I want to write a program that gets the first half of a string 'ch1' and puts it in a string 'ch3' then gets the first half of another string 'ch2' and concatenates it in 'ch3' "puts is in the end of ch3" but when I execute it, it gives me weird output for ch3 ..
for example :
ch1 ="123"
ch2 ="azertyuiop"
the result :
ch3 ="1<3rdweirdletter>azert"
This is my code :
int main()
char ch1[200],ch2[200],ch3[200];
puts("give 'ch1' ");
puts("give 'ch2' ");
strncpy(ch3,ch1, strlen(ch1)/2 );
strncat(ch3,ch2, strlen(ch2)/2 );
printf("a half \"%s\" + a half \"%s\" gives \"%s\"",ch1,ch2,ch3);
return 0;
I would appreciate if someone helps me.
You can either initialize ch3[] to be all zeroes: char ch3[200] = { 0 };
Or you can manually place the null-terminator (the character '\0') on ch3 after copying the first half of ch1 to it:
strncpy(ch3, ch1, strlen(ch1) / 2);
ch3[strlen(ch1)/2] = '\0';
strncat(ch3, ch2, strlen(ch2) / 2);
This is needed because strings in C need to be null-terminated (meaning you need a value of 0 after the last character of the string to mark the end of the string). The function strncpy(s, ct, n) only pads with zeroes if ct has less characters than n (not your case), therefore, if you don't add the null character manually, strncat will think that ch3 is much longer. It will search for the first zero in memory after ch3's start and only there it will concatenate what you wanted. That's where those weird characters come from.
This is my code for two functions in C:
// Begin
void readTrain(Train_t *train){
printf("Name des Zugs:");
char name[STR];
getlinee(name, STR);
strcpy(train->name, name);
printf("Name des Drivers:");
char namedriver[STR];
getlinee(namedriver, STR);
strcpy(train->driver, namedriver);
void getlinee(char *str, long num){
char c;
int i = 0;
while(((c=getchar())!='\n') && (i<num)){
*str = c;
printf("i is %d\n", i);
*str = '\0';
// End
So, with void getlinee(char *str, long num) function I want to get user input to first string char name[STR] and to second char namedriver[STR]. Maximal string size is STR (30 charachters) and if I have at the input more than 30 characters for first string ("Name des Zuges"), which will be stored in name[STR], after that I input second string, which will be stored in namedriver, and then printing FIRST string, I do not get the string from the user input (first 30 characters from input), but also the second string "attached" to this, I simply do not know why...otherwise it works good, if the limit of 30 characters is respected for the first string.
Here my output, when the input is larger than 30 characters for first string, problem is in the row 5 "Zugname", why I also have second string when I m printing just first one...:
Name des Zugs:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i is 30
Name des Drivers:xxxxxxxx
i is 8
Zugname: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx
Drivername: xxxxxxxx
I think your issue is that your train->name is not properly terminated with '\0', as a consequence when you call printf("%s", train->name) the function keeps reading memory until it finds '\0'. In your case I guess your structure looks like:
struct Train_t {
char name[STR];
char driver[STR];
In getlinee() function, you write '\0' after the last character. In particular, if the input is more than 30 characters long, you copy the first 30 characters, then add '\0' at the 31-th character (name[30]). This is a first buffer overflow.
So where is this '\0' actually written? well, at name[30], even though your not supposed to write there. Then, if you have the structure above when you do strcpy(train->name, name); you will actually copy a 31-bytes long string: 30 chars into train->name, and the '\0' will overflow into train->driver[0]. This is the second buffer overflow.
After this, you override the train->driver buffer so the '\0' disappears and your data in memory basically looks like:
train->name = "aaa...aaa" // no '\0' at the end so printf won't stop reading here
train->driver = "xxx\0" // but there
You have an off-by-one error on your array sizes -- you have arrays of STR chars, and you read up to STR characters into them, but then you store a NUL terminator, requiring (up to) STR + 1 bytes total. So whenever you have a max size input, you run off the end of your array(s) and get undefined behavior.
Pass STR - 1 as the second argument to getlinee for the easiest fix.
Key issues
Size test in wrong order and off-by-one. ((c=getchar())!='\n') && (i<num) --> (i+1<num) && ((c=getchar())!='\n'). Else no room for the null character. Bad form to consume an excess character here.
getlinee() should be declared before first use. Tip: Enable all compiler warnings to save time.
Use int c; not char c; to well distinguish the typical 257 different possible results from getchar().
fflush(stdin); is undefined behavior. Better code would consume excess characters in a line with other code.
void getlinee(char *str, long num) better with size_t num. size_t is the right size type for array sizing and indexing.
int i should be the same type as num.
Better code would also test for EOF.
while((i<num) && ((c=getchar())!='\n') && (c != EOF)){
A better design would return something from getlinee() to indicate success and identify troubles like end-of-file with nothing read, input error, too long a line and parameter trouble like str == NULL, num <= 0.
I believe you have a struct similar to this:
typedef struct train_s
char name[STR];
char driver[STR];
} Train_t;
When you attempt to write a '\0' to a string that is longer than STR (30 in this case), you actually write a '\0' to name[STR], which you don't have, since the last element of name with length STR has an index of STR-1 (29 in this case), so you are trying to write a '\0' outside your array.
And, since two strings in this struct are stored one after another, you are writing a '\0' to driver[0], which you immediately overwrite, hence when printing out name, printf doesn't find a '\0' until it reaches the end of driver, so it prints both.
Fixing this should be easy.
Just change:
while(((c=getchar())!='\n') && (i<num))
while(((c=getchar())!='\n') && (i<num - 1))
Or, as I would do it, add 1 to array size:
char name[STR + 1];
char driver[STR + 1];
I don't quite understand this program. I don't understand what is happening in the for loop. Can someone explain to me in simple words. And the site also didn't explain it well-enough. This is the link to the site. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-words-string-reverse-order/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void printReverse(char str[])
int length = strlen(str);
FILE *fptr;
printf("Invalid file");
int i;
for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (str[i] == ' ')
str[i] = '\0';
printf("%s ", &(str[i]) + 1);
fprintf(fptr,"%s ", &(str[i]) + 1);
printf("%s.", str);
int main()
char str[1000];
printf("Enter string: ");
scanf("%[^\n]s", str);
return 0;
In the for loop, why put &(str[i])+1? And also in printf("%s.", str)--this only has the first word; how?
Okay, let's see if I can help. I'll go through the code carefully.
I suspect you already understand this. It's just a method call.
void printReverse(char str[])
strlen is a standard method that returns the length of a null-terminated string. That means that str might contain Hello (5 characters), but there's one more byte with a 0 in it, which is how C has always marked the end of the string. In this case, str itself takes 6 bytes, but length will be 5.
int length = strlen(str);
This is how you open a file in C. C++ has better ways. The file is written for writing.
FILE *fptr;
printf("Invalid file");
Here's your for-loop. Let's assume str contains Hello, so length is 5, but the indexes into string are str[0..4]. C uses the index as "offset from the beginning", so the first element is 0, not 1. Thus, when this loop starts, str[i] == o (using Hello as our example string). We then loop, decrementing i each time. Once i goes below 0, the loop ends.
int i;
for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Okay, remember we're printing the words in normal order, but the words themselves are in reverse order. So this looks for a space -- between words. So if we use Hello there as our input text, this if-statement is true when i is pointing to the space between the two words.
Now here's the trick. Remember what I said earlier about null-terminated strings? What this does is to step on that space and replace it with a 0. That makes the rest of this magic work.
if (str[i] == ' ')
str[i] = '\0';
And here's the magic. Now, this is a strange way to do it. I would have done it with &str[i+1], but this works. What this is doing is saying "Print the string that begins after the space we just clobbered." We do it to the terminal and the file.
printf("%s ", &(str[i]) + 1);
fprintf(fptr,"%s ", &(str[i]) + 1);
This writes the produced rearranged string to the file that was opened as well as to your terminal then makes sure the file is closed.
printf("%s.", str);
This all works because we step on the spaces with a zero. For Hello world, we:
Start from the tail
Find the space and stick a zero in it
Print world
Keep backing up to the end of the data.
Drop out of the for-loop and print whatever is left: Hello
Answer to your specific questions
In the for loop why put? &(str[i])+1?
&str[i] is the address of the character at index i where a space has been replaced with a NUL character. With +1 you get the address of the character after it, i.e. the beginning of the word that follows the space that was just replaced. (In case of double spaces this would result in an empty string.)
And also in printf("%s.", str); this only has the first word how?
Assuming the first word is not preceded by a space, the loop will not print it.
This printf("%s.", str); will print the string from the beginning until the first NUL character that replaces a former space character, hence resulting in the first word.
Additional question from comment
So... for example if I input Hello World does the W in that get the index 0?
The W is at index 6. (H is 0, e is 1 etc.)
When i has been counted down to 5, the space at this position will be replaced with a NUL ('\0') character, and it will print the remaining string from the W up to the end of the string which is also marked by a NUL character. (As defined by the C standard.)
And what if the character is not a NULL character? Then it won't go execute if right? It'll just increment i again till it encounters another NULL right?
I don't fully understand these questions. In case there was no NUL character at the end of the string printf would read past the end of the string leading to undefined behavior.
In case of an input string Hello World and Universe", all spaces after Worldwould have been replaced with NUL characters before, so when the program reaches the position of the space beforeWorld`, the string will be
Hello World\0and\0Universe\0
before the replacement and
after the replacement.
I have two char arrays (char string1[7] and char string2[256]) which I need to print in a specific format. Both strings have a random number of entries terminated with a '\0' null byte.
I need to print string1
followed by a space on 9th character
followed by string2 - which MUST begin printing from the 10th character onwards.
I have tried implementing this by copying the strings to a new array which I can print directly, however it is not working.
if(i<9 && string1[i]!='\0')
else if (i>9)
Any help is much appreciated :)
int main(void) {
char string1[7];
char string2[256];
strncpy(string1, "str1", 6);
strcpy(string2, "This is string 2.");
printf("%-8s %s", string1, string2);
return 0;
When compiled and run, the code above will print out:
str1 This is string 2.
The %-8s format specification says that, if the given string of characters is less than 8 characters long (not including '\0'), the string will be followed by whitespaces (blanks) to take up 8 rooms.
Furthermore, the 9th character is going to be a space and the rest will be filled up by string2.
Edit: strncpy function is used for string1 to ensure that no more than 6 characters will be copied from src to dest. Keep in mind that the 7th character will be a null-terminator ('\0').
I believe the following needs to be corrected/clarified and not going to post the code, so that you would have a chance to learn and try to fix it.
while(string2[i]!='\0') /* and further checks in the code, it appears that
the string2 has larger set of characters and
exceeds a count of 9 */
if (i<9 && string1[i]!='\0') /* What happens when (i < 9)
but string1[i] has already
reached the '\0'? */
else if (i>9)
/* What about (i == 9)? */
/* Not including '\0' from string2 before printing Printline
would eventually crash the program */
Okay I have two problems with my solution to this problem, I was hoping I could get some help on. The problem itself is being able to print out #s in a specific format based on user input.
My questions are:
When I input 7, it outputs the correct solution, but when I output 8 (or higher), my buffer, for whatever reason add some garbage at the end, which I am unsure why it happens. I would add a picture but I don't have enough rep points for it :(
In my code, where I've inputted **HELPHERE**, I'm unsure why this gives me the correct solution. I'm confused because in the links I've read (on format specifiers) I thought that the 1 input (x in my case) specified how many spaces you wanted. I thought this would've made the solution x-n, as each consequent row, you'd need the space segment to decrease by 1 each time. Am I to understand that the array somehow reverses it's input into the printf statement? I'm confused because does that mean since the array increases by 1, on each subsequent iteration of the loop, it eats into the space area?
int main(void){
printf("Height: ");
int x = GetInt();
int n = 1;
int k=0;
char buff[x]; /* creates buffer where hashes will go*/
while(n<=x){ /* stops when getint value is hit*/
while(k<n) /* fill buffer on each iteration of loop with 1 more hashtag*/
buff[k] = '#';
printf("%*s",x, buff); /*makes x number of spaces ****HELPHERE*****, then prints buffer*/
printf(" ");
printf("%s\n",buff); /*prints other side of triangle */
/*printf("%*c \n",x-n, '\0');*/
Allocate enough memory and make sure the string is null terminated:
char buff[x+1];//need +1 for End of the string('\0')
memset(buff, '\0', sizeof(buff));//Must be initialized by zero
Print as many blanks as requested by blank-padding an empty string:
printf("%*s", x, "");
※the second item was written by Jonathan Leffler.
In printf("%*s",x, buff);, buff in not null character terminated.
Present code "worked" sometimes as buff was not properly terminated and the result was UB - undefined behavior. What likely happened in OP's case was that the buffer up to size 7, fortunately had '\0' in subsequent bytes, but not so when size was 8.
1) As per #BLUEPIXY, allocated a large enough buffer to accommodate the '#' and the terminating '\0' with char buff[x+1];
2) Change while loop to append the needed '\0'.
while (k<n) {
buff[k] = '#';
buff[k] = '\0';
3) Minor:insure x is valid.
if (x < 0) Handle_Error();
char buff[x];
4) Minor: Return a value for int main() such as return 0;.
I have a function that will parse some data coming in. My problem is that after using strncpy I get some garbage when I try to print it. I try using malloc to make the char array the exact size.
void parse_data(char *unparsed_data)
char *temp_str;
char *pos;
char *pos2;
char *key;
char *data;
const char newline = '\n';
int timestamp = 0;
temp_str = (char*)malloc(strlen(unparsed_data));
g_print("\nThe original string is: \n%s\n",unparsed_data);
//Ignore the first two lines
pos = strchr(unparsed_data, newline);
strcpy(temp_str, pos+1);
pos = strchr(temp_str, newline);
strcpy(temp_str, pos+1);
//Split the line in two; The key name and the value
pos = strchr(temp_str, ':'); // ':' divides the name from the value
pos2 = strchr(temp_str, '\n'); //end of the line
key = (char*)malloc((size_t)(pos-temp_str)-1); //allocate enough memory
data = (char*)malloc((size_t)(pos2-pos)-1);
strncpy(key, temp_str, (size_t)(pos-temp_str));
strncpy(data, pos + 2, (size_t)(pos2-pos));
timestamp = atoi(data);
g_print("size of the variable \"key\" = %d or %d\n", (size_t)(pos-temp_str), strlen(key));
g_print("size of the variable \"data\" = %d or %d\n", (size_t)(pos2-pos), strlen(data));
g_print("The key name is %s\n",key);
g_print("The value is %s\n",data);
g_print("End of Parser\n");
The original string is:
Local Data Set 16-byte Universal Key
Time Stamp (microsec): 1319639501097446
Frame Number: 0
Version: 3
Angle (deg): 10.228428
size of the variable "key" = 21 or 22
size of the variable "data" = 18 or 21
The key name is Time Stamp (microsec)
The value is 1319639501097446
End of Parser
Run it again:
The original string is:
Local Data Set 16-byte Universal Key
Time Stamp (microsec): 1319639501097446
Frame Number: 0
Version: 3
Angle (deg): 10.228428
size of the variable "key" = 21 or 25
size of the variable "data" = 18 or 18
The key name is Time Stamp (microsec)ipe
The value is 1319639501097446
End of Parser
Your results are because strncpy does not put a null character at the end of the string.
Your strncpy(data, pos + 2, (size_t)(pos2-pos)); doesn't add a terminating \0 character at the end of the string. Therefore when you try to print it later, printf() prints your whole data string and whatever is in the memory right after it, until it reaches zero - that's the garbate you're getting. You need to explicitly append zero at the end of your data. It's also needed for atoi().
You need to allocate one more byte for your data, and write a terminating character there. data[len_of_data] = '\0'. Only after that it becomes a valid C string and you can use it for atoi() and printf().
You need to malloc() +1 byte for a string, so it can append the zero when you do strcpy(), but the strncpy will not append zero as well you need a extra byte for it.
One problem: What if there's no newline?
Undefined behaviour:
pos = strchr(temp_str, newline);
strcpy(temp_str, pos+1);
The source and destination of strcpy must not overlap.
You have to remember in allocating space for a string to add one byte for the terminating '\0' character. You have to be careful with strncpy, especially if you are used to using strcpy, strcat, or sprintf. Those three functions terminate the string with '\0'. strncpy copies a number of bytes that you specify, and makes no assumption of terminating the string.
You assume that responsibility by making sure you place a '\0' at the end of the character buffer to which you copied. That means you have to know the starting the position and the length of the copy and put a '\0' one byte past the sum of the starting position and length.
I chose to solve a sample problem slightly differently, but it still involves knowing the length of what I copied.
In this case, I use strncpy to take the first 9 characters from pcszTestStr1 and
copy them to szTestBuf. Then, I use strcpy -- which terminates the string with a zero --
to append the new part of the sentence.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int n;
int argv_2;
char szTestBuf[100] = {0};
char * pcszTestStr1 =
"This is a very long, long string to be used in a C example, OK?";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rc = 0;
printf("The following sentence is too long.\n%s\n", pcszTestStr1);
strncpy(szTestBuf, pcszTestStr1, 9);
strcpy(szTestBuf + 9, " much shorter sentence.");
printf("%s\n", szTestBuf);
return rc;
Here's the output of running test.c compiled gcc -o test test.c.
cnorton#hiawatha:~/scratch$ ./test
The following sentence is too long.
This is a very long, long string to be used in a C example, OK?
This is a much shorter sentence.