Dynamically setting the options for an ActionSheet in Ionic 2 - angularjs

I am making a GET request to get back some JSON containing an array of options. Within each element I have an id, style and a name.
Based on the response I would like to dynamically set the options of my ActionSheet in my Ionic 2 app.
This ActionSheet works fine. My challenge is setting the options dynamically based on the API response.
let actionSheet = this.actionSheetCtrl.create({
title: 'Change the tag of this visitor',
buttons: [
text: 'Destructive red',
cssClass: 'label-red',
handler: () => {
text: 'Archive blue',
cssClass: 'label-dark-blue',
handler: () => {
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
console.log('Cancel clicked');
I would like the keep the cancel option but show my own options above -- i.e. remove the destructive and archive options.
In PHP I would achieve this with this pseudo code ..
$options = array();
$options['title'] = 'Change the tag of this visitor';
$buttons = array();
foreach($api_response as $a) {
array_push($buttons, array('text' => $a['name'], 'cssClass' => $a['style']) );
$options['buttons'] = $buttons;
let actionSheet = this.actionSheetCtrl.create(json_encode($options));
And then my final question is how I can specify the appropriate value of id from the elements that I am looping through as the parameter for the myFunction() call ... e.g set the value of XX to be 1 when id=1, 20 when id=20, etc
text: 'Name goes here',
cssClass: 'label-red',
handler: () => {

I seem to have found a better way to solve this problem. I am using the addButton method ..
let actionSheet = this.actionSheetCtrl.create({
title: 'Change the tag of this visitor'
this.http.get('http://api.domain.com/tags', {headers:headers}).map(res => res.json()).subscribe(data => {
for (var i = 0; i < data.res.length; i++) {
actionSheet.addButton({text: data.res[i].name, cssClass: data.res[i].style });
actionSheet.addButton({text: 'Cancel', 'role': 'cancel' });


How to solve this error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getForm' of undefined "

I tried to add edit button functionality in grid panel. I want to open an edit window on edit button click for updating grid row record using Ext Window Form which contains fields like (Shift Name, Time, Total, Requirement, Note). The window form is created, but the row values that I have selected in grid are not set in form fields.
I tried to use this code:
but it's giving the following error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getForm' of undefined
Here is my code:
var shiftWindow = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title: 'Edit Shift',
resizable: false,
id: 'shiftwindow',
width: 465, //bodyPadding: 5, modal: true, store: shiftStorePlanner,
items: {
xtype: 'form',
id: 'idFormShift',
bodyPadding: 10,
items: shiftViewModelPlannerData
buttons: [{
text: 'Save',
cls: 'planner-save-button',
overCls: 'planner-save-button-over',
handler: function () {
var wi = this.up('.window')
var form = Ext.getCmp('idFormShift');
if (form.isValid()) {
shiftTimemappingarray = [];
}, {
text: 'Cancel',
handler: function () {
var host1 = Ext.getCmp('plannershifteditor');
var selection = host1._shiftPlannerGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
if (selection.length === 0) {
selection[0].data.ShiftName = selection[0].data.ShiftName.replace('(ARCHIVED)', '').trim(); //if edit Archive record then text name show without (ARCHIVED)
There's no getForm method in the window. You can get the form using shiftWindow.down('form'). Here's the snippet:

Cannot find method on button click event in ag-grid with Angular2

I want to call editAsset() method on button's click event in ag-grid.
ListComponent :
ngOnInit() {
this.route.data.forEach((data: { assets: Asset[]}) => {
this.gridOptions.columnDefs = this.createColumnDefs(data.assets[0]);
this.gridOptions.rowData = data.assets
private createColumnDefs(asset) {
let keyNames = Object.keys(asset);
let headers = []
keyNames.filter(key => key != '__v' && key != '_id').map(key => {
headerName: key,
field: key,
width: 100
headerName: 'update',
field: 'update',
cellRendererFramework: {
template: '<button (click) = "editAsset()"> Edit </button>'
width: 100
return headers;
editAsset(): void {
Both of these are defined in the same component.
But it can't find the method and showing the following error :
Here's the Snapshot of error report
Here's the grid

A formPanels textfield value should be a href link

this is my textfield in my formpanel:
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Homepage',
name: 'homepage',
tabIndex: 4,
padding: '10'
I want the loaded value which is displayed to be a clickable link.
because webpages without "http://" at the beginning won't display in the new tab, i changed the solution a little bit like this:
listeners: {
render: function (field) {
this.getEl().on('click', function (e, t, eOpts) {
var url = e.target.value;
if (url != '') {
if (url.indexOf("http://") != -1) {
var win = window.open(url, '_blank');
} else {
var win = window.open('http://' + url, '_blank');
There is no way you can achieve what you desire.For 'link' you have to
use another component may be a label with a link.But with some trick you can make the value in a textfield appear as a link.For that you can do something like this:
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'name',
fieldStyle: 'color: blue; text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer',
listeners: {
render: function (field) {
this.getEl().on('click', function (e, t, eOpts) {
//here you need to do some hack around to restrict changing href,only on click of input in the textfield.Could not achieve that,but tried to give some idea.
var url = e.target.value;
if(url != ''){
Hope this helps you :-)
To do this you can use the render function as follows:
xtype : 'displayfield',
id: 'yourId',
fieldLabel: 'This is the label',
renderer: function(data, field) {
return ''+data+''
It may not be the most elegant solution but it works :)

ExtJS 4: Is there any way to attach a QuickTip to a form field?

I'm trying to add a QuickTip to a form field, but can't find a way to make my code work. Firstly, I tried to use a qtip attribute
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
qtip:'This tip is not showing at all',
name: 'last'
and then using Ext.tip.ToolTip class:
Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
target: 'rating_field',
anchor: 'right',
trackMouse: true,
html: 'This tip is not showing at all'
Here is a jsfiddle with the source code: jsfiddle
Yes, use the inputAttrTpl config and the data-qtip attribute:
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
inputAttrTpl: " data-qtip='This is my quick tip!' ",
name: 'last'
I found the answer here: How should I add a tooltip to an ExtJS Component?
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
qtip: "This is a tip",
name: 'last',
listeners: {
render: function(c) {
target: c.getEl(),
text: c.qtip
Using vero4ka's answer I wrote a simple plugin which can be used with forms to enable quicktips on child fields.
Ext.define('Ext.form.QtipPlugin', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
alias: 'plugin.qtipfields',
init: function (cmp) {
cmp.on('beforerender', function () {
var fields = cmp.query('field[qtip]');
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
fields[i].on('render', this.register, this);
}, this);
register: function (field) {
var obj = {
target: field.id
if (typeof field.qtip === 'string') {
obj.text = field.qtip;
} else if (typeof field.qtip === 'object') {
// Allow qtip configuration objects.
// i.e. qtip: { text: 'hi', ... }
Ext.applyIf(obj, field.qtip);
For any form field, you can use this:
xtype: 'textfield', // or anything else
autoEl: {
'data-qtip': 'This is working tip!'
You can also use the built-in plugin datatip on a form panel.
in form panel (see http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.5.1/classic/Ext.ux.DataTip.html) :
in form config :
plugins = [{ptype : 'datatip'}]
in field text config :
tooltip : "my tooltip text"
If you are generating tooltip dynamically then you can use below snippet:
txtFieldName.el.set({ "data-qtip": Ext.String.htmlDecode("Some Text") });

netzke FormPanel

I think i stucked here. I have a model (Test) with 3 fields: id, name, name2. So i want to write there something and click on Apply button on bottom and if all fields are filled and passed validation (i guess this i should do in model Test.rb, yeah?) and get to localhost:3000/some/where and if i left some filed (name or name2) unfilled so i get a message like "ERROR".
class TestPanel < Netzke::Basepack::FormPanel
js_mixin :actions
def configuration
:name => :test_panel,
:model => 'Test',
:title => "TEST PANEL",
onApply: function() {
var form = this.getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
this.Apply(form.getFieldValues(), function(success) {
if (success) {
window.location = 'some/where';
} else {
title: 'FF',
msg: 'I guess you have an error!!',
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,
icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING });
}, this);
} else {
title: 'FF',
msg: 'Fill all fields!!',
buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,
icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING });
If my understanding is correct no need to do any thing with netzke. Just write your validators in the rails model. If any field is failed to pass the validation Netzke will capture the validation message from rails model and display it on top of the grid.
