I am running Data Flow Task (OLEDB source to Flat File Destination). Copying 36 columns data from SQL server to flat file with defined length for each field.
For first column i have defined column width as 5 (String), but actual value in 4 character and 5th Character should be NULL in the Flat file.
In database actual Date column value is "2012-01-31 00:00:00.000" , but i want to read only first 16 digits and write to flat file.
Please suggest how to do this.
I am not sure, what settings to be done to get data as shown in the below image.
in the destination database I have a decimal field (15,2) and in the source of the etl the field is in a csv file, automatically ssis recognizes it as DT_STR data type what I did was change it to DT_NUMERIC 18 0 in the advanced editor. but when I run I get the error mentioned in the title of this question. I appreciate your help
I am trying to export an OLEDB source (from a stored procedure) to an UTF-8 flat file, but am getting the following error:
[Flat File Destination [2]]
Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "name" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
The name column is defined in the stored procedure as nvarchar(30).
In the advanced editor of the OLEDB source, I have the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage set to true and the DefaultCodePage set to 65001.
In the advanced editor for the flat file for the External Columns and Input columns, the Data Type is Unicode string [DT-WSTR] with a length of 30.
The connection manager for the flat file has the Unicode checkbox un-checked and the Code page is: 65001 (UTF-8).
I am stumped right now and any help would be appreciated.
I added a redirect of errors and truncations to a flat file destination but nothing was sent to the file.
Also, when I have a data viewer on the OLE DB source it comes up with all the records.
The data viewer for the Destination also shows all the records. The length of the name in both viewers is 30 characters (from Excel).
I gave up on getting the data flow to work and coded a C# script task instead.
I changed the output of my data flow to produce a Unicode file by checking the Unicode check box in the flat file connection manager.
I then have the new C# script read the Unicode file one line at a time and output the line to another flat file using Encoding.UTF8 adding a new line character at the end of the line variable.
After the new file is created, I delete the input file and rename the new file to be the same path and name as the original input file. This is also done in the C# script.
I have an SSIS job to import data from a flat file into an SQL Server table. I'm having an issue regarding the encoding of the source file and destination table.
The file is an UTF8 encoded CSV file with some standard accented latin characters (ãóé, etc). My destination table is defined as having the Latin1_General_CI_AS Collation, which means I can manually insert the following text with no problem: "JOÃO ANTÓNIO".
When I declare the Flat File source, it automatically determines the file as having the 65001 code page (UTF-8), and infers the string [DT_STR] data type for each column. However, the SSIS package automatically assumes the destination table as having the 1252 Code Page, giving me the following error:
Validation error. <STEPNAME>: <STEPNAME>: The code page 65002 specified on output column "<MYCOLUMN>" (180) is not valid. Select a different code page for output column "<MYCOLUMN>".
I understand why, since the database collation is defined as having that Code Page. However, if I try to set the Flat File datasource as having the Latin1 1252 encoding, the SSIS executes but it imports characters incorrectly:
JOÃO ANTÓNIO (Flat File)-> JOAO ANTÓNIO (Database).
I have already tried to configure the flat file source as being unicode compliant, but then when after I configure each column as having a unicode compliant data type, i can't update the destination step since SSIS infers data types directly from the database and doesn't allow me to change them.
Is there a way to keep the flat file source as being CP 1252, but also importing the correct characters? What am I missing here?
Thanks to Larnu's comment i've been able to get around this problem.
Since SSIS doesn't allow implicit data conversion, I needed to set up a data conversion step first (Derived Column Transformation). Since the source columns were already set up as DTSTR[65002], i had to configure new derived columns form an expression, converting from the source code page into the destination code page, with the following expression:
(DT_STR, 50, 1252)<SourceColumn>
Where a direct cast to DT_STR is being made, stating the column will have a maximum size of 50 characters and the data will be represented with the 1252 code page.
I have a source file, has columns names with length as more than 100.
Column name are same upto 80 characters and remaining 20 characters will be different, please find below example.
While i am loading this file in to ssis, full column name is not loading and it is trimming.
Error thrown was
There is more than one data source column with same
Please help me how to get full metadata from excel
I am trying to load data from an Excel .csv file to a flat file format to use as a datasource in a Data Services job data flow which then transfers the data to an SQL-Server (2012) database table.
I consistently lose 1 in 6 records.
I have tried various parameter values in the file format definition and settled on setting Adaptable file scheme to "Yes", file type "delimited", column delimeter "comma", row delimeter {windows new line}, Text delimeter ", language eng(English) and all else as defaults.
I have also set "write errors to file" to "yes" but it just creates an empty error file (I expected the 6,000 odd unloaded rows to be in here).
If we strip out three of the columns containing special characters (visible in XL) it loads a treat so I think these characters are the problem.
The thing is, we need the data in those columns and unfortunately, this .csv file is as good a data source as we are likely to get and it is always likely to contain special characters in these three columns so we need to be able to read it in if possible.
Should I try to specifically strip the columns in the Query source component of the dataflow? Am I missing a data-cleansing trick in the query or file format definition?
OK so didn't get the answer I was looking for but did get it to work by setting the "Row within Text String" parameter to "Row delimiter".