RavenDB community license limitations - licensing

Is there any technical limit on community version? (cores\memory size\cluster features\etc)
Googled a lot, but found nothing.

As far as I can recall, ravendb's community license only limitation (aside from support) is the inability to use authentication features.
Everything else is fully unlocked.
For more info read this


Sencha Touch Free Commercial License (11. Support and Updates Clause) [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I just started a project with the newly release Sencha Designer Beta, and I was researching the free commercial license. Someone pointed out on a blog post comment that the 11. Support and Updates section of the license agreement is very restrictive and deceptive. After reading this section, I cannot fully understand it, as I have little experience in interpreting software license agreements.
Can anyone decode this for me in terms of what it really means about receiving updates to the Sencha Touch framework and what is means for someone who is creating an end-user mobile app?
You are not entitled to any support for the Software under this
Agreement. All support must be purchased separately and will be
subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Sencha support
agreement. You are entitled to receive minor version updates to the
Software (i.e. versions identified as follows (X.Y, X.Y+1). You are
not entitled to receive major version updates (i.e. X.Y, X+1.Y) or bug
fix updates to the Software (X.Y.Z, X.Y.Z+1). Major version updates
and bug fix updates to the Software are available separately for
I'm fully clear on the fact that you have to pay for support, but not about the availability of updates. When they release updated versions of the framework, how does this prevent someone from just updating their packages? What are the hidden pitfalls here? As long as we aren't directly requesting bug fixes and support, what in this text would prevent me from just downloading and updating my local framework to the latest release?
Here is a link to the blog post which contains the comment that caused me confusion on the matter: http://mobile.dzone.com/articles/sencha-touch-or-jquery-mobile
Please note that I do not endorse the view taken by this blog comment. I am only linking for the reason that it brought my questions to the surface.
As the person who wrote much of that text - originally for our Ext JS license - I can tell you that the intent was not to be deceptive, but some of the text doesn't make sense when it's applied to a free license like the Sencha Touch developer license (and legalese can be read with the wrong tone)
Here's what it means.
You've just downloaded version 1.0 of the software, good for you
You're entitled to get version 1.1, and 1.2, and 1.3 as well if and when we ship them
You're not entitled to get version 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 (if and when we ship them) - that's a benefit just for our technical support subscribers
You're not entitled to file technical support tickets either.
Does that make sense?
(Incidentally, I am a little upset by the implications of the comment in the post you linked and will reply to it now. Our support subscribers allow us to pay for developers to develop patches, which then we make available only to our support subscribers. All patches are rolled into the next minor release.)

DotNetNuke - Pro vs. Community Versions [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Our organization is looking to put up a site utilizing DotNetNuke, and according to our consultant (who is less a .Net fan and more of a Joomla fan), there is 'anecotal evidence' that the Community version is crippled in a way that pretty much forces you to get Pro if you wish to have a reliable site.
I have serious doubts as to the validity of this claim, but just in case I would be very interested to hear if this is or is not the case, based on use of the product and it's community and professional versions.
Specifically, if there are bugs/issues/etc in the community version that are resolved only by upgrading to pro.
I apoligize in advance if I posted this on the wrong stack exchange, but figured this was the best bet ;)
I would definitely disagree with that assessment.
The only Pro feature that I can think of that might affect reliability is a different caching provider (which we've had more problems with than the standard caching provider). I believe it's the suggested provider for a web farm scenario, but in most typical scenarios it won't be a big issue.
The community edition is the same community edition that's been used in real sites for years, there's been no crippling to it since the introduction of the Pro version. The Pro version is just a number of custom extensions on top of the community edition, most of which are quite optional for everyday use a website.
The Edition Comparison on DotNetNuke.com shows the following inequalities:
Advanced Content Approval Workflows
Content approvals ensure any of your users impacted by a content change can approve updates before they go live. Workflow approvals can be configured in a top down hierarchy at the site, page, and module level. A business rules engine enables workflows with an unlimited number of states and reviewers
Granular Permissions
Page, module and folder level extended permissions provide granular security rights which allow you to precisely define which content contributors can edit which modules on each page.
Advanced Site Search
The search engine includes rich query syntax with support for Boolean searches, phrase searches, relevance searches, wild cards, fuzzy searches, and groupings. Includes a true web spider that is capable of indexing any site which removes the requirement to implement the ISearchable interface within modules.
Configuration Manager
A host user can manage the various configuration files that control run-time operation. Upload a Configuration Merge script which can be used to automate many of the more repetitive and complex configuration operations.
Content Staging
Content contributors and software engineers make all changes to your web site on a physically separate staging server. You push the staging site to production when all changes have been reviewed, tested and approved.
My Editable Pages
Links to all of the pages and modules in the site which a user has permission to Edit are displayed, allowing efficient page editing
Document Management
A complete document management solution which allows your organization to store, control and view documents online
Module Caching
A database caching provider for module content which stores module content in a centralized database for faster page loading without requiring web server processing.
Page Caching
Allows your site to save an entire page of rendered content to one of three different caching locations: memory, database or disk. Improves page delivery speed for site visitors.
Distributed Caching Provider
More efficient resource usage in large web farms
File Integrity Checking
Checks files in the installation and reports any inconsistencies which may impact website reliability
Health Monitoring
Pings your web site periodically to identify failures and will notify you of any problems. Also ensures the site stays in web server memory for faster visitor accessibility
Security Center
A host-level feature which dynamically loads a list of known security vulnerabilities affecting your version of DotNetNuke and provides you with navigational guidance to acquire the latest upgrade
Comprehensive Product Documentation
Includes more than 2,800 pages divided into User and Superuser Manuals
Online Knowledge Base
Provides guidance for DotNetNuke administrative tasks and answers to common technical questions
Impersonate User
A host-level feature that allows you to impersonate another user who is a member of your web site. Search for a user by name and then click an icon to assume their identity to view the site using the user’s permissions while keeping their password confidential.
Outside of the three caching items, I don't see anything in there that's more than icing on the cake. Also, having used many of those features, they aren't quite as impressive as they all sound, and the DNN community core isn't completely devoid of any similar features. Module caching, in particular, is available in the community edition, there's just another provider. Also, page caching is possible in the community edition, it just doesn't come with any page caching providers built-in.
Quite the opposite.
Disclosure: Scott Willhite, Director of Community Relations for DotNetNuke
There is absolutely NO limiting code in the DotNetNuke Community Edition, and I am quite proud of that fact. We have made a purposeful and, frankly, very challenging business decision to keep our Community Edition the base of all of our software. We engage in enhancement of the base Community Edition to produce Professional and Enterprise editions using the same extension points that are available to all developers. And we constantly add features and capability to the Community Edition which benefit all users of the platform. Any suggestion to the contrary is unfounded and misleading.
Some companies choose to limit their free editions (by number of users, number of content items, number of pages, etc). Some require branding that can't be removed in free editions. Others specifically use their free editions as "hooks", knowing that a customer of any size will be forced to upgrade if they want to continue using the product. None of these approaches is acceptable in a truly open source environment and none of them are in practice with DotNetNuke.
It is fair to say that we have resources working on proprietary extensions to distinguish our Professional and Enterprise edition offerings. But this is the same privilege we enable hundreds of thousands of others to enjoy who develop for or implement proprietary solutions using DotNetNuke. We are also customers of those extension points and so are constantly improving them for everyone's benefit because we don't just use them as marketing points, we base our companies products on them. Every release of DotNetNuke contains both substantial Community Edition as well as commercial edition enhancements.
To specifically answer your question... while there are no constraints within the Community Edition of DotNetNuke, and it is a highly functional application out of the box, it cannot address every need (no product can, all projects have unique requirements). This is why it is constructed with well defined extensions points and why there is such a vibrant open source and commercial ecosystem supporting it. So it is fair to say that the solution, out of the box, may not address all of your needs specifically? But between Professional & Enterprise options, 000's of commercial extensions on Snowcovered, 00's of open source options in the DotNetNuke Forge and myriad developers and integrators in the ecosystem (in addition to your own skills), I am confident that any need can be met in the way that makes the most sense for your or any application.
I too would disagree strongly. I've been working with DNN for years, well since version 3 and there is no great conspiracy to force CE users to upgrade to Pro. I've rolled out 100+ Community Edition sites (seriously, no exaggeration) and the ONLY PE sites I've worked on were usually government or educational institutions where they needed content staging or the benefits of the OpenDocument Library module. To me, it sounds much like you say - your consultant is letting his opinion of .Net vs. PHP flavor his recommendations.

What database options do I have for the Blackberry?

I notice most of the discussions about Blackberry database options are old, and generally not too informative.
As of today, March 31st, 2010, what is the best, most universally supported, free database option available for Blackberry developers?
I heard SQLite is available for JDE v5, but last I checked, that was still in beta, and I didn't want to commit to developing on a system that is not supported by most of the phones in service.
Thing is, I don't see any dates on these claims. For all I know, the announcements I am reading are from 2008.
So, I am still on v 4.7. I need to use a relational DB for the app I am developing, but there aren't many resources for DB handling available - or at least resources that are useful to me. I find a lot of "tutorials" that assume you know everything there is to know about Blackberry development, or Java. But no complete classes or anything. Many of these examples don't even work. Eclipse gives warnings and errors from code copied and pasted from other people's examples.
I can answer any questions that may assist in this case. Hopefully, this thread will help many BB developers in the future.
Before v5 I don't think there is a native relational database that you can work with on the Blackberry, the closest thing is the Persistant Store API, however I think that there are 3rd party libraries that you can use, like SQL Anywhere.
Depending on the Java dialect supported on your Blackberry version, db4o could also work well for your usecase. It's an object database, quite similar to Perst.
Ok, in case anyone has had similar experiences with this, here is what I have done:
The JAR class path thing was resolved through no help at all from these sites.
What I did to get an outside JAR included in my package was to right click the package name in the navigation menu (Eclipse) - then select Build Path - then add libraries.
From this I was able to modify an existing library to include the JAR for the perst package.
Now I am able to import org.garret.perst.*
We'll see if there are any complications.
Forgive the number of posts, maybe it will help someone else down the way.

Using Preview Technology in Production Software

What are the pros/cons to using CTP technology for internal production softtware? By internal production I mean it's software we're not selling to anyone else but will be used by a large number of internal employees spread nationally.
I can see the obvious plusses (features and functionality that beats existing systems) and minuses (bugs, lack of support, changes in the interface, risk of discontinuation.) I'd like to hear from people with experience using preview tech in production software and the kinds of hurdles and things that we might not be considering.
The technology in question is the Silverlight Bing map control CTP.
It's a call that can be tough to make and really depends on your circumstances. A beta control from Microsoft, targeted at developers, that fills an immediate and important need, may be just the right fit if you are understanding the lack of support.
Especially given how quickly internal apps and even public sites go through revisions and quick improvement milestones.
The Silverlight Toolkit has been trying a new model for the last year; we've introduced special quality bands, to help customers make a call, and understand the investment and guarantees that the product team is making. I sort of hope we can get other teams to make a similar commitment.
The AutoCompleteBox control was essentially CTP a year ago, in the Preview quality band. Since then we invested and shipped it in the Silverlight 3 SDK as a mature, supported product.
Have a discussion with your management to define what risk you can take on while still enabling your internal users with quality value (scenarios that do work great, regardless of the released quality under the hood).
Consider source code!
One thing that you can also do is have a discussion around source and binaries. Although you won't always have an option to grab the source for many controls or frameworks, there are a lot of open source releases available today. Your control vendor may also be willing to offer a source license.
The cost for maintaining your own private branch of an open source control is high, but it is an avenue that can be explored if you need fixes earlier, want to add your own functionality, or feel that a developer day of work might just get an existing control customized for your scenario.
Updating with some more specific links:
Silverlight Toolkit
Here's more information on the Silverlight Toolkit's Quality Bands, for those that are interested. They are Experimental, Preview, Stable, and Mature; Preview is much like CTP, Preview - Beta, and Mature - Released and supported.
These are all just words, but they are "the word" of the team.
Microsoft Connect
WRT the Bing Maps control, I did see that there is a Microsoft Connect site out there. That's a great resource to have - although I am not in the program, typically Connect sites are there to help provide more frequent drops, a set of forums for discussing any issues, and a way to easily get in contact with the developers and testers on the product.
Other vendors
There are many other vendors out that that provide early releases, feel free to use the comments to add a non-Microsoft angle to this. I wanted to provide my opinion on these topics since I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the Silverlight-specific Microsoft frameworks that are out there.
Personally I don't think it's a good idea, as essentially your internal employees are your market, so this is essentially production software.
So things like licencing, compliance, support, SLA's may need to be thought through.
I know that would be frowned upon by my IT Director and Internal Audit people, to name two.
Are you reasonably sure it will work and not kill your employees' pets? Then it ought to be fine.
Seriously, just be sure it works for the target audience.
As always, IMHO.
Sometimes you just dont want to wait for a new feature, for instance we started using SQL Server 2008 in our new architecture just for the DateTimeOffset. We used this application internally, but this wasnt a major deployment. If its stable enough then why not. The Pros are you dont have to wait, you're testing new techniques, code and keeping up with technologies.
The cons are that some features will change, API arent finished or some things get renamed. These things present themselves pretty quickly and are normally easy to change. Also some things may not be documented, but there is always someone blogging about it.
With the tools available today like HockeyApp to manage betas for my apps I am less afraid to use preview APIs in beta versions of my apps. This way I can work out new functionality with real users who want to try out the bleeding edge.
When I have keep the new version limited to a small set of users this has been fine.
The times I have used preview technology in production I have been occasionally bitten by the bleeding edge. I have had to work around bugs or live with them while I waited for them to be fixed.

Learning Anaysis Services

Can anyone recommend a good resource -- book, website, article, etc -- to help me learn SQL Server Analysis services.
I have no knowledge of this technology right now but I do constantly work with SQL server in the traditional sense.
I want to learn about Cubes and Using Reporting Services with it. I want to start from the bottom but after I finish with the material, ideally, I'd be able to stumble through a real development project...
I'm hoping to get started with a free resource but if anyone knows of a really good book, I'd take that too.
Or, if you don't know of a resource how did you get started with the technology?
Thank you,
Take a look Here for a list of AS resources I compiled in answer to a similar question.
Pretty outstanding book:
Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX
Gives you a good overview of the architecture of SSAS, as well as the query language MDX, and administrative/maintenance overview. A good primer for a developer OR a system administrator.
My personal favorite book on the topic is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
Mosha Pasumansky's blog is a great resource once you start learning more about the technology and MDX
Here's a link to Analysis Services Books online. It's a decent resource, and completely free.
