Either of 2 columns is always redundant -- is there a better solution? - database

Say, I want to create a form for a feedback. If a registered user submits a feedback, his email address is used automatically because he's authenticated. If an anonymous user does that, he has to enter his email manually. My table would look like this:
feedbacks(id, user_id, email, body)
As you can see, it has a redundant column: either user_id or email. And for those who's not familiar with the database structure it'll be confusing: why both email and user_id? can they both be null? or both have a value at the same time? in reality, only one of them must have a value, which isn't possibly to achieve on database level using constraints. Also, what if I by mistake insert values in both columns?
Thus, I wonder, is there any way to change its structure so that it's more wise and that issue described above has become resolved? Using a trigger isn't what I'm looking for.
In other words, the issue is "either of 2 columns is always redundant".

If you had several mutually exclusive columns, then you might have a good case for something called entity sub-typing. As it is, there is no good design reason for adding all of the extra overhead of this design pattern.
These are the basic options that you have:
Two mutually exclusive columns in one table - This is your current design. This is a good design because it lets you define a proper foreign key constraint on your user_id. You mention that it may be confusing for people that don't know the database well because the same kind of information might appear in one or the other place in the table. However, it's important to remember that even though both columns contain a string that happens to be in the form of an email address, to your system these things are semantically distinct. One is a foreign key to your user table. The other is a means of contacting (or identifying?) a non-member. You could avoid this apparent confusion in one of two ways: (a) give a more descriptive name to your email column, such as non_member_email or (b) create a view that coalesces user_id and email into a single column for displaying this information to people who would otherwise be confused.
Entity Subtyping - This approach has you create separate tables for logically separate groups of predicates (columns). These are joined together by a supertype table which gives a common primary key for all logical subtypes, as well as holding all other common predicates. You can google around to learn more about this design pattern. As I've already mentioned, this is overkill for your case because you only have one pair of mutually exclusive columns. If you think it's confusing to have this then having three tables (supertype, member subtype, non-member subtype) will really be confusing.
Column Overloading - This approach would have you combine both columns into a single one. This is feasible because you only need room in your table for one email address at a time. This is a terrible idea because it prevents you from creating a declarative referential constraint on user_id which is a very important tool for maintaining your data's referential integrity. It also conflates two semantically different pieces of information, which violates good database design principles.
The best choice is number 1. Don't worry about having two mutually exclusive columns or if you think you can't "comment" your way around the confusion you think this might cause with more descriptive column names, then use a view to hide the "complexity" of storing two things that look similar in two separate columns.

If one must be exclusively filled:
create table feedbacks (
id integer,
user_id text,
email text,
body text,
check ((user_id is null)::int + (email is null)::int = 1)
The cast from boolean to integer yields either 1 or 0, so the sum must be 1.

Remove the email field. If the user is registered, enter their user_id as you do now. If the user is not registered, search the user table for an anonymous entry with that email address. If exists, use that user_id. Otherwise, create an entry in the user table named 'Anonymous', storing the address and use the newly created user_id. There are two advantages:
You don't need mutually exclusive fields. As you have already noticed, these can be the cause of a lot of confusion and extra work to keep the data clean.
If an anonymous poster later registers, the existing "anonymous" user entry can be updated, thus preserving the user_id value and preserving all feedback (and any other activity you track for anonymous users) entered before registering. That is, if a user anonymously enters a few feedbacks then registers, the previous feedbacks remain associated with the now named user.

I might misunderstand the question, but why you say it is impossible to do with constraints?..
t=# CREATE TABLE feedbacks (
t(# id integer,
t(# user_id text CHECK (case when email is null then user_id is distinct from null else user_id is null end),
t(# email text CHECK (case when user_id is null then email is distinct from null else email is null end),
t(# body text
t(# );
t=# insert into feedbacks select 1,null,null,'t';
ERROR: new row for relation "feedbacks" violates check constraint "feedbacks_check1"
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, null, null, t).
t=# insert into feedbacks select 1,'t','t','t';
ERROR: new row for relation "feedbacks" violates check constraint "feedbacks_check1"
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, t, t, t).
t=# insert into feedbacks select 1,'t',null,'t';
t=# insert into feedbacks select 1,null,'t','t';
t=# select * from feedbacks ;
id | user_id | email | body
1 | t | | t
1 | | t | t
(2 rows)


What should I use as a primary key for this table?

I'm building a small forum component for a website where sub-forums have different admins and mods responsible for them, and users can be banned from individual sub-forums. The ban table I have looks like this:
At first I was going to use the first four columns as the primary key, but now I'm wondering if it would matter if I use one at all, since no-one would be banned at the same exact time from the same forum, and regardless I'd still have to check if they were already banned and during what interval. Should I just not use a key here, and simply create an index on the user_id, and group_id and search through those when needed?
It wasn't 100% clear, but it sounds like you want temporary ban functionality on a per user basis for a particular groupId. If this is the case, you should make a composite primary key:
This will let you do
SELECT * FROM bantable WHERE user_id=$currentUserToCheck AND group_id=$currentGroupToCheck AND end_date < $currentDate
or something like that
Note: if you want your primary key to be coherent in terms of whatever database design principle you're adhering to, then you can just make the primary key the user_id (because it is indeed a unique identifier), and then make a composite index on the three columns that i specified above.
Be absolutely sure that any queries you run against this table that require individual indexes have those indexes correctly generated.
Do you need the historical record of past bans?
If not, just create a composite PK on {user_id, group_id}. Whatever data is currently in the _Bantable_ determines who is currently banned. When the ban expires, just delete the corresponding row (and consider whether you need the end_date at all1).
If you do need the historic record, put an active ban into your original table as before, but when the ban expires, don't just delete it - instead move it into a separate "history" table, which would have a surrogate PK2 independent from {user_id, group_id} (so a same user/group pair can be in multiple rows) and a trigger that prevents time overlaps (something like this).
1 If this is the date at which the ban is going to end, then you do need it. If this is the date the ban has ended, then you don't - the row will be gone by then.
2 Or alternatively, a PK on {user_id, group_id, start_date}.
Why dont you just take the user_id as primary key? I mean you don't even have to use auto_increment (which obviously would not make any sense in here).
Guessing that you'd request the user_id anyway on login this would probably provide the best performance to look if there is even an entry for banning matters.

Database design and large tables?

Are tables with lots of columns indicative of bad design? For example say I have the following table that stores user information and user settings:
[Users table]
As the site requires more settings the table gets larger. In my mind this table is normalized, all the settings are dependent on the userId.
I have a thing against tables with lots of columns it just seems wrong to me, but then I remembered that you can select what data to return from the table, so If the table is large I could still break it into several different objects in code. For example
[User object]
[UserSetting object]
and return only the data to fill those objects.
Is the above common practice, or are their other techniques that deal with tables with lots of columns that are more suitable to use?
I think you should use multiple tables like this:
[Users table]
[Settings table]
The tables are related by the userId column which you can use to retrieve the settings for the user you need to.
I would say that it is bad table design. If a user doesn't have an entry for 47 of those 50 settings then you will have a large number of NULL's in the table which isn't good practice and will also slow down performance (NULL's have to be handled in a special way).
Instead, have the following:
You then have a many to many join, and eliminate NULL's
first, don't put spaces in table names! all the [braces] will be a real pain!
if you have 50 columns how meaningful will all that data be for each user? will there be lots of nulls? Most data may not even apply to any given user. Think 1 to 1 tables, where you break down the "settings" into logical groups:
Users: --main table where most values will be stored
somesetting1 ---please note that I'm using "somesetting1", don't
... --- name the columns like this, use meaningful names!!
UserWidgets --all widget settings for the user
UserAccounting --all accounting settings for the user
you only need to have a Users row for each user, and then a row in each table where that data applies to the given user. I f a user doesn't have any widget settings then no row for that user. You can LEFT join each table as necessary to get all the settings as needed. Usually you only need to work on a sub set of settings based on which part of the application that is running, which means you won't need to join in all of the tables, just the one or tow that you need at that time.
You could consider an attributes table. As long as your indexes are good, then you wouldn't have too much of a performance issue:
AttributeDefId int (primary key)
GroupKey varchar(50)
ItemKey varchar(50)
AttributeValId int (primary key)
AttributeDefId int (FK -> AttributeDef.AttributeDefId)
UserId int (probably FK to users table?)
Val varchar(255)
basically you're "pivoting" your table with many columns into 2 tables with less columns. You can write views and table functions around this structure to give you data for a group of related items or just a specific item, etc. You could also add other things to the attribute definition table to indicate required data elements, restrictions on the data elements, etc.
What's your thought on this type of design?
Use several tables with matching indexes to get the best SELECT speed. Use the indexes as a way to relate the information between tables using a JOIN.

What is the best way to keep this schema clear?

Currently I'm working on a RFID project where each tag is attached to an object. An object could be a person, a computer, a pencil, a box or whatever it comes to the mind of my boss.
And of course each object have different attributes.
So I'm trying to have a table tags where I can keep a register of each tag in the system (registration of the tag). And another tables where I can relate a tag with and object and describe some other attributes, this is what a have done. (No real schema just a simplified version)
Suddenly, I realize that this schema could have the same tag in severals tables.
For example, the tag 123 could be in C and B at the same time. Which is impossible because each tag just could be attached to just a single object.
To put it simple I want that each tag could not appear more than once in the database.
My current approach
What I really want
Yeah, the TagID is chosen by the end user. Moreover the TagID is given by a Tag Reader and the TagID is a 128-bit number.
New Update:
The objects until now are:
-- Medicament(TagID, comercial_name, generic_name, amount, ...)
-- Machine(TagID, name, description, model, manufacturer, ...)
-- Patient(TagID, firstName, lastName, birthday, ...)
All the attributes (columns or whatever you name it) are very different.
Update after update
I'm working on a system, with RFID tags for a hospital. Each RFID tag is attached to an object in order keep watch them and unfortunately each object have a lot of different attributes.
An object could be a person, a machine or a medicine, or maybe a new object with other attributes.
So, I just want a flexible and cleaver schema. That allow me to introduce new object's types and also let me easily add new attributes to one object. Keeping in mind that this system could be very large.
Medicine(generic_name, comercial_name, expiration_date, dose, price, laboratory, ...)
Machine(model, name, description, price, buy_date, ...)
Patient(PatientID, first_name, last_name, birthday, ...)
We must relate just one tag for just one object.
Note: I don't really speak (or also write) really :P sorry for that. Not native speaker here.
You can enforce these rules using relational constraints. Check out the use of a persisted column to enforce the constraint Tag:{Pencil or Computer}. This model gives you great flexibility to model each child table (Person, Machine, Pencil, etc.) and at same time prevent any conflicts between tag. Also good that we dont have to resort to triggers or udfs via check constraints to enforce the relation. The relation is built into the model.
create table dbo.TagType (TagTypeID int primary key, TagTypeName varchar(10));
insert into dbo.TagType
values(1, 'Computer'), (2, 'Pencil');
create table dbo.Tag
( TagId int primary key,
TagTypeId int references TagType(TagTypeId),
TagName varchar(10),
TagDate datetime,
constraint UX_Tag unique (TagId, TagTypeId)
create table dbo.Computer
( TagId int primary key,
TagTypeID as 1 persisted,
CPUType varchar(25),
CPUSpeed varchar(25),
foreign key (TagId, TagTypeID) references Tag(TagId, TagTypeID)
create table dbo.Pencil
( TagId int primary key,
TagTypeId as 2 persisted,
isSharp bit,
Color varchar(25),
foreign key (TagId, TagTypeID) references Tag(TagId, TagTypeId)
-- create a new tag of type Pencil:
insert into dbo.Tag(TagId, TagTypeId, TagName, TagDate)
values(1, 2, 'Tag1', getdate());
insert into dbo.Pencil(TagId, isSharp, Color)
values(1, 1, 'Yellow');
-- try to make it a Computer too (fails FK)
insert into dbo.Computer(TagId, CPUType, CPUSpeed)
values(1, 'Intel', '2.66ghz')
Have a Tag Table with PK identity insert of TagID.
This will ensure that each TagID only shows up once no matter what...
Then in the Tag Table have a TagType column that can either be free form (TableName) or better yet have a TagType table with entries A,B,C and then have a FK in Tag pointing TagType.
I would move the Tag attributes into Table A,B,C to minimize extra data in Tag or have a series of Junction Tables between Tag and A,B, and C
Assuming the TagID is created when the object is created this will work fine (Insert into Tag first to get TagID and capture it using IDENTITY_INSERT)
This assumes users cannot edit the TagID itself.
If users can choose the TagID then still use a Tag Table with the TagID but have another field called DisplayID where the user can type in a number. Just put on a unique constraint on Tag.DisplayID....
What attributes are you needing and are they nullable? If they are different for A, B, and C then it is cleaner to put them in A, B, and C especially if there might be some for A and B but not C...
talked with Raz to clear up what he's trying to do. What he's wanting is a flexable way to store attributes related to tags. Tags can one of multiple types of objects, and each object has a specific list of attributes. he also wants to be able to add objects/attributes without having to change the schema. here's the model i came up with:
if each tag can only be in a, b, or c only once, i'd just combine a, b, and c into one table. it'd be easier to give you a better idea of how to build your schema if you gave an example of exactly what you're wanting to collect.
to me, from what i've read, it sounds like you have a list of tags, and a list of objects, and you need to assign a tag to an object. if that is the case, i'd have a tags table, and objects table, and a ObjectTag table. in the object tab table you would have a foreign key to the tag table and a foreign key to the object table. then you make a unique index on the tag foreign key and now you've enforced your requirement of only using a tag once.
I would tackle this using your original structures. Relational databases are a lot better at aggregating/combining atomic data than they are at parsing complex data structures.
Keep the design of each "tag-able" object type in its own table. Data types, check constraints, default values, etc. are still easily implemented this way. Also, continue to define a FK from each object table to the Tags table.
I'm assuming you already have this in place, but if you place a unique constraint on the TagId column in each of the object tables (A, B, C, etc.) then you can guarantee uniqueness within that object type.
There are no built-in SQL Server constraints to guarantee uniqueness among all the object types, if implemented as separate tables. So, you will have to make your own validation. An INSTEAD OF trigger on your object tables can do this cleanly.
First, create a view to access the TagId list across all your object tables.
Then, for each of your object tables, define an INSTEAD OF trigger to test your TagId.
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.T_IO_Insert_TableA ON dbo.A
IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM dbo.TagsInUse WHERE TagId = inserted.TagId)
--The tag(s) is/are already in use. Create the necessary notification(s).
RAISERROR ('You attempted to re-use a TagId. This is not allowed.');
--The tag(s) is/are available, so proceed with the INSERT.
INSERT INTO dbo.A (TagId, Attribute1, Attribute2, Attribute3)
SELECT i.TagId, i.Attribute1, i.Attribute2, i.Attribute3
FROM inserted AS i
Keep in mind that you can also (and probably should) encapsulate that IF EXISTS test in a T-SQL function for maintenance and performance reasons.
You can write supplementary stored procedures for doing things like finding what object type a TagId is associated with.
You are still taking advantage of SQL Server's data integrity features, which are all quite fast and self-documenting. Don't underestimate the usefulness of data types.
The view is an encapsulation of the domain that must be unique without combining the underlying sets of attributes. Now, you won't have to write any messy code to decipher the object's type. You can base that determination by which table contains the matching tag.
Your options remain open...
Because you didn't store everything in an EAV-friendly nvarchar(300) column, you can tweak the data types for whatever makes the most sense for each attribute.
If you run into any performance issues, you can index the view.
You (or your DBA) can move the object tables to different file groups on different disks if you need to balance things out and help with parallel disk I/O. Think of it as a form of horizontal partitioning. For example, if you have 8 times as many RFID tags applied to medicine containers as you have for patients, you can place the medicine table on a different disk without having to create the partitioning function that you would need for a monolithic table (one table for all types).
If you need to eventually partition your tables vertically (for archiving data onto a read-only partition), you can more easily create a partitioning function for each object type. This would be useful where the business rules do
Most importantly, implementing different business rules based on object type is much simpler. You don't have to implement any nasty conditional logic like "IF type = 'needle' THEN ... ELSE IF type = 'patient' THEN ... ELSE IF....". If you need to apply different rules, then apply them to the relevant object table without having to test a "type" value.
Triggers have to be maintained. However, this would have to be done in your application anyway, so you are performing the same data integrity checking at the database. That means that you will have no extra network overhead and this will be available for any application that uses this database.
What you're describing is a classical "table-per-type" ORM mapping. Entity Framework has built-in support of this, which you should look into.
Otherwise, I don't think most databases have easy integrity constraints that are enforced over primary keys of multiple tables.
However, is there any reason why you can't just use a single tags table to hold all the fields? Use a type field to hold the type of object. NULL all the irrelevant fields -- this way they don't consume disk space. You'll end up with far fewer tables (only one) that you can maintain as one single coherent object; it also makes you write far fewer SQL queries to work on tags that may span multiple object types.
Implementing it as one single table also saves you disk space because you can implement tiers of inheritance -- for example, "patient" and "doctor" and "nurse" can be three different object types, each having similar fields (e.g. firstname, lastname etc.) and some unique fields. Right now you'll need three tables, with duplicated fields.
It is also simpler when you add an object type. Before, you need to add a new table, and duplicate some SQL statements that span multiple object types. Now you only need to add new fields to the same table (maybe reuse some). The SQL you need to change are far fewer.
The only reason why you won't go with one single table is when the number of fields make a row too large to fit inside a SQL-Server page (which I believe is 8K). Then SQL will complain and won't allow you to add any more fields. The solution, in this case, is to adopt an ORM tool (like Entity Framework), and then "reuse" fields. For example, if "Field1" is only used by object type #1, there is no reason why object type #3 can't use it to store something as well. You only need to be able to distinguish it in your programs.
You could have the Tags table such that it can have a pointer to any of those tables, and could include a Type that tells you which of the tables it is
Type (A,B, or C)
A (nullable)
B (nullable)
C (nullable)
(other attributes)

If my entity has a (0-1):1 relation to another entity, how would I model that in the database?

For example, lets say I have an entity called user and an entity called profile_picture. A user may have none or one profile picture.
So I thought, I would just create a table called "user" with this fields:
user: user_id, profile_picture_id
(I left all other attributes like name, email, etc. away, to simplify this)
Ok, so if an user would have no profile_picture, it's id would be NULL in my relational model. Now someone told me that I have to avoid setting anything to NULL, because NULL is "bad".
What do you think about this? Do I have to take off that profile_picture_id from the user table and create a link-table like user__profile_picture with user_id, profile_picture_id?
Which would be considered to be "better practice" in database design?
This is a perfectly reasonable model. True, you can take the approach of creating a join table for a 1:1 relationship (or, somewhat better, you could put user_id in the profile_picture table), but unless you think that very few users will have profile pictures then that's likely a needless complication.
Readability is an important component in relational design. Do you consider the profile picture to be an attribute of the user, or the user to be an attribute of the profile picture? You start from what makes logical sense, then optimize away the intuitive design as you find it necessary through performance testing. Don't prematurely optimize.
NULL isn't "bad". It means "I don't know." It's not wrong for you or your schema to admit it.
"NULL is bad" is a rather poor excuse for a reason to do (or not do) something.
That said, you may want to model this as a dependent table, where the user_id is both the primary key and a foreign key to the existing table.
Something like this:
Users UserPicture Picture
---------------- -------------------- -------------------
| User_Id (PK) |__________| User_Id (PK, FK) |__________| Picture_Id (PK) |
| ... | | Picture_Id (FK) | | ... |
---------------- -------------------- -------------------
Or, if pictures are dependent objects (don't have a meaningful lifetime independent of users) merge the UserPicture and Picture tables, with User_Id as the PK and discard the Picture_Id.
Actually, looking at it again, this really doesn't gain you anything - you have to do a left join vs. having a null column, so the other scenario (put the User_Id in the Picture table) or just leave the Picture_Id right in the Users table both make just as much sense.
Your user table should not have a nullable field called profile_picture_id. It would be better to have a user_id column in the profile_picture table. It should of course be a foreign key to the user table.
Since when is a nullable foreign key relationship "bad?" Honestly introducing another table here seems kind of silly since there's no possibility to have more than one profile picture. Your current schema is more than acceptable. The "null is bad" argument doesn't hold any water in my book.
If you're looking for a slightly better schema, then you could do something like drop the "profile_picture_id" column from the users table, and then make a "user_id" column in the pictures table with a foreign key relationship back to users. Then you could even enforce a UNIQUE constraint on the user_id foreign key column so that you can't have more than one instance of a user_id in that table.
EDIT: It's also worth noting that this alternate schema could be a little bit more future-proof should you decide to allow users to have more than one profile picture in the future. You can simply drop the UNIQUE constraint on the foreign key and you're done.
It is true that having many columns with null values is not recommended. I would suggest you make the picture table a weak entity of user table and have an identifying relationship between the two. Picture table entries would depend on user id.
Make the profile picture a nullable field on the user table and be done with it. Sometimes people normalize just for normalization sake. Null is perfectly fine, and in DB2, NULL is a first class citizen of values with NULL being included in indices.
I agree that NULL is bad. It is not relational-database-style.
Null is avoided by introducing an extra table named UserPictureIds. It would have two columns, UserId and PictureId. If there's none, it simply would not have the respective line, while user is still there in Users table.
Edit due to peer pressure
This answer focuses not on why NULL is bad - but, on how to avoid using NULLs in your database design.
For evaluating (NULL==NULL)==(NULL!=NULL), please refer to comments and google.

What is the best practices in db design when I want to store a value that is either selected from a dropdown list or user-entered?

I am trying to find the best way to design the database in order to allow the following scenario:
The user is presented with a dropdown list of Universities (for example)
The user selects his/her university from the list if it exists
If the university does not exist, he should enter his own university in a text box (sort of like Other: [___________])
how should I design the database to handle such situation given that I might want to sort using the university ID for example (probably only for the built in universities and not the ones entered by users)
I just want to make it similar to how Facebook handles this situation. If the user selects his Education (by actually typing in the combobox which is not my concern) and choosing one of the returned values, what would Facebook do?
In my guess, it would insert the UserID and the EducationID in a many-to-many table. Now what if the user is entering is not in the database at all? It is still stored in his profile, but where?
CREATE TABLE university
id smallint NOT NULL,
name text,
public smallint,
CONSTRAINT university_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)
id smallint NOT NULL,
university smallint,
-- more columns here...
CONSTRAINT person_university_fk FOREIGN KEY (university)
public is set to 1 for the Unis in the system, and 0 for user-entered-unis.
You could cheat: if you're not worried about the referential integrity of this field (i.e. it's just there to show up in a user's profile and isn't required for strictly enforced business rules), store it as a simple VARCHAR column.
For your dropdown, use a query like:
SELECT DISTINCT(University) FROM Profiles
If you want to filter out typos or one-offs, try:
GROUP BY University
HAVING COUNT(University) > 10 -- where 10 is an arbitrary threshold you can tweak
We use this code in one of our databases for storing the trade descriptions of contractor companies; since this is informational only (there's a separate "Category" field for enforcing business rules) it's an acceptable solution.
Keep a flag for the rows entered through user input in the same table as you have your other data points. Then you can sort using the flag.
One way this was solved in a previous company I worked at:
Create two columns in your table:
1) a nullable id of the system-supplied string (stored in a separate table)
2) the user supplied string
Only one of these is populated. A constraint can enforce this (and additionally that at least one of these columns is populated if appropriate).
It should be noted that the problem we were solving with this was a true "Other:" situation. It was a textual description of an item with some preset defaults. Your situation sounds like an actual entity that isn't in the list, s.t. more than one user might want to input the same university.
This isn't a database design issue. It's a UI issue.
The Drop down list of universities is based on rows in a table. That table must have a new row inserted when the user types in a new University to the text box.
If you want to separate the list you provided from the ones added by users, you can have a column in the University table with origin (or provenance) of the data.
I'm not sure if the question is very clear here.
I've done this quite a few times at work and just select between either the drop down list of a text box. If the data is entered in the text box then I first insert into the database and then use IDENTITY to get the unique identifier of that inserted row for further queries.
This is against MS SQL 2008 though, I'm not sure if the ##SCOPE_IDENTITY() global exists in other versions of SQL, but I'm sure there's equivalents.
