Angular component binding but no data transfer - angularjs

I have two components in my page. Component A called Dashboard and contains a list of elements via ng-repeat, let's call it systems. Each system will be displayed via a component B, a component especially for this system element it's called SystemView. Each system view has a list of log entries and what i now want, is to display a badge with the amount of unread log entries.
If i open a system entry i'm able to set a log entry to read, wo the number of unread log entries should change.
For your understanding: system.logEntries is a list of log entries.
<div ng-repeat="system in systems">
<h3>{{}} <span class="badge">{{system.unreadLogEntries}} of {{system.logEntries.length}}</span>
<system-view system="system"></system-view>
JS SystemView Controller
module.exports = {
template: 'some.html',
controller: SystemView,
bindings: {
system: '<'
function SystemView() {
// ... some code
SystemView.prototype = {
setRead: function () {
// this is an example that i change the value of unreadLogEntries
// this did not work in the dashboard component
// i tried this and it worked in the dashboard component
message: "Hello World!"
My problem here is, that the list of log entries could change and gets the new information about it's values. But the simple integer field unreadLogEntries not.
Can someone help me here?

Ok, i did the following to hit this:
I removed the unreadLogEntries field and added a controller function to count the unread log entries in the attached list of log entries.
This in the HTML:
<span class="badge">{{$ctrl.countUnread(system.logEntries)}} of {{system.logEntries.length}}</span>
And as part of my controller:
SystemView.prototype = {
setRead: function () {
// ...
countUnread: function (logEntries) {
var unread = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {
if(logEntries[i].isUnread) { unread++; }
return unread;
This worked for me. Maybe there is a better solution for that, but this solved my problem.


firing $onChanges hook when collection is updated from the service in angularjs

I am trying to make $onChanges hook work by using immutable way.
Chat Service
class ChatService {
constructor() {
this.collection = {
1: [
chat: 'Hi',
chat: 'Hello',
chat: 'How are you?',
getCollection() {
return this.collection;
getChatById(id) {
return this.collection[id];
addChat(id, chat) {
// this.collection[id].push(chat);
this.collection[id] = this.collection[id].concat(chat);
Chat Component
const Chat = {
bindings: {},
template: `<chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats" add-msg="$ctrl.addMsg(chat)"></chat-list>`,
// template: `<chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats[$]" add-msg="$ctrl.addMsg(chat)"></chat-list>`,
controller: class Chat {
constructor(ChatService) {
this.ChatService = ChatService; = 1;
// if i get the all the chat collection by
// this.chats = ChatService.getCollection()
// and then use like above in the commented out template,
// and it works and triggers $onChanges
this.chats = ChatService.getChatById(;
addMsg(msg) {
this.ChatService.addChat(, { chat: msg });
Chat List Component
const ChatList = {
bindings: {
chats: '<',
addMsg: '&',
template: `
<li ng-repeat="chat in $ctrl.chats">{{}}</li>
<form ng-submit="$ctrl.addMsg({chat: chatmodel})">
<input ng-model="chatmodel">
controller: class ChatList {
$onChanges(changes) {
if (changes.chats && !changes.chats.isFirstChange()) {
// this.chats = changes.chats.currentValue;
However, $onChanges hook doesn't fire. I know that in order to make the $onChanges fire, need to break the reference of binding chats in chat-list component from the chat component.
Also I could re-fetch the chats after adding on the addMsg method, it would work and trigger $onChanges but if the msg was from the another user and lets say if I was using Pusher service, it would only update the chats collection on the Chat Service not the chat-list component.
One way $onChanges seems to fire is when I get all the chat collection and then use to get particular chats when passing via the bindings like <chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats[$]" instead of <chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats. However, this will update chat list without doing anything on the $onChanges.
Ideally, I would like to update the chat list on the view by <chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats and then using the currentValue from the $onChanges hook and not use like $watch and $doCheck. I am not sure how to do it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks and in advance.
Here's very basic example of it on the plunkr.
Let's walk trough what your code is doing for a minute to ensure we understand what's going wrong:
The constructor in ChatServices creates a new object in memory (Object A), this object has a property 1 which holds an array in memory (Array 1)
constructor() {
this.collection = {
1: [
chat: 'Hi',
chat: 'Hello',
chat: 'How are you?',
In your component's constructor, you use the ChatService to retrieve Array 1 from memory and store it in the this.chats property from your component
this.chats = ChatService.getChatById(;
So currently, we have two variables pointing to the same array (Array 1) in memory: The chats property on your component and the collection's 1 property in the ChatService.
However, when you add a message to the ChatService, you are using the following:
addChat(id, chat) {
this.collection[id] = this.collection[id].concat(chat);
What this is doing is: It updates collection's 1 property to not point towards Array 1, but instead creates a new array by concatenating both the current Array 1 and a new message, store it in memory (Array 2) and assign it to collection[id].
Note: This means the Object A object's 1 property also points to Array 2
Even tho the collection's 1 property has been updated properly when it comes to immutability, the chats property on your component is still pointing towards Array 1 in memory.
There's nothing indicating it should be pointing to Array 2.
Here's a simple example demonstrating what's happening:
const obj = { 1: ['a'] };
function get() {
return obj['1'];
function update() {
obj['1'] = obj['1'].concat('b');
const result = get();
console.log('result before update', result );
console.log('obj before update', obj['1']);
console.log('result after update', result );
console.log('obj after update', obj['1']);
As you can see in the above snippet, pointing obj['1'] towards a new array doesn't change the array result points to.
This is also why the following is working correctly:
One way $onChanges seems to fire is when I get all the chat collection
and then use to get particular chats when passing via the
bindings like <chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats[$]" instead of
<chat-list chats="$ctrl.chats.
In this case you are storing a reference to Object A. As mentioned above, the 1 property on the ChatService's collection is updated correctly, so this will reflect in your component as it's also using that same Object A.
To resolve this without using the above way (which is, passing Object A to your component), you should ensure the component is aware of the changes made to Object A (as it can not know this when not having access to it).
A typical way these kind of things are done in Angular (I know this is AngularJS, but just pointing out how you can resolve this in a way Angular would do and works fine with Angular JS) is by using RXjs and subscribe to the chats changes in your component.

Show data in inputbox from 1 object and save it in using another object

I'm clicking a table row to edit the fields in a modal. The modal must have 2 functionalities (Add or Edit) depending on the GET request data like below.
$scope.editInterview = function(id) {
$http.get('/api/getinterview/' + id).then(function(response) {
editedObject =
<label ng-if="">{{}}</label>
<label ng-if="!">Email</label>
<input ng-model="" />
I am able to display the object in the labels, but that's not much help, because the data needs to be shown in the input boxes to be Edited and Saved.
How can i show the data from in the input, so i can save it using
I tried ng-init="", but it doesn't work. Is there some other ng-something that does this or i should be doing it in another way?
Edit and Update Methods, both are in the mainController.
$scope.editInterview = function(id) {
$http.get('/api/getinterview/' + id).then(function(response) {
editedObject =
//Controller for the Modal
function DialogController($scope, $mdDialog, editedObject) {
$scope.editedObject = editedObject
$scope.submitObject = function(newObject) {
$'/api/interview', newObject)
You have to make a deep copy from to This could be done this way in controller after has a value assigned.
$ = angular.copy($;

Is it good practice to manage view instantiation in a router?

So this is my first Backbone project and I'm wondering if I'm doing things in the best way. My app basically has two states, one of them displays a search box and the other displays a search box with a table under it. My router has routes for searching and for the initial landing page with just the search view. When the user types in the query the router navigates to the search route and the table view is added to the page. This is my router:
app.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'index',
'search/coords=:address&age=:age&rad=:rad': 'search'
search: function(address, age, rad){
app.statusView || (app.statusView = new app.StatusView());
app.searchView || (app.searchView = new app.SearchView());
reset: false,
success: function() {
var searchQuery = new app.SearchQueryModel({age: age, coords: address.split(","), radius: rad});
if (!app.tableView){
app.tableView = new app.TableView({model: searchQuery});
} else {
app.tableView.model = searchQuery;
index: function() {
app.statusView = new app.StatusView();
app.searchView = new app.SearchView();
app.footerView = new app.FooterView();
As you can see my views are instantiated in the index route and then the same views are used when you search, unless the user is going directly to the search page in which case the views are instantiated there. I'd be surprised if this wasn't very sub-optimal because it seems clumsy to be checking if the view already exists in the search route. Is there a better way of doing things?
Lets say its not bad, but there is one better approach.
As for now you router is in charge of hook-up URL with app astatus and also for view and model control. The second may be detached from Router, so you will need Controller abstraction, but Backbone does not provide Controller "from the box".
But this is not the problem, you can use plugin or take a look at Controller realization in Marionette.js
The main idea here is to split responsibilities between app part correctly:
1) Router - keeps routes and hook up URL with controller action
2) Controller - manage views and models (create, delete, fetch and so on)
3) View - listen to model and DOM events and render data
4) Model - provide actual data and work with data.
First of all welcome to Backbone. It is a lovely framework which can allow you to make things as beautiful or ugly as you'ld like. Your question is about where view instantiation should be, in terms of good practices. Of course it seems sort of wrong to do it there as it violates the Law of Demeter by handling both url routing and view instantiation.
But the views have to be run from somewhere right? If not the router then where?
So I have two responses:
If your app is simple and you just want to play with backbone then you're probably going to be fine. A lot of people let single page app frameworks complicate otherwise simple apps. I'm not trying to be lazy, but where you have it now is the natural beginner's choice in Backbone. If this is your case then stop here.
If you want to use the full power of backbone to custom make a framework then read on.
So my setup is designed to be able to start a new project using some boilerplate functions and create only a few classes which are specific to the new app. Route handling and all of that kind of thing seems low-level enough to me that it should be just part of some configuration that I don't want to look at often. The upshot is that my router looks like this:
], function(AutoRouter){
var AppRouter = AutoRouter.extend({
autoRoutes: {
":page" : "routeDirect",
":page/:object" : "routeDirect",
":page/:object/:action" : "routeDirect",
"": "routeDirect"
return AppRouter;
Then for each new project I have a file where I keep the non-default routes, for instance:
return {
"schedule" : require('screens/schedule')
, "logout" : require('screens/logout')
, "login" : require('screens/login')
, "create" : require('screens/create')
, "upload" : require('screens/upload')
, "select" : require('screens/selection')
, "inventory" : require('screens/inventory')
, "describe" : require('screens/description')
I put each screen into it's own file (using requirejs for the multi-file dependency management). The extra variables get passed through to the screen.
Each screen is the brain for a particular user experience and is responsible for loading views and maybe handling some events while that screen is active.
If that seems like an interesting setup then here is how I did it:
For the router itself I use a boilerplate class which I borrowed from Derick Bailey with some slight modifications:
'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone'],
function($, _, Backbone) {
var AutoRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
constructor: function(options){, options);
var that = this; =;
if (this.autoRoutes){
that.processAutoRoutes(, that.autoRoutes);
processAutoRoutes: function(app, autoRoutes){
var method, methodName;
var route, routesLength;
var routes = [];
var router = this;
for(route in autoRoutes){
routes.unshift([route, autoRoutes[route]]);
routesLength = routes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < routesLength; i++){
route = routes[i][0];
methodName = routes[i][1];
method = app[methodName];
router.route(route, methodName, method);
return AutoRouter;
I never have to look at it, but I do need to pass it an app instance. For example:
this.appRouter = new AppRouter({app : this});
Finally my route direction function:
var pathParser = function(path){
var pathApply = function(path, routes, context){
var pathArray = pathParser(path);
var primary = pathArray[0];
if (routes.hasOwnProperty(primary)){
routes[primary].apply(context, pathArray.slice(1));
} else {
routes["default"].apply(context, pathArray.slice(1));
return function(path){
//NOTE PLEASE that this references AutoRouter
//Which has an app property
var oApp =;
var pathRoutes = _.extend(require('urls'), {
"default" : require('screens/default')
pathApply(arguments, pathRoutes, oApp);
So, did I make things better? Well if you're doing something very simple with just a screen or two, then you certainly don't want to build this sort of setup from scratch. But if you're like me, and you want to be able to quickly produce new projects then having some boilerplate like the two classes above allows for one JSON object to tell the app which routes I should send to which screens. Then I can have all of the logic in the appropriate places, allowing separation of concerns. Which is why I think Backbone is so pleasant.
My understanding of your problem is that you are triggering a route each time you are hitting search.
If this is how you are doing it, then use view events hash (used to capture and handle events that happen in a view) for search.Don't use routes. Define an events hash in the view and have a callback to handle the search.
var myAppEventBus = _.extend({},Backbone.Events);
var myAppController = {
function : search(options) {
// create an instance of the collection and do a fetch call passing the
// search parameters to it.
var searchResultsCollection = new SearchResultsCollection();
// pass search criteria, the success and error callbacks to the fetch
// method.
var that = this;
success : function() {
// Pass the fetched collection object in the trigger call so that
// it can be
// received at the event handler call back
var options = {
"searchResultsCollection" : that.searchResultsCollection;
error : function() {
// do the error handling here.
// Application Router.
var MyAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes : {
'search/coords=:address&age=:age&rad=:rad': 'search'
search : function(searchParams) {
// Fetch the query parameters and pass it to the view.
var routeSearchExists = false;
var searchOptions = {};
var options = {};
if(searchParams) {
routeSearchExists = true;
// If search params exist split and set them accordingly in
// the searchOptions object.
options.searchOptions = searchOptions;
// Create and render the search view. Pass the searchOptions
var searchView = new SearchView(options);
// Create and render an instance of the search results view.
var searchResultsView = new SearchResultsView();
// If there are search parameters from the route, then do a search.
if(routeSearchExists) {;
// The main view that contains the search component and a container(eg: div)
// for the search results.
var SearchView = Backbone.View.extend({
el : "#root_container",
searchOptions : null,
initialize : function(options) {
// Intialize data required for rendering the view here.
// When the user searches for data thru routes, it comes down in the
// options hash which can then be passed on to the controller.
if(options.searchOptions) {
this.searchOptions = options.searchOptions;
events : {
"search #search_lnk":"initSearch"
initSearch : function(event) {
var searchOptions = {};
// Fetch the search fields from the form and build the search options.;
search : function() {
if(this.searchOptions) {;
// The view to display the search results.
var SearchResultsView = Backbone.View.extend({
searchResultsCollection : null;
initialize : function(options) {
// Handling the triggered search event.
render : function(options) {
//search results collection is passed as a property in options object.
//Render your view.
// Do it the default way of rendering.
SearchView is the root view that contains the search component and a container like div to hold the search results.
SearchResultsView displays the result of a search.
When search option is clicked, the event callback (initSearch) gets the entered search data.
The search method on myAppController object is invoked and the search query is passed.
An instance of the search collection is created and fetch is invoked passing it the search query and also the success and error callback.
On success, a custom backbone event is triggered along with the fetched collection.
The callback(render method in SearchResultsView) for this event is invoked.
The callback renders the results of the search.
When loading in the router an instance for both the views can be created(the results view will be empty) and attached to the dom.
If you wish to search by multiple query strings at the url then I would suggest you to use the following route.
In the route callback make a call to a utility function the splits the querystring and returns you a search object and pass on the search string to the view.

How should I handle partial forms with angularjs?

I think someone must have run into this situation before. Basically I have a big "form" which is composed of multiple smaller "forms" inside. (In fact, they are not real forms, just sets of inputs that are grouped together to collect info for models).
This form is for a checkout page, which contains:
shipping address
shipping method
billing address
billing method
other additional info such as discounts code input, gift wrapping etc.
I would like to update the user filled info to the server as soon as they complete each part (for example, when they complete shipping address). However, I want to make it work seamlessly without the need for the users to click some kind of "update" button after filling each partial part. I wonder if there is some way to go around this?
You'll want to $watch the fields in question and act upon them (say save to db) when they are filled in. The issue you will run into is how to determine when a user has filled fields in. Things like onblur etc don't work very well in practice. I would recommend using what is called a debounce function which is basically a function that allows the user to pause for X amount of time without our code going "ok done! now let's.. ohh wait still typing..."
Here's an example that I use on my own cart - I want to automatically get shipping quotes once I have an address so I watch these fields, allow some pausing with my debounce function then call my server for quotes.
Here's some controller code:
// Debounce function to wait until user is done typing
function debounce(fn, delay) {
var timer = null;
return function() {
var context = this,
args = arguments;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
fn.apply(context, args);
}, delay);
// Apply debounce to our shipping rate fetch method
var fetch = debounce(function() {
$scope.fetching = true;
cartService.updateShipping($scope.shipping, function(data) {
$scope.fetching = false;
$scope.quotes = data;
}, 1000);
// Watch the shipping fields - when enough done and user is done typing then get quote
$scope.$watch('shipping', function(newVal, oldVal) {
// I use this to play around with what fields I actually want before I do something
var fields = ['street', 'region', 'name', 'postal', 'country', 'city'];
var valid = true;
fields.forEach(function(field) {
if (!$scope.form[field].$valid) {
valid = false;
if (valid) fetch();
}, true);
My form fields are setup like this:
<input type="text" name="street ng-model="shipping.street" required>
<input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" required>
Notice how I make them part of a "shipping" object - that allows me to watch the shipping fields independently of others such as billing.
Note that the above is for the extreme cases such as shipping fields. For simple things such as subscribing to a newsletter if they check a box then you don't need to use the above and can simply do an ng-click="spamMe();" call in your checkbox. That function (spamMe) would be in your controller and can then call your server etc...
var spamMe = function() {
// Grab the email field that might be at top - ideally check if it's filled in but you get the idea
var email = $;
$'/api/spam', ....);
I'd apply a $scope.$watch on each of those variables to trigger a function that checks to see if all the fields for a given section are filled out, and if so, then submit it to the server as an ajax request.
Here's my attempt at writing this:
var shippingFields = ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip'] // etc
function submitFieldsWhenComplete(section, fields) {
fieldValues = fields.forEach(function (field) {
return $scope[section][field]
if (fieldValues.every()) {
// We've got all the values, submit to the server
url: "/your/ajax/endpoint",
data: $scope.shipping
shippingFields.forEach(function(field) {
$scope.$watch(function() {
return $scope['shipping'][field]
}, function(val) {
submitFieldsWhenComplete('shipping', shippingFields);

CakePHP 2.0 Controller render not working all of the time

I have a search controller that will look up values and render specific views according to the type of report that should be displayed. There is a weird thing happening. When I issue the $this->render the report view is not rendered. The "catch all" redirect line always is rendered... Code as follows:
public function admin_printReport() {
if (isset($this->request->data['Reports'])) {
$nons = $this->request->data['Reports'];
$res = array();
// lets lookup the noncons.....
foreach ($nons as $dat=>$vdat) {
// skip the ones that are not checked
if ($vdat == 0) {
// this is the temporary array that holds all of the selected report numbers > $res[] = $dat;
$this->Noncon->recursion = 0;
$results = $this->Noncon->find('all', array('conditions'=>array(''=>$res)));
$this->set('results', $results);
// lets do the selection now...
if (isset($this->request->data['PS'])) {
// Print summary
$this->render('summary', 'print');
} elseif (isset($this->request->data['PD'])) {
// Print detail
$this->render('detail', 'print');
} elseif (isset($this->request->data['PDH'])) {
// Print detail with history
$this->render('detailhistory', 'print');
// catch all if the render does not work....
$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'noncons', 'action'=>'search','admin'=>true));
Any Ideas?
I just figured it out....
for each $this->render, add return. For example:
return $this->render('summary', 'print');
I've just add a similar problem.
In a controller, that has an ajax submit, it was not submitting the render.
$this->render($viewName, 'ajax');
Using return didn't helped.
The problem was that I added
at the end of the controller, although it was not necessary since the controller name is add and the autoRender is default (true to automatically render the view with the same name of the controller).
Hope this helps someone else.
