I've got a simple script that grabs a PC's manufacturer and sets a variable:
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims==" %%A IN (`wmic csproduct get vendor /value`) DO SET VENDOR=%%A
What I need to do next is to check if my new VENDOR variable matches anything in a list:
Dell Inc.
and then DO COMMAND1 if found, and DOCOMMANDB if not found.
I think that piping the variable into findstr might work, but I only know findstr usage when you're feeding it a text file. I'm really bad at regex so I would need some guidance on that if it's the best option.
How can I accomplish the above?
If you pipe the Vendor to findstr /I /G:Vendorlist.txt and use conditional execution && for success and || for fail :
#Echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A IN (
'wmic csproduct get VENDOR /value'
Echo:%VENDOR%|Findstr /I /G:VENDORList.txt >NUL 2>&1 &&(
Echo found %VENDOR% in List
Echo %VENDOR% not found in list
Slightly different approach. You could also put all the vendors in a list and read the list with a FOR /F.
#echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims==" %%A IN (`wmic csproduct get vendor /value`) DO SET VENDOR=%%A
FOR %%G IN ("Acer"
"Dell Inc."
"Toshiba") DO (
IF /I "%vendor%"=="%%~G" GOTO MATCH
echo Does not match
echo Does match
If you want to read the list where each entry is on its own line.
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%G IN ("filelist.txt") DO IF.......
I have the following script
set ip_address_string="IPv4 Address"
for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=:" %%f in (`ipconfig ^| findstr /c:%ip_address_string%`) do (
#(Echo Status,Date,Time,Device,User,IP,SN & Echo Logon,%DATE%,%TIME%,%COMPUTERNAME%,%USERNAME%,%%f,%SerialNumber%))1>%RANDOM%.csv
goto :eof
The script works great but I need to capture the PC serialnumber within my script, for eg
for /F %%a in ('wmic bios get serialnumber') do call :Sub %%a
echo The serial number is %SerialNumber%
if not "%*"=="" set SerialNumber=%*
So I can get the following "Logon,14/06/2021,22:03:18.28,LT6880,Testuser,,B4Q4MN3"
but so far its been unsuccessful, can someone please point me in the correct direction?
Many Thanks
I have been using this batch file to collect the Serial number and UUID number and output to a CSV and now it no longer works.
#echo off
set outputfile="Y:\HP\UUDI.csv"
for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ('wmic csproduct Get "UUID" /value') do SET CSPRODUCT=%%i
for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%i in ('wmic bios get serialnumber /value') do SET SERIAL=%%i
echo UUID,Serial,>>%outputfile%
echo %CSPRODUCT%,%SERIAL%,>>%outputfile%
If someone can look at this file and help me understand what went wrong I would appreciate it
I don't understand what did you mean by "No Longer Works" ? Please be more explicit when you ask a question !
here is a test and tell me if this works or not on your side and i will edit this aswer according to your response !
#echo off
set "outputfile=%~dp0UUDI.csv"
#for /f %%i in (
'wmic csproduct Get "UUID" /value ^& wmic bios get serialnumber /value'
) do (
#for /f %%j in ("%%i") do set "%%j" & echo "%%j"
echo UUID,SerialNumber>"%outputfile%"
echo %UUID%,%SERIALNumber%>>"%outputfile%"
If exist "%outputfile%" Start "" "%outputfile%" & Exit
The only reason I can see for your provided code to change its behavior, is that which was commented already by Mofi. That is, you've somehow caused the location of WMIC.exe to have been removed from the %Path% environment.
I have decided to provide an alternative method of achieving your goal using your chosen command utility WMIC.exe, and using its full path, to prevent such a reliance in future.
The WMIC command is traditionally one of the slower ones, so this method invokes it only once. All you should need to do is Echo your commands, currently on lines 12and 14, each separated as in line 13. If any of your commands requires to Get more than one property, you should separate those with caret escaped commas, e.g. Get Property1^,Property2. The results, (subject to line/environment length limitations), will then be saved to variables, %Title%, and %Record%, which can later be output to a file outside of the loop. Note: all commands should use /Value, or the more correct, /Format:List.
Example, (don't forget to adjust your output file path on line 4 as needed):
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "outputfile=Y:\HP\UUDI.csv"
Set "WMIC=%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe"
Set "FIND=%SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe"
Set "Title="
Set "Record="
For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims==" %%G In ('
Echo CSProduct Get UUID /Value
Echo BIOS Get SerialNumber /Value
^| %WMIC% ^| %FIND% "="
') Do (If Not Defined Title (Set "Title=%%G") Else (
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "Tokens=*" %%I In ("!Title!") Do (EndLocal
Set "Title=%%I,%%G"))
If Not Defined Record (Set "Record=%%H") Else (
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "Tokens=*" %%I In ("!Record!") Do (EndLocal
Set "Record=%%I,%%H")))
If Defined Title ( Echo %Title%
Echo %Record%) 1>"%outputfile%"
I'm noob it's my first question, but after searching tons of answers here I still can't quite get what I want. So the problem: need to get windows version ,and edition and pass it to variable to run findstr on it afterwards I get the variable with the edition however findstr can't use it to find string in txt file.
what I have done: I'm using this code to get the ver and save it as var
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('wmic os get Caption /value') do (
set winEdition=%%G
echo !winEdition!
goto :eof
Output: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
however if I run IF statement or findstr with !winEdition! var I get no result with IF and "string not found" with findstr also if I echo the var to a txt file I get "牣獯景⁴楗摮睯‷湅整灲楲敳†" in the txt file so I think it's encoding problem, but I can't find a way to fix it.
More details: the full code suppose to take the var from the code above, search for the string in txt file and return the next line full code:
#echo OFF
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "winEdition="
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('wmic os get Caption /value') do (
set winEdition=%%G
set numbers=
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /I /N /C:"!winEdition!" serials.txt') do (
set /A after=%%a+1
set "numbers=!numbers!!after!: "
rem Search for the lines
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" serials.txt ^| findstr /B "%numbers%"') do (
echo %%b
goto :eof
The second part of the code works and tested with string and with var I want to automate it further. Thank you for help I am also open to alternative ways to get the result!
wmic prints some additional "empty" lines (1), which overwrites your value (watch with echo on)
#echo off
set "winEdition="
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('wmic os get Caption /value') do (
if not defined winEdition set winEdition=%%G
echo %winEdition%
(1) on screen they appear to be empty, but technically they aren't. They contain a crippeled line break, which causes a lot of headache...
Hi again I found the answer!!! So I just used a different command to find the win version, and edition thanks to #LotPings, it's a bit slower than wmic but it works consistently every time.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=4-6" %%a in ('"systeminfo | find /i "OS Name""') do (
set "ver=%%a %%b %%c"
set "numbers="
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /I /N /C:"!ver!" serials.txt') do (
set /A after=%%a+1
set "numbers=!numbers!!after!: "
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" serials.txt ^| findstr /B "%numbers%"') do (
echo %%b
if "%ver%" equ "Windows 10 Pro" echo YES
goto :eof
Thank you all for help, and suggestions!
ps. the serials.txt is just a normal text file created with notepad encoding UTF-8 and the content is just:
Windows 10 Pro
Windows 7 Pro...
and IF is just another check that it works in original code the problem is not with the second part nor with serials.txt because I couldn't compare the !winEdition! with IF statement.
BTW found the problem with my original solution thx to the one I found above
the problem was wrong token= solution:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=3-5 delims== " %%A in ('wmic os get Caption /value ^| find "Windows" ') do (
set "winVer=%%A %%B %%C"
echo !winVer!
set "numbers="
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /I /N /C:"!winVer!" serials.txt') do (
set /A after=%%a+1
set "numbers=!numbers!!after!: "
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" serials.txt ^| findstr /B "%numbers%"') do (
echo %%b
goto :eof
I have a list of 100+ serial number.
What I want to do is: checking if the serial number of the computer I'm working on is in the list.
Is it possible to do this in Windows batch script ?
no need to iterate through every line in the file:
#echo off
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%s in ('wmic bios get serialnumber /value') do (
findstr "%%s" serials.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo Serialnumber found ) else ( echo Serialnumber not listed )
This command-line show the BIOS SerialNumber in my computer (Windows 8):
for /F "skip=1 tokens=3" %s in ('wmic bios list BRIEF') do echo %s
You may test it and adjust it until get what you want. For example:
#echo off
for /F "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('wmic bios list BRIEF') do set serial=%%s
for /F "delims=" %%s in (serialList.txt) do if "%%s" equ "%serial%" goto found
echo Not found
goto :EOF
echo OK
EDIT: I modified the program in order to include the serial numbers in the Batch file; I also used the modification in wmic parameters suggested by Stephan:
#echo off
for /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%s in ('wmic bios get serialnumber /value') do set serial=%%s
for %%s in (serial0 serial1 serial2 serial3 serial4 serial5 serial6 serial7 serial8 serial9
ser90 ser91 ser92 ser93 ser94 ser95 ser96 ser97 ser98 ser99 ser100 ser101) do (
if "%%s" equ "%serial%" goto found
echo Not found
goto :EOF
echo OK
No need for a FOR loop if you use your list as the search strings and WMIC BIOS output as the target. I believe the serial number is always 10 characters, so no /I option is needed. But if the serial number length can vary, then the /I option is required due to a FINDSTR bug: Why doesn't this FINDSTR example with multiple literal search strings find a match?
wmic bios get serialNumber|findstr /blg:list.txt&&echo number found||echo number not listed
You can suppress the output of the serial number to the screen by redirecting the FINDSTR output to nul using >nul.
I'm using the following code to get a list of programs being run at start up, and log them to a file.
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2*" %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" 2^>NUL') do echo %%A : %%C >> Log.txt
This works with entries where the value name doesn't contain a space, but when it does, such as with "Google Update", it messes up the tokens, and %%C becomes: REG_SZ <path>, instead of just the path.
Does anyone have a better way to query the registry and log its values?
Well I got one working solution, I'd still love to see if anyone has anything better.
for /f "skip=2 tokens=*" %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" 2^>NUL') do (
set regstr=%%A
set regstr=!regstr: =^|!
for /f "tokens=1,3 delims= |" %%X in ("!regstr!") do (
echo %%X : %%Y
Version specific, works in XP, does not work in Win 7 - see comments for details.
Columns in the output are separated by tab char (0x09), so use only tab as a separator:
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1,2* delims= " %%A
This does not show well because of how markup handles white chars, but the character after delims= must be actual TAB
Here's a better way via WMI calling the Win32_StartupCommand class, results output to screen as well as a CSV file in the same folder as per script name:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd \ & pushd "%~dp0"
if exist "%~n0.tmp" (del /f /q "%~n0.tmp")
if exist "%~n0.csv" (del /f /q "%~n0.csv")
wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 path Win32_StartupCommand get /all /format:csv >"%~n0.tmp"
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 usebackq delims=, skip=2" %%a in (`type "%~n0.tmp"`) do (
echo %%b, %%c >>"%~n0.csv"
echo %%b, %%c
if exist "%~n0.tmp" (del /f /q "%~n0.tmp")
popd & endlocal
exit /b 0`