 21 days. They are lying, get yourself a decent book.
When a variable is declared, it will point to a piece of memory.
Accessing the value of the variable will give you the contents of that piece of memory.
However until the variable is initialised, that piece of memory could contain anything. This is why using it is unpredictable.
Other languages may assist you in this area by initialising variables automatically when you assign them, but as a C programmer you are working with a fairly low-level language that makes no assumptions about what you want to do with your program. You as the programmer must explicitly tell the program to do everything.
This means initialising variables, but it also means a lot more besides. For example, in C you need to be very careful that you de-allocate any resources that you allocate once you're finished with them. Other languages will automatically clean up after you when the program finished; but in C if you forget, you'll just end up with memory leaks.
C will let you get do a lot of things that would be difficult or impossible in other languages. But this power also means that you have to take responsibility for the housekeeping tasks that you take for granted in those other languages.
You might end up using a variable declared outside the scope of your current method.
Consider the following
int count = 0;
while(count < 500)
count ++;
void doFunction() {
count = sizeof(someString);
In C, using the values of uninitialized automatic variables (non-static locals and parameter variables) that satisfy the requirement for being a register variable is undefined behavior, because such variables values may have been fetched from a register and certain platforms may abort your program if you read such uninitialized values. This includes variables of type unsigned char (this was added to a later C spec, to accommodate these platforms).
Using values of uninitialized automatic variables that do not satisfy the requirement for being a register variable, like variables that have their addresses taken, is fine as long as the C implementation you use hasn't got trap representations for the variable type you use. For example if the variable type is unsigned char, the Standard requires all platforms not to have trap representations stored in such variables, and a read of an indeterminate value from it will always succeed and is not undefined behavior. Types like int or short don't have such guarantees, so your program may crash, depending on the C implementation you use.
Variables of static storage duration are always initialized if you don't do it explicitly, so you don't have to worry here.
For variables of allocated storage duration (malloc ...), the same applies as for automatic variables that don't satisfy the requirements for being a register variable, because in these cases the affected C implementations need to make your program read from memory, and won't run into the problems in which register reads may raise exceptions.
In C the value of an uninitialized variable is indeterminate. This means you don't know its value and it can differ depending on platform and compiler. The same is also true for compounds such as struct and union types.
Why? Sometimes you don't need to initialize a variable as you are going to pass it to a function that fills it and that doesn't care about what is in the variable. You don't want the overhead of initialization imposed upon you.
How? Primitive types can be initialized from literals or function return values.
int i = 0;
int j = foo();
Structures can be zero intialized with the aggregate intializer syntax:
struct Foo { int i; int j; }
struct Foo f = {0};
At the risk of being pedantic, the statement
DON'T use a variable that hasn't been initialized.
is incorrect. If would be better expressed:
Do not use the value of an uninitialised variable.
The language distinguishes between initialisation and assignment, so the first warning is, in that sense over cautious - you need not provide an initialiser for every variable, but you should have either assigned or initialised a variable with a useful and meaningful value before you perform any operations that subsequently use its value.
So the following is fine:
int i ; // uninitialised variable
i = some_function() ; // variable is "used" in left of assignment expression.
some_other_function( i ) ; // value of variable is used
even though when some_function() is called i is uninitialised. If you are assigning a variable, you are definitely "using" it (to store the return value in this case); the fact that it is not initialised is irrelevant because you are not using its value.
Now if you adhere to
Do not use the value of an uninitialised variable.
as I have suggested, the reason for this requirement becomes obvious - why would you take the value of a variable without knowing that it contained something meaningful? A valid question might then be "why does C not initialise auto variables with a known value. And possible answers to that would be:
Any arbitrary compiler supplied value need not be meaningful in the context of the application - or worse, it may have a meaning that is contrary to the actual state of the application.
C was deliberately designed to have no hidden overhead due to its roots as systems programming language - initialisation is only performed when explicitly coded, because it required additional machine instructions and CPU cycles to perform.
Note that static variables are always initialised to zero. .NET languages, such as C# have the concept of an null value, or a variable that contains nothing, and that can be explicitly tested and even assigned. A variable in C cannot contain nothing, but what it contains can be indeterminate, and therefore code that uses its value will behave non-deterministically.
