Not able to view "Process Watcher" window in pgAdmin 4? - pgadmin-4

I have isntalled pgAdmin 4 and i am trying to import the csv file into a table.I have followed all the steps mentioned in the document.
Once I click on OK button at the end of the importing process. I don't get any message (either success not error) and also I am not able to see the "Process Watcher" window.
Can anyone tell me why I am not able to see any error/success messages?

It was a bug in pgAdmin4 v1.2 for this, It is fixed in version 1.3 and it will release may be in next week, once it released upgrade your pgAdmin4 and try again.

It's a bug and still not fixed, version 2.0 being the latest one.


"Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR" for React app after upgrading to Visual Studio 2019 16.10.0

After upgrading to VS 16.10.0 (and then 16.10.1) Community Edition a React website no longer runs w/in Visual Studio/IIS Express. The exact same code was just deployed to an Azure app service and works correctly.
The home page is blank and the following error is displayed in the Chrome (Version 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)) debugger console
"Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR"
The solution consists of:
C# class library (.NET Core 3.1)
C# Web API (.NET Core 3.1)
React website
I have tried the following:
Cleaned and rebuilt solution
Cleared browser cache
Uninstalled and re-installed Visual Studio
Upgraded Visual Studio from 16.10.0 to 16.10.1
Ran npm run build which ran with no errors
Additional Note: I was able to restore a virtual machine w/ Visual Studio 2019 v16.9.4 instead of v16.10.1. Then step by step I installed the latest Windows updates and the exact code base. The site runs correctly in v16.9.4. So the problem seems to be in Visual Studio v16.10.0/v16.10.1
Go to the VS Developer Community and up vote this problem
This error was driving me nuts too. Windows 10 was updated 2 days ago and I also updated Visual Studio to version 16.10.1. After that, I got the errors, images, CSS not loading correctly.
As SpeedOfSpin mentioned in a comment in a previous post, uninstalling KB5003637 worked instantly for me, no more errors! Everything loads perfectly now.
It wasn't necessary to go back to an earlier version of Visual Studio, it seems it was Windows OS related.
#SpeedOfSpin: Thnx a lot! :)
Today there was a new update KB5004476, I don't see the previous KB5003637 anymore here. KB5004476 is causing the same errors. When installed I get the exact same error "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR", uninstalling solves it instantly again.
I have asked the Microsoft forum what is going on here:
As they couldn't provide a solution in the first MS forum (previous link), the same question has been asked here:
Updating Visual Studio to version 16.10.2. doesn't solve the issue either.
After some more testing, it seems it affects the browser Chrome only (As I only use Chrome, as most people do). In Firefox, Edge, and IE it seems I'm not having this issue. It was confusing as I tried so many things and the only solution I still have is uninstalling the KB5003637 or the new version KB5004476. So I guess something is wrong with Chrome after all. For now, I will keep the updates uninstalled, I don't feel like changing my preferred browser.
It is indeed not a Chrome-only issue, sorry guys. Saw the same error in Edge this morning too. It took a long while to recreate the problem, while in Chrome I have it every single time. :(
As asked in the first post here by ChrisP, go to the VS Developer Community if you experience this issue too, and please upvote this problem.
I asked the question there also, but still no solid solution at this point.
Two days ago after 1 single refresh (F5), when testing my web application, aside from the HTTP/2 errors, I also had the same blue screen like people are starting to mention. It showed the error "System Thread Exception not Handled" in file "HTTP.sys" and restarted, amazing!
Also, 2 new updates were installed KB5003690 and KB5003537, but nothing changed, I still have the annoying errors. Previous updates KB5003637 and KB5004476, where it started to go wrong, are gone here.
Uninstalling these updates as a workaround isn't the best solution for me, as they get reinstalled when wanting to update Windows 10 (No option anymore to exclude/hide the updates).
For me the easiest/quickest workaround at this point, to test locally with no “Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR” errors, no "System Thread Exception not Handled" BSoD! error and most important no stress anymore :), is disabling SSL in the debug settings of your project in Visual Studio. (Right-click Project, Properties, Debug, Web Server Settings below).
Hope this gets fixed quickly!
Microsoft finally released a fix that works for me, more information here (last post):
Installing the most recent update KB5004237 solves the problem in my case. No more "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR" errors, no more “System Thread Exception not Handled” error so far too!
I tried everything including rolling back updates and a full reinstall of Windows. Finally, a Microsoft support rep posted a workaround for this that involves disabling HTTP2. This seems to have worked for me as a temporary solution. In summary:
Start the Windows Registry Editor
Navigate to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters
Add 2 new REG_DWORD values, EnableHttp2Tls and EnableHttp2Cleartext,
to this registry key
Set both values to 0
Reboot the machine
The rep notes:
The registry values disable HTTP/2 on the machine. You can remove those values when the fix to https.sys is published.
We had the same issue on only the machines that had that KB5003637 installed. We uninstalled it and everything was fine. We decided to upgrade to .net 5 in the end which fixes the issue as it was fairly painless for our projects.
If you can't upgrade try disabling HTTP/2
serverOptions.ConfigureEndpointDefaults(lo => lo.Protocols = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.HttpProtocols.Http1);
Mine looks like this for .net core 3.1
public static IHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
webBuilder.ConfigureKestrel(serverOptions =>
serverOptions.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = int.MaxValue;
serverOptions.Limits.MinResponseDataRate = null;
serverOptions.ConfigureEndpointDefaults(lo => lo.Protocols = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.HttpProtocols.Http1);
Disable the SSL from the project properties it will automatically down to http/1 and then enable the javascript debugger for the browser
Hope this will help
In my case it was ASP.NET Core Identity that caused the trouble: I had too many roles (user claims) which were stored as session cookies in my browser and caused a "HTTP 400 Bad Request - Request header too long" error. This was showing as HTTP2 protocol error in Chrome and SSL certificate error in Firefox since I was using HTTPS redirection.
In my case it was actually a HTTP Error 400 - The size of the request headers is too long, but I kept getting this ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR message instead.
In order to find out the real error message, I had to disable HTTP/2 in IIS(right click your site in IIS, open Edit Bindings, double click your HTTPS binding and check Disable HTTP/2).
After fixing the HTTP Error 400 I could enable HTTP/2 again and it worked correctly.
I found that disabling SSL (which I think results in IIS Express dropping down to HTTP 1.1) is a workaround.
this issue (on iis express) on only the OS that had that KB5003637 installed.
if you unable delete this update first upgrate windows 10 to last by
then you can delete kb5003637
(don't forget disable windows auto update)
I got this error creating a new blazor app vs2019/windows10 update to latest versions.
After looking at a prior working blazor project Startup.cs I fixed by commenting out //app.UseHttpsRedirection();
I think this maybe a new project template problem
In my case, upgrading the project to .Net core 5.0 (as #SpeedofSpin suggested) did not help - I had the same issue.
Disabling SSL (as #samejeep suggested) for application was demanding, because my projects uses IdentityServer4 and it just stopped authenticating after that - so I didn't continue that path.
But as a workaround I have changed all requests for css, js, and static files via non-SSL http:// requests.
So for example, instead of this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/site.css">
Which would use the current request's protocol https://, I've used absolute paths, e.g.:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost/css/site.css">
Note, that I'm stating "http" (not "https") explicitly.
I did that for css styles and js scripts and that was enough for me.
I didn't have to do it for images though.
For me this is just a dirty workaround (I'll be waiting for MS to release a patch), but at least it allows me to keep doing my work.
I've found a better way to disable HTTP/2 via registry on my localhost and that solves the problem too. down

Hi I am trying to download a package on sublime but for hte past two days doesnt seem to be working. Keep getting a 502 bad gateway error.
Is there any one else facing the same issue?
Basically the plugin maintainer is recovering the database server from a file system corruption. Here's more information about it: sublime text forum.
A user there recommended the google-cached version of the website if you need it.

Codenameone Android build error

Since the morning I try to build an android application, in the Builds part it shows only Android Build Error and when I click on ERROR LOG it shows a page not found error. Is there any problem with build server??
This happens for older versions of the plugins that still send to the google cloud. We've tried to track it down but it failed badly and since we're killing off support to these old plugins anyway the right solution is probably to just move forward.
This build still works your error URL is just broken and looks like: https://cloud.codenameone.comhttps//
You can see the actual error by fixing the URL to remove the prefix and add the missing ::
I'm guessing the error is due to downgrading to a free account or something similar. This happens because of the migration process to the new server once you follow these steps this problem should resolve itself.
Also starting this weekend builds sent using the old plugin or an old project will fail. You will need to update the plugin to 4.3 (or 4.0.3 in NetBeans) or newer. This is an important phase in removing App Engine from our build stack and moving to a new system.
If you are experiencing problems with a project do the following:
Right Click the project
Select Codename One → Codename One Settings or Codename One Preferences
Click Basic
Click Update Project Libs in the bottom left side

pgAdmin 4 version 3.0 Query tool Initializing error on opening any query editor in browser

When clicking on a table and then selecting 'Query tool' results in an error.
I also couldn't find the log folder of pgAdmin.
It doesn't matter where I open the editor it always shows this editor.
I have re-installed multiple times, version: 10.4 and 9.6.9 search on stackoverflow for a lot of different solutions like resetting the layout or changing the local ip from to localhost.
My teacher also never saw this before, so he couldn't help me either.
If anyone has had this problem before I would really know what the solution is. Apart from re-installing windows.
I have re-installed windows... And stept away from pgAdmin now. I use another tool (HeidiSQL).
This problem has plagued me for months. Finally, I stumbled across a fix that worked for me. I hope it helps you.
In the Internet Explorer browser that is running pgAdmin4 I turned off SmartScreen Filter under Settings -> Safety, and this instantly fixed the problem.

Silverlight 4 Out Of Browser: Check for Updates without installing?

I have created a Silverlight 4 application, that is running out of browser. As you will know, there is a function that is checking if a new version of the app is available and installing it.
But what if I want to only check for the update and not installing it?
Personally, I do not like applications that silently update themselves, downloading something from the internet. So I'd like to have the following mechanism.
- when the app starts, it checks if updates are available
- if so, I show a messagebox to the user, telling her that there is an update and that she can download and installing it via the update-button
- the user can now decide to update
Unfortunately, there seems to be no option to just checking for updates without actually downloading and installing it. Any ideas, how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
You can roll your own update detection, by having a small file on your server next to the XAP for your app, that contains the latest version. For example:
When you want to check for updates without downloading them, you can always hit the .ver file, check the version listed in it and if newer then the current running app, show the Update button to the user.
Note that this approach also would allow you to create more advanced scenarios, like prompting the user to upgrade to a different version of the app (Pro for example) or that they need to upgrade their Silverlight to get the latest.
And if you have multiple apps, you can list all of them in that file and do cross-promotion between your apps.
