Can not debug kaa_client_create() function - c

I'm trying to understand kaa endpoint source code, my example is "Datacollection demo".
I'm reading kaa_client_create function, code is below
in main(), I call kaa_client_create function like that:
kaa_client_t *kaa_client = NULL;
printf("[Creat kaa client] %s\n",!kaa_client? "NULL":"not NULL");
kaa_error_t error = kaa_client_create(&kaa_client, NULL);
printf("[Creat kaa client] %s\n",!kaa_client? "NULL":"not NULL");
in kaa_client_create function, I add debug line as follow:
kaa_error_t kaa_client_create(kaa_client_t **kaa_client, kaa_client_props_t *props)
printf("I'm here \n");
KAA_RETURN_IF_NIL2(kaa_client, props, KAA_ERR_BADPARAM);
result in console is:
[Creat kaa client] NULL
[Creat kaa client] not NULL
Default sample period: 5 seconds
Viettq's first kaa app sampled temperature: 26
Reading the console, I think kaa_client_create function is called, because kaa_client doesn't point to NULL, but why I don't see my debug line "I'm here"?
Could you hep me to understand, what happen ?
My source code here:
Extract in ubuntu
Thank advance !

Unfortunately, the DropBox link does not exist any more.
But, from the code snippets you mentioned, it looks like you modified kaa_client_create() function for Econais platform which should not be used on POSIX (Linux Ubuntu as you mentioned).
If my guess is correct, you need to add the printf() to the src/kaa/platform-impl/posix/kaa_client.c file and re-build the client with that change.


Why does my program work fine by running it directly but not as a service? Linux C

Goodday guys,
I am trying to build and run program in linux (raspberry) as a service.
It is a sample application that uses the Cerence SDK C API that implements a wake-up-word (WUW) plus command utterance recognition.
I can execute it by ./name.exe or using the Makefile commands.
The problem is that when I execute the program by console it works fine, without any problem.
When I try to execute it as a service (using both systemd or crontab and also rc.local), an error occours.
This is the function that gives me error:
printf("Selecting audio configuration %s\n", audioScenarioName);
rc = nuance_audio_IAudioManager_activateScenario(audioMgr, audioScenarioName);
if (NUANCE_COMMON_OK != rc) {
printf("Audio scenario activation failed: %d\n", rc); <-- returns 1 (error, impossible to activate scenario)
return rc;
ActivateScenario it's a function that simply selects the correct mic (audioScenarioName) following a JSON file and the audio manager (audioMgr).
Unfortunately this function returns 1 if something goes wrong, closes the program and nothing else.
This is the JSON:
"type": "AudioInput",
"name": "mic_input",
"adapter_type": "CUSTOM_AUDIO",
"adapter_params": {
"device_name": "default"
"audio_format": { "uses": "16khz_1ch" }
The service should be running as root permissions (default).
I also tried by setting the whole folder as chmod -R 777 as a test, but same problem.
This is my service:
Description=My Service
I've also set the absolute path of its lib directory that it needs into the file.
The only libraries I put in it are the .so ones, but not .h.
I am now trying to understand what might be different about starting the same executable but in different ways.
Could it be a permissions issue? Or is it not detecting the microphone? Any library out of place?
I really don't know why it works with the classic command and not as a service.
Can someone please help me with this?
Thank you in advance!
I succeeded!
The problem was the microphone being used.
Using Raspbian ver. Desktop, I set the mic from the bottom right part of the taskbar and changed the defaults in/out.
But these settings seem to be not system-wide and not used by the services in background (even though the "User=" is set to "pi").
So I had to change alsa.conf file:
sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Then find and edit these lines:
defaults.ctl.card cardnumber
defaults.pcm.card cardnumber
You can find the card number by running arecord -l.

CLion won't show output in Debug

When I start up the program, this is the output:
-------------------- HASHMAP MANAGEMENT BOOT MENU -------------------------
Would you like to:
(a) create a new hashmap
(b) load an existing one
(q) exit
However, when debugging, none of this shows up. Checking the debug, it does go over the printf() commands, but it just refuses to let them show up in the console. Input registers, but output never comes.
int main(void){
bool on = true;
char choice = ' ';
int status = 0;
if(status == -1){
printf("\n-------------------- HASHMAP MANAGEMENT BOOT MENU -------------------------\n");
printf("Would you like to:\n(a) create a new hashmap\n(b) load an existing one\n(q) exit\n> ");
This is how the start of the code is, excluding all the #includes. Also, for some reason, CLion says the code I'm building is task2-a.c | Debug if that's any help. task2-a.c being the name of the C file that's being built. I dunno what's going on...
Update: Debugging works great on Ubuntu 17.04 Clion 2017.2. It just doesn't work on Windows 10 CLion 2017.3.
Putting setbuf(stdout, 0); before any printf statement or any output happens fixed this problem.
If you don't care to use the built-in clion console, you can solve the issue by changing the default debugger used by clion.
Under Settings => Toolchain => <your compiler> => Debugger change Bundled GDB to your compiler's debugger, e.g. MinGW:

git_remote_connect always return wrong

i'm new in libgit2. and my problem is about git_remote_connect function, this problem has been confusing me for many days.
when i use git_remote_connect, it always return wrong, the message is:This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
The code is simply looks like:
git_remote *remote = NULL;
git_remote_load(remote, git_repo, remote_name);
// output the correctly result, just like run: git remote -v
g_message("remote user:", git_remote_name(remote)); // github-username
g_message("remote url:", git_remote_url(remote)); //
if (git_remote_connect(remote, GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH) < 0) {
const git_error *e = giterr_last();
g_error("connect wrong!\n"
"message: %s",
The protocol you're asking libgit2 to use was not included while compiling. Install the development package/headers for whatever package is needed and compile libgit2 again. The cmake output will tell you what was discovered; see the README for the libraries.
As an aside, is a local path, which is always available, so it's unlikely that this is the URL which libgit2 is trying to use.
you should enable SSH in CMakeLists.txt
OPTION(USE_SSH "Link with libssh2 to enable SSH support" ON)

Using libwebsockets + ssl in asterisk getting error creating ssl context 140A90A1:lib(20):func(169):reason(161)

We are using libwebsockets 1.3 in our ssl enabled web socket client program written in c, we are compiling on Centos 6.5 with openssl 1.0.1 installed, making a .so library which is later used in asterisk. The compilation goes fine but I'm getting this runtime error:
problem creating ssl context 336236705: error:140A90A1:lib(20):func(169):reason(161)
Going through libwebsockets code I spotted the part that is generating the error message (lib/ssl.c line 90):
/* basic openssl init */
openssl_websocket_private_data_index =
SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, "libwebsockets", NULL, NULL, NULL);
* Firefox insists on SSLv23 not SSLv3
* Konq disables SSLv2 by default now, SSLv23 works
method = (SSL_METHOD *)SSLv23_server_method();
if (!method) {
error = ERR_get_error();
lwsl_err("problem creating ssl method %lu: %s\n",
error, ERR_error_string(error,
(char *)context->service_buffer));
return 1;
context->ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); /* create context */
if (!context->ssl_ctx) {
error = ERR_get_error();
lwsl_err("problem creating ssl context %lu: %s\n",
error, ERR_error_string(error,
(char *)context->service_buffer));
return 1;
Which according to examples I've seen on the web looks absolutely fine, I've been scratching my head, searching and trying everything for the past couple of days including reinstalling different versions of openssl, changing the code above, replacing SSLv23_server_method with other methods, etc... but can't get it to work, does anybody know where the problem might be?
Additional informaiton:
Using ERR_print_errors_fp() I get:
part of our code that calls libwebsocket_create_context looks like this:
int opts = 0;
const char *interface = NULL;
int listen_port;
memset(&wsInfo, 0, sizeof wsInfo);
wsInfo.port = listen_port;
wsInfo.iface = interface;
wsInfo.protocols = protocols;
wsInfo.extensions = libwebsocket_get_internal_extensions();
wsInfo.gid = -1;
wsInfo.uid = -1;
wsInfo.options = opts;
wsContext = libwebsocket_create_context(&wsInfo);
The program is compiled into an .so library and the library is used in our modified version of asterisk (which itself uses openssl as far as I know).
problem creating ssl context 336236705: error:140A90A1:lib(20):func(169):reason(161)
This may have helped:
$ openssl errstr 0x140A90A1
error:140A90A1:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_new:library has no ciphers
"library has no ciphers" is a sure sign the library was not initialized. See OpenSSL's wiki page on intializing the library at Library Initialization.
Since Asterisk is doing really clever things, you should check what else its doing. In particular, you should ensure its not using weak/wounded/broken protocols and cipher suites. An example of how to improve a security posture can be found at SSL/TLS Client. The sample ensure TLS 1.0 and above, and uses "strong" cipher suites.
I got this error too by using a library that used the boost asio.
The lib was compiled against openssl-1.0, while my binary was compiled against openssl-1.1.
Switching my binary to also use openssl-1.0 solved the issue for me.
The problem is asterisk overrides all openssl initialization functions including SSL_library_init() and OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() in main\libasteriskssl.c and replaces them with dummy functions that do nothing, instead it defines an ast_ssl_init() which does all the initializations and is called once in main() in main/asterisk.c, my code happened to be before that call.
Too long for a comment, but:
First things first, let's eliminate your code. In the libwebsockets distribution, in test/test-server.c there is a test server that works with SSL. Does that work? If so, I'm guessing it's something you are doing in your code (in which case we are going to need some of your code). If not, I'm guessing it's your distribution.
Next, let's make that error message a bit more informative. Can you introduce ERR_print_errors_fp() to print SSL errors to stderr or similar, and tell us what it says?

Why am I getting Error Code 6 on StartService?

For my purposes, I need to write a kernel mode driver for Windows. Currently I am attempting to make it work under Windows 7 x64.
I created a simple project in Visual Studio 2012 with default code for a KMDF driver. I compiled the code with test-signing on. The driver was compiled and signed.
I also have Test-Signing ON enabled as clearly displayed on the bottom left corner of my Desktop.
Upon trying to start the driver as a service, I always get an Error Code 6: Invalid Handle error.(I have since simplified the code to just try and start it but still did not work;default code did not work either)
Basically, I am having the same problem as the question asked here
unfortunately he was never answered. I tried the provided solution, but it didn't help either.
My code that tries to start the driver is
int _cdecl main(void)
HANDLE hSCManager;
HANDLE hService;
printf("Load Driver\n");
printf("Create Service\n");
hService = CreateService(hSCManager, "Example",
"Example Driver",
hService = OpenService(hSCManager, "Example",
// If initial startup of the driver failed, it will fail here.
return 0;
printf("Start Service\n");
if(StartService(hService, 0, NULL) == 0)
// Start service ALWAYS returns 0. Only when executed for the first time. Next time it fails on OpenService.
printf("Did not start!\n");
printf("Press Enter to close service\r\n");
ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ss);
return 0;
And this is the driver code
#pragma alloc_text (INIT, DriverEntry)
_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
NTSTATUS status;
DbgPrint("Hello World!\n");
config.DriverInitFlags = WdfDriverInitNonPnpDriver;
status = WdfDriverCreate(DriverObject,
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
KdPrint( ("WdfDriverCreate failed with "
"status 0x%x\n", status));
return status;
The function process_error() is a wrapper around GetLastError() which in addition to providing the numeric value, displays a text version of the error code.
I have exhausted all options provided to me to solve this issue. A google search revealed only one occurrence of this problem, and the question was asked here.
What could the problem be?
Extra notes: The driver was compiled with Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate, while my startup code was compiled with MinGW-W64(using GCC). But the startup code shouldn't matter as much as the driver.
Extra notes 2: After wondering for a long time what could be wrong I started thinking if it's the test-sign certificate, because I tried driver source code provided from MSDN, and upon successful compilation, I still got ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE(Error Code 6) when trying to start it.
I have still not found a solution.
I tracked this down to the project settings of the driver. The KMDF versions were missing from the project.
Adjust the following (under Driver Model Settings):
- KMDF Version Major = 1
- KMDF Version Minor = 9
Hit OK, recompile, and reinstall. Worked for me!
A few thoughts:
You're using HANDLE hSCManager && HANDLE hService, they should be declared as SC_HANDLE
"lpBinaryPathName [in, optional]
The fully qualified path to the service binary file. If the path contains a space, it must be quoted so that it is correctly interpreted. For example, "d:\my share\myservice.exe" should be specified as "\"d:\my share\myservice.exe\"".
Try using the full path to the driver
I had the same problem with starting my kernel driver:
startservice failed 6:
the handle is invalid
Turned out that the "classID GUID" of the driver was the same as that of an other one (found out through device manager, looking in events showed different driver names).
Used an online generator to make a new GUID and replaced the one that's in the .inf file of the project (in VS, not any texteditor or some).
After a rebuild and deployment on target machine everything worked fine.
Hope this helps...
Run visual studio with admin privilege
Your call to OpenSCManager() is only asking for SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE permission by itself, which is not enough for OpenService() or StartService() to succeed.
