Web API creating new actions always results in 404 errors - angularjs

I have been trying to expand on my Account Controller for my web api however I cannot seem to get new actions to work. I just want an action that intakes a string. So I wrote my action like this:
Update: This action works if I remove the parameter (String val) now = ()
public IHttpActionResult Stuff(String val)
return Ok();
Then in my AngularJS I wrote a function to call into my action
function storeConnID (event, data){
return $http({
url: State.Endpoint + "/api/account/stuff",
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Authorization' : 'Bearer '+ State.User.Access_Token
data: {
val: data
}).then(function (res) { }, function (err) {
The url after it is all formatted is as such:
Every other action in my controller works however I cannot create new ones?

Continued research:
Javascript isn't simply sending in a string, it is sending a json object with a key/value pair. The web api action doesn't understand this object when I am looking for a string.
My proposed solution:
public IHttpActionResult Stuff(Dynamic Data)
return Ok();
By changing the input to a dynamic type the data can come as any form of object.


How to pass parameter from AngularJS $http.post to ASP .NET Web API core

I want to call ASP .NET Web API from the Angular web page.
I have written the following API:
public async Task<IActionResult> Login(string user)
return Json(new RequestResult
State = RequestState.Success,
Msg = "Welcome"
And calling above using in Angular as:
method: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:50087/api/tokenauth/login',
data: 'm2pathan',
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json, charset=UTF-8'
.then(function loginSuccessCallback(response) {
console.log("In loginSuccessCallback", response);
But I am getting 'Null' value in 'user' variable of API.
Please help me.
Image:Error showing after adding [FromBody] in parameter of API.
In addition to #Ramesh answer, you should use [FromBody] attribute (see model binding) if you need to populate user from request body:
public async Task<IActionResult> Login([FromBody] string user)
Actually you have passing only one parameter and return the data to response. So the better way to use GET method instead of POST method with pass the parameter via QueryString
But If you want POST method only, then you could go to this below way
var body = JSON.stringify({ user: 'm2pathan'});
$http.post('http://localhost:50087/api/tokenauth/login', body)
.then(function loginSuccessCallback(response) {
console.log("In loginSuccessCallback", response);
There are several issues in your code:
First you set Content-Type to application/json, but then you send invalid JSON. Use JSON.stringify({user: 'm2pathan'} to build a valid JSON.
Then in your ASP.NET Core application you need to use a complex type instead of simple type string in your action Login. Most likely you will need to send password and other parameters anyway so add the class like this:
public class LoginRequest
public string User { get; set; }
and then change your Login action to
public async Task<IActionResult> Login([FromBody]LoginRequest request)
return Json(new RequestResult
State = RequestState.Success,
Msg = "Welcome"
Now you should be OK.
The problem is related to the CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing).
I have added the policy in my startup.cs in ConfigureServices() method as bellow:
services.AddCors(options =>
builder => builder.AllowAnyOrigin()
and added it before the action as:
public class TokenAuthController : Controller
//my action methods

web api 2 post with parameter - must use json.stringyfi

I'm using angularjs and I'm trying to make a HttpPost call to my web api.
My api method:
public IHttpActionResult GetKey([FromBody]string password) {
//Do stuff
my call:
service.getKey = function (password) {
return $http.post('api/authentication/getkey', JSON.stringify(password))
.then(function(result) {
return result.data;
Now this works fine, but do I really need to use JSON.stringify? I tried sending it like below, but all of them get password = null. Do I have to use JSON.stringify or am I doing it wrong in my other examples?
//Doesnt work
service.getKey = function (password) {
return $http.post('api/authentication/getkey', password)
.then(function(result) {
return result.data;
//Doesnt work
service.getKey = function (password) {
return $http.post('api/authentication/getkey', {password})
.then(function(result) {
return result.data;
If you don't want to use JSON.stringify, the other option will be to send the data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded as pointed in other answer as well. This way you are sending the data as form data. I'm not sure about the syntax of the $http.post Shortcut method but the idea is the same.
service.getKey = function (password) {
method: 'POST',
url: 'api/authentication/getkey',
data: $.param({ '': password }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
.then(function(result) {
return result.data;
From Microsoft's Web API official documentation about Parameter Binding in ASP.NET Web API:
When a parameter has [FromBody], Web API uses the Content-Type header to select a formatter. In this example, the content type is "application/json" and the request body is a raw JSON string (not a JSON object).
Angular $http service sends Content-Type: application/json as header by default in POST requests, as you can see from the official docs, so Web API is trying to bind your request body using his JsonFormatter. Because of this you have to provide him a well formatted Json string (not a Json Object with a string inside) to correctly bind his raw string parameter.
As a side note, you could also send a request using application/x-www-form-urlencoded as Content-Type header, but then you will have to format your body as form parameters (using something similar to jQuery $.param( .. ))

Angular $resource and webApi

I am using webApi and have generated the model using entityframework the overload method of the GET(int id) I am trying to call that using the query of the $resource
I am trying to pass an optional parameter to a call using the $resource but get the error [$resource:badcfg] I have had a google and people say add
'get': {method: 'GET'},
'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: true}
into the function, so I have tried this: but still have no luck.
function minorResource($resource, appSettings) {
return $resource(appSettings.serverPath + "/api/minorworks/:id",
'get': {method: 'GET'},
'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: true}
Would you use 2 separate methods or can the above function be made to work?
For completness here is my Controller call
minorResource.query({id: vm.seachCriteria}, function (data) {
vm.minorWork = data;
Note that query is used to retrieve an array of objects and get is used to retrieve a single object. That means that with a get you usually sent the id of the object to the API.
So in your case:
var minorWorksResource = $resource(appSettings.serverPath + "/api/minorworks/:id");
// Note that query returns an array.
var works = minorWorksResource.query(function() {
var firstWork = works[0];
// Note that we pass an ID that will be fetched in the query string.
var singleWork = minorWorksResource.get({id: 123}, function() {
And the WebAPI part:
public class MinorWorksController : ApiController {
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) {
var singleWork = null;
// Retrieve a single item;
return Ok(singleWork);
public IHttpActionResult Get() {
var workList = null;
// Retrieve the whole list.
return Ok(workList );

How to send multiple parameters in AngularJS $http.post to Web API controller action method

How to send multiple parameters in an angularjs $http.post to web api controller action method.
Below is my code.
AngularJS code
var complexObj = { prop1: "value", prop2: "value" };
var id = 100;
var data = { id: id, complexObj: complexObj };
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/api/WebApiController/MethodName',
data: data
}).success(function (data, status) {
//do something...
$http.post('http://localhost/api/WebApiController/MethodName', data)
.success(function (data, status) {
//do something...
Web API controller
public class WebApiController: ApiController
public ReturnValue WebApiAction(string id,ComplexObj complexObj)
// process request and return data...
I am getting below response message in fiddler.
{ "message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request
URI 'http://localhost/api/WebApiController/MethodName'.",
"messageDetail": "No action was found on the controller
'WebApiController' that matches the request." }
When I send the complexObj alone, its hitting the web api,but all properties are null or set to default values.
What am I doing wrong? How can I send two or more parameters(both complex objects and string/int) in $http.post? Any help is much appreciated.
Web API doesn't support multiple post parameters in this way.
Your best bet is to roll up Id into ComplexObj and post it as a single parameter.
complexObj.id = id;
var data = complexObj;
Update your signature to take just a single object.
public ReturnValue WebApiAction(ComplexObj complexObj)
// process request and return data...
If you absolutely want to be able to post data like this, consider Rick Strahl's post on creating a custom parameter binder.

Sending Array of Objects to Web API from AngualrJS

During this process, I grab an array of "vehicles" from the Web API. I modify and do whatever to each vehicle. Then I want to send the list back, without going through and looping...
I've tried a lot of the ways that i've looked up.
I've got this in the WEB API for a breakpoint to see if I can even get the array there, but I havent been able to yet.
public IHttpActionResult UpdateVehicles(Vehicle[] vehiclesArry)
return Ok();
I'm confused if I need to do a $post, or if I could just "get" it to the correct method like I've been doing. The problem is I can't get the array to the WEB API method.
I've got my $resource setup like this.
return $resource(appSettings.serverPath + "/api/Violators/:id",null,
'update': { method: 'PUT' },
'delete': { method: 'DELETE' },
'post': { method: 'POST' }
I've tried using $post, but it says the object doesn't support it. I'm not sure what other ways I can try. I've tried using "dynamic" in the web API, that doesn't seem to work either.
You're missing the params object for $resource, so it doesn't know the id.
return $resource(appSettings.serverPath + "/api/Violators/:id", { id: '#id' });
You don't need to explicitly setup methods for get, post, delete. That's already done for you. If your API uses PUT for update, set that up like this:
return $resource(appSettings.serverPath + "/api/Violators/:id", { id: '#id' }, {
update: { method: 'PUT' }
Also, the property on your resource must be vehiclesArry exactly or web API won't know how to map it. I also want to echo #sowen. You will need to setup a view model that your endpoint receives.
My assumption is that you are having some script errors in your page or you are not using the $http methods properly.
One problem people usually run into is using the correct url to the web api endpoints in your angular controller. If you don't get it right, you might be getting 404 errors. Look for those in your browser console(network tab)
The below code should work fine without any issues
.then(function (res) {
var vehicles = res.data;
console.log('data received', JSON.stringify(vehicles));
//Let's update the Name of each vehicle.
$.each(vehicles, function (indx, item) {
item.Name = item.Name + " Updated";
console.log('data modified', JSON.stringify(vehicles));
//Let's make a call to web api with modified data
$http.post("../api/Values/UpdateVehicles", vehicles)
.then(function (res2) {
console.log('response', JSON.stringify(res2.data));
Assuming you have angular js properly loaded in your page and the above code is part of your angular controller for the current page and you have the Web api controller with 2 action methods like below example.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult UpdateVehicles(Vehicle[] vehiclesArry)
// just returning whatever came in for TESTING PURPOSE
return Ok(vehiclesArry);
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> Get()
return new List<Vehicle>
new Vehicle {Id = 1, Name = "Car"},
new Vehicle {Id = 2, Name = "Van"}
Also,FYI : I am using Attribute routing in my api controller for the UpdateVehicle endpoint.
Create a model object like
public class UpdateReq
public IEnumerable<Vehicle> Vehicles { get; set; }
From your angular, just pass a json with an array
[v1, v2, v3]
