Using Private Repo NPM Package as Dependency With Source Files Needing Compilation - angularjs

Can't find a good answer anywhere. We have a private Github repo that is an Angular module and the source needs to be built (concat, minified, etc.) and put in a dist file when consumed or installed as a dependency.
dist is ignored, so it never resides on Github (tried tracking this, too many conflicts with several developers)
we are currently using a post install hook to build the dependency package source (this does NOT seem like the right thing to do, also forces the project consuming the dependency package to have the necessary build dependencies)
Q What is the right way (or the common ways) to build a private repo npm package dependency, resulting in a dist folder with the proper built files?


Is it possible to create a map of all imports from a react project?

as above, im curious if there is a way to produce a flow chart or something similar that shows what the structure of imports is from a meteor/react project. it would speed up my development time considerably.
id like something like:
---mycomponent1 from mycomponent1.js
------mycomponent2 from my component2.js
-------anothercomponent from anothercompoent.js
---yetanotherone from yetanotherone.js
for the entire tree of imports in the project.
something similar to a tree command but that breaks down the flow of what imports what and where.
Meteor has built-in bundle visualizer.
You can run it by meteor --production --extra-packages bundle-visualizer or npm run visualize from your project root.
Also if you mostly interested about your npm modules there is build in npm command npm ls which prints out your npm dependency tree.
And of course as it mentioned in other answer there are tons on npm of packages that do similar tasks depending on your needs. For example you can try these keywords:npm packages tree on npmjs search.
What about this tool:
Madge is a developer tool for generating a visual graph of your module
dependencies, finding circular dependencies, and give you other useful
info. Joel Kemp's awesome dependency-tree is used for extracting the
dependency tree.
Works for JavaScript (AMD, CommonJS, and ES6 modules)
Also works for CSS preprocessors (Sass, Stylus, and Less)
NPM installed dependencies are excluded by default (can be enabled)
All core Node.js modules (assert, path, fs, etc) are excluded
Will traverse child dependencies automatically

What is the purpose of each file in the React Native file architecture?

I started to use React Native recently and, following the oficial docs, I initialized a project using npx react-native init ProjectName.
I'm not sure if the tools versions matters (probably yes), but i'm using npm version 6.13.7, react-native-cli version 2.0.1 and react-native 0.62.2. With that config, the file architecture i that get is the following:
I seached about it, but i not found an answer. So, can someone please explain to me what is the purpose of each file in this file architecture and which of these files can i remove?
Thank you in advance :D
This file holds all of the dependencies of modules that your app is using and needed to install for running your app.
yarn.lock files yarn and package-lock.json
These two files hold the version of your dependencies yarn.lock package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm or yarn modifies either the node_modules tree or package.json. It describes the exact tree that was generated, such that subsequent installs are able to generate identical trees, regardless of intermediate dependency updates.
This file holds your application name etc.
This file holds configs related to babel, Babels is a transpiler that transpile ES6 to ES5.
This is the entry point of your application form where your react-native code start executing.
EsLint and Prettier
These file related to maintaining the code indentation, Unused imports, extra, spacing, these files holds configs related to these things(EsLint and prettier are used to avoid above-mentioned things).
watchman watches the code changes when the packager is running, so this file have configs about this.
Flow is been used for type checking so it holds the configs related to this.
This folder holds all of the modules that your app is been using also lited down in your package.json.
And then there is Android(which holds native android code), IOS(which holds native ios code), and other JS files which holds code react-native js code.

How to convert React related node packages in repository to ES5?

As a newbie I am trying to understand what the logic is under the hoods for react packages in repository.
I find it a little bit strange since some modules that I install works flawlessly with my application (such as react-motion), where some reject to work by giving Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import error (such as react-sortable-pane).
What I understood up to now is it has something to do with ES5. The modules that are implemented with ES6 or ES7 must be converted to ES5.
My question is, how can I understand if a package is not ES5 compatible and what can I do to convert it to ES5 during or after I used yarn add command to install the package to my node_modulesdirectory?
TL:DR Transpile your code or use:
import { SortablePane, Pane } from 'react-sortable-pane/lib/react-sortable-pane.es5';
First things first.
Two main folders Src and Lib
A common convention for javascript projects is to put all of your development code into a folder called src. This folder may contain code such as ES5 or ES6 depending on what the developer wants to work with.
The other main folder is usually called lib which contains all code from src that is transpiled (with babel for example from ES6 to ES5), converted and usually bundled (webpack minify for example) so that it can work in the browsers that that npm package supports (varies from package to package obviously). This folder only contains code that is relevant to the user using the package, i.e. all tests are not converted and bundled because their is no reason to.
Entry Point
The other important part for npm packages is the entry point for the npm package. By default NodeJS will look for an index.js file in the imported package (I think). This can be overwritten by supplying the main key in package.json.
Example in react-motion's package.json:
"main": "lib/react-motion.js"
We can see that this points to lib. But where is the lib folder on their Github??? It's not their because usually you don't want to check in a lib folder to source control because it's just transpiled for the npm package.
We can confirm this by installing react-motion and looking in node_modules/react-motion. The lib folder here exists with transpiled code that is ready to be used in any browser without babel.
But why don't all npm packages do this for me!?!??!
Most do and they should do really. I do in my packages.
The react-sortable-plane npm package is using this instead "jsnext:main": "./lib/react-sortable-pane.js" which basically means it uses ES5 syntax everywhere but with import/export and I haven't seen before because it isn't widely used.
As to why they just use import/export with ES5 features I presume it's because import/export has become standard now but I am not sure.
You will still have to transpile this package if you want older browser support or just import the .es5.js file, e.g:
import { SortablePane, Pane } from 'react-sortable-pane/lib/react-sortable-pane.es5';
Hope this helps. I know it's confusing with so many damn environments like UMD, Common, Node etc...
The solution is to account for any version of Javascript and use a transpiler to make sure that various JS versions which might be in your code and imported modules will be covered by your transpiler's configuration. Going through your modules and trying to figure out which version of Javascript they use isn't a practical exercise. Most projects have a bunch of dependencies, and all those packages have their own dependencies. So you'll end up going down a rabbit hole.
Babel is probably the most well known transpiler. With the right configuration you can have ES5, 6 or 7 code and it will transpile it all into the same JS type so it can run in all standard browser versions.
Basically the answer isn't to try and deduce what ES type your modules are, it's to create a build process that can handle the different types.

Trying to NPM publish and install a custom angular2 component with Angular-CLI; only compiles the first time

I'm having a most unusual and frustrating problem.
I have an Ng2 component called via-date-picker that I am trying to NPM publish so that it can be easily used in other projects. In order to do so, I have made it into an Angular2 component library. The via-date-picker exports a module called ViaDatePickerModule, which I want to import elsewhere.
In order to test and make sure that it is being published correctly, I am NPM-installing and importing it into an otherwise empty Angular-CLI project that I am calling npm-test.
So I run my npm-test application using "ng serve", and I get this error:
ERROR in ViaDatePickerModule is not an NgModule
webpack: Failed to compile
Yet despite that error, the project compiles anyway:
And when I open up my project, lo and behold, everything works!!
But this only happens the first time that I run the project. On successive attempts to run the project via "ng serve", I get the same compilation error, but this time the project just flat-out refuses to complete it's compilation:
I have no idea why I'm getting this error, and why Angular-CLI will run my project sometimes but not others.
I've scoured the web for answers and tried every solution I can find for this error, as well as every other thing I can think of:
I've tried adjusting the tsConfig settings in my component library
I've tried using rollup.js instead of gulp.js to build my component library
I've tried copying existing, working component libraries, then carefully swapping out the existing code for my own
I've downgraded Angular CLI
I've upgraded Angular CLI
I've downgrade Typescript
I've upgraded Typescript
I've deleted and re-installed node_modules several times
I've deleted and re-started my whole project twice
No matter what I do, I keep coming to the same webpack error that I posted above; that ViaDatePickerModule is not an NgModule. I'm completely out of ideas. Any help that anyone could provide would be crazy helpful.
For the sake of complete thoroughness, I've created a public repo on github here containing all the files involves, divided into two main directories:
COMPONENT_BEFORE_PUBLISHING: contains the component library from which I am running "npm publish"
WHAT_IS_IMPORTED_INTO_NODE_MODULES: contains the resulting directory that is being imported into the node_modules directory of my npm-test project
Again, any help that anyone could provide would be extremely, extremely appreciated! Really, I would be eternally grateful.
If you are %100 sure that ALL of your consumers will import your components, modules ...etc from a TS project such as angular-cli. You can publish your TS source directly without transpiling. Ie. you'll be publishing static .ts files that can be imported in any project that will do the transpiling for you.
However, if your want your library to also be consumed as a JS es5 or es6 module, then you should transpile.
Also, you can try the angular compiler ngc instead of the typescript compiler tsc? ngc is a wrapper around tsc. You could start there, There are many library starters put there that can help you start an angular library and get it optimized for AOT compilation.

Why is the node_modules folder not committed to Git?

When I create an AngularJS project with
yo angular
it creates a node_modules/ directory but puts that directory in .gitignore. When I clone the project elsewhere and run
grunt server
I get
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn't found or
grunt hasn't been installed locally to your project. For more
information about installing and configuring grunt, please see the
Getting Started guide:
The getting started guide doesn't say anything about how to handle the missing node_modules/ directory however.
The node_modules/ directory is missing deliberately because yeoman put it in .gitignore.
What's the right way to use Yeoman and Grunt in this case?
Is there some better documentation for Yeoman and Grunt?
That is the correct behaviour. The contents of node_modules is not meant to be committed to source control. The idea behind npm is that it tracks all required node dependencies in a file called package.json. This file should be committed to source control. Then on a different machine, you can check out the code and run
npm install
This looks at the package.json file and downloads all required files from the cloud and puts them all into a new node_modules directory.
If you do enough searching on the topic you'll eventually run across the following article which states that if you're building an application that you should check-in your dependencies. Reliance on package.json can cause issues as module authors publish updates, a better solution is to use
npm shrinkwrap
which creates a file locking down your dependencies and your dependencies dependencies but even this can be brittle as it is possible for a module author to re-publish the same version with different code.
Since yo angular is creating an application IMHO node_modules should not be included in .gitignore, however as I just rudely discovered if you're on Windows there's a significant chance that you can't check-in the modules in that folder due to path lengths...sigh.
