SQL DELETE performance, T-SQL or ISO-compatible query - sql-server

If I have two very large tables (TableA and TableB), both with an Id column, and I would like to remove all rows from TableA that have their Ids present in TableB. Which would be the fastest? Why?
-- T-SQL
ON A.Id = B.Id

If there are indexes on each Id, they should perform equally well.
If there are not indexes on each Id, exists() or in () may perform better.
In general I prefer exists() over in () because it allows you to easily add more than one comparison when needed.
delete a
from tableA as a
where exists (
select 1
from tableB as b
where a.Id = b.Id
in vs inner join - Gail Shaw
exists() vs in - Gail Shaw

As long as your Id in TableB is unique, both queries should create the same execution plan. Just include the execution plan to each queries and verify it.
Take a look at this nice post: in-vs-join-vs-exists

There's an easy way to find out, using the execution plan (press ctrl + L on SSMS).
Since we don't know the data model behind your tables (the eventual indexes etc), we can't know for sure which query will be the fastest.
By experience, I can tell you that, for very large tables (>1mil rows), the delete clause is quite slow, because of all the logging. Depending on the operation you're doing, you will want SQL Server NOT TO log the delete.
You might want to check at this question :
How to delete large data of table in SQL without log?


Too many parameter values slowing down query

I have a query that runs fairly fast under normal circumstances. But it is running very slow (at least 20 minutes in SSMS) due to how many values are in the filter.
Here's the generic version of it, and you can see that one part is filtering by over 8,000 values, making it run slow.
table_a a
table_b b ON (a.KEY = b.KEY)
a.date BETWEEN #Start and #End
AND b.ID IN (... over 8,000 values)
AND b.place IN ( ... 20 values)
a.column ASC
It's to the point where it's too slow to use in the production application.
Does anyone know how to fix this, or optimize the query?
To make a query fast, you need indexes.
You need a separate index for the following columns: a.KEY, b.KEY, a.date, b.ID, b.place.
As gotqn wrote before, if you put your 8000 items to a temp table, and inner join it, it will make the query even faster too, but without the index on the other part of the join it will be slow even then.
What you need is to put the filtering values in temporary table. Then use the table to apply filtering using INNER JOIN instead of WHERE IN. For example:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#FilterDataSource') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #FilterDataSource;
CREATE TABLE #FilterDataSource
INSERT INTO #FilterDataSource ([ID])
-- you need to split values
FROM table_a a
INNER JOIN table_b b
ON (a.KEY = b.KEY)
INNER JOIN #FilterDataSource FS
ON b.id = FS.ID
WHERE a.date BETWEEN #Start and #End
AND b.place IN ( ... 20 values)
ORDER BY .column ASC;
Few important notes:
we are using temporary table in order to allow parallel execution plans to be used
if you have fast (for example CLR function) for spiting, you can join the function itself
it is not good to use IN with many values, the SQL Server is not able to build always the execution plan which may lead to time outs/internal error - you can find more information here

Why is this CTE so much slower than using temp tables?

We had an issue since a recent update on our database (I made this update, I am guilty here), one of the query used was much slower since then. I tried to modify the query to get faster result, and managed to achieve my goal with temp tables, which is not bad, but I fail to understand why this solution performs better than a CTE based one, which does the same queries. Maybe it has to do that some tables are in a different DB ?
Here's the query that performs badly (22 minutes on our hardware) :
WITH CTE_Patterns AS (
FROM OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List PEL WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List_Email AS PELE WITH(NOLOCK) ON PELE.iId_purchased_email_list = PEL.iId_purchased_email_list
WHERE PEL.bPattern = 1
CTE_Emails AS (
FROM dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email AS ILE WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email_distinct AS ILED WITH(NOLOCK) ON ILED.iId_newsletterservice_import_list_email_distinct = ILE.iId_newsletterservice_import_list_email_distinct
WHERE ILE.iId_newsletterservice_import_list = 1000
SELECT I.iId_newsletterservice_import_list,
When running both CTE queries separately, it's super fast (0 secs in SSMS, returns 122 rows and 13k rows), when running the full query, with INNER JOIN on sEmail, it's super slow (22 minutes)
Here's the query that performs well, with temp tables (0 sec on our hardware) and which does the eaxct same thing, returns the same result :
INTO #tb1
FROM OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List PEL WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List_Email PELE ON PELE.iId_purchased_email_list = PEL.iId_purchased_email_list
WHERE PEL.bPattern = 1
INTO #tb2
FROM dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email AS ILE WITH(NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email_distinct AS ILED ON ILED.iId_newsletterservice_import_list_email_distinct = ILE.iId_newsletterservice_import_list_email_distinct
WHERE ILE.iId_newsletterservice_import_list = 1000
SELECT I.iId_newsletterservice_import_list,
Tables stats :
OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List : 13 rows, 2 rows flagged bPattern = 1
OtherDb.dbo.Purchased_Email_List_Email : 324289 rows, 122 rows with patterns (which are used in this issue)
dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email : 15.5M rows
dbo.NewsletterService_import_list_email_distinct ~1.5M rows
WHERE ILE.iId_newsletterservice_import_list = 1000 retrieves ~ 13k rows
I can post more info about tables on request.
Can someone help me understand this ?
Here is the query plan for the CTE query :
Here is the query plan with temp tables :
As you can see in the query plan, with CTEs, the engine reserves the right to apply them basically as a lookup, even when you want a join.
If it isn't sure enough it can run the whole thing independently, in advance, essentially generating a temp table... let's just run it once for each row.
This is perfect for the recursion queries they can do like magic.
But you're seeing - in the nested Nested Loops - where it can go terribly wrong.
You're already finding the answer on your own by trying the real temp table.
Parallelism. If you noticed in your TEMP TABLE query, the 3rd Query indicates Parallelism in both distributing and gathering the work of the 1st Query. And Parallelism when combining the results of the 1st and 2nd Query. The 1st Query also incidentally has a relative cost of 77%. So the Query Engine in your TEMP TABLE example was able to determine that the 1st Query can benefit from Parallelism. Especially when the Parallelism is Gather Stream and Distribute Stream, so its allowing the divying up of work (join) because the data is distributed in such a way that allows for divying up the work then recombining. Notice the cost of the 2nd Query is 0% so you can ignore that as no cost other than when it needs to be combined.
Looking at the CTE, that is entirely processed Serially and not in Parallel. So somehow with the CTE it could not figure out the 1st Query can be run in Parallel, as well as the relationship of the 1st and 2nd query. Its possible that with multiple CTE expressions it assumes some dependency and did not look ahead far enough.
Another test you can do with the CTE is keep the CTE_Patterns but eliminate the CTE_Emails by putting that as a "subquery derived" table to the 3rd Query in the CTE. It would be curious to see the Execution Plan, and see if there is Parallelism when expressed that way.
In my experience it's best to use CTE's for recursion and temp tables when you need to join back to the data. Makes for a much faster query typically.

Which SQL statement is more efficient joins or exists

I have 2 tables, orderData and stagingOrderData. I need to see if there are any rows in the stagingOrderData which exists in the orderData so I can delete them from the stagingOrderData table before I import.
Test cases - I tried a join
select * from
dbo.stagingOrderData s
inner join dbo.OrderData o
on s.productid = o.productid
and s.barcode = o.barcode
and s.orderid = o.orderid
and then and "exists"
select * from
dbo.stagingOrderData s
where exists(dbo.OrderData o
select * from
where o.productid = s.productid
and o.barcode = s.barcode
and o.orderid = s.orderid )
The statement with the "exists" seems to be much faster.
My experience is that it is a toss-up. If you have good indexing on the two tables (you need an index with productid, barcode, and orderid), I'll bet these two queries will perform about the same. So I'd use whichever you consider easier to read/maintain.
Plus, if all you are doing is querying to determine if you need to delete, you might be better off skipping the select and just doing the delete. If there is nothing to delete, the delete statement will discover that and will do nothing. In other words, doing the select requires you to process the data twice if you find anything needs to be deleted. Instead, do only the delete and you will only process the data once no matter what.
An exists will generally be faster. It stops after finding the first match after all where the join must consider all possible matches.
You may wish to ask if you need to do it this way at all though. Instead of deleting the rows, you may be better off doing the insert with a "where not exists..." restriction. If you are using SQL Server 2008, you can do even better than that by using a merge statement.

SQL Server 2008 extremely slow using FTS on joined tables

I have two tables
Product (id int, brandid int,Name nvarchar(1000)) 2+ million rows
Brand (id int,name nvarchar(1000)) 20k rows
FullText index is enabled on both table's name field.
If I do a search such as
SELECT count(*)
FROM Product p join Brand b
on p.BrandID = b.ID
WHERE contains(b.name,'calvin')
Runs super fast (less than a second). Same result if ran against p.name field.
But this query
SELECT count(*)
FROM Product p join Brand b
on p.BrandID = b.ID
WHERE contains(b.name,'calvin')
takes over a minute (several minutes actually). If OR is changed to AND it is also super fast.
I cannot use unions or containstable since I'm using nhibernate.
I recommend you read up SQL Server 2005 Full-Text Queries on Large Catalogs: Lessons Learned.
Any query with OR is a possible source of performance problems. An OR between the two tables of a join, that is like an invitation for disaster since the optimizer has basically lost any information how to optimize the join. Throw in full text condition, which will make cardinaility prediction (number of rows that match the condition) a wild guess at best and you got yourself a perfect storm.
Get rid of the OR. Period. Modify your requirements, discard the middle man (ORM layers).

SQL Server 2005 Performance: Distinct or full table in WHERE IN statement

We have two Tables:
Document: id, title, document_type_id, showon_id
DocumentType: id, name
Relationship: DocumentType hasMany Documents. (Document.document_type_id = DocumentType.id)
We wish to retrieve a list of all document types for one given ShowOn_Id.
We see two possiblities:
SELECT DocumentType.*
FROM DocumentType
WHERE DocumentType.id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT Document.document_type_id FROM Document WHERE showon_id = 42
SELECT DocumentType.*
FROM DocumentType
WHERE DocumentType.id IN (
SELECT Document.document_type_id FROM Document WHERE showon_id = 42
Our question is: when and if is it better to use the DISTINCT to get the smaller record set versus retrieving the whole table and the IN statement walking the table to the first match. (We guess that's what it does ;-))
Is this different for different databases, is there a common answer?
Or is there a better way of doing it? (We are in .NET land)
You can use a join:
FROM DocumentType
ON DocumentType.id=Document.document_type_id
WHERE Document.showon_id = 42
I think it's the best way to do it.
For the best performance you should use:
DocumentType dt
INNER JOIN Document d ON dt.id=d.document_type_id and d.showon_id = 42
Joins are very efficient at bridging multiple tables where as the nested query in the Where clause will need to perform a separate result selection that will filter down the From clause results. The join statement is also much more readable.
I would also put an index on showon_id, in addition to the primary keys and foreign key relationship.
My answer differs from wmasm's answer only by moving the showon_id filter up to the inner join. For MS SQL 2k5, I think the interpreter is smart enough to do this automatically, but you always want to work with the smallest result set possible. Bringing your filters up to inner join statements can limit the number of rows the query has to work with when joining many tables together. If you do this though, you should understand that this happens for every row comparison so complex filters (such as like x = '%a' or function calls) are better left for the Where clause so that the inner joins may filter out unnecessary comparisons.
Use an EXISTS. It sometimes is faster, but in my opinion, more readable than a DISTINCT and JOIN. Just for kicks, pls reply with the query plan for this query and the JOIN above, and see if anything is different (they may be optimized down to the same plan). If they are the same, I'd recommend the EXISTS as it is closer to a "plain language" description than a JOIN (because you don't want any of the data from Document, etc.)
SELECT whatever
FROM DocumentType dt
FROM Document
WHERE dt.id = document_type_id
AND showon_id = 42)
To get the query plan (ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms180765(SQL.90).aspx), do:
From my point of view it should not make any difference inside SQL Server (but who knows how this is implemented).
Think of it this way: to return the resultset the server needs to go into the Document table and retrieve all document_type_id WHERE showon_id = 42. In the process of retrieving the document_type_ids (e.g. by index seeking) it puts them into a hash table. When this process has finished the hash table will contain distinct values anyway. After that the query execution goes inside the Document_Type table, scans the primary key and probes into the hash table. Note that this depends, e.g. maybe it's more efficient to not use a hash table, when the expected row count from the Document table it low compared to Document_Type, but in general you get the same query plan as for the query wmasm just suggested.
Follow up on Matt's answer:
I've enabled the query plan and tested the following four different queries that have come up so far:
SELECT DocumentType.* FROM DocumentType WHERE DocumentType.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT Document.document_type_id FROM Document WHERE showon_id = 42);
SELECT DocumentType.* FROM DocumentType WHERE DocumentType.id IN (SELECT Document.document_type_id FROM Document WHERE showon_id = 42);
SELECT DISTINCT DocumentType.* FROM DocumentType INNER JOIN Document ON DocumentType.id=Document.document_type_id WHERE Document.showon_id = 42;
SELECT DocumentType.* FROM DocumentType WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Document WHERE DocumentType.id=Document.document_type_id AND showon_id = 42);
The query plan for all four queries turned out to be the same:
|--Hash Match(Right Semi Join, HASH:([Document].[document_type_id])=([DocumentType].[Id]))
|--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH:([Document].[Title], [Uniq1005])=([Document].[Title], [Uniq1005]), RESIDUAL:([Document].[Title] as [Document].[Title] = [Document].[Title] as [Document].[Title] AND [Uniq1005] = [Uniq1005]))
| |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([Document].[IX_Document_3] AS [Document]), SEEK:([Document].[showon_id]=(1)) ORDERED FORWARD)
| |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([Document].[IX_Document_1] AS [Document]))
|--Table Scan(OBJECT:([DocumentType] AS [DocumentType]))
I am not sure what every line and element means, but it seems that from the performance perspective it does not matter how you construct the query for this kind of problem...
