Batch File String Management in FOR Loop - batch-file

Am trying to use substring manipulation within a FOR loop and I can't get it to work for love nor money. I've been told that we can't use substring manipulation on a loop variable (%%f etc), so you have to set another variable to equal the loop (set MyVariable=%%f) and then use a substring option to work on this decendent (set MyOtherVar=%MyVariable:~0,-3%). However when echoing these variables only the loop variable is set/non-null.
Here's the code I'm currently using.
#echo off
SET OutPref="373137#"
SET OutSuf1="#Window Clean POD "
SET OutSuf2="#1520755.pdf"
cd c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\Inbound\
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\pdftotext.exe -q %%f
set InPdfVer=%%f
set InTxtVer=%InPdfVer:~0,-3%txt
echo Loop Val= %%f
echo InPdfVer= %InPdfVer%
echo InTxtVer= %InTxtVer%
set InAddLine=findstr %MatchStr% %InTxtVer%
set stemp=%InAddLine%
set pos=0
set /a pos+=1
echo %stemp%|findstr /b /c:"%MatchStr%" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
set stemp=%stemp:~1%
if defined stemp GOTO loop
set pos=0
set /a pos-=3
call set StoreNo=%InAddLine:~%pos%,-25%
call:getvalue C:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\StoreList.inf %StoreNum% StoreName
set OutFile=%OutPerf%%StoreNo%%OutSuf1%%StoreName%%OutSuf2%
move %%f c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\Outbound\%OutFile%
cd c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\
exit 0
rem This function reads a value from a file and stored it in a variable
rem %1 = name of file to search in
rem %2 = search term to look for
rem %3 = variable to place search result
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in ('findstr /b /l /i %~2= %1') DO set %~3=%%~j
Hope this makes sense, can try and explain it. Quite likely the bottom part doesnt work either but didnt get that far!
Thanks for any thoughts either way, as a general overview the script is supposed to take PDF files in the incoming folder, convert them to text, search for an email address in that file, look that email address in an external list and then move the PDF file (renaming the file with an aggreed convention in the process) and then move onto the next file, in a loop, until the end of the matching files.
Kind regards,
OK so the rest of it seems to what what it should now but I still can't get this substring to set, I just end up with the whole string in the decendent variable. Here's the new code (please excuse the pauses and echos used for troubleshooting).
#echo off
SET OutPref=373137#
SET OutSuf1=#Window Clean POD
SET OutSuf2=#1520755.pdf
cd c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\Inbound\
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\pdftotext.exe -q %%f
set InPdfVer=%%f
call set InTxtVer=!InPdfVer:~0,-3!txt
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('findstr !MatchStr! !InTxtVer!') do set InAddLine=%%x
echo !pos!
call set StoreNo=!InAddLine:~!pos!,-25!
call:getvalue C:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\StoreList.inf !StoreNum! StoreName
echo OutPerf !OutPref!
echo StoreNo !StoreNo!
echo OutSuf1 !OutSuf1!
echo StoreName !StoreName!
echo Outsuf2 !OutSuf2!
set OutFile=!OutPerf!!StoreNo!!OutSuf1!!StoreName!!OutSuf2!
echo %%f !OutFile!
REM move %%f c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\Outbound\!OutFile!
cd c:\Oscar\Scripts\FileNamer\
exit /b
set stemp=!InAddLine!
set pos=0
set /a pos+=1
echo !stemp!|findstr /b /c:"!MatchStr!" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
set stemp=!stemp:~1!
if defined stemp GOTO loop
set pos=0
set /a pos-=3
rem This function reads a value from a file and stored it in a variable
rem %1 = name of file to search in
rem %2 = search term to look for
rem %3 = variable to place search result
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in ('findstr /b /l /i %~2= %1') DO set %~3=%%~j

Thanks all for your inputs, here's the finished script with a few more updates.
Makes use of pdftotext.exe as part of the freeware xpdf suite (please donate as it's a great utility) and in this case some lookup files that help resolve a site number to its description. In the format of
001=My Town
I totally failed to get a workable way to pad 2 digit site codes with a leading 0 to make all sites 3 digits but ended up doing the same thing with another lookup file!
I hope this is of some use to someone else!
#echo off
SET OutPref=373137#
SET OutSuf1=#My Text
SET OutSuf2=#1520755.pdf
SET BaseDir=C:\myfolder\
SET LogFile=C:\myfolder\FileNamer.log
SET InFolder=C:\myfolder\Inbound\
SET OutFolder=C:\myfolder\Outbound\
SET StoreList=C:\myfolder\StoreList.inf
SET StoreNoConv=C:\myfolder\StoreNoConv.inf
echo Starting Run %TIME% %DATE% >> %LogFile%
echo Starting Run %TIME% %DATE%
cd %InFolder%
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
%BaseDir%pdftotext.exe -q %%f
set "InTxtVer=%%~nf.txt"
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('findstr !MatchStr! !InTxtVer!') do set InAddLine=%%x
call set StoreNo=%%InAddLine:~!pos!,-25%%
echo Now Renaming Store No !StoreNo!
call:getvalue %StoreList% !StoreNo! StoreName
call:getvalue %StoreNoConv% !StoreNo! ThreeDigitNo
set OutFile=!OutPref!Store!ThreeDigitNo!!OutSuf1!!StoreName!!OutSuf2!
echo %%f moved to !OutFile! >> %LogFile%
move "%%f" "%OutFolder%!OutFile!" >> %LogFile%
del !InTxtVer!
cd %BaseDir%
exit /b
set stemp=!InAddLine!
set pos=0
set /a pos+=1
echo !stemp!|findstr /b /c:"!MatchStr!" >NUL
if errorlevel 1 (
set stemp=!stemp:~1!
if defined stemp GOTO loop
set pos=0
set /a pos-=4
rem This function reads a value from a file and stores it in a variable
rem %1 = name of file to search in
rem %2 = search term to look for
rem %3 = variable to set search result under
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in ('findstr /b /l /i %~2= %1') DO set %~3=%%~j


How to search and replace strings that contain "=" characters in text file with Windows CMD (not powershell)

I wrote this code based on some other examples but just can't get it to work? (it's a .bat file)? The code writes the new file with all the old lines just won't edit the three lines right with the "=" character. Can someone point me in the right direction please.
This is what the INTOUCH.INI file looks like to start:
AppDesc0=New InTouch application
And this is what is written:
AppDesc0=New InTouch application
This is my .bat file code:
Set "OldString1=WinFullScreen=1"
Set "NewString1=WinFullScreen=0"
Set "OldString2=WinWidth=1032"
Set "NewString2=WinWidth=1000"
Set "OldString3=WinHeight=748"
Set "NewString3=WinHeight=700"
cd /d F:\
for %%x in (INTOUCH.INI) do call:process "%%~x"
set "outFile=%~n1_edited%~x1"
(for /f "skip=2 delims=:" %%a in ('find /n /v "" "INTOUCH.INI"') do (
set "ln=%%a"
Setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln=!ln:*]=!"
if defined ln (
set "ln=!ln:%OldString1%=%NewString1%!"
set "ln=!ln:%OldString2%=%NewString2%!"
set "ln=!ln:%OldString3%=%NewString3%!"
Exit /b
If you use the file's format to your advantage you can set the values of the new variables at the top of the script and then as you are reading the variable names from the settings file you can see if those variables are defined. If they are defined then output the new value, otherwise output the original value.
The trick to this is the double variable expansion you get when you use the CALL and ECHO commands together. First the for variable is expanded the name of the variable and then in the second phase of expansion the value of the variable is then expanded. That is the reason for the extra sets of percent symbols.
#echo off
Set "WinFullScreen=0"
Set "WinWidth=1000"
Set "WinHeight=700"
REM cd /d F:\
for %%F in (INTOUCH.INI) do set "outFile=%%~nF_edited%%~xF"
REM Read first line of file
set /p line1=<INTOUCH.INI
(echo %line1%
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=1,2 delims==" %%G in ("INTOUCH.INI") do (
if defined %%G (
CALL echo %%G=%%%%G%%
) else (
echo %%G=%%H
Exit /b
#echo off
Set "AppMode=x"
Set "WinFullScreen=0"
Set "WinWidth=1000"
Set "WinHeight=700"
for /f "skip=1 usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%G in ("a.INI") do call :proc "%%G" %%H
exit /b
set val=%2
for /F "tokens=* eol= " %%S in ("%~1") do set trimmed=%%S
call :getoverrideval %trimmed%
if "%override%" == "" (
echo %~1=%2%
) else (
echo %~1=%override%
goto :EOF
call set override=%%%1%%
C:\Users\w16coreeval>cmd /c a.bat

batch to display folders to select from, user selects folder, then it copies that folder to another folder

So what I'm trying to do is, i have a bat file that makes timestamped backups(for example, 180126_053327 in the format: yymmdd_hhmmss). I'm trying to create this bat to add to it, so i can have it lookup those backups, display in console to allow the user to select the backup they want to restore by inputting the number they want and then copy it to a location.
so far what i have creates this:
Pic of what I have so far
The pic above is from the following script:
set i=0
For /f %%a in ('dir I:\AM_Configs-backups\ /B /A /D') do (
set /a i+=1
echo !i! %%a
set dir!i!=%%a
set /p uin="Select a directory [1-!i!]: "
set udir=!dir%uin%!
echo Selected - %udir%
md c:\test2
copy %udir% c:\test2
I keep getting this:
Select a directory [1-29]: 27
Selected - 180126_053327
The system cannot find the file specified.
Press any key to continue . . .
I got the script above from this link: Prompting user to select directory in batch file
It cannot be found because %udir% is not in the current directory. This means that your base directory, I:\AM_Configs-backups, needs to be pre-fixed to your Copy command.
Copy "I:\AM_Configs-backups\%udir%" "C:\test2"
Also here is an alternative to the linked example you provided in your question:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "baseDir=I:\AM_Configs-backups"
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('"(Set dir[) 2>Nul"') Do Set "%%A="
Set "i=0"
For /D %%A In ("%baseDir%\*") Do (Set /A i+=1 & Set "dir[!i!]=%%~nxA")
If %i% Equ 1 (Set "dir[X]=%baseDir%\%dir[1]%") Else Call :Menu
Rem Your commands using the selected directory begin below
Echo you selected %dir[X]%
If Not Exist "C:\test2\" MD "C:\test2"
Copy "%dir[X]%" "C:\test2"
Exit /B
For /L %%A In (1,1,%i%) Do (Echo %%A. !dir[%%A]!)
Set /P "dir[X]=Select a directory from the above list: "
If Not Defined dir[%dir[X]%] (ClS & GoTo Menu)
Set "dir[X]=%baseDir%\!dir[%dir[X]%]!"
You can adjust your base directory on line 3 and put your own commands from line 9 onwards, (up to the Exit /B).
You should consider using RoboCopy for copying directories!
For the XCopy version, you'd probably need to change to:
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "baseDir=I:\AM_Configs-backups"
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('"(Set dir[) 2>Nul"') Do Set "%%A="
Set "i=0"
For /D %%A In ("%baseDir%\*") Do (Set /A i+=1 & Set "dir[!i!]=%%~nxA")
If %i% Equ 1 (Set "dir[X]=%dir[1]%") Else Call :Menu
Rem Your commands using the selected directory begin below
Echo you selected %dir[X]%
XCopy "%baseDir%\%dir[X]%" "%AppData%\Awesomeminer\%dir[X]%" /S /I /F /Y 2>Nul
Echo Starting Awesome Miner...
Start "" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Awesome Miner\AwesomeMiner.exe"
Call "Switch-N-Bkup.bat"
Exit /B
For /L %%A In (1,1,%i%) Do (Echo %%A. !dir[%%A]!)
Set /P "dir[X]=Select a directory from the above list: "
If Not Defined dir[%dir[X]%] (ClS & GoTo Menu)
Set "dir[X]=!dir[%dir[X]%]!"
For the RoboCopy version you'd change line 11 to:
RoboCopy "%baseDir%\%dir[X]%" "C:\test2\%dir[X]%" /S 2>Nul any additional switches you may need
I ended up using this cus i have another batch for switching and backing up:
to kinda give you an idea, i have a primary bat for switching and copying configs, which will start teh program automatically after their copied. in that bat i also have code for backing up current configs to a location using time/date and creates the folders in this format: yymmdd_hhmmss...i needed an easy restore function, which with the link and code you provided helped with the user able to select which folder to restore and copying it to the programs data folder to be used, then auto-starting the program using the copied config.
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set "baseDir=I:\AM_Configs-backups"
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('"(Set dir[) 2>Nul"') Do Set "%%A="
Set "i=0"
For /D %%A In ("%baseDir%\*") Do (Set /A i+=1 & Set "dir[!i!]=%%~nxA")
If %i% Equ 1 (Set "dir[X]=%baseDir%\%dir[1]%") Else Call :Menu
Rem Your commands using the selected directory begin below
Echo you selected %dir[X]%
REM If Not Exist "C:\test2\" MD "C:\test2"
xcopy "%dir[X]%" "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Awesomeminer\" /S /F /R /Y
START C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Awesome Miner"\AwesomeMiner.exe
ECHO Starting Awesome Miner...
CALL Switch-N-Bkup.bat
exit /b
For /L %%A In (1,1,%i%) Do (Echo %%A. !dir[%%A]!)
Set /P "dir[X]=Select a directory from the above list: "
If Not Defined dir[%dir[X]%] (ClS & GoTo Menu)
Set "dir[X]=%baseDir%\!dir[%dir[X]%]!"

Create a folder using substring of filename

I want to fetch two sub string from my file name in order to create Folder String.
My file name is "SM-SM-ABC_ab12 cd34_AA 11_abc123.txt"
here "ab12 cd34" is 1st folder and "AA 11" is 2nd folder
I have written a code but After adding #Compo code I ma not able to move file to directory. I want to move multiple files to respective folders.
Can some one help whats wrong?
#Echo Off
set Path1= d:\A
:: SDate=DAYMONTHYEAR FORMAT of Systemdate
echo %Path1%
set SDate=%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%%date:~10,4%
echo %SDate%
::Variable for folder path
Pushd %Path1%
for %%i in (*.*) do SET "FPath=%%~ni"
For /F "Tokens=2-3 Delims=_" %%A In ("%FPath%") Do (
Set "FoldOne=%%A"
Set "FoldTwo=%%B"
if not exist "%Path1%\%FoldOne%\%FoldOne%\%SDate%" (
mkdir "%Path1%\%FoldOne%\%FoldOne%\%SDate%" )
move %Path1%\* "%Path1%\%FoldOne%\%FoldTwo%\%SDate%\"
echo test %Path1%
echo test %FPath%
Is this what you are trying to achieve?
#Echo Off
Set "FPath=SM-SM-ABC_ab12cd34_AA11_abc123.txt"
For /F "Tokens=2-3 Delims=_" %%A In ("%FPath%") Do (
Set "FoldOne=%%A"
Set "FoldTwo=%%B")
Timeout -1
[Edit /]The following code may provide you with a solution for your updated requirements:
#Echo Off
Set "Path1=D:\A"
If /I Not "%CD%"=="%Path1%" Pushd "%Path1%" 2>Nul || Exit/B
For /F "EOL=L" %%A In ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime') Do For %%B In (%%~nA
) Do Set "SDate=%%B"
Set "SDate=%SDate:~6,2%%SDate:~4,2%%SDate:~,4%"
For %%A In ("*_*_*_*.*") Do Call :Sub "%%A"
Timeout -1
For /F "Tokens=2-3 Delims=_" %%A In (%1) Do If Not "%%A"=="" If Not "%%B"=="" (
If Not Exist "%%A\%%B\%SDate%\" MD "%%A\%%B\%SDate%"
Move %1 "%%A\%%B\%SDate%")

Extract date from XML file and move file to directory created from date

I have a directory that contains close to a million XML files. Needless to say, it takes forever to load (20+ minutes) So, I'm writing a script to divide the files into folders with the top level being year and having months under each year. There are 4 main filenames where the date can be extracted from the 3rd token and the rest from the second token. ie:
The rest are like this:
I'm sure there is an easier way to do it, but here is my code so far:
#echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "starttime=%time%"
pushd C:\temp\xmls
for /f %%a in ('dir /b/o:d *.xml') do (
call :ExtractDates %%a ret
echo %%a - !ret!
for /f "tokens=1" %%b in ("!ret!") do (
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%c in ("%%b") do (
if not exist .\%%e md .\%%e
if not exist .\%%e\%%c md .\%%e\%%c
if %%b equ %%c/%%d/%%e (
echo moving %%~nxa to .\%%e\%%c
echo move %%~nxa .\%%e\%%c
echo Start time: %starttime%
echo End time: %time%
exit /b
#echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Echo Starting ExtractDates
if not errorlevel 1 (set t=3) else set t=2
Call :ExtractFunc %~1 %%a !t! ret
endlocal&set "%~2=!ret!"&exit /b 0
exit /b
#echo on
Echo Starting ExtractFunc
for /f "tokens=%3 delims=_" %%a in (
'echo %~1^|Findstr "%~2"'
) do (
if not errorlevel 1 (
endlocal&set "%~4=%%a"&exit /b 0
exit /b
The problem is that the variable token isn't returning the right number and I'm not sure why. Any suggestions appreciated.
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir\t w o"
PUSHD "%sourcedir%"
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*_*_*.xml" '
) DO SET "filename=%%a"&CALL :process
FOR /f "tokens=2,3,6delims=_" %%m IN ("%filename%") DO SET "date1=%%m"&SET "date2=%%n"&SET "whichdate=%%o"
IF DEFINED whichdate SET "date1=%date2%"
ECHO(MD .\%date1:~0,4%\%date1:~4,2%
ECHO(MOVE "%filename%" .\%date1:~0,4%\%date1:~4,2%\
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances.
The required MD commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO(MD to MD to actually create the directories. Append 2>nul to suppress error messages (eg. when the directory already exists)
The required MOVE commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO(MOVE to MOVE to actually move the files. Append >nul to suppress report messages (eg. 1 file moved)
Simply extract the two possible datestrings and use the presence of the sixth token to signal which of the two positions to select for generation of the destination directory. Skip if there's no third token (fails to fit mask specified)
Then select the required field to date1 and do some substringing.

Get full path and long file name from short file name

I have an nice console file manager (eXtreme by Senh Liu), it passes short path/filenames as variables to a menu.bat.
How can I generate a full folder name + long file name?
input variable = "P:\MYPROG~1\SHELLS\ZBACKUP\REFSTO~1.BAL"
target variable = "P:\MyPrograms\SHELLS\zBackup\RefsToMyData.bal"
I have tried the following:
SET my_file=%~2:
echo %my_file% produces: "P:\MYPROG~1\SHELLS\ZBACKUP\REFSTO~1.BAL"
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`dir /B %2`) DO SET my_file=%%~fF:
echo %my_file% produces: "P:\MYPROG~1\SHELLS\zBackup\RefsToMyData.bal"
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`dir /B %2`) DO SET my_file=%%~dpnxF:
echo %my_file% produces: "P:\MYPROG~1\SHELLS\zBackup\RefsToMyData.bal"
Simple solution: use PowerShell.
You can incorporate a PowerShell call in a batch file like this:
#echo off
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (
`powershell.exe -Command "(Get-Item '%~1').FullName"`
) do #set "var=%%~f"
echo %var%
PowerShell is available for all supported Windows versions:
Windows XP SP3 and Server 2003 SP2: PowerShell v2 available
Windows Vista and Server 2008: ship with PowerShell v1 (not installed by default), PowerShell v2 available
Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2: PowerShell v2 preinstalled, PowerShell v3 available (batteries not included)
Windows 8 and Server 2012: PowerShell v3 preinstalled
If PowerShell can't be used for some reason (e.g. administrative restrictions), I'd use VBScript instead:
name = WScript.Arguments(0)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(name) Then
Set f = fso.GetFile(name)
ElseIf fso.FolderExists(name) Then
Set f = fso.GetFolder(name)
If f.IsRootFolder Then
WScript.Echo f.Path
WScript.Quit 0
End If
'path doesn't exist
WScript.Quit 1
End If
Set app = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
WScript.Echo app.NameSpace(f.ParentFolder.Path).ParseName(f.Name).Path
A VBScript like the one above can be used in a batch file like this:
#echo off & setlocal
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('cscript //NoLogo script.vbs "%~1"') do #set "var=%%~f"
echo %var%
This does require an additional script file, though.
The following should work with any valid path, as long as it is not a UNC path. The path may be absolute or relative. It may use short file names or long names (or a mixture). The path may refer to a folder or a file.
The result will end with \ if it is a folder, no \ at end if it is a file.
The :getLongPath routine expects an inputPath variable name as the 1st argument, and an optional return variable name as the 2nd argument. The inputPath variable should contain a valid path. If the return variable is not speciied, then the result is ECHOed to the screen (enclosed in quotes). If the return variable is specified, then the result is returned in the variable (without quotes).
The routine should only be called when delayed expansion is disabled if you are returning a variable. If called with delayed expansion enabled, then the result will be corrupted if it contains the ! character.
Test cases (for my machine only) are at the top of the script, the actual routine at the bottom.
#echo off
for %%F in (
"D:\test\a b\a z.txt"
"D:\test\a b\z z"
"x%% & bang!\test"
) do (
echo resolving %%F
set "shortPath=%%~F"
call :getLongPath shortPath longPath
set longPath
set "shortPath=D:\test\AB2761~1\AZCFE4~1.TXT"
set shortPath
echo Calling :getLongPath with with no return variable
call :getLongPath shortPath
exit /b
:getLongPath path [rtnVar]
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in ("!%~1!") do (
set "sourcePath=%%~sF"
set "sourceFile=%%~nxF"
if not exist "%sourcePath%" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Invalid path
exit /b 1
set "rtn="
2>nul cd "%sourcePath%" || (
cd "%sourcePath%\.."
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d "%sourceFile%"') do set "rtn=%%F"
for %%F in ("%cd%") do (
cd ..
set "folder=%%~nxF"
if defined folder for /f "eol=: delims=" %%: in ('dir /b /ad') do (
if /i "%%~snx:" equ "%folder%" (
set "rtn=%%:\%rtn%"
goto :resolveFolders
set "rtn=%cd%%rtn%
( endlocal
if "%~2" equ "" (echo "%rtn%") else set "%~2=%rtn%"
=== OUTPUT ===
resolving "D:\test\AB2761~1\AZCFE4~1.TXT"
longPath=D:\test\a b\a z.txt
resolving "AB2761~1\AZCFE4~1.TXT"
longPath=D:\test\a b\a z.txt
resolving "D:\test\AB2761~1\ZZCE57~1\"
longPath=D:\test\a b\z z\
resolving "D:\test\a b\a z.txt"
longPath=D:\test\a b\a z.txt
resolving "D:\test\a b\z z"
longPath=D:\test\a b\z z\
resolving "."
resolving "\"
resolving "x%&BAN~1\test"
longPath=D:\test\x% & bang!\test\
resolving "x% & bang!\test"
longPath=D:\test\x% & bang!\test\
Calling :getLongPath with with no return variable
"D:\test\a b\a z.txt"
If you want to run the above code, then I suggest you completely delete all the test scenario code between #echo off and :getLongPath. Then you can simply call the script, passing any valid path as the first argument. The correct long path should be printed as a result.
I was amazed how difficult this was to solve using batch. I don't think it is much easier with JScript or VBS (Actually, Ansgar found a nice VBS solution). But I like Ansgar's simple PowerShell solution - so much easier.
I found an obscure case where the above code fails if called from within a FOR loop, and the path happens to have the FOR variable within it. It also doesn't properly report a path with wild cards as an error, and it doesn't work with delayed expansion enabled when the path contains !.
So I created a modified version below. I'm pretty confident it should truly work in all situations, except for UNC paths and possibly not with unicode in the path. I packaged it up as an easy to call procedure, complete with built in documentation. It can be left as a stand-alone script, or incorporated into a larger script.
#echo off
:::getLongPath PathVar [RtnVar]
:::getLongPath /?
::: Resolves the path contained in PathVar into the full long path.
::: If the path represents a folder then it will end with \
::: The result is returned in variable RtnVar.
::: The result is echoed to the screen if RtnVar is not specified.
::: Prints this documentation if the first argument is /?
if "%~1" equ "" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Insufficient arguments. Use getLongPath /? to get help.
exit /b 1
if "%~1" equ "/?" (
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr "^:::" "%~f0"') do (
set "ln=%%A"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
exit /b 0
set "notDelayed=!"
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ("!%~1!") do (
set "sourcePath=%%~sF"
set "sourcePath2=%%F"
set "sourceFile=%%~nxF"
if not exist "%sourcePath%" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Invalid path
exit /b 1
set "sourcePath3=%sourcePath2:**=%"
set "sourcePath3=%sourcePath3:?=%"
if "%sourcePath3%" neq "%sourcePath2%" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Invalid path
exit /b 1
set "rtn="
2>nul cd "%sourcePath%" || (
cd "%sourcePath%\.."
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d "%sourceFile%"') do set "rtn=%%F"
for %%F in ("%cd%") do (
cd ..
set "folder=%%~nxF"
if defined folder for /f "delims=: tokens=1,2" %%A in ("%folder%:%rtn%") do for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /ad') do (
if /i "%%~snxF" equ "%%A" (
set "rtn=%%F\%%B"
goto :resolveFolders
set "rtn=%cd%%rtn%"
if not defined notDelayed set "rtn=%rtn:^=^^%"
if not defined notDelayed set "rtn=%rtn:!=^!%"
if not defined notDelayed (set "!=!==!") else set "!="
for %%A in ("%rtn%") do (
if "%~2" equ "" (echo %%~A%!%) else set "%~2=%%~A"!
I also adapted Ansgar's VBS into a hybrid JScript/batch script. It should provide the identical result as the pure batch script above, but the JScript is much simpler to follow.
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end /* harmless hybrid line that begins a JScrpt comment
#echo off
:::getLongPath PathVar [RtnVar]
:::getLongPath /?
::: Resolves the path contained in PathVar into the full long path.
::: If the path represents a folder then it will end with \
::: The result is returned in variable RtnVar.
::: The result is echoed to the screen if RtnVar is not specified.
::: Prints this documentation if the first argument is /?
::************ Batch portion ***********
if "%~1" equ "" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Insufficient arguments. Use getLongPath /? to get help.
exit /b 1
if "%~1" equ "/?" (
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr "^:::" "%~f0"') do (
set "ln=%%A"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
exit /b 0
set "notDelayed=!"
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "rtn="
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*') do set "rtn=%%A"
if not defined rtn exit /b 1
if not defined notDelayed set "rtn=%rtn:^=^^%"
if not defined notDelayed set "rtn=%rtn:!=^!%"
if not defined notDelayed (set "!=!==!") else set "!="
for %%A in ("%rtn%") do (
if "%~2" equ "" (echo %%~A%!%) else set "%~2=%%~A"!
exit /b 0
************ JScript portion ***********/
var env=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process");
var fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var app=WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application");
var inPath=env(WScript.Arguments.Item(0));
var folder="";
var f;
if (fso.FileExists(inPath)) {
else if (fso.FolderExists(inPath)) {
if (f.IsRootFolder) {
else {
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine('ERROR: Invalid path');
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine( app.NameSpace(f.ParentFolder.Path).ParseName(f.Name).Path + folder);
This returns the full long pathname, but depends on:
A) there not being too many files in the tree (due to time taken)
B) there is only one of the target (long) filename in the tree.
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in (' dir /b "%~1" ') do set "file=%%a"
for /f "delims=~" %%a in ("%~dp1") do cd /d "%%a*"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /a-d "%file%" ') do set "var=%%a"
echo "%var%"
When called with mybat "d:\MYPROG~1\SHELLS\zBackup\REFSTO~1.BAL"
it returned this:
And one unexpectedly simple solution:
echo lcd %some_path%|ftp
EDITED to show example: it isn't 100%
d:\>echo lcd C:\Files\Download\MYMUSI~1\iTunes\ALBUMA~1 |ftp
Local directory now C:\Files\Download\MYMUSI~1\iTunes\Album Artwork.
this is an ugly batch job and my code is not nice, but brut force :-)
#echo off &SETLOCAL
SET "shorty=%short:\= %"
FOR %%a IN (%short%) DO SET "shortname=%%~nxa"
FOR %%a IN (%shorty%) DO (
CALL :doit "%%~a"
) ELSE (
SET "longpath=%%~a"
SET flag=true
SET "first=\"
ECHO "%longpath%"
SET "last=%~1"
IF "%last%" neq "%shortname%" (SET "isDir=/ad") ELSE SET "isDir=/a-d"
FOR /f "delims=" %%b IN ('dir %isdir% %longpath%%first%^|findstr /ri "\<%last%\>"') DO SET "X0=%%b"
FOR /f "delims=" %%b IN ('dir %isdir% /x %longpath%%first%^|findstr /ri "\<%last%\>"') DO SET "X1=%%b"
REM for European time format
IF "%X0: =%"=="%X1: =%" (SET /a token=3) ELSE SET /a token=4
REM for "AM/PM" time format
IF "%X0: =%"=="%X1: =%" (SET /a token=4) ELSE SET /a token=5
FOR /f "tokens=%token%*" %%b IN ('dir %isdir% /x %longpath%%first%^|findstr /ri "\<%last%\>"') DO SET "longname=%%~c"
SET "longpath=%longpath%\%longname%"
SET "first="
Please set your time format in the doit function (delete as applicable format).This might maybe fail with special characters in path or file names like !%=&^.
#echo off
rem this need to be a short name to avoid collisions with dir command bellow
set "curr_dir=%cd%"
set "full_path="
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('for %%d in ^(.^) do #dir /a:d /n /b "..\*%%~snd"') do (
set "full_path=%%f\%full_path%"
cd ..
if ":\" NEQ "%cd:~-2%" (
goto :repeat
) else (
set "full_path=%cd%%full_path%"
echo --%full_path%--
cd %curr_dir%
The path is hardcoded at the beginning but you can change it or parameterizied it.As you can easy get the full name of a file here is only a solution for directories.
now works for file and directory and a parameter can be passed:
#echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------
rem ---------------------- TESTS ----------------
rem ----------------------------------------------
md "c:\test\blablablablabl\bla bla bla\no no no no no no\yes yes yes" >nul 2>&1
md "c:\test\1 b1\1\" >nul 2>&1
for %%t in ("c:\test\blablablablabl\bla bla bla\no no no no no no\yes yes yes") do set t_dir=%%~st
for %%t in ("c:\test\1 b1\1\") do set t_dir2=%%~st
echo a>"%t_dir2%a"
echo a>"%t_dir2%a a.txt"
echo testing "%t_dir%\\"
call :get_full_name "%t_dir%\\"
echo testing "%t_dir2%a"
call :get_full_name "%t_dir2%a"
echo testing "%t_dir2%a a.txt" with return variable
call :get_full_name "%t_dir2%a a.txt" test_var
echo return variable : -- %test_var% --
goto :eof
rem -------------------------------------
:get_full_name [%1 - short path to a file or directory ; %2 - if set stores the result in variable with that name]
if not exist "%~1" ( echo file/dir does not exist & exit /b 2 )
set "curr_dir=%cd%"
for /f "delims=" %%n in ('dir /b /n "%~dps1\%~snx1"') do set "name=%%n"
cd "%~dps1"
set "full_path="
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('for %%d in ^(.^) do #dir /a:d /n /b "..\*%%~snd"') do (
set "full_path=%%~f\%full_path%"
cd ..
if ":\" NEQ "%cd:~-2%" (
goto :repeat
) else (
set "full_path=%cd%%full_path%"
echo %full_path%%name%
cd %curr_dir%
endlocal & if "%~2" NEQ "" set "%~2=%full_path%%name%"
and the test output:
testing "c:\test\BLABLA~1\BLABLA~1\NONONO~1\YESYES~1\\"
c:\test\blablablablabl\bla bla bla\no no no no no no\yes yes yes\
testing "c:\test\1B1~1\1\a"
c:\test\1 b1\1\a
testing "c:\test\1B1~1\1\a a.txt" with return variable
c:\test\1 b1\1\a a.txt
return variable : -- c:\test\1 b1\1\a a.txt --
And one attempt with WMIC and Win32_Directory.Probably is slower than using cd and dir , but the current directory is not changed:
#echo off
:get_full_name [%1 - short path to a file or directory ; %2 - if set stores the result in variable with that name]
if not exist "%~1" ( echo file/dir does not exist & exit /b 2 )
for /f "delims=" %%n in ('dir /b /n "%~dps1\*%~snx1"') do set "name=%%n"
set "short_path=%~dps1"
set "short_path=%short_path:~0,-1%"
set "drive=%short_path:~0,2%"
set "full_name="
set "short_path=%short_path:\=\\%"
set "short_path=%short_path:'=\'%"
FOR /F "usebackq skip=2 delims=" %%P in (`WMIC path win32_directory where name^='%short_path%' get Path^,FileName /Format:Textvaluelist.xsl`) do for /f "delims=" %%C in ("%%P") do (
set "_%%C"
set "_Path=%_Path:~0,-1%"
set full_name=%_FileName%\%full_name%
if "%_Path%" NEQ "" (
set "short_path=%drive%%_Path%"
goto :repeat
) else (
set full_name=%drive%\%_FileName%\%full_name%
echo %full_name%%name%
endlocal if "%~2" NEQ "" set "%~2=%full_path%%name%"
Not heavy tested yet....
Here is a batch script based on the answer by npocmaka, using the ftp command (together with its sub-command lcd). There you can see that only the last element of a path is expanded to the long name. My idea is now to apply the lcd sub-command for every element of the path individually, so we will get the full names of all elements in the final output.
This script works for directories only. It does not work for files, neither does it work for UNC paths.
So here we go:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "ARGS=%*"
set FTP_CMD=lcd
set "TEMP_FILE=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%A in (!ARGS!) do (
set "ARG=%%~fA" & set "SEP=\"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
> "%TEMP_FILE%" (
for %%D in ("!ARG:\=" "!") do (
if not "%%~D"=="" (
set "ITEM=%%~D"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo(%FTP_CMD% "!ITEM!!SEP!"
set "SEP="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PREFIX="
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('^< "%TEMP_FILE%" ftp') do (
if not defined PREFIX set "PREFIX=%%L"
set "LONG_PATH=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PREFIX=!PREFIX::\.=!" & set "PREFIX=!PREFIX:~,-1!"
for /F "delims=" %%E in ("!PREFIX!") do (
set "LONG_PATH=!LONG_PATH:~,-1!"
del /Q "%TEMP_FILE%"
exit /B
Basically there is a for %%D loop that iterates through all elements of the given path (after it has been expanded to its full path by the outer-most for %%A loop). Each element is enclosed within "" and preceded with lcd (the sub-command of the ftp command to change the local working directory). For the first path element that constitutes a drive, a trailing \ is appended to refer to its root directory. Each of these built path strings is written to a temporary file.
Next the temporary file is redirected into the ftp command, so it changes its local working directory path element by path element. The output of ftp is captured by a for /F %%L loop. Actually the last line of the output is of interest only as this contains the full long path. However, the first line is also stored, where the root directory of the applicable drive is used. This is just needed to easily extract the prefix of the output lines in order to remove it from the output line containing the full path (the ftp command outputs something like Local directory now D:\. on English systems, but I want the script to be language-independent). Finally the said prefix is removed from the full long path and the result is returned on the console.
Here is an improved approach that can also handle paths of files, by handling the last path element in such a case separately by the sub-routine :LAST_ITEM, which does not rely on ftp but on the fact that for loops expand tthe last path element to long paths when wildcards are given:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "ARGS=%*"
set FTP_CMD=lcd
set "TEMP_FILE=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%A in (!ARGS!) do (
set "ARG=%%~fA" & set "SEP=\" & set "ITEM="
if exist "%%~fA" (
if exist "%%~fA\" (set "FLAG=") else set "FLAG=#"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
> "%TEMP_FILE%" (
for %%D in ("!ARG:\=" "!") do (
if not "%%~D"=="" (
set "ITEM=%%~D"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo(!FTP_CMD! "!ITEM!!SEP!"
set "SEP="
) else set "ITEM="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PREFIX="
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('^< "%TEMP_FILE%" 2^> nul ftp') do (
if not defined PREFIX set "PREFIX=%%L"
set "LONG_PATH=%%L"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PREFIX=!PREFIX::\.=!" & set "PREFIX=!PREFIX:~,-1!"
for /F "delims=" %%E in ("!PREFIX!") do (
set "LONG_PATH=!LONG_PATH:~,-1!"
if not "!LONG_PATH:~-2!"==":\" set "LONG_PATH=!LONG_PATH!\"
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=|" %%S in ("!LONG_PATH!|!ITEM!") do (
set "LONG_PATH=%%S" & set "ITEM=%%T"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined FLAG (echo(!LONG_PATH!!ITEM!) else echo(!LONG_PATH!
) else setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
del /Q "%TEMP_FILE%"
exit /B
:LAST_ITEM var_last_item var_long_path
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%I in ("!%~2!!%~1!*") do (
set "LONG=%%~nxI" & set "SHORT=%%~snxI"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if /I "!LONG!"=="!%~1!" (set "%~1=!LONG!"
) else if /I "!SHORT!"=="!%~1!" set "%~1=!LONG!"
for /F "delims=" %%T in ("!%~1!") do (
set "%~1=%%T"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
exit /B
My solution:
for /F %f in ('dir /b /s %shortname%') do where /R %~dpf %~nf%~xf
if you use it in a batch file:
for /F %%f in ('dir /b /s %shortname%') do where /R %%~dpf %%~nf%%~xf
Alright, here is a script I began some time ago, relying on the fact that dir /B returns long file or directory names when a wildcard is used. This is a recursive approach that walks up the directory hierarchy of the path given as command line argument and resolves each element. Note that it has problems with paths containing % and/or ^ due to the usage of call:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set ARGS=%*
set "COLL="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%A in (!ARGS!) do (
set "ARG=%%~fA"
if exist "%%~fA" (
call :PROC_ITEM COLL "%%~fA" || set "COLL="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined COLL (echo(!COLL!) else exit /B 1
exit /B
:PROC_ITEM rtn_built_path val_source_path
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "FND="
if "%~pnx2"=="\" (
set "COLL=%~d2"
) else (
cd /D "%~dp2." & rem (this must be set before `for /F` in order for `%%~snxJ` to refer to it!)
for /F "delims= eol=|" %%J in ('dir /B /A "%~f2?"') do (
if /I "%%J"=="%~nx2" (
set "FND=\%%J" & rem (this assignment should be executed for long names)
) else (
if /I "%%~snxJ"=="%~nx2" set "FND=\%%J" & rem (and this for short ones)
if defined FND (
call :PROC_ITEM COLL "%~dp2."
) else (
exit /B 1 & rem (this intercept exceptions and should usually not happen)
endlocal & set "%~1=%COLL%%FND%"
exit /B
