How to count Angular Watchers on Page? - angularjs

How do I accurately count the number of watchers on a page?
I found a few different articles on how to do it, but they all give me different counts, so I'm struggling to find which is the correct way.
There is a StackOverflow here with the following code:
(function () {
var root = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body'));
var watchers = [];
var f = function (element) {
angular.forEach(['$scope', '$isolateScope'], function (scopeProperty) {
if ( && {
angular.forEach([scopeProperty].$$watchers, function (watcher) {
angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) {
// Remove duplicate watchers
var watchersWithoutDuplicates = [];
angular.forEach(watchers, function(item) {
if(watchersWithoutDuplicates.indexOf(item) < 0) {
When I test it on the homepage, it gives me 132 watchers.
I then found a Medium post here, with the following code:
function getWatchers(root) {
root = angular.element(root || document.documentElement);
var watcherCount = 0;
function getElemWatchers(element) {
var isolateWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($isolateScope);
var scopeWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($scope);
var watchers = scopeWatchers.concat(isolateWatchers);
angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) {
watchers = watchers.concat(getElemWatchers(angular.element(childElement)));
return watchers;
function getWatchersFromScope(scope) {
if (scope) {
return scope.$$watchers || [];
} else {
return [];
return getElemWatchers(root);
Testing this on homepage returns 152 watchers.
Using simply angular.element('body').scope().$$watchersCount returns 80.
I understand that the SO code removes duplicates, is it removing duplicates that are watching the same expression (so there will only be one watcher listed for an expression like !visible), or it's removing duplicate watcher objects?
I realize the discrepancy is from duplicates. But, do duplicate watchers affect performance?

This script will help you identify how many watchers are there on your
just paste the below script on your browser's console and it will tell you the watcher count on your page
function getWatchers(root) {
root = angular.element(root || document.documentElement);
var watcherCount = 0;
function getElemWatchers(element) {
var isolateWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($isolateScope);
var scopeWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($scope);
var watchers = scopeWatchers.concat(isolateWatchers);
angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) {
watchers = watchers.concat(getElemWatchers(angular.element(childElement)));
return watchers;
function getWatchersFromScope(scope) {
if (scope) {
return scope.$$watchers || [];
} else {
return [];
return getElemWatchers(root);


Delay loading data in Angular JS

I have code like this
(function (app) {
app.controller('productListController', productListController)
productListController.$inject = ['$scope', 'apiService', 'notificationService', '$ngBootbox', '$filter'];
function productListController($scope, apiService, notificationService, $ngBootbox, $filter) {
$scope.products = [];
$ = 0;
$scope.pagesCount = 0;
$scope.getProducts = getProducts;
$scope.keyword = '';
$ = search;
$scope.deleteProduct = deleteProduct;
$scope.selectAll = selectAll;
$scope.deleteMultiple = deleteMultiple;
function deleteMultiple() {
var listId = [];
$.each($scope.selected, function (i, item) {
var config = {
params: {
checkedProducts: JSON.stringify(listId)
apiService.del('/api/product/deletemulti', config, function (result) {
notificationService.displaySuccess('Deleted successfully ' + + 'record(s).');
}, function (error) {
notificationService.displayError('Can not delete product.');
$scope.isAll = false;
function selectAll() {
if ($scope.isAll === false) {
angular.forEach($scope.products, function (item) {
item.checked = true;
$scope.isAll = true;
} else {
angular.forEach($scope.products, function (item) {
item.checked = false;
$scope.isAll = false;
$scope.$watch("products", function (n, o) {
var checked = $filter("filter")(n, { checked: true });
if (checked.length) {
$scope.selected = checked;
} else {
$('#btnDelete').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
}, true);
function deleteProduct(id) {
$ngBootbox.confirm('Are you sure to detele?').then(function () {
var config = {
params: {
id: id
apiService.del('/api/product/delete', config, function () {
notificationService.displaySuccess('The product hase been deleted successfully!');
}, function () {
notificationService.displayError('Can not delete product');
function search() {
function getProducts(page) {
page = page || 0;
var config = {
params: {
keyword: $scope.keyword,
page: page,
pageSize: 20
apiService.get('/api/product/getall', config, function (result) {
if ( == 0) {
notificationService.displayWarning('Can not find any record.');
$scope.products =;
$ =;
$scope.pagesCount =;
$scope.totalCount =;
}, function () {
console.log('Load product failed.');
So my problem is when i loading data the application take me some time to load data.
I need load data as soon as
Is the any solution for this?
Since you are loading data via api call, there will be a delay. To handle this delay, you should display a loading screen. Once the data is loaded, the loading screen gets hidden and your main screen is visible. You can achieve this using $http interceptors.
See : Showing Spinner GIF during $http request in angular
The api-call is almost certainly causing the delay. Data may be received slowly via the api-call so you could display any sort of loading text/image to notify the use that the data is being loaded.
If u want the data ready at the time when controller inits, u can add a resolve param and pass the api call as a $promise in the route configuration for this route.

Empty var in second service function

I have a service:
.service('VacanciesService', function($http) {
var vacancies = [];
var usedVacancies = [];
return {
getVacanciesForUniversity: function(university_id) {
return $http.get("" + university_id).then(function(response){
vacancies =;
return vacancies;
}, function(error){
return error;
getRandomVacancy: function() {
This is the calling controller
.controller('jobsCtrl', function($ionicLoading, locker, UniversitiesService, VacanciesService) {
var vm = this;
user = locker.get('userDetails');
UniversitiesService.getUniversity( { =;
VacanciesService.getVacanciesForUniversity( {
vm.vacancies = vacancies;
}, function error(error) {
vm.addCard = function(name) {
newVacancy = VacanciesService.getRandomVacancy();
And I can't figure out why the vacancies variable in in the console.log is empty in the second function? I assumed as it was set in the initial function (called prior) that it should be populated?
if you call getVacanciesForUniversity getRandomVacancy like below, you will get empty array
VacanciesService.getRandomVacancy() //you will get empty
you must getRandomVacancy inside getVacanciesForUniversity returned promise
alo you misstype; instead;
There was a glaringly obvious typo in my code that I missed from staring at it too long.
Big thanks to Daniel Dawes and aseferov for attempting to help!
In your service :
getVacanciesForUniversity: function(university_id) {
return $http.get("" + university_id);
In your controller :
$scope.getVacancies = function () {
function(response) {
if (response.status = 200) {
$scope.vacancies =;
}, function errorCallback (response) {
$scope.getVacancies(); // you call one time your function here
$scope.getRandomVacancy : function() {

Issue With MD-Dialog

I am having an MD-dialog controller like below.
var HomeController = function ($scope) {
$scope.demoNonLinear = function () {
var element = document.querySelector('.mdl-stepper#stepper-non-linear');
if (!element) return false;
var stepper = element.MaterialStepper;
var steps = element.querySelectorAll('.mdl-step');
var step;
// Upgrade the component.
if (typeof componentHandler === 'undefined') {
console.log('Missing componentHandler');
} else {
console.log('componentHandler is available');
for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
step = steps[i];
step.addEventListener('onstepnext', function (e) {
setTimeout(function () {;
}, 4000);
The line
var element = document.querySelector('.mdl-stepper#stepper-non-linear');
is not working on the md-dialog html instead it works on the main document. Ho can I make it work on my md-dialog content ?
Plunker link
Try this to select your element in angular.
var element = angular.element( document.querySelector( '#stepper-non-linear' ) );
I've wrapped the function in a angular.element(document).ready event which will be executed when document is ready rather than the $timeout approach.

Angular string binding not working with ControllerAs vm

I've been trying to do a two-way bind to a string variable on the Controller. When the controller changes the string, it isn't updated right away. I have already run the debugger on it and I know that the variable vm.overlay.file is changed. But it isn't updated on the View... it only updates the next time the user clicks the button that fires the selectOverlayFile() and then it presents the previous value of vm.overlay.file
Here goes the code:
(function () {
.controller("SettingsController", SettingsController);
SettingsController.$inject = [];
function SettingsController() {
var vm = this;
vm.overlay = {
file: undefined,
options: {
sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
vm.errorMessages = [];
vm.selectOverlayFile = selectOverlayFile;
vm.appMode = "photo";
vm.appModes = ["gif-HD", "gif-video", "photo"];
function activate() {
function selectOverlayFile() {, errorOverlay, vm.overlay.options);
function successOverlay(imageUrl) {
//If user has successfully selected a file
vm.overlay.file = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageUrl;
function errorOverlay(message) {
//If user couldn't select a file
After a couple of hours searching for the issue and testing various solutions. I finally found it. The issue was that when the, errorOverlay, vm.overlay.options) calls the callback function, it is out of AngularJS scope. So we need to notify Angular to update binding from within these callbacks using $scope.$apply():
(function () {
.controller("SettingsController", SettingsController);
SettingsController.$inject = ["$scope"];
function SettingsController($scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.overlay = {
file: undefined,
options: {
sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
vm.errorMessages = [];
vm.selectOverlayFile = selectOverlayFile;
vm.appMode = "photo";
vm.appModes = ["gif-HD", "gif-video", "photo"];
function activate() {
function selectOverlayFile() {, errorOverlay, vm.overlay.options);
function successOverlay(imageUrl) {
//If user has successfully selected a file
vm.overlay.file = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageUrl;
function errorOverlay(message) {
//If user couldn't select a file

UI not updating when property changed within $interval callback

I have a service which defines a background $interval. It watches local storage to see if some server updates didn't get made due to connectivity problems. When it finds some, it periodically tries to contact the server with the updates, deleting them from local storage when it succeeds.
Upon success, the callback also updates some properties of an angular view/model. Those changes should cause the UI to update, and elsewhere in the code of various controllers they do.
But within the $interval callback in that background service the changes do not cause the UI to update. I thought it might be some kind of failure to $apply, so I added a $rootScope.$apply() call. But that caused an error because a $digest was already in progress.
That tells me $digest is running after the callback executes -- which is what I would've expected -- but it's not causing the UI to update.
I then did a $rootScope.$emit() within the service, after the view/model was updated, and listened for the event within the controller where the UI should've updated. Within the listener I can see that the view/model the controller is based on was successfully updated by the service.
Here is the service:
app.factory('bkgndUpdates', function($interval, $q, $rootScope, dataContext, localStorage) {
var _interval = null;
var _service = {
get isRunning() { return _interval != null },
_service.start = function() {
if( _interval != null ) return;
_interval = $interval(function() {
// check to ensure local storage is actually available
// and has visits to process
var visits = localStorage.visits;
if( !visits || (visits.length == 0) ) return;
var recorded = [];
var promises = [];
var offline = false;
for( var idx = 0; idx < visits.length; idx++ )
var visit = visits[idx];
promises.push(dataContext.doVisitAction("/Walk/RecordVisit", visit)
function(resp) {
offline &= false;
var home = dataContext.findHomeByID(visit.addressID);
if( home != null ) {
// these values should cause a map icon to switch from yellow to blue
// elsewhere in the app that's what happens...but not here.
home.visitInfo.isDirty = false;
home.visitInfo.inDatabase = true;
home.visitInfo.canDelete = true;
home.visitInfo.followUpID = resp.FollowUpID;
function(resp) {
// something went wrong; do nothing, as the item is already
// in local storage
offline |= true;
function(resp) {
for( var idx = 0; idx < recorded.length; idx++ )
if( !localStorage.hasVisits ) {
_interval = null;
function(resp) {
alert("some promise failed");
}, 30000);
_service.stop = function() {
_interval = null;
return _service;
Here's the controller for the map:
app.controller("mapCtrl", function ($scope, $rootScope, $location, dataContext) {
$scope.dataContext = dataContext;
$scope.mapInfo = {,
zoom: dataContext.zoom,
pins: dataContext.pins,
$scope.$on('mapInitialized', function(evt, map){
$scope.dragend = function() {
$ = $;
$scope.zoomchanged = function() {
$scope.dataContext.zoom = $;
function() {
$scope.mapInfo.pins = $scope.dataContext.pins;
function() {});
$ = function() {
dataContext.pinIndex = this.pinindex;
if( == 1)
dataContext.homeIndex = 0;
else $location.path("/unit");
$rootScope.$on("visitUpdate", function(event) {
// I added this next line to force an update...even though the
// data on both sides of the assignment is the same (i.e., it was
// already changed
$scope.mapInfo.pins = $scope.dataContext.pins;
Here's the (partial) template (which relies on ngMap):
<div id="mapframe" class="google-maps">
<map name="theMap" center="{{}}" zoom="{{mapInfo.zoom}}" on-dragend="dragend()" on-zoom_changed="zoomchanged()">
<marker ng-repeat="pin in mapInfo.pins" position="{{pin.latitude}}, {{pin.longitude}}" title="{{pin.streetAddress}}" pinindex="{{$index}}" on-click="click()"
So why isn't the UI updating?
