Webpack: How can I combine two completely separate bundles using dynamic bundling - reactjs

I have spent a lot of time looking into this, but to no avail. I am aware of how code splitting and dynamic bundling works in Webpack using the import promise API.
Howevr, my use case is that I have two completely separate bundles, generated separately using different webpack builds. To give you perspective, I am building React components and there is a requirement to dynamically load a react component into the page that has been compiled in a different process. Is this possible in react? I do have control over both webpack builds, so I can exclude dependencies, etc.
Update: I just looked at Vue.js, and how it allows developers to register Vue.js components and then reference them later in the code. I could potentially load my Vue.js component scripts before my page script. I'm trying to see if I can do something similar in React.

Did I understand you correctly: you have essentially got
a library of custom React components (built by Webpack build #1)
a React app that needs to use some (all) of these components (built by Webpack build #2, totally separate from #1)
If yes, then read on.
The "Is this possible in react?" question should instead be "Is this possible in Webpack?", and the answer is "Yes". The following is tested with Webpack 2, but should also work with v.1.
Let's call your projects Lib (your React component library) and App (the library consumer).
In the Lib project:
Create an entry point file, say index.js, that exports all the custom React components like this:
import {Button} from './button';
import {DatePicker} from './DatePicker';
import {TextBox} from './textBox';
export const MyComponentLib = {
Update webpack.config.js to make the project's bundle a UMD library (could also be 'var'), and set the entry point to the above index.js file. Doing so will make your library available via a global variable named MyComponentLib (the name comes from the export above) in the consuming app later on:
output: {
path: './dist',
filename: 'mylib.bundle.js',
libraryTarget: 'umd'
entry: './index.js',
On to the App project:
In the index.html file you will have two <script> tags: one for mylib.bundle.js (the output of the Lib project), and another for the bundle of the App project itself. You might have more bundles (app, vendor etc.), I'm just simplifying things here.
Update webpack.config.js to mark the component library as external dependency. Here, MyComponentLib is, again, the name of the global variable the library is available at, and myComponents is the name to use in import statements:
externals: {
myComponents: 'MyComponentLib'
Now, in App you can import a component like this:
import {DatePicker} from 'myComponents';
This will dynamically load DatePicker from the component library at run time via the global variable.
Bonus: if you use eslint, you don't want it to complain about missing modules that you know are external; add this to your .eslintrc:
"settings": {
"import/core-modules": ["myComponents"]


Can I use a compiled ReasonReact component together with the CDN version of React? [duplicate]

Building a component with Reason and React always gives me an module import statement for "react", which cannot be found if React is included from a CDN. Is there a solution for this? I've tried to define window.react = React in index.html without success. es6-global setting does not change anything.
I'm not using a bundling program like webpack.
Edit: Possibly relevant thread from Reason forum: https://reasonml.chat/t/can-one-load-reasonml-es6-modules-without-a-bundler/2219
Similar issue (not resolved): can one load reasonml es6 modules without a bundler
importmap (not yet implemented in browsers) could be another solution for this: Using ES6 Modules without a Transpiler/Bundler step
Technically, yes you can, but it's not going to be as easy as going with the npm flow and using a bundler.
The ReasonReact bindings are written in a way that produces output JavaScript that imports modules like:
import * as React from "react";
(If using ES6 module style.)
If using a CDN you would probably want an output that looks like this:
import * as React from "https://some.cdn/react";
The syntax (from the ReasonReact repo) that controls the output JS is:
[#bs.module "react"]
external createElement: (component('props), 'props) => element = "createElement";
If you changed it to:
[#bs.module "https://some.cdn/react"]
external createElement: (component('props), 'props) => element = "createElement";
...then you'd get the desired output. But the problem is then you need to change the sources ... i.e. maintain or find forked bindings for React for that CDN. Or set up some code automation that does a find-and-replace of [#bs.module "react"] with [#bs.module "https://some.cnd/react"]. So either way, it's not as simple as using a bundler.

Can I make Reason+React import react module from CDN?

Building a component with Reason and React always gives me an module import statement for "react", which cannot be found if React is included from a CDN. Is there a solution for this? I've tried to define window.react = React in index.html without success. es6-global setting does not change anything.
I'm not using a bundling program like webpack.
Edit: Possibly relevant thread from Reason forum: https://reasonml.chat/t/can-one-load-reasonml-es6-modules-without-a-bundler/2219
Similar issue (not resolved): can one load reasonml es6 modules without a bundler
importmap (not yet implemented in browsers) could be another solution for this: Using ES6 Modules without a Transpiler/Bundler step
Technically, yes you can, but it's not going to be as easy as going with the npm flow and using a bundler.
The ReasonReact bindings are written in a way that produces output JavaScript that imports modules like:
import * as React from "react";
(If using ES6 module style.)
If using a CDN you would probably want an output that looks like this:
import * as React from "https://some.cdn/react";
The syntax (from the ReasonReact repo) that controls the output JS is:
[#bs.module "react"]
external createElement: (component('props), 'props) => element = "createElement";
If you changed it to:
[#bs.module "https://some.cdn/react"]
external createElement: (component('props), 'props) => element = "createElement";
...then you'd get the desired output. But the problem is then you need to change the sources ... i.e. maintain or find forked bindings for React for that CDN. Or set up some code automation that does a find-and-replace of [#bs.module "react"] with [#bs.module "https://some.cnd/react"]. So either way, it's not as simple as using a bundler.

Setting up webpack to export to set folder

I'm working on an old project still running jquery for frontend, java spring for the backend, and maven for building. I've been asked by my boss to introduce react into the stack so we can toy around with converting some of the pages.
My goal is to not impact the existing implementation to heavily and instead output the result of webpack into a defined directory. This way I can just point the backend at that location for pathing.
So far I have an apps folder in my workspace that contains all my react stuff that works on its own. This was generated using 'npx create-react-app folderName'.
I've somewhat read up on how to set the export but am generally confused. As a lot of resources I've found assume a new setup or a replacement of an existing setup. While I'm looking to only replace a single page currently.
I don't think create-react-app is the right tool here, since you don't create a complete application with React but incrementally add React code. I would suggest using Webpack on its own. This makes your application cleaner and easier to maintain with your other code.
If you want to keep your React code separate from your existing code you can create a library based on webpack's Authoring Libraries Guide. You can than render your components with ReactDOM.render() (Docs). Note that you can call this function (almost) unlimited times on one page which allows you to partially replace your existing code.
Replacing a page then means to create a root DOM element and call the render function:
<!-- page.html -->
<!-- more html -->
<div id="page-root" />
<!-- more html -->
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Page from './routes/YourPageComponent'
ReactDOM.render(<Page />, document.getElementById('page-root'));
The previous code means that you render your code in the new code which is transpiled by your webpack loaders (e.g. Babel-Loader, Typescript-Loader). If you want to render the code in the existing code, look at the Doc's about Webpack Libraries to export render functions into a global context. The following scripts are an example out of my head.
// components/PageExampleComponent.jsx
import React from 'react';
export default function({pageTitle="example"}){
return <div>
// libary/index.js
import PageExampleComponent from './components/PageExampleComponent';
export const MyLibrary = {
The previous code requires the following (partial) Webpack config to export MyLibrary:
module.exports = {
output: {
library: 'MyLibrary',
// based on a fast look into the docs, I think the following are optional:
libraryTarget: 'window',
libraryExport: 'default'
To render a component of this library, you need React and ReactDOM as scripts in your website - and of course your own library script. You can than call ReactDOM.render() in plain JavaScript:
Another idea would be to move everything into Webpack. This might be easier, as you don't have barriers of different Javascript-Versions and dialects (e.g. with and without JSX support). You can even separate your jQuery code and your React code by using two entry points:
module.exports = {
entry: {
oldCode: './src/jqueryIndex.js',
replacement: './src/reactIndex.js'
output: {
filename: "[name].js"

Separated Apps - but shared react-js-core

I plan to rewrite parts of our Site using React.js (Apps have only our Stylesheets, base HTML structure in common, they use different Data-Sources).
But what I need to know, before I start:
Is it possible to reuse the React Core
import React, { Component } from 'react';
or must each "App" load/compile it's own, -> overhead per App
It's just an importing into the scope of your module, really webpack will import React only once.
If you want to make a few bundles of your app, it will be correct to exclude React (and other libraries) from bundles to prevent loading it many times. For this case webpack provides an option externals.
Webpack docs
Issue about React as externals

React with Webpack - package a module for use in Dynamic loading in another site

I'm using Webpack as our build/bundler for an application using a standard React/Redux/etc.
We have a requirement to build out custom components that can be loaded dynamically into the main application. This would require that the component is created OUTSIDE the main development so would not be involved in the main app build. The ideal solution would be to build out the components in their own side projects, bundle up (since they will have imports/require, etc) and spit out a bundle.js file that is only that component (could be multiple components merged together). Then we'd like to be able to take that file and dynamically load it in the main application dynamically.
I understand how code splitting works with webpack to a certain degree which we use in our main project. I've also been able to successfully import SIMPLE components externally I built out externally. The problem is that these external components can get pretty hefty so using a build/bundler to put it all together in one package would be ideal. I have no idea how to go about building components externally from the main project, bundle up using webpack to merge in all of the goodies into one package and inject that new bundled component which is typically wrapped in webpackjsonp and all the other runtime stuff.
Has anybody else been able to do something crazy like this?
I've been able to successfully build a silo component in it's own project using webpack and dynamically loading that into a different running application bundled with webpack by using the Output.Library options as described here
Below is the sample config I used for testing a custom react component called TestMe located inside the index.js file of the test folder.
module.exports = {
entry: {
developer: "./test"
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "dist", "static", "developer"),
filename: "MyLibrary.[name].js",
library: ["MyLibrary", "[name]"],
libraryTarget: "var"
externals: {
'react': 'React'
, 'react-dom': 'ReactDOM'
, 'react-dom/server': 'ReactDOMServer'
, 'react/lisb/ReactTransitionGroup': 'React.addons.TransitionGroup'
, 'react/lib/ReactCSSTransitionGroup': 'React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup'
}, ...
When imported in you will have access to the TestMe component as a global variable MyLibrary.developer.TestMe (or MyLibrary.developer.default depending on how you exported the component). The externals are there to keep Webpack from including those in the final bundle which was already included in the main application. Otherwise you're going to get a really big nasty bundle file. Check out LibraryTarget if you rather have UMD, etc.
Moral of the story here is "when all else fails, read the docs again".
