Share image painted on a larger graphics than the screen itself - codenameone

The code bellow will paint he component on the image graphics - but it will translate it - instead of fitting it to the size of the graphics.
int ratio = 2;
Image screenshotImage = Image.createImage(getWidth()* ratio,getHeight()* ratio);
c.paintComponent(screenshotImage.getGraphics(), true);
I cannot use the the image and just scale it because some of the content will be truncated.
Can the component paint itself on image graphics with specified size.
Many thanks

if(c instanceof Container) {
c.paintComponent(myImage.getGraphics(), true);
// add c back to it's parent container and revalidate
If the component is currently on a form you would want to undo all of that by calling revalidate on the parent form afterwards.


best way in linux to display gif gif87a image from C

What would be the best way, in linux from gnu C and not C++, to display a gif87a file on screen and redisplay it in the same location on the screen so the user can observe changes that are made on the fly to the dataset? This is not an animated gif.
in some old code (fortran77) that has a C wrapper which takes an image that was displayed on the screen and writes it to a gif file, there is a comment about X Window Applications Programming, Ed. 2, Johnson & Reichard that was used as a reference to write the C code to display image data to the screen and write a gif87a file, and this code was written around 1995, the onscreen display of the image no longer works (just a black window) but the creation of the gif file still works. What i would like to do is from the existing C code, in SLES version 11.4 with the libraries that are available to open the gif file and display it on screen. The image, or contour plot, has a color bar that the user sets the min/max value for to display the image to their liking and it would be preferable to make it as easy & efficient for the user to adjust those min max values then redraw the image (re-write the gif then redisplay on screen in same location). There's also a handful of other knobs that the user can turn, such as windowing of the dat (hamming or han) and it would be best if the user can quickly/easily run though about 5+ ways of looking at the image before settling on what is considered correct then using that final gif that was created in powerpoint, excel, etc.
Writing an X11 application is non-trivial. You can display a GIF (or any one of around 200 image formats) using ImageMagick which is included in most Linux distros and is available for macOS. Windows doesn't count.
So, you can create images and manipulate images from the command line, or in C if you want. So, let's create a GIF that is 1024x768 and full of random colours:
convert -size 1024x768 xc:blue +noise random -pointsize 72 -gravity center -annotate 0 "10" image.gif
Now we can display it, using ImageMagick's display program:
display image.gif &
Now we can get its X11 "window-id" with:
xprop -root
_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x600011
Now you can change the image, however you like with filters and blurs and morphology and thresholds and convolutions:
convert image.gif -threshold 80% -morphology erode diamond -blur 0x3 -convolve "3x3: -1,0,1, -2,0,2, -1,0,1" ... image.gif
And then tell the display program to redraw the window with:
display -window 0x600011 image.gif
Here is a little script that generates images with a new number in the middle of each frame and updates the screen:
for ((t=0;t<100;t++)) ; do
convert -size 640x480 xc:blue +noise random -pointsize 72 -fill white -gravity center -annotate 0 "$t" image.gif
display -window 0x600011 image.gif
Now all you need to do is find a little Python or Tcl/Tk library that draws some knobs and dials, reads their positions and changes the image accordingly and tells the screen to redraw.
As a result of the lack of enthusiasm for my other answer, I thought I'd have another attempt. I had a quick look and learn of Processing which is a very simple language, very similar to C but much easier to program.
Here is a screen shot of it loading a GIF and displaying a couple of twiddly knobs - one of which I attached to do a threshold on the image.
Here's the code - it is not the prettiest in the world because it is my first ever code in Processing but you should be able to see what it is doing and adapt to your needs:
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
int myColorBackground = color(0,0,0);
int knobValue = 100;
float threshold=128;
Knob myKnobA;
Knob myKnobB;
PImage src,dst; // Declare a variable of type PImage
void setup() {
// Make a new instance of a PImage by loading an image file
src = loadImage("image.gif");
// The destination image is created as a blank image the same size as the source.
dst = createImage(src.width, src.height, RGB);
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
myKnobA = cp5.addKnob("some knob")
myKnobB = cp5.addKnob("threshold")
.setColorBackground(color(0, 160, 100))
void draw() {
for (int x = 0; x < src.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < src.height; y++ ) {
int loc = x + y*src.width;
// Test the brightness against the threshold
if (brightness(src.pixels[loc]) > threshold) {
dst.pixels[loc] = color(255); // White
} else {
dst.pixels[loc] = color(0); // Black
// We changed the pixels in destination
// Display the destination
void knob(int theValue) {
threshold = color(theValue);
println("a knob event. setting background to "+theValue);
void keyPressed() {
switch(key) {
Here are some links I used - image processing, P5 library of widgets and knobs.

How to control/scale image size in Codename One?

I used the (new) GUI Builder and inserted an image (by way of adding a Label). However, it appears too big. Is there anyway I can scale and control the size? (I saw something which points to cloudinary but that seems too complicated. I just want to simply scale down the image.)
There are several ways to resize images in Codename One and I will mention few below:
Use MultiImages in the GUI Builder. With this multiple sizes of images are generated from one image based on the sizes you specified. In your GUI Builder, Click Images -> Add Multi Images -> Select your image -> Check Preserve Aspect Ratio -> Increase the % that represents the percentage of the screen width you want the image to occupy. Set any DPI you don't require to 0.
Use ScaledImageLabel or ScaledImageButton, it will resize the image the fill available space the component is occupying.
Scale the image itself in code (This is not efficient, though):
public static Image getImageFromTheme(String name) {
try {
Resources resFile = Resources.openLayered("/theme");
Image image = resFile.getImage(name);
return image;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
//Log.p("Image " + name + " not found: " + ioe);
return null;
Image resizedImage = getImageFromTheme("myImage").scaledWidth(Math.round(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() / 10)); //change value as necessary
Mutate the image (Create an image from another image).

How do you show a video in it's correct dimensions in codenameOne?

I am displaying videos on a form but the video is always stretched to a square. I can't get hold of any video component to get it's true size. This is the code to display video:
imageVideoContainer = new Container(new BorderLayout(BorderLayout.CENTER_BEHAVIOR_SCALE)) {
protected Dimension calcPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth(), Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth());
media = MediaManager.createMedia(FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath() + movePath, true);
mp = new MediaPlayer(media);
imageVideoContainer.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mp);
container = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
If I don't overwrite the calcPreferredSize it doesn't display at all. Any help appreciated. I've tried debugging to look into Media Player to get something that has a size but can't find anything.
The problem is that until the video is loaded the size isn't there. So when you add it to the form it's preferred size will be 0.
You then add it to center absolute which requires preferred size to position/size the video. A solution can be to start the video then call revalidate() to redo the layout and position the video correctly.

Codename One rounded image from an internet source

I am trying to display a rounded image that I get straight from the Internet.
I used the code below to create a round mask, get the image from the Internet, then tried to either set the mask on the image or the label itself. None of these approaches worked. If I remove the mask, the image is displayed fine. If I keep the code to set the mask then all I see is an empty white circle.
I have the idea that if I apply the mask on the image itself, then it may not take effect because the image was not downloaded at the time the mask was applied.
But I don't seem to understand why calling setMask on the label is also not working.
// Create MASK
Image maskImage = Image.createImage(w, l);
Graphics g = maskImage.getGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, w, l);
g.fillArc(0, 0, w, l, 0, 360);
Object mask = maskImage.createMask();
com.cloudinary.Cloudinary cloudinary = new com.cloudinary.Cloudinary(ObjectUtils.asMap(
"cloud_name", "REMOVED",
"api_key", "REMOVED",
"api_secret", "REMOVED"));
// Disable private CDN URLs as this doesn't seem to work with free accounts
cloudinary.config.privateCdn = false;
Image placeholder = Image.createImage(150, 150);
EncodedImage encImage = EncodedImage.createFromImage(placeholder, false);
Image img2 = cloudinary.url()
.type("fetch") // Says we are fetching an image
.format("jpg") // We want it to be a jpg
new Transformation()
.radius("max").width(150).height(150).crop("thumb").gravity("faces").image(encImage, "");
Label label = new Label(img2);
label.setMask(mask); // also tried to do img2.applyMask(mask); before passing img2
So I tried various things:
1) Removing the mask that was set through cloudinary - That did not work
2) applied the mask to the placeholder & encoded image (as expected these shouldnt affect the final version that is getting published)
3) This is what works! I am not sure if the issue is really with downloading the picture before or after applying the mask.. time can tell down the road
Label label = new Label();
img2.applyMask(mask); // If you remove this line , the image will no longer be displayed, I will only see a rounded white circle ! I am not sure what this is doing, it might be simply stalling the process until the image is downloaded? or maybe somehow calling repaint or revalidate
label.setIcon( img2.applyMask(mask));
Here is what worked for me if anyone else is having similar issues:
Image maskImage = Image.createImage(w, l);
Graphics g = maskImage.getGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, w, l);
g.fillArc(0, 0, w, l, 0, 360);
Object mask = maskImage.createMask();
com.cloudinary.Cloudinary cloudinary = new com.cloudinary.Cloudinary(ObjectUtils.asMap(
"cloud_name", "REMOVED",
"api_key", "REMOVED",
"api_secret", "REMOVED"));
// Disable private CDN URLs as this doesn't seem to work with free accounts
cloudinary.config.privateCdn = false;
Image placeholder = Image.createImage(w, l);
EncodedImage encImage = EncodedImage.createFromImage(placeholder, false);
Image img2 = cloudinary.url()
.type("fetch") // Says we are fetching an image
.format("jpg") // We want it to be a jpg
new Transformation()
.image(encImage, url);
// Add the image to a label and place it on the form.
Label label = new Label();
img2.applyMask(mask); // If you remove this line , the image will no longer be displayed, I will only see a rounded white circle ! I am not sure what this is doing, it might be simply stalling the process until the image is downloaded? or maybe somehow calling repaint or revalidate
label.setIcon( img2.applyMask(mask));
Shai, I seriously appreciate your time!! Thank you very much. Will have to dig more into it if it gives me any other problems later but it seems to consistently work for now.
The Cloudinary API returns a URLImage which doesn't work well with the Label.setMask() method because, technically, a URLImage is an animated image (it is a placeholder image until it finishes loading, and then "animates" to become the target image).
I have just released a new version of the cloudinary cn1lib which gives you a couple of options for working around this.
I have added two new image() methods. One that takes an ImageAdapter parameter that you can use to apply the mask to the image itself, before setting it as the icon for the label. Then you wouldn't use Label.setMask() at all.
See javadocs for this method here
The other method uses the new Async image loading APIs underneath to load the image asynchronously. The image you receive in the callback is a "real" image so you can use it with a mask normally.
See javadocs for this method here
We are looking at adding a soft warning to the Label.setMask() and setIcon() methods if you try to add an "animated" image and mask it so that it is more clear.
I think the making code you set to the label might be conflicting with the masking code you get from Cloudinary.

WPF Canvas to animated gif with transparent background to display on svg canvas

In my web project, I need dynamically render XAML frames to animated gif. It's working now - I'm rendering each frame to png with this code:
// Save current canvas transform
var transform = surface.LayoutTransform;
// reset current transform (in case it is scaled or rotated)
surface.LayoutTransform = null;
// Get the size of canvas
var size = new System.Windows.Size(surface.Width, surface.Height);
// Measure and arrange the surface
surface.Arrange(new Rect(size));
// Create a render bitmap and push the surface to it
var renderBitmap =
new RenderTargetBitmap(
Bitmap bmp;
// Create a file stream for saving image
using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
// Use png encoder for our data
var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
// push the rendered bitmap to it
// save the data to the stream
bmp = new Bitmap(stream);
return bmp;
and then creating animated gif with MagickImage.
But when I'm putting it on a web page (on svg canvas), background isn't transparent, but black.
How to make it transparent?
You have to ensure that you have the transparent flag set. You will also have to get the index of the transparent colour and ensure that is set as well and ensure that all transparent pixels index the transparent colour index (note the transparent pixel can have any RGB value).
I had a look at the MagickImage documentation and it gave me nothing on GIF. Then I looked at your code again and you are encoding a png not a gif. I found the gif info and well maybe you gave an intermediate step. The API does not have anything about GIF all I can do is give you the details on the gif data block so you can find the correct flags and settings yourself.
The stuff you have to change is in the GCE block before the start of every image data block.
Correct settings for transparent
options.delay = 2; //what ever you want Dont go under 2 as many gif renderers are limited to 50frames a second. Frame delay in 1/100 secs
options.transparentFlag = true; // This must be true for transparent
options.transparentIndex = transColour; //The 8 bit index of the transparent colour
// this must be set correctly for transparent to work.
options.dispose = 3; //use 3 or 2 if you want transparency;
Writing the GCE block
// the following is writing the GCE block that must be included before every image
// write writes an array or single byte to the stream
// shortData creates a Little-endian 16 bit short (high byte first) byte array
GCE_ID = 0xf9; // GCE block indentifier
GCE_size = 4; // block length
write([0x21 , GCE_ID , GCE_size]); // extension introducer
0 + // bits 8:7 reserved
(options.dispose << 2) + // bits 5:4:3:2 disposal method
(options.transparentFlag?1:0)); // 1 transparency flag
write( shortData(options.delay) ); // delay x 1/100 sec
write( options.transparentIndex ); // transparent color index
write(0); // block terminator
// image block follows
Not the type of answer you are after but I don't think you are saving gifs. If you are than you should be able to find out what to set so that the correct GCE blocks are written to the gif file. Last note. Use a different colour index for the background colour than you use for the transparent index. I reserve the last two indexes of the global RGB lookup table for background and transparent.
