SSRS report only works with a specific user and for the other users, it stucks in loading forever - sql-server

I have some reports deployed by SSRS 2016. They were working perfectly until yesterday. Now There is only one user can use them and the other can just see the reports name. If the other users try to run the reports it is going to stuck in loading stage and nothing more happens. I took a look at SQL Server profiler, the only time that report sends the query to the database is when that specific user runs the reports.
All the users are in the same domain.
Let me know if you need more info. Thanks.

It's fixed by changing Service Account setting (from Network Service to domain user) in Reporting Services Configuration Manager.


Snowflake SSRS ODBC error : No active warehouse selected in the current session. Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command

I'm using SSRS (SQL Server reporting services) to display reports, my datasource is Snowflake
I have installed the ODBC snowflake driver and configured it properly
Click here to view the ODBC configuration
I have created a shared datasource on the SSRS server (via Report manager) and put in my own credentials and the connection works fine
Click here to view the connection on the SSRS Server
I'm able to build the SSRS report without any issues, when I run the report, everything works fine, I can publish the report on the server and the report renders perfectly fine on the browser
The issue is when i go back to the report the next day, i'm presented with an error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset
'insert_name_of_my_dataset_here'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
ERROR [57P03] No active warehouse selected in the current session.
Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command.
So, this also means that the following doesn't work neither:
Cache refresh
The only thing that works is if I open my report in SSRS Report builder, I right-click EACH of my datasets ("each" is very important, it doesn't work if i don't do all of them), I run the queries manually for each of them, and then the "connection" or "session" is "re-activated" and the report runs fine, both locally AND on the server...note i do not have to re-publish the report on the server for it to run
Click here to view screenshots of my process
Steps I have taken to addresss the issue (that didn't yield any resolution):
I have tried putting the "use warehouse WAREHOUSE_NAME;" command before each dataset's SQL script, but Snowflake's API doesn't allow multiple SQL commands to be sent, so I already saw that this functionality was in the development pipeline for Snowflake and found this link: - this work was started in 2018 and the last update dates from Apr 2019 that says they are starting to address the JDBC mention for the ODBC driver yet
I have set the snowflake parameter client-session-keep-alive to true (, but according to the community portal: A similar "keep alive" parameter is not currently available for the ODBC driver. Instead, you could issue a dummy query every few hours to keep the connection alive. (
List item
I have tried to create a cache refresh plan or a snapshot schedule that creates a snapshot or caches the report every 3 hours, and it works for the first schedule, but fails with the error for the other ones
The only thing I didn't try is to have snowflake never close the connection and keep the warehouse in the "started" state indefinitely...but this would increase my cost, and i'm pretty sure it won't work since the session would end anyways after 4 hours...
Any assistance is welcome!
SSRS 2014
Snowflake X-small
ODBC-64 bit driver, installed from the
snowflake driver repository (tested with 32-bit also, but 64-bit is
the one that is visible to SSRS)
I faced the same kind of issue and fixed adding the corresponding role with the data warehouse.
In the data warehouse add role with USAGE.
Could it be related with the data warehouse name (in the ODBC settings)? Is there a typo? COSNUMER_WH or CONSUMER_WH?
I strongly recommend setting default "context" configurations for situations like this, setting default role, warehouse, database, and schema with commands such as this:

SSRS Ad-Hoc report stuck on loading screen

I'm seeing a bizarre issue that is occurring daily when trying to run a report via the SSRS portal. Upon clicking the report, the entire screen grays out and pops up a Loading notification, which never advances. This is not the Loading message you get when running the report. The process never gets to the report screen (no report menu items, etc.). There are no errors in the log files, and the report execution is not attempted (nothing in the execution log in the ReportServer database for these reports). I've tried setting the recycle time to several days out then restarted the service, but the issue recurred the next day, even within less than the 12 hours of the default setting. The only thing that clears the issue is a restart of the Reporting Services service. This seems to work the rest of the day, but the following morning, ad hoc reports won't run. All scheduled reports are running successfully so this appears to be an issue with the portal. When this occurs, the same loading screen appears when trying to view subscriptions. All other functions on the portal seem to work.
Environment is as follows:
2 servers (1 RDBMS, 1 SSRS)
SQL Server 2016 (13.0.4260 for SSRS)
SQL Server 2016 (13.0.4466.4 for RDBMS)
Windows Server 2012 R2

Reporting Server Credential Issue

We have performance tracking reports that refresh every 5 minutes to allow operators to continuously track how they're doing. We operate 24/7 and these operator PC's do not log-off. When we first pull up these reports Report Server will occasionally ask us for our Windows Credentials. Once entered the report will run and auto-refresh for the rest of the day. But after about 24 hours or so a refresh will fail and require the credentials to be refreshed. Either by entering them in when prompted, locking/unlocking Windows, or by logging off and back on. Most of our operators do not know the shared windows account and password that their PC uses.
We're looking for a configuration change on the Server that would allow any user that knows the link to the rdl to be able to view the reports without needing to enter credentials. We are using Windows Server 2012. The data source credentials are saved in each data source, the credentials are being prompted by the server, and not by the report itself.

SQL 2k8 reporting services authentication through DMZ

I have SQL 2k8 server and reporting services installed on a server inside a domain. I also have a webserver that is outside the domain. I'm trying to run a reporting services report from the webserver (either through a URL or the report viewer component).
I have managed to authenticate (as detailed in
this post
), and now the report kind of runs; the reporting service website loads with the 'run report' button and the parameters bar etc, however the report itself doesn't show, and all the images associated with the report web-page (e.g. arrows for 'next' and 'back' and things) don't load. I'm guessing this is because everything points to resources inside the domain, which are unavailable from outside?
To summarise, my question can be stated: how do I run a SQL reporting services report hosted on a machine in a domain, from outside the domain?
Well, this certainly is possible. So something must be not quite right.
If you access the ReportServer.aspx page directly, and supply arguments in the form of a get-request, then you'll get a very spartan looking appearance. Could you clarify the circumstance when you're seeing this barren report? Is it when you use a direct-url, or through the report viewer?

Reporting Services Report Manager Generating Report Message

We are using reporting services for our reports and are currently using the Report Manager application to allow users to run reports. The report manager application can be accessed from outside our firewall, so we have configured reporting services so that the report manager web application is on a separate server than the report server web service.
This configuration is working great, except when a user runs a report it does not show the 'Generating Report' message while the report is being generated. The screen does not change and shows no indication that it is working on generating the report. It does generate the report correctly, and everything works correctly, it just does not give the user any indication that the report is being generated.
I have only had this problem when we have the report manager and reportserver webservice on separate servers. I have done a lot of searching but have not found any information about what could be causing this or how I could possibly fix this issue. I would really appreciate any suggestions on how this can be fixed so that the user does get an indication that the report is being generated.
The 'generating report' message does display for a split second before the report is rendered. For example if a long report takes five minutes to run, I will get nothing for five minutes, then for a split second I will get the 'generating report' message and then it will show the report.
Thank You,
Run it on the Report Server and do a view source when the "Generating Report" message is displayed.
Do the same on the other server when the "Generating Report" message should be displayed.
I suspect that some files/images might be missing.
Have you run SQL Profiler on both machines to see what is going on when you run the report? I have seen three server configurations where the ReportManager, the RS catalog db, and the SQL database were on separate machines and there was an enormous load on the RS catalog machine which brought everything to a standstill.
Hope this helps,
