Conditional routing in to the Angular application - angularjs

I have an existing Angular App using ui.router wherein multiple states are being internally called from one another. The initial state is directed using $urlRouterProvider as :
Authentications are then made in this initial state and application flow starts.
Now, the user want to directly see a particular screen based on some Id parameters. To explain, now the user directly wants to open http://domain/stateC/12. This link should open from some hyperlink in an excel file.
My question now is how can I check the condition whether which url is entered in to the address bar and based on that if the url is matching pattern likehttp://domain/stateC/12 then I can redirect to state stateC else to state initial. Basically I am looking to make some condition in my app.config module based on the incoming URL to the application.
Any suggestions are appreciated.


Rendering Just one module/state of Angular app

I've angular app with lots of states and modules etc. Now, I want to send a link to the user. When user'll hit this url, I want to redirect him to a new tab rendering only that particular state (specified in URL) i-e I don't want anything else to be visible to the user. Or you can say, I want to open a popup window rendering that particular state's html in popup window . This is the approach that comes to my mind to sort it out.
Ps. There are Rest APIs at the backend which I am calling through angular resource service to bind data with the model of the views
I've rest APIs on backend, So, I was thinking to developing s separate Nodejs application, And I will send nodejs application url to the user and in the default/home route I'll call backend API and, the returned resultset will be rendered in html file within nodeJs application and this way, I'll render the corresponding data to user's browser window.
This is the flow for that
I don't know if that is right or clever approach. Please suggest me what will be the best approach to sort it out.
Thanks in advance.
This is what my app looks like
Everything in the left side-nav is a module and clicking on this I am routing to a different state. I am using angular-material and lots of other dependencies in this project.
And this is what I want.
I'll refer a link to the user for example And hitting this url, a new tab/popup will be opened rendering state defined in the same app but with some non-editable url. And it should like.
There are multiple ways to achieve this and each approach has advantage and disadvantage. You have to choose depending on requirement and architecture. Details are below-
Create a separate app - You can do it through separate code base or use the module based build process and include this module only for new app.
Divide application is two part, public pages and private pages - Include this page and required APIs for this page in the public modules for your app.
Send token in the link - If you want to make secure page, send short lived token in the eMail and validate token on the server before displaying page to the user.

How to create module which can surpass authentication in angular js?

I have complete angular js working application.But i have a challenge ahead in that single page has to be made which will open on click of link.
Now the challenge for me is that if user is not logged in(Session not created) and someone trying to access any link it will redirect to login page,but in current case since i dont want user to be logged in and directly taken to that page and let him perform actions.
One simple solution for me was to create different application but i want to utilize the contents and code of current application.
Any one has faced any situation like this before,If yes then is there any possible way?

routing in angular js application with ui-router

When developing a web application with angular js, a part of time that developers spend is the time for implementing routing.
When using ui-router in a application, there are two "phases" to consider with regards to routing:
user navigates inside application: when click is made on some button, user is transfered to another state by using $state.go("somestate"). Parameters can be send etc. And url is changed accordingly.
user navigates directly via url.
Lets say application has such route:
If user navigates to that url directly by pasting it into browser window, application needs to handle it. My question is what's the best practice to do it?
What I'm thinging is: if looking at url example above what needs to be done when user enters that url in browser:
get {thingid} from url (from $stateParams), then get {mysubthingid} also from $stateParams (probably by using resolve (ui-router feature) when defining state), then inject what was resolved to controller and then make a query to api and get data about "subthing" and present view in ui with that data. So that should work with both "types of navigations": when user clicks and is transfered to state, or when user enter url directly into browser. Is this the right path to go?
And I suppose that any url you go to when you click something in application, you should be able to take that url and just paste it into browser and see the same results without being redirected to anywhere else. If application cannot handle every url in such way, maybe application' architecture needs to be reconsidered?
In UI-Router, the main component of the routing is the state. The URL is essentially just an address that points to a specific state of the app. I don't think it's necessarily productive to think of the two ways of navigating as separate; they're just two sides of the same coin. There should be no URL that isn't handled by a state. Any URL that doesn't match a state should be caught by the otherwise definition on the $stateProvider and probably redirect to your home page or a 404 page.
In your example, the thing/:thingId/subthing/:subthingId url should map to a predefined state just like any other state. Let's say that state is main.subthing. The process for loading the data, initiating the controller and rendering the UI should be exactly the same whether you get there by calling $state.go('main.subthing', {thing: 123, subthing: 456}) or ui-sref='main.subthing({thing: 123, subthing: 456})' or you paste into the browser. They'll all end up at exactly the same place with exactly the same data by calling the exact same logic (most likely loading thing 123 and subthing 456 in resolves and injecting those into a controller).
You're right that if a url can't be handled by the application, that's a sign that something is wrong. Like I said, bad urls should be handled by defining otherwise when setting up states. But pasting a URL into a browser shouldn't require any extra work if your states are defined correctly. URL handling is baked into UI-Router by default.
I partially agree with you. The point where I disagree is when the URL is obtained by a user who is not supposed to access it. Quite often some websites implement authorization code to check if the user who is currently accessing the page is authorized to do so.
Also I think the route could be a bit different. Something like:
This, I think is a cleaner URL and the parameters could be handled in the same way as the one in your example.
I suggest this in order to make it a bit difficult to unauthorized users.
Anyway, it definitely depends on the kind of application you are implementing. If the app's requirement is to be able to access the page by pasting the URL in the browser then I guess your approach is much better.

can I store the next route complete with path variables?

I am implementing deep linking in a system using angular. (User follows link in to system, gets login screen, authenticates, then next step is the page they requested with the link (as opposed to the generic fresh-login-start page)).
In the $routeChangeStart event handler I store the next route location in the cookie. After the user authenticates I retrieve the location and send them there.
It works fine for urls without any path variables. For example, if they were trying to get to then they go to the location post login.
It does not work for urls with path variables. For example, if they were trying to get to then post login, they go to
I can see the parameters in the next.params and next.pathParams objects in my $routeChangeStart event handler. I can figure out how to replace them programatically, but I wonder if there is a friendlier part of the angular interface that I should be using.
Has anyone else implemented this? Is it necessary to put the values in the url using regex?

preventing access to certain routes based on some condition - angularjs

I am writing a small angular js app with different views. Some views are available to all users but few views are available to only logged in user. I have a small login form on top of my main page [note that there is no separate login screen].
Everything was working fine till here,till then I noticed that even though all the views are not available on my screen initially and will get loaded only once the user logs in. But if the user knows the url of the restricted views , he can bypass the login process.
I have found this stackoverflow question as something very similar to my problem Redirecting to a certain route based on condition. Please see the accepted answer.
But the issue here is that I don't have a separate login screen , so I can't use this code snippet given in the accepted answer
if ( next.templateUrl == "partials/login.html" ) {
// already going to #login, no redirect needed
} else {
// not going to #login, we should redirect now
$location.path( "/login" );
How can I achieve the same solution with an integrated login form since I don't have a separate url for my login screen?
I am using ui-router, and that provides a resolve attribute for every route. Whenever a route is accessed, the resolve part is executed first. It returns a promise, and the page does not get loaded until it is resolved. Here you can write some server side calls to validate user, and if invalid, just redirect to any valid page. You can write a resolve to every view and validate the user at every step. I used node/express sessions for storing the logged-in user data.
