Why can't browsers use a virtual dom internally as an optimisation? - reactjs

There are lots of SO questions and blogs on the internet attempting to explain what virtual dom is, but this question is about why this kind of optimisation has to be to implemented in JavaScript/as part of a framework, rather than by the browser itself.
Virtual DOM, as I understand it, is a tree composed of Javascript Objects, with parents/children etc. but without most of the "heavy" features of the real DOM. Frameworks (e.g. React/Vue) respond to changes of model state by creating a virtual DOM from scratch and then do a diff on the last version of their virtual DOM to work out what real DOM to change.
Many of the things I have read, claim that virtual DOM is faster because real DOM has to re-layout (or even re-paint) every time there is a change, but this isn't true - re-layouts are only needed when some piece of JS code explicitly asks for some style/text-flow dependant value (such as a height/width etc.). And presumably most of the frameworks that use virtual DOMs cannot do any better at this - except ensuring developers don't accidentally do it.
Also, at some point recently browsers were considering providing event hooks for DOM-mutation, but that idea has been abandoned, meaning there shouldn't need to be any events fired at the point DOM is mutated.
So my question is, what does that leave in terms of benefits? What extra information, or extra freedom, does the JS framework have that gives it the "logical" power to perform the virtual DOM optimisation?

Virtual DOM is something like a workaround for the current situation. The W3C are working on re-building the DOM and make the current "virtual DOM" native to the browser. But you know how slow this goes - it has to be drafted, talked over, accepted, and then starts the fun part - implementing it in different browsers. They still have issues with CSS3 and flexbox model - every browser has it's own terms and standards for working with those.
And it's the same with the Virtual DOM - they still haven't accepted it to be a cross-browser solution. This will eventually happen in the future, but until then - we use the JS option.
If you follow the JS world - it was pretty much the same with Promises - we got the bluebird and jQuery implementations, but at the end Promises went native and all those libraries and frameworks are no longer needed.


What are the pros and cons of using an HTML parsing package like html-react-parser vs dangerouslySetInnerHtml in React

We have a database containing HTML code and we are displaying that on a web page using React, but it needs to be parsed.
I initially used html-react-parser but after a code review was asked to use dangerouslySetInnerHtml instead because it doesn't have any dependencies.
I wasn't able to articulate any advantages of using html-react-parser other than it doesn't use dangerouslySetInnerHtml, but is that an advantage and if so why? Does it somehow avoid the dangers or are they just hidden?
Many thanks,
I've recently been studying this issue for a Headless CMS project I'm working on. From what I understand:
dangerouslySetInnerHtml creates DOM elements outside of ReactDOM.Render() method, so it's not dynamically maintained by the React library. This basically defeats the purpose of using React in the first place (displaying and maintaining virtual DOM).
More concerning, though, is that it's vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, which is where it gets its name. These are a very common form of attack on the web. You can read about that here: https://reactjs.org/docs/dom-elements.html#dangerouslysetinnerhtml
If you want the app to be less prone to attacks, you'll have to use a sanitization library like DOMPurify for dangerouslySetInnerHtml, so you're likely to have another dependency either way. Once you compile the app for production (npm build) the minimization process makes the codebase extremely compact, and you can do some optimization beforehand with techniques like code-splitting, which makes each section of your page load only if requested, instead of all at once: https://reactjs.org/docs/code-splitting.html
I wouldn't worry too much about a few dependencies, personally - they're a fact of life on the modern web. I've been leaning towards using html-react-parser, but I caveat that by saying I have not investigated whether it reduces XSS vulnerability. However, even if both are vulnerable to XSS attacks, at least html-react-parser introduces the elements through ReactDOM.render() so they don't make the DOM all catty-wompus - that sounds like a recipe for disaster down the road.

Migration to Angular2 -> advice required

Some background:
I having part in developing a huge, extremely dynamic and customizable Angular 1 web application.
Since it so huge and dynamic, there are tons of watchers out there - 4K in single view, at least.
As may be expected, the application is suffering from major performance problems. This huge amount of watchers make application loading and general response times to be very long.
As one possible solution, I was considering to upgrade several of "heavy" components to Angular2 - so these parts could live in ng2 framework and use ng2 change tracking - which is much faster.
While reading migration documentation, I noticed this paragraph:
When we downgrade an Angular 2 component and then use it from Angular 1, the component's inputs will be watched using Angular 1 change detection.
At this point I want to get advice, just to make sure I'm taking right decisions:
Since I not going to convert the whole application at once, but to convert incrementally (directive by directive), which direction I should take in order to benefit ng2 performance improvements (e.g. ng2 change tracking):
a. Should I migrate "bottom-up", e.g. top level components will
remain ng1; while lower level will be converted to ng2, or
Migrate "from up to the bottom"
Personally I prefer first option (sounds to me less risky), but in case the shell will remine ng1 while its content will be converted to ng2 - isn't that means (according to documentation) that I will be forced to use ng1 change tracking mechanics inside ng2 components? Or I get it wrong?
From your experience, which migration direction proves itself better?
So I'm a bit late to the party here. The ngUpgrade stuff by the Angular team is absolutely fantastic and a viable solution, however I think it'll create more work that perhaps it may be worth (depending on the size of your application).
What I'd shoot for would be a modular process of upgrading a single module at a time rather than components/services at a time. i.e. assuming your 1.x app is broken up into modules you can begin rewriting the first module for example a "dashboard" module or "inbox" module. I went through this process before and we rewrote the homepage of our application, and once the user needed to hit another page that was the "legacy code", the url had /v1/ in to show that they'd actually gone to another application. This way we technically had two applications but ran them completely separate.
If you're still looking at concepts etc to upgrade, I've been working on an Angular 1.x to Angular 2 migration guide which may help you on your way :)

Om but in javascript

I'm getting to be a fan of David Nolen's Om library.
I want to build a not-too-big web app in our team, but I cannot really convince my teammates to switch to ClojureScript.
Is there a way I can use the principles used in om but building the app in JavaScript?
I'm thinking something like:
immutable-js or mori for immutable data structures
js-csp for CSP
just a normal javascript object for the app-state atom
immutable-js for cursors
something for keeping track of the app-state and sending notification base on cursors
I'm struggling with number 5 above.
Has anybody ventured into this territory or has any suggestions? Maybe someone has tried building a react.js app using immutable-js?
Edit July 2015: currently the most promising framework based on immutability is Redux! take a look! It does not use cursors like Om (neither Om Next does not use cursors).
Cursors are not really scalable, despite using CQRS principles described below, it still creates too much boilerplate in components, that is hard to maintain, and add friction when you want to move components around in an existing app.
Also, it's not clear for many devs on when to use and not use cursors, and I see devs using cursors in place they should not be used, making the components less reusable that components taking simple props.
Redux uses connect(), and clearly explains when to use it (container components), and when not to (stateless/reusable components). It solves the boilerplate problem of passing down cursors down the tree, and performs greatly without too much compromises.
I've written about drawbacks of not using connect() here
Despite not using cursors anymore, most parts of my answer remains valid IMHO
I have done it myself in our startup internal framework atom-react
Some alternatives in JS are Morearty, React-cursors, Omniscient or Baobab
At that time there was no immutable-js yet and I didn't do the migration, still using plain JS objects (frozen).
I don't think using a persistent data structures lib is really required unless you have very large lists that you modify/copy often. You could use these projects when you notice performance problems as an optimization but it does not seem to be required to implement the Om's concepts to leverage shouldComponentUpdate. One thing that can be interesting is the part of immutable-js about batching mutations. But anyway I still think it's optimization and is not a core prerequisite to have very decent performances with React using Om's concepts.
You can find our opensource code here:
It has the concept of a Clojurescript Atom which is a swappable reference to an immutable object (frozen with DeepFreeze). It also has the concept of transaction, in case you want multiple parts of the state to be updated atomically. And you can listen to the Atom changes (end of transaction) to trigger the React rendering.
It has the concept of cursor, like in Om (like a functional lens). It permits for components to be able to render the state, but also modify it easily. This is handy for forms as you can link to cursors directly for 2-way data binding:
<input type="text" valueLink={this.linkCursor(myCursor)}/>
It has the concept of pure render, optimized out of the box, like in Om
Differences with Om:
No local state (this.setState(o) forbidden)
In Atom-React components, you can't have a local component state. All the state is stored outside of React. Unless you have integration needs of existing Js libraries (you can still use regular React classes), you store all the state in the Atom (even for async/loading values) and the whole app rerenders itself from the main React component. React is then just a templating engine, very efficient, that transform a JSON state into DOM. I find this very handy because I can log the current Atom state on every render, and then debugging the rendering code is so easy. Thanks to out of the box shouldComponentUpdate it is fast enough, that I can even rerender the full app whenever a user press a new keyboard key on a text input, or hover a button with a mouse. Even on a mobile phone!
Opinionated way to manage state (inspired by CQRS/EventSourcing and Flux)
Atom-React have a very opinionated way to manage the state inspired by Flux and CQRS. Once you have all your state outside of React, and you have an efficient way to transform that JSON state to DOM, you will find out that the remaining difficulty is to manage your JSON state.
Some of these difficulties encountered are:
How to handle asynchronous values
How to handle visual effects requiring DOM changes (mouse hover or focus for exemple)
How to organise your state so that it scales on a large team
Where to fire the ajax requests.
So I end up with the notion of Store, inspired by the Facebook Flux architecture.
The point is that I really dislike the fact that a Flux store can actually depend on another, requiring to orchestrate actions through a complex dispatcher. And you end up having to understand the state of multiple stores to be able to render them.
In Atom-React, the Store is just a "reserved namespace" inside the state hold by the Atom.
So I prefer all stores to be updated from an event stream of what happened in the application. Each store is independant, and does not access the data of other stores (exactly like in a CQRS architecture, where components receive exactly the same events, are hosted in different machines, and manage their own state like they want to). This makes it easier to maintain as when you are developping a new component you just have to understand only the state of one store. This somehow leads to data duplication because now multiple stores may have to keep the same data in some cases (for exemple, on a SPA, it is probable you want the current user id in many places of your app). But if 2 stores put the same object in their state (coming from an event) this actually does not consume any additional data as this is still 1 object, referenced twice in the 2 different stores.
To understand the reasons behind this choice, you can read blog posts of CQRS leader Udi Dahan,The Fallacy Of ReUse and others about Autonomous Components.
So, a store is just a piece of code that receive events and updates its namespaced state in the Atom.
This moves the complexity of state management to another layer. Now the hardest is to define with precision which are your application events.
Note that this project is still very unstable and undocumented/not well tested. But we already use it here with great success. If you want to discuss about it or contribute, you can reach me on IRC: Sebastien-L in #reactjs.
This is what it feels to develop a SPA with this framework. Everytime it is rendered, with debug mode, you have:
The time it took to transform the JSON to Virtual DOM and apply it to the real DOM.
The state logged to help you debug your app
Wasted time thanks to React.addons.Perf
A path diff compared to previous state to easily know what has changed
Check this screenshot:
Some advantages that this kind of framework can bring that I have not explored so much yet:
You really have undo/redo built in (this worked out of the box in my real production app, not just a TodoMVC). However IMHO most of actions in many apps are actually producing side effects on a server, so it does not always make sens to reverse the UI to a previous state, as the previous state would be stale
You can record state snapshots, and load them in another browser. CircleCI has shown this in action on this video
You can record "videos" of user sessions in JSON format, send them to your backend server for debug or replay the video. You can live stream a user session to another browser for user assistance (or spying to check live UX behavior of your users). Sending states can be quite expensive but probably formats like Avro can help. Or if your app event stream is serializable you can simply stream those events. I already implemented that easily in the framework and it works in my production app (just for fun, it does not transmit anything to the backend yet)
Time traveling debugging ca be made possible like in ELM
I've made a video of the "record user session in JSON" feature for those interested.
You can have Om like app state without yet another React wrapper and with pure Flux - check it here https://github.com/steida/este That's my very complete React starter kit.

Feasibility of using angular js for web app with over 200 medium to complex screens

My team was considering using angular js for web app UI development. But knowing at a high level how single page apps work, I had a question as to, how feasible it is to use angular js framework, for a large web application. this would have at least 200 screens, each screen containing an average of 30 UI controls like text boxes, calendar controls, drop downs etc.
The user will be accessing the web app on desktop or laptop and will be using the application in the browser throughout an 8 hour day, without ever closing the browser.
Given above usage, would angular js, memory usage / performance be issue?
are there web apps with huge and complex UI, built using angular js, that are in production and used everyday?
You can have not just 200 but 1000's of screens - this number does not matter as long as you address the core and fundamental questions below. They all boil down to memory and performance.
At a given point of time how many $watches will be active.
At a given point of time how many listeners are created.
At a given point of time what is the complexity of DOM i.e. the number of DOM elements and thee nesting/depth.
At a given point of time how many Javascript modules (services, controllers etc.) will be loaded in the memory. Even though these things are singletons they consume memory.
For each such screen how much memory will be consumed (if you use jqueryUI etc. your memory increases quite rapidly than pure angular + html components)
This brings to what you can do to control the above factors which if not watched will make your application sink/crash.
1) How do you break the run-time complexities of your "big" application ? You can now think of "Routers" or dialogs. Each of your screen will come-and-go i.e. you will never display 200 screens the same time.
2) Make sure when the screen is gone there is no "leftover". Don't use jQuery - if you do make sure you clean this on $scope.$destroy.
3) Multitudes of directives:- Directives are powerful but don't over use it - try not to deep nest too many of them. templateUrl is "tempting" but sometimes in-lining a template is the best choice. Use build tools that will inline the templates.
4) Load modules on demand using requireJS. This will force you to modularize your application and think hard about concatention strategy (combining JS files). Will force you to write independent modules.
5) Browser caching your assets and a good cache busting mechanism. Grunt based plugins are to your rescue. Minify your assets.
6) Compresss the assets for efficient network utilization and faster transmission.
7) Keep your app encapsulated in Angular. Don't create any global objects. Chances are that they have access to some closure or are referring to some things within angular $scope and $scopes are now still hanging on or are in difficult trajectory to be able to get Garbage Collected.
8) Use one-time-bind or bind-once model binding as much as possible.
9) Splash screen is an excellent weapon - us it. Helps you load some stuff upfront while the user watches smooth/jazzy picture/picture :)
Regarding 8 hours a day constant use
Unless there is a leak of the following kind you should be fine:-
1) Listeners leaking i.e. hanging around.
2) DOM leaks. Detached DOM issue.
3) Size of Javascript objects. Javascript objects coded in a certain way creates repeated instances of function.
(I am developing AngularJS app - with more than 450 screen - MDI like app. The app is not yet in production. The above points are coming from my burnouts in the functionality we have developed so far.)
I've worked on multiple projects that are extremely large single-page applications in Angular and Ember.JS at companies like McKesson an Netflix.
I can tell you for a fact that it's completely "feasible" to build "huge, complex" applications with frameworks such as Angular. In fact, I believe Angular is uniquely well suited to this because of it's modular structure.
One thing to consider when creating your Angular application is whether or not every user will benefit from all "200 pages" of your application. That is to say, is it necessary to have all 200 views be part of the same single page application? Or should you break it into a few single page applications with views that share concerns.
A few tips:
Watch out for name collisions in the IOC container: If you create enough services and controllers, even if you break them into separate modules, it's very easy to create two services with the same name. This may or may not result in an outright error. What happens when you register two "fooService" services? The last one wins.
If you decide to break your app into more than one single page app, you have to be sure you have solid boundaries of functionality between the two. They're not going to be able to share state easily other than with something like cookies or local storage.
If you decide to keep everything in one single page app, you're going to want to keenly watch your initial download time. Always check to see how long it takes to start your app "cold" over a slow-ish connection. If the entire app is in one bundle, depending on how you structure things (are you going to use AMD?) then you might see a long initial load time.
AVOID rendering HTML on your server. I can't stress this enough. Let Angular do that work for you. The only rendering your server should be doing is rendering JSON to be returned from some RESTful service.
Flush out your JS build process early on. Look into Node-based tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Broccoli for linting/concatenating/minifying your JS files. Checkout Karma for running unit tests, and look into Istanbul for code coverage. Protractor is a great tool as well, but I recommend strong unit tests in Karma over integration tests with Protractor just because Web Driver based tests tend to be brittle.
Other than that, I think you'll find a single page app written in any modern framework to be extremely snappy after the initial load is done. In fact, it will make any "old" PHP/ASP.Net style app that renders the entire page at the server seem slow as dirt in comparison. This is because you'll only be loading data and the occasional .html file over HTTP.

Why is React's filesize so big given its small API?

Here are the numbers
min+gzip 26k
gzip 90k
original 450+k
And React doesn't have many features in it's documentation. Why is it so big?
I have a feeling that it's the implementation of lightweight DOM. But I want to be sure.
React does quite a bit! The biggest nonobvious part of React is probably the events system -- not only does React implement its own event dispatching and bubbling, it normalizes common events across browsers so that you don't need to worry as much about it. For example, SelectEventPlugin is a built-in event "plugin" which provides an onSelect event which behaves the same way in all browsers.
The virtual DOM implementation does take a decent amount of code as well; a lot of effort is spent on performance optimization, which is why the unminified version includes ReactPerf, which is a tool for measuring rendering performance. In updating the DOM, React also does some convenient things for you like maintaining any input selection and keeping the current scroll position the same.
React also has a few other tricks up its sleeve. One of the coolest is that it fully supports rendering a component to an HTML string even if you don't have a browser environment, so you can send down a page that works even before JS is loaded.
What are you comparing React against? react-15.0.2.min.js is 43k (gzipped), but jQuery is 33k while ember-2.6.0.prod.js is 363k (also gzipped). Obviously these frameworks don't do exactly the same things but they do have a lot of overlap, so I think the comparison is reasonable.
If you're worried about download size, I wouldn't worry too much about JS code contributing to that. Here's an ad which I see on the right side of my Stack Overflow page right now:
Its download size is 95k -- I wouldn't think twice about including an image like that in a page because (even if I was worried about performance) there are usually so many other performance-related things to fix that are more lucrative.
In short, I don't think React is that big, and what size it does have comes from the many small things it does to help you out. You cite React's small API as a reason that React's code should be small, but a better question might be, "How is React's API able to be so simple given all the things it does for you?"
…but that's a totally separate question. :) Hope I answered your question -- happy to expand if I didn't.
A couple of thoughts.. I had some of the same concerns with it's size, but after using it, no joke, I would use it if it was 5MB in size. It's just that good. That said, I did decide to reduce as many dependencies on other libraries as possible. I was using jquery for two things.. ajax and the automatic ajax response and request handling (beforeSend, etc) that would handle when a token was in a response after login, and then make sure every ajax request added it to the Authorization header before sending. I replaced this with a super small simple bit of native javascript. Works great. Also, I was trying to use _underscore. I've replaced it with lodash, which is smaller and faster, although presently I am not using it so may remove it altogether.
Here is one article, of many on google, that I found that has some alternatives using native JS over jquery.
