When open a modal on page load but modal open two times - angularjs

I want to develop a angularjs web application where I need when url has a query string id then open a modal against the id. The modal open successfully but problem is the modal open twitch time. So Please suggest me how to prevent to open modal two times and ensure that the modal open only one time when query string has a id. My code is below:
myApp.controller('othersObjectiveListController', ['$scope', '$uibModal', 'EmployeeObjectiveService', '$routeParams', function ($scope, $uibModal, EmployeeObjectiveService, $routeParams) {
var items = [];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
items[i] = i;
$scope.test = items;
$scope.StatusBy = [{ id: 1, value: true, label: 'Approve' }, { id: 2, value: false, label: 'Pending' }];
//Angular Code for Multiple column show and hide
$scope.dropConfig = {
scrollable: true,
scrollableHeight: '340px',
showCheckAll: false,
showUncheckAll: false
EmployeeObjectiveService.getOtherObjectiveColumnList().then(function (response) { $scope.AllColumn = response.data });
EmployeeObjectiveService.getOtherSelectedColumn().then(function (response) { $scope.SelectedColumn = response.data });
EmployeeObjectiveService.getOtherObjectiveSelected().then(function (response) { $scope.SelectCol = response.data });
function changeColumnViewShow(item) {
if (item.id == 1) {
$scope.SelectCol.EmployeeID = !$scope.SelectCol.EmployeeID;
} else if (item.id == 2) {
$scope.SelectCol.EmployeeName = !$scope.SelectCol.EmployeeName;
} else if (item.id == 3) {
$scope.SelectCol.Code = !$scope.SelectCol.Code;
} else if (item.id == 4) {
$scope.SelectCol.Title = !$scope.SelectCol.Title;
} else if (item.id == 5) {
$scope.SelectCol.KPI = !$scope.SelectCol.KPI;
} else if (item.id == 6) {
$scope.SelectCol.Target = !$scope.SelectCol.Target;
} else if (item.id == 7) {
$scope.SelectCol.Weight = !$scope.SelectCol.Weight;
} else if (item.id == 8) {
$scope.SelectCol.Note = !$scope.SelectCol.Note;
} else if (item.id == 9) {
$scope.SelectCol.Status = !$scope.SelectCol.Status;
$scope.changeEvents = {
onItemSelect: function (item) {
onItemDeselect: function (item) {
//End Column hide show function
// This Section for Pagination for Pending List
$scope.ViewItems = [{ value: 10, id: 10 }, { value: 20, id: 20 }, { value: 50, id: 50 }, { value: 100, id: 100 }];
$scope.selectItem = $scope.ViewItems[0];
$scope.ViewPerPage = 10;
$scope.setitemsPerPage = function (num) {
$scope.ViewPerPage = num.value;
//This Section for Modal
$scope.viewObjectives = function (data) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
templateUrl: '/View/Modal View/OtherObjective.html',
scope: $scope,
size: 'lg',
function ViewObjective($uibModalInstance, code) {
$scope.id = code;
$scope.initial = function () {
var id = $routeParams.id;
//PDF Create
$scope.CreatePDF = function () {
type: 'pdf',
fileName: 'ObjectiveList',
jspdf: {
orientation: 'l',
format: 'a4',
margins: { left: 10, right: 10, top: 20, bottom: 20 },
autotable: {
styles: {
fontSize: 10,
fillColor: 'inherit',
textColor: 'inherit'
tableWidth: 'auto'


Angularjs - cannot pass data from factory to controller

I'm new to angular and find myself stuck. I am trying to pass data from a factory to a controller and it returns undefined no matter what I have tried. Can anyone help? Ultimately I will need to access the Time and Output variables in the controller to pass into a chart.
WaveChart.factory('waveService', function($http) {
var getWaveDataFunction = function(beach){
.success(function(data) {
console.log('yay it works');
return data;
var Time = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var Output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
return {
getWaveData: getWaveDataFunction
WaveChart.controller('chartCtrl', function ($scope, waveService, $state) {
var currentBeach = $state.current.title.toLowerCase();
$scope.waveData = waveService.getWaveData(currentBeach);
Tried to update based on refactored code provided in example 2 below, but $scope.waveData is now returning empty array. I am providing updated (and more complete) code:
var WaveChart = angular.module('WaveChart', ["highcharts-ng"]);
var waveData = {
waimea: "assets/wave-waimea.json",
pauwela: "assets/wave-pauwela.json",
hanalei: "assets/wave-hanalei.json"
WaveChart.factory('waveService', function($http) {
var getWaveDataFunction = function(beach){
return $http.get(waveData[beach])
.then(function(data) {
var Time = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var Output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
return { time: Time, output: Output };
return {
getWaveData: getWaveDataFunction
WaveChart.controller('chartCtrl', function ($scope, waveService, $state) {
var currentBeach = $state.current.title.toLowerCase();
$scope.waveData = waveData;
$scope.chartConfig = {
title: {
text: 'Wave Height Observations'
subtitle: {
text: 'according to the PacIOOS'
options: {
chart: {
type: 'spline'
plotOptions: {
spline: {
lineWidth: 2,
states: {
hover: {
lineWidth: 3
marker: {
enabled: false
area: {
fillColor: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0},
stops: [
[0, Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]],
[1, Highcharts.Color(Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]).setOpacity(0).get('rgba')]
marker: {
enabled: true
lineWidth: 1,
states: {
hover: {
lineWidth: 2
threshold: null
xAxis: {
name: "Time",
categories: waveData.time
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Wave Height'
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return this.value;
tooltip: {
crosshairs: true,
shared: true
plotOptions: {
spline: {
marker: {
radius: 4,
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1
series: [{
name: 'Wave Height',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
data: waveData.output
{"Time":"00:09", "Output":4.40},
{"Time":"00:39", "Output":4.63},
{"Time":"01:09", "Output":4.72},
{"Time":"01:39", "Output":4.69},
{"Time":"02:09", "Output":4.20},
{"Time":"02:39", "Output":4.92},
{"Time":"03:09", "Output":4.89},
{"Time":"03:39", "Output":4.89},
{"Time":"04:09", "Output":5.18},
{"Time":"04:39", "Output":5.18},
{"Time":"05:09", "Output":5.41},
{"Time":"05:39", "Output":5.71},
{"Time":"06:09", "Output":5.91},
{"Time":"06:39", "Output":5.68},
{"Time":"07:09", "Output":6.33},
{"Time":"07:39", "Output":6.53},
{"Time":"08:09", "Output":6.23},
{"Time":"08:39", "Output":6.63},
{"Time":"09:09", "Output":7.58},
{"Time":"09:39", "Output":6.43},
{"Time":"10:09", "Output":6.86},
{"Time":"10:39", "Output":6.89},
{"Time":"11:09", "Output":7.25},
{"Time":"11:39", "Output":7.35},
{"Time":"12:09", "Output":7.12},
{"Time":"12:39", "Output":7.15},
{"Time":"13:09", "Output":6.73},
{"Time":"13:39", "Output":6.89},
{"Time":"14:09", "Output":6.63},
{"Time":"14:39", "Output":7.48}
This is a textbook use case of promises. Please see angular docs for details of working with promises in angularjs.
In this case, you have two options and I would recommend the second one as you do have a bit of post-processing after the http response comes through. (I've included the first one mainly to illustrate the most basic way to get an asynchronous $http response back to a controller)
1 - Return the $http promise itself and handle the response in the controller:
WaveChart.factory('waveService', function($http) {
var getWaveDataFunction = function(beach){
return $http.get(waveData[beach]);
return {
getWaveData: getWaveDataFunction
WaveChart.controller('chartCtrl', function ($scope, waveService, $state) {
.success(function(data) {
console.log('yay it works');
var Time = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var Output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$scope.waveData = {
time: Time,
output: Output
2 - create a new promise and resolve it from the $http.success callback
WaveChart.factory('waveService', function($http) {
var getWaveDataFunction = function(beach){
// return then $http.get promise
return $http.get(waveData[beach])
.then(function(data) {
console.log('yay it works');
var Time = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var Output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
// return value here is what the $http.get promise will resolve
return { time: Time, output: Output };
return {
getWaveData: getWaveDataFunction
WaveChart.controller('chartCtrl', function ($scope, waveService, $state) {
var currentBeach = $state.current.title.toLowerCase();
// use .then callback to wait for the promise to be resolved
$scope.waveData = waveData;
Just noticed you can optimize your result processing by combining the two loops over data into one:
var Time = [];
var Output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

AngularJS Error: d[h].apply is not a function

When I navagate away from a page in my angular site the error console fills up (occurs 108 times) with the error:
Error: d[h].apply is not a function
It only occurs on this one page but I have no $watches or $broadcast events on it. Could someone help me by suggesting where I should look to find the trigger for this error?
I appreciate not having the code makes this difficult but I am keen to have some suggestions on what things cause errors like this and/or the best way to debug it.
app.controller('ticketController', ['$scope', '$state', 'Page', 'globals', 'localStorageService', 'Ticket', 'User', 'ticketData', 'ELearning', 'dialogs', 'Notification', 'Payment','Note', 'DTOptionsBuilder', 'DTColumnDefBuilder', 'History', 'Correspondance',function ($scope, $state, Page, globals, localStorageService, Ticket, User, ticketData, ELearning, dialogs, Notification, Payment,Note, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnDefBuilder, History, Correspondance) {
if (globals.debug) { console.log('Ticket controller loaded'); }
$scope.globals = globals;
Page.setTitle(ticketData.forename + ' ' + ticketData.surname);
$scope.authData = localStorageService.get('authorizationData');
$scope.ticket = ticketData;
$scope.user = User.admindata({ id: ticketData.ticketGUID });
$scope.person = {};
$scope.reOpenTicket = {
isOpen: false,
previousChanges: [],
newCriticalDate: moment(new Date($scope.ticket.criticalDate)).add(1, 'M').format('DD MMM YYYY'),
minCriticalDate: moment(new Date($scope.ticket.criticalDate)).add(-1, 'd').format('DD MMM YYYY'),
maxCriticalDate: moment(new Date($scope.ticket.criticalDate)).add(1, 'M').add(1, 'd').format('DD MMM YYYY'),
minErrorDate: moment(new Date($scope.ticket.criticalDate)).format('DD MMM YYYY'),
maxErrorDate: moment(new Date($scope.ticket.criticalDate)).add(1, 'M').format('DD MMM YYYY'),
reason: '',
form: {},
saving: false,
saveError: ''
$scope.notes = {
data: [],
newNote: '',
loading: false,
loadError: ''
$scope.payments = {
data: [],
loading: true,
dtOptions: {},
dtColumnDefs: {},
ticketGUID: ''
$scope.learning = {
data: [],
loading: true,
ticketGUID: '',
dtOptions: {},
dtColumnDefs: {}
$scope.history = {
data: [],
loading: true,
loadError: ''
$scope.letters = {
data: [],
loading: true,
laddaResendLetter: false,
laddaCancelLetter: false
$scope.dob = {
minDate: moment(new Date()).add(-90, 'y').format(),
maxDate: moment(new Date()).add(-10, 'y').format()
$scope.titles = ['Mr', 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Dr', 'Rev'];
$scope.savePersonTab = function (validity) {
if (validity) {
$scope.ticket.dateOfBirth = $scope.dob.chosenDate;
Ticket.personTabSave({ 'id': $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, $scope.ticket, function (success) {
Notification.success('Record updated successfully');
Ticket.getAdmin({ id: success.ticketGUID });
}, function (error) {
} else {
console.log('skip Save');
//#region Tickets
$scope.reopenTicket = function () {
$scope.reOpenTicket.isOpen = true;
$scope.reOpenTicket.previousChanges = Ticket.getCriticalDateChanges({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID });
// Reset
$scope.reOpenTicket.saveError = '';
$scope.reOpenTicket.reason = '';
$scope.saveReopen = function (validity) {
if (validity) {
$scope.reOpenTicket.saving = true;
var data = {
ChangeTo: $scope.reOpenTicket.newCriticalDate,
ChangeReason: $scope.reOpenTicket.reason
Ticket.reOpenTicket({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, data, function (response) {
$scope.reOpenTicket.saving = false;
if (response.isSuccessful) {
$scope.ticket = Ticket.getAdmin({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID });
$scope.reOpenTicket.isOpen = false;
} else {
$scope.reOpenTicket.saveError = response.errorMessage;
$scope.closeNewCriticalDate = function () {
$scope.reOpenTicket.isOpen = false;
$scope.confirmTCs = function () {
var opts = {
'keyboard': true,
'size': 'lg' //small or large modal size
// Checks
if ($scope.person.form.$dirty) {
dialogs.notify('Cannot Confirm!', 'Unsaved changes to personal details detected.', opts);
// email address is complete
if (!$scope.ticket.eMailAddress) {
dialogs.notify('Cannot confirm!', 'An Email address must be entered and saved before confirming Terms and Conditions.', opts);
} else {
if ($scope.ticket.status != 'AwaitingPayment' && $scope.ticket.status != 'Referred') {
dialogs.notify('Cannot confirm!', 'Ticket status must be Awaiting Payment or Referred before confirming Terms and Conditions. The current ticket status is ' + $scope.ticket.status, opts);
var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Confirm terms and conditions', 'Please confirm that this delegate has read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions and also the details and offence relate to them.', opts);
dlg.result.then(function (btn) {
Ticket.confirmation({ 'id': $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, $scope.ticket, function (success) {
Notification.success('Record updated successfully');
$scope.ticket = success;
}, function (error) {
$scope.lockTicket = function () {
Ticket.lock({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (success) {
$scope.ticket = success;
Notification.success('Ticket has been locked');
}, function (error) {
$scope.unlockTicket = function () {
Ticket.unlock({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (success) {
$scope.ticket = success;
Notification.success('Ticket has been unlocked');
}, function (error) {
$scope.cancelTicket = function () {
Ticket.cancelTicket({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (success) {
$scope.ticket = success;
Notification.success('Ticket has been cancelled');
}, function (error) {
$scope.restoreTicket = function () {
Ticket.restoreTicket({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (success) {
$scope.ticket = success;
Notification.success('Ticket has been restored');
}, function (error) {
//#region Payments
$scope.markAsPaid = function () {
var opts = {
'keyboard': true,
'size': 'lg' //small or large modal size
var dlg = dialogs.confirm('Mark as paid', 'Please confirm that you would like to manually mark this delegate as having paid.', opts);
dlg.result.then(function (btn) {
Payment.markAsPaid({ 'id': $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, $scope.ticket, function (success) {
Notification.success('Record updated successfully');
$scope.ticket = Ticket.getAdmin({ id: success.ticketGUID });
}, function (error) {
$scope.payments.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
$scope.payments.dtColumnDefs = [
DTColumnDefBuilder.newColumnDef(1).withOption('width', '180'),
$scope.getPaymentData = function () {
$scope.payments.loading = true;
Payment.query({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (result) {
$scope.payments.loading = false;
$scope.payments.data = result;
//#region Notes
$scope.addNote = function () {
Note.add({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, '"' + $scope.notes.newNote + '"', function (successResponse) {
$scope.notes.newNote = '';
Notification.success('Note added');
}, function (err) {
$scope.getNotes = function () {
$scope.notes.loading = true;
$scope.notes.data = Note.query({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (successResponse) {
$scope.notes.loading = false;
$scope.notes.loadError = '';
}, function (error) {
$scope.notes.loading = false;
$scope.notes.loadError = error.data;
//#region ELearning
$scope.learning.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
$scope.learning.dtColumnDefs = [
$scope.getLearningData = function () {
$scope.learning.loading = true;
ELearning.query({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (result) {
$scope.learning.loading = false;
$scope.learning.data = result;
$scope.markAsCompleted = function () {
ELearning.MarkAsCompleted({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (successResponse) {
$scope.ticket = successResponse;
Notification.success('Ticket has been marked as completed');
$scope.getLearningHistory = function (learningData) {
var dlg = dialogs.create('app/elearning/ResultDialog.html', 'learningDialogController', { data: learningData.onlineLearningResultId }, 'lg');
//#region History
$scope.getHistory = function () {
$scope.history.loading = true;
History.query({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (successResponse) {
$scope.history.data = successResponse;
$scope.history.loading = false;
$scope.history.loadError = '';
}, function (error) {
$scope.history.loading = false;
$scope.history.loadError = error.data;
$scope.animateElementIn = function ($el) {
// optional: not mandatory (uses angular-scroll-animate)
$scope.animateElementOut = function ($el) {
//#region Correspondance
$scope.getCorrespondanceData = function () {
$scope.letters.loading = true;
Correspondance.query({ id: $scope.ticket.ticketGUID }, function (result) {
$scope.letters.loading = false;
$scope.letters.data = result;
$scope.resendLetter = function (letter) {
$scope.letters.laddaResendLetter = true;
Correspondance.resend({ id: letter.correspondanceID }, function (result) {
Notification.success('New ' + result.correspondanceType.toLowerCase() + ' ' + result.deliveryMethod.toLowerCase() + ' has been requested');
$scope.letters.laddaResendLetter = false;
}, function (error) {
$scope.letters.laddaResendLetter = false;
$scope.cancelLetter = function (letter) {
$scope.letters.laddaCancelLetter = true;
Correspondance.cancelLetterRequest({ id: letter.correspondanceID }, function (result) {
Notification.success(result.correspondanceType.toLowerCase() + ' ' + result.deliveryMethod.toLowerCase() + ' has been cancelled');
$scope.letters.laddaCancelLetter = false;
}, function (error) {
$scope.letters.laddaCancelLetter = false;
Found the problem to be a third party module (angular-timeline) for animating the history

How to redraw flot chart in angularjs?

I am using flot chart Angularjs directive to draw a stacked bar chart. When I make a async call to an end point to fetch data for chart, it is unable show up. I suspect it needs to redraw. There is a draw() function which looks like re draws flot chart. Please help me re-draw my flot chart in Angularjs.
<flot dataset="tasksRunData" options="tasksRunChartOptions" class="center-block" width="100%" height="400px" id="reportTasksRunRange.id"></flot>
angular.module('myApp').controller('Step2Controller', function($scope, $location, $interval, dialogs, $modal, $transition, ReportingService) {
$scope.tasksRunData = mainArray;
$scope.tasksRunChartOptions = {
legend: {
show: true,
margin: 2
xaxis: {
ticks: yaxisArray,
alignTicksWithAxis: "right"
grid: {
labelMargin: 10,
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 0
series: {
stack: true
colors: colorCodesArray,
tooltip: true
$scope.redrawTasksRunDataHistoByChart = function() {
$scope.tasksRunData.draw(); //TypeError: undefined is not a function
ReportService.getTasksRunDateHistoByType().then(function(result) {
$scope.renderTasksRunDateHistoByType = function(jsonInput) {
var yaxis = [];
var buckets = json[RUN_AGG_BY_DATE_HISTO].aggregations[TASK_TYPE_AGG].buckets;
var log = [];
var mainArray = [];
var colorCodes = ["#5C832F","#7B52AB","#263248","#AB1A25","#FF8598","#AB1A25","#FEB41C","#193441","#193441","#BEEB9F","#E3DB9A","#917A56"],
idx = 0;
angular.forEach(buckets, function(value, key) {
this.push(key + ': ' + value +", "+value["key"]);
var dataArray = [], index = 0;
angular.forEach(value[RUN_OVER_TIME_KEY]["buckets"], function(value, key) {
var dataArr = [];
dataArr.push('['+index+', '+value["doc_count"]+']');
yaxis.push(JSON.parse('['+index+', "'+$scope.translate(value["key"])+'", "'+value["key"]+'"]'));
}, log);
var barObject = '"bars": {"show": "true", "barWidth":0.8, "fillColor": "'+colorCodes[idx]+'", "order": 1, "align": "center"}';
var object = '{ "data": ['+dataArray+'], "label": "'+value["key"]+'", '+barObject+'}';
}, log);
$scope.tasksRunData = mainArray;
$scope.tasksRunChartOptions = {
legend: {
show: true,
margin: 2
xaxis: {
//ticks:[[0,'Oct 4'],[1,'Oct 5'],[2,'Oct 6'],[3,'Oct 7'],[4,'Oct 8'],[5,'Oct 9']],
ticks: yaxis,
alignTicksWithAxis: "right"
grid: {
labelMargin: 10,
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 0
series: {
stack: true
colors: colorCodes,
tooltip: true
angularjs service
.service('ReportService', function ReportService($http, $q) {
var getTasksRunDateHistoByType = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
method: 'POST',
url: "http://localhost:4040/reports/taskRun",
data: '{ "client_user_info": { "client_id": "MU03"}}'
success(function(result, status, headers, config) {
error(function(result, status, headers, config) {
return deferred.promise;
return {
getTasksRunDateHistoByType: getTasksRunDateHistoByType
Looking at the source code to the directive, it'll redraw automatically when $scope.dataset changes.
$scope.redrawChart = function() {
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
tmp.push([i,Math.random() * 10]);
$scope.dataset = [{ data: tmp }];
Here's an example.
I'm having a hard time following your code, but in the end, you'll end up in the $scope.renderTasksRunDateHistoByType with data in the variable jsonInput. You then store some variable mainArray (which doesn't exist as far as I can tell) into other $scope level variables. I never see you assign data back to $scope.dataset. This is what the flot directive is watching to trigger a redraw. It's just that simple.
$scope.renderTasksRunDateHistoByType = function(jsonInput) {
$scope.dataset = [{
data: jsonInput
//$scope.tasksRunData = mainArray;
//getting data here once response is received from server
See updates here.

AngularJS: window service and directive

I'm learning AngularJS and I want to create a custom service and directive to show window view which I can close, minimize, maximize, drag and resize. I wrote something but I am not sure if this is correct, especially, when I use ng-view while changing route I had to add
scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (next, current) {
to my code and ngRoute to the dependecies list to see the view, but I didn't add anything to respond to it and I am not sure how this works.
I wanted also add possibility to close window on esc but when I added this functionality closing window with animation stop working.
Could someone take a look at the code and tell me what is wrong or missed or explain something?
(function (window, angular) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('bbWindow', []);
module.provider('bbWindow', function () {
var defaults = this.defaults = {
id: null,
controller: null,
scope: null,
windowTitle: null,
windowContent: null,
className: 'bbwindow-theme-default',
position: 'top', // position of the window: 'top', 'center', 'bottom'
size: 'medium', // size of the window: 'small', 'medium', 'large'
showButtons: true,
showCloseButton: true,
showMinimizeButton: true,
showMaximizeButton: true,
showBackdrop: false,
closeByBackdropClick: false,
closeByEscape: true,
onClose: null,
praventClosing: false,
animation: 'am-fade-and-scale', // use animations from angular-motion, eg. am-slide-top, am-fade-and-scale, am-flip-x
backdropAnimation: 'am-fade',
template: 'common/bbwindow/bbwindow.tpl.html',
plainTemplate: false,
contentTemplate: null,
plainContentTemplate: false,
draggable: true,
dragOpacity: 0.35,
resizable: true,
resizeMinHeight: 150,
resizeMinWidth: 330
var openedWindows = [],
globalId = 0,
zIndex = 1000,
minimizedWindowPositions = [],
topId = 0,
defers = []; // used to resolve when window is closed
this.$get = ['$rootScope',
function ($rootScope, $document, $compile, $q, $templateCache, $http, $timeout, $sce, $animate, $route, $log) {
var body = $document.find('body');
// private methods
function onKeyUp(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
if (topId) {
function fetchTemplate(template, plain) {
if (plain) {
return $q.when(template);
return $q.when($templateCache.get(template) || $http.get(template))
.then(function (res) {
if (angular.isObject(res)) {
$templateCache.put(template, res.data);
return res.data;
return res;
// find elements in element or document for specified selectors
function findElement(selectors, element) {
return angular.element((element || document).querySelectorAll(selectors));
// get height of the screen
function getDocHeight() {
var D = document;
return Math.max(
D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight,
D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight,
D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight
function getElementPositionObject(element) {
return {
width: element.css('width'),
height: element.css('height'),
top: element.css('top'),
left: element.css('left'),
margin: element.css('margin')
// find the minimized window position in the array and remove it
function removeMinimizedWindowPosition(windowElement) {
var left = parseInt(windowElement.css('left')),
top = parseInt(windowElement.css('top')),
position = -1;
for (i = 0; i < minimizedWindowPositions.length; i++) {
if (minimizedWindowPositions[i][0] == left && minimizedWindowPositions[i][1] == top) {
position = i;
if (position > -1) {
minimizedWindowPositions.splice(position, 1);
// public object returned from service
var bbwindow = {
open: function (config) {
var self = this,
options = angular.copy(defaults);
config = config || {};
angular.extend(options, config);
globalId += 1;
var id = options.id || 'bbwindow' + globalId;
topId = id;
var defer = $q.defer();
defers[id] = defer;
var scope = options.scope && angular.isObject(options.scope) ? options.scope.$new() : $rootScope.$new();
// Support scope as string options
angular.forEach(['windowTitle', 'windowContent'], function (key) {
if (options[key]) {
scope[key] = $sce.trustAsHtml(options[key]);
scope.showButtons = options.showButtons;
scope.showCloseButton = options.showCloseButton;
scope.showMinimizeButton = options.showMinimizeButton;
scope.showMaximizeButton = options.showMaximizeButton;
scope.close = function () {
scope.$$postDigest(function () {
if (!options.preventClosing) {
if (options.onClose && $.isFunction(options.onClose)) {
scope.maximize = function () {
scope.$$postDigest(function () {
scope.minimize = function () {
scope.$$postDigest(function () {
scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (next, current) {
// featch main window template
var templatePromise = fetchTemplate(options.template, options.plainTemplate);
// check if the user provided template for content and fetch it
if (options.contentTemplate) {
templatePromise = templatePromise.then(function (template) {
var templateElement = angular.element(template);
if (templateElement) {
// fetch content template
return fetchTemplate(options.contentTemplate, options.plainContentTemplate).then(function (contentTemplate) {
var contentElement = findElement('[data-ng-bind="windowContent"]', templateElement[0]);
if (contentElement) {
return templateElement[0].outerHTML;
templatePromise.then(function (template) {
if (template) {
var windowElement = $compile(template)(scope);
scope.$$phase || (scope.$root && scope.$root.$$phase) || scope.$digest();
windowElement.attr('id', id);
if (options.controller && angular.isString(options.controller)) {
windowElement.attr('data-ng-controller', options.controller);
// set default theme class
// set initial positioning
// set initial size of the window
// add drag option if enabled
if (options.draggable) {
addClasses: false,
cancel: "input,textarea,button,select,option,.bbwindow-content,.bbwindow-header-buttons",
opacity: options.dragOpacity
// jquery draggable plugin sets position to relative and then there is
// problem while resizing element, so change position to absolute
$(windowElement).css('position', 'absolute');
} else {
// if the window won't be draggable, then find h4 element in the header
// and change cursor from move to normal
$(windowElement).find('.bbwindow-header h4').css('cursor', 'default');
// add resize option if enabled
if (options.resizable) {
handles: "all",
minHeight: options.resizeMinHeight,
minWidth: options.resizeMinWidth
if (options.position == 'center') {
$(windowElement).css('transform', 'inherit');
if (options.closeByEscape) {
//windowElement.on('keyup', onKeyUp);
if (options.animation) {
windowElement.on('mousedown', function () {
topId = id;
windowElement.css('z-index', zIndex++);
$animate.enter(windowElement, body, null, function () {
return {
id: id,
closePromise: defer.promise,
close: function() {
confirm: function(config) {
var defer = $q.defer();
var options = {
closeByBackdropClick: false,
closeByEscape: false
angular.extend(options, config);
options.scope = angular.isObject(options.scope) ? options.scope.$new() : $rootScope.$new();
options.scope.confirm = function(value) {
var window = bbwindow.open(options);
window.closePromise.then(function () {
return defer.promise;
close: function (id) {
var windowElement = angular.element(document.getElementById(id));
if (windowElement) {
var isMinimized = windowElement.scope().isMinimized || false;
if (isMinimized) {
if (defers[id]) {
id: id,
window: windowElement
delete defers[id];
$animate.leave(windowElement, function () {
maximize: function (id) {
var windowElement = angular.element(document.getElementById(id));
if (windowElement) {
var isMinimized = windowElement.scope().isMinimized || false;
if (isMinimized) {
var bodyWidth = $('body').width(),
bodyHeight = getDocHeight(),
elementWidth = parseInt(windowElement.css('width')),
elementHeight = parseInt(windowElement.css('height'));
if (windowElement.scope().lastPosition && elementWidth == bodyWidth && elementHeight == bodyHeight) {
var lastPosition = windowElement.scope().lastPosition;
position: 'absolute',
width: lastPosition.width,
height: lastPosition.height,
top: lastPosition.top,
left: lastPosition.left,
margin: lastPosition.margin
}, 200);
windowElement.scope().lastPosition = null;
} else {
windowElement.scope().lastPosition = getElementPositionObject(windowElement);
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
top: '0',
left: '0',
margin: '0'
}, 200);
minimize: function (id) {
var windowElement = angular.element(document.getElementById(id));
if (windowElement) {
var bodyWidth = $('body').width(),
bodyHeight = getDocHeight(),
isMinimized = windowElement.scope().isMinimized || false;
if (isMinimized) {
var lastPosition = windowElement.scope().lastPositionForMinimizedElement;
width: lastPosition.width,
height: lastPosition.height,
top: lastPosition.top,
left: lastPosition.left,
margin: lastPosition.margin
}, 200);
windowElement.scope().isMinimized = false;
windowElement.scope().lastPositionForMinimizedElement = null;
} else {
windowElement.scope().lastPositionForMinimizedElement = getElementPositionObject(windowElement);
var headerHeight = $(windowElement).find('.bbwindow-header').css('height');
var top = bodyHeight - parseInt(headerHeight);
var width = 200;
var left = 0;
var i = 0;
var found = false;
// find position for minimized window
do {
if (minimizedWindowPositions.length == 0) {
found = true;
var positions = minimizedWindowPositions.filter(function (pos) {
return pos[0] == left && pos[1] == top;
if (positions.length > 0) {
left = i * width;
if (left + width >= bodyWidth) {
i = 0;
left = 0;
top -= parseInt(headerHeight);
} else {
found = true;
} while (!found);
minimizedWindowPositions.push([left, top]);
height: headerHeight,
left: left + 'px',
top: top + 'px',
margin: '0',
width: width + 'px'
}, 200);
windowElement.scope().isMinimized = true;
return bbwindow;
module.directive('bbWindowMain', ['$sce', 'bbWindow', function ($sce, bbWindow) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
link: function (scope, element, attr, transclusion) {
var options = {scope: scope};
angular.forEach(['id', 'className', 'position', 'size', 'animation', 'template', 'contentTemplate'], function (key) {
if (angular.isDefined(attr[key])) {
options[key] = attr[key];
angular.forEach(['windowTitle', 'windowContent'], function (key) {
attr[key] && attr.$observe(key, function (newValue, oldValue) {
scope[key] = $sce.trustAsHtml(newValue);
})(window, window.angular);

set the data from controller into directive

I had created the directive file like this:
.directive('rGraph', function() {
return {
link: function ( scope, element, attrs ) {
var width = Math.max($("#graph-container").innerWidth(), 400);
var height = Math.max(width, 550);
var rgraph = new $jit.RGraph({
injectInto: 'graphcontainer',
width: width,
height: height,
background: {
CanvasStyles: {
strokeStyle: '#555'
Navigation: {
enable: true,
panning: true,
zooming: 10
Node: {
color: '#ddeeff',
overridable: true
Edge: {
color: '#C17878',
lineWidth: 1.0
onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node){
domElement.innerHTML = node.name;
domElement.onclick = function(){
rgraph.onClick(node.id, {
onComplete: function() {
onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node){
style = domElement.style;
style.display = '';
style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (node._depth <= 1) {
style.fontSize = "0.8em";
style.color = "#ccc";
} else if(node._depth == 2){
style.fontSize = "0.7em";
style.color = "#494949";
} else {
style.display = 'none';
var left = parseInt(style.left);
var w = domElement.offsetWidth;
style.left = (left - w / 2) + 'px';
onBeforePlotNode: function(node){
if (node.data.type == 'group') {
node.setData('type', 'square');
} else if (node.data.type == 'judge') {
node.setData('type', 'star');
node.setData('dim', '8');
//Here I need to set the data
// Completing animations on every change was too much
// TODO come up with better way to watch for changes
rgraph.graph.eachNode(function(n) {
var pos = n.getPos();
pos.setc(-200, -200);
duration: 2000
And my controller is like this:
angular.module('myApp').controller('AnalysisCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$q', 'SearchService', function($scope, $http, $q, SearchService) {
$scope.graph_data = {
'id': 'judge_id',
'name': judge.name,
'type': 'judge',
'children': filters
My view is where I ma calling directive is like this:
<div id="graphcontainer" r-graph="graph_data"></div>
Now i need to add the data get from controller i.e data of $scope.graph_data into to the rgraph.loadJSON(); of directives.So how to do that.
