Why is -(-2147483648) = - 2147483648 in a 32-bit machine? - c

I think the question is self explanatory, I guess it probably has something to do with overflow but still I do not quite get it. What is happening, bitwise, under the hood?
Why does -(-2147483648) = -2147483648 (at least while compiling in C)?

Negating an (unsuffixed) integer constant:
The expression -(-2147483648) is perfectly defined in C, however it may be not obvious why it is this way.
When you write -2147483648, it is formed as unary minus operator applied to integer constant. If 2147483648 can't be expressed as int, then it s is represented as long or long long* (whichever fits first), where the latter type is guaranteed by the C Standard to cover that value†.
To confirm that, you could examine it by:
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(-2147483648));
which yields 8 on my machine.
The next step is to apply second - operator, in which case the final value is 2147483648L (assuming that it was eventually represented as long). If you try to assign it to int object, as follows:
int n = -(-2147483648);
then the actual behavior is implementation-defined. Referring to the Standard:
C11 § Signed and unsigned integers
Otherwise, the new type is signed and the value cannot be represented
in it; either the result is implementation-defined or an
implementation-defined signal is raised.
The most common way is to simply cut-off the higher bits. For instance, GCC documents it as:
For conversion to a type of width N, the value is reduced modulo 2^N
to be within range of the type; no signal is raised.
Conceptually, the conversion to type of width 32 can be illustrated by bitwise AND operation:
value & (2^32 - 1) // preserve 32 least significant bits
In accordance with two's complement arithmetic, the value of n is formed with all zeros and MSB (sign) bit set, which represents value of -2^31, that is -2147483648.
Negating an int object:
If you try to negate int object, that holds value of -2147483648, then assuming two's complement machine, the program will exhibit undefined behavior:
n = -n; // UB if n == INT_MIN and INT_MAX == 2147483647
C11 §6.5/5 Expressions
If an exceptional condition occurs during the evaluation of an
expression (that is, if the result is not mathematically defined or
not in the range of representable values for its type), the behavior
is undefined.
Additional references:
INT32-C. Ensure that operations on signed integers do not result in overflow
*) In withdrawed C90 Standard, there was no long long type and the rules were different. Specifically, sequence for unsuffixed decimal was int, long int, unsigned long int (C90 § Integer constants).
†) This is due to LLONG_MAX, which must be at least +9223372036854775807 (C11 §

Note: this answer does not apply as such on the obsolete ISO C90 standard that is still used by many compilers
First of all, on C99, C11, the expression -(-2147483648) == -2147483648 is in fact false:
int is_it_true = (-(-2147483648) == -2147483648);
printf("%d\n", is_it_true);
So how it is possible that this evaluates to true?
The machine is using 32-bit two's complement integers. The 2147483648 is an integer constant that quite doesn't fit in 32 bits, thus it will be either long int or long long int depending on whichever is the first where it fits. This negated will result in -2147483648 - and again, even though the number -2147483648 can fit in a 32-bit integer, the expression -2147483648 consists of a >32-bit positive integer preceded with unary -!
You can try the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(2147483647));
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(2147483648));
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(-2147483648));
The output on such machine most probably would be 4, 8 and 8.
Now, -2147483648 negated will again result in +214783648, which is still of type long int or long long int, and everything is fine.
In C99, C11, the integer constant expression -(-2147483648) is well-defined on all conforming implementations.
Now, when this value is assigned to a variable of type int, with 32 bits and two's complement representation, the value is not representable in it - the values on 32-bit 2's complement would range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
The C11 standard says the following of integer conversions:
[When] the new type is signed and the value cannot be represented in it; either the result is implementation-defined or an implementation-defined signal is raised.
That is, the C standard doesn't actually define what the value in this case would be, or doesn't preclude the possibility that the execution of the program stops due to a signal being raised, but leaves it to the implementations (i.e. compilers) to decide how to handle it (C11 3.4.1):
implementation-defined behavior
unspecified behavior where each implementation documents how the choice is made
and (3.19.1):
implementation-defined value
unspecified value where each implementation documents how the choice is made
In your case, the implementation-defined behaviour is that the value is the 32 lowest-order bits [*]. Due to the 2's complement, the (long) long int value 0x80000000 has the bit 31 set and all other bits cleared. In 32-bit two's complement integers the bit 31 is the sign bit - meaning that the number is negative; all value bits zeroed means that the value is the minimum representable number, i.e. INT_MIN.
[*] GCC documents its implementation-defined behaviour in this case as follows:
The result of, or the signal raised by, converting an integer to a signed integer type when the value cannot be represented in an object of that type (C90, C99 and C11
For conversion to a type of width N, the value is reduced modulo 2^N to be within range of the type; no signal is raised.

This is not a C question, for on a C implementation featuring 32-bit two's complement representation for type int, the effect of applying the unary negation operator to an int having the value -2147483648 is undefined. That is, the C language specifically disavows designating the result of evaluating such an operation.
Consider more generally, however, how the unary - operator is defined in two's complement arithmetic: the inverse of a positive number x is formed by flipping all the bits of its binary representation and adding 1. This same definition serves as well for any negative number that has at least one bit other than its sign bit set.
Minor problems arise, however, for the two numbers that have no value bits set: 0, which has no bits set at all, and the number that has only its sign bit set (-2147483648 in 32-bit representation). When you flip all the bits of either of these, you end up with all value bits set. Therefore, when you subsequently add 1, the result overflows the value bits. If you imagine performing the addition as if the number were unsigned, treating the sign bit as a value bit, then you get
-2147483648 (decimal representation)
--> 0x80000000 (convert to hex)
--> 0x7fffffff (flip bits)
--> 0x80000000 (add one)
--> -2147483648 (convert to decimal)
Similar applies to inverting zero, but in that case the overflow upon adding 1 overflows the erstwhile sign bit, too. If the overflow is ignored, the resulting 32 low-order bits are all zero, hence -0 == 0.

I'm gonna use a 4-bit number, just to make maths simple, but the idea is the same.
In a 4-bit number, the possible values are between 0000 and 1111. That would be 0 to 15, but if you wanna represent negative numbers, the first bit is used to indicate the sign (0 for positive and 1 for negative).
So 1111 is not 15. As the first bit is 1, it's a negative number. To know its value, we use the two-complement method as already described in previous answers: "invert the bits and add 1":
inverting the bits: 0000
adding 1: 0001
0001 in binary is 1 in decimal, so 1111 is -1.
The two-complement method goes both ways, so if you use it with any number, it will give you the binary representation of that number with the inverted sign.
Now let's see 1000. The first bit is 1, so it's a negative number. Using the two-complement method:
invert the bits : 0111
add 1: 1000 (8 in decimal)
So 1000 is -8. If we do -(-8), in binary it means -(1000), which actually means using the two-complement method in 1000. As we saw above, the result is also 1000.
So, in a 4-bit number, -(-8) is equals -8.
In a 32-bit number, -2147483648 in binary is 1000..(31 zeroes), but if you use the two-complement method, you'll end up with the same value (the result is the same number).
That's why in 32-bit number -(-2147483648) is equals -2147483648

It depends on the version of C, the specifics of the implementation and whether we are talking about variables or literals values.
The first thing to understand is that there are no negative integer literals in C "-2147483648" is a unary minus operation followed by a positive integer literal.
Lets assume that we are running on a typical 32-bit platform where int and long are both 32 bits and long long is 64 bits and consider the expression.
(-(-2147483648) == -2147483648 )
The compiler needs to find a type that can hold 2147483648, on a comforming C99 compiler it will use type "long long" but a C90 compiler can use type "unsigned long".
If the compiler uses type long long then nothing overflows and the comparision is false. If the compiler uses unsigned long then the unsigned wraparound rules come into play and the comparision is true.

For the same reason that winding a tape deck counter 500 steps forward from 000 (through 001 002 003 ...) will show 500, and winding it backward 500 steps backward from 000 (through 999 998 997 ...) will also show 500.
This is two's complement notation. Of course, since 2's complement sign convention is to consider the topmost bit the sign bit, the result overflows the representable range, just like 2000000000+2000000000 overflows the representable range.
As a result, the processor's "overflow" bit will be set (seeing this requires access to the machine's arithmetic flags, generally not the case in most programming languages outside of assembler). This is the only value which will set the "overflow" bit when negating a 2's complement number: any other value's negation lies in the range representable by 2's complement.


How does C casting unsigned to signed work?

What language in the standard makes this code work, printing '-1'?
unsigned int u = UINT_MAX;
signed int s = u;
printf("%d", s);
otherwise, if the target type is signed, the behavior is implementation-defined (which may include raising a signal)
GCC supports only two’s complement integer types, and all bit patterns are ordinary values.
The result of, or the signal raised by, converting an integer to a signed integer type when the value cannot be represented in an object of that type (C90, C99 and C11
For conversion to a type of width N, the value is reduced modulo 2^N to be within range of the type; no signal is raised.
To me it seems like converting UINT_MAX to an int would therefore mean dividing UINT_MAX by 2^(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int)). For the sake of argument, with 32 bit ints, 0xFFFFFFFF / 2^32 = 0xFFFFFFFF. So this doesnt really explain how the value '-1' ends up in the int.
Is there some language somewhere else that says after the modulo division we just reinterpret the bits? Or some other part of the standard that takes precedence before the parts I have referenced?
No part of the C standard guarantees that your code shall print -1 in general. As it says, the result of the conversion is implementation-defined. However, the GCC documentation does promise that if you compile with their implementation, then your code will print -1. It's nothing to do with bit patterns, just math.
The clearly intended reading of "reduced modulo 2^N" in the GCC manual is that the result should be the unique number in the range of signed int that is congruent mod 2^N to the input. This is a precise mathematical way of defining the "wrapping" behavior that you expect, which happens to coincide with what you would get by reinterpreting the bits.
Assuming 32 bits, UINT_MAX has the value 4294967295. This is congruent mod 4294967296 to -1. That is, the difference between 4294967295 and -1 is a multiple of 4294967296, namely 4294967296 itself. Moreover, this is necessarily the unique such number in [-2147483648, 2147483647]. (Any other number congruent to -1 would be at least -1 + 4294967296 = 4294967295, or at most -1 - 4294967296 = -4294967297). So -1 is the result of the conversion.
In other words, add or subtract 4294967296 repeatedly until you get a number that's in the range of signed int. There's guaranteed to be exactly one such number, and in this case it's -1.

Does signed to unsigned casting in C changes the bit values

I've done some quick tests that a signed int to unsigned int cast in C does not change the bit values (on an online debugger).
What I want to know is whether it is guaranteed by a C standard or just the common (but not 100% sure) behaviour ?
Conversion from signed int to unsigned int does not change the bit representation in two’s-complement C implementations, which are the most common, but will change the bit representation for negative numbers, including possible negative zeroes on one’s complement or sign-and-magnitude systems.
This is because the cast (unsigned int) a is not defined to retain the bits but the result is the positive remainder of dividing a by UINT_MAX + 1 (or as the C standard (C11 says,
the value is converted by repeatedly adding or subtracting one more than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of the new type.
The two’s complement representation for negative numbers is the most commonly used representation for signed numbers exactly because it has this property of negative value n mapping to the same bit pattern as the mathematical value n + UINT_MAX + 1 – it makes it possible to use the same machine instruction for signed and unsigned addition, and the negative numbers will work because of wraparound.
Casting from a signed to an unsigned integer is required to generate the correct arithmetic result (the same number), modulo the size of the unsigned integer, so to speak. That is, after
int i = anything;
unsigned int u = (unsigned int)i;
and on a machine with 32-bit ints, the requirement is that u is equal to i, modulo 232.
(We could also try to say that u receives the value i % 0x100000000, except it turns out that's not quite right, because the C rules say that when you divide a negative integer by a positive integer, you get a quotient rounded towards 0 and a negative remainder, which isn't the kind of modulus we want here.)
If i is 0 or positive, it's not hard to see that u will have the same bit pattern.
If i is negative, and if you're on a 2's complement machine, it turns out the result is also guaranteed to have the same bit pattern. (I'd love to present a nice proof of that result here, but I don't have time just now to try to construct it.)
The vast majority of today's machines use 2's complement. But if you were on a 1's complement or sign/magnitude machine, I'm pretty sure the bit patterns would not always be the same.
So, bottom line, the sameness of the bit patterns is not guaranteed by the C Standard, but arises due to a combination of the C Standard's requirements, and the particulars of 2's complement arithmetic.

short int Integer wrap around / short int inversion in c not understood, difference between assignment and prints

The following code fragment
short int k = -32768;
printf("%d \n", -k);
printf("%d \n", k);
I would assume that both prints are equal.
Can somebody explain what the difference is and why the assignment k=-k causes a wrap around? It was hard to find a explanation online, as i don't really know what to google.
Well, to print a short, you need to use a length modifier.
Change the format string to %hd.
Because SHRT_MIN = -32768 and SHRT_MAX = +32767. Check out how 2's complement work.
Actually, according to the international standard of the C programming language (i.e. Committee Draft — May 6, 2005, pp. 50-51) regarding signed integers:
For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit.
There need not be any padding bits; there shall be exactly one sign bit.
Each bit that is a value bit shall have the same value as the same bit in the object representation of the corresponding unsigned type (if there are M value bits in the signed type and N in the unsigned type, then M <= N).
If the sign bit is zero, it shall not affect the resulting value.
If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
the sign bit has the value −(2N ) (two's complement);
the sign bit has the value −(2N − 1) (ones' complement).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value. In the case of sign and magnitude and ones' complement, if this representation is a normal value it is called a negative zero.
So, in other words, in your case it's seems that 2's complement is being used, but this should not be assumed to be in all platforms and compilers.
-32768 is 8000 in hexadecimal notation. 32768 can not be represented as a signed 16 bit number, therefore the compiler promotes -k to an int with the hex value 00008000. When this number is assigned to the 16-bit variable, the high bits are truncated, resulting in 8000 or -32768 again.

Any reason to assign -0?

I am going through some old C code using Lint which stumbled upon this line:
int16_t max = -0;
The Lint message is that the "Constant expression evaluates to 0 in operation '-'".
Is there any reason why someone would use -0?
In the C specification ( Integer types), it states the following (emphasis mine):
For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit. There need not be any padding bits; there shall be exactly one sign bit. Each bit that is a value bit shall have the same value as the same bit in the object representation of the corresponding unsigned type (if there are
M value bits in the signed type and N in the unsigned type, then M £ N). If the sign bit is zero, it shall not affect the resulting value. If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and
the sign bit has the value -(2N) (two’s complement);
the sign bit has the value -(2N - 1) (one’s complement).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the
value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or
with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for one’s complement), is a trap
representation or a normal value. In the case of sign and magnitude
and one’s complement, if this representation is a normal value it is
called a negative zero.
In other words, C supports three different representations for signed integers and two of them have the concept of signed zero, which makes a distinction between a positive and a negative zero.
So, my explanation is that perhaps the author of your code snippet was trying to produce a negative zero value. But, as pointed out in Jens Gustedt's answer, this expression cannot actually produce a negative zero, which means the author may have made a wrong assumption there.
No, I can't see any reason for this. Others have mentioned that it is possible to have platforms with "negative zero", but such a negative zero can never be produced by this expression, so this is useless.
The corresponding paragraph in the C standard is p3, emphasis is mine:
If the implementation supports negative zeros, they shall be generated
only by:
— the &, |, ^, ~, <<, and >> operators with operands that
produce such a value;
— the +, -, *, /, and % operators where one operand is a negative zero and the result is zero;
— compound
assignment operators based on the above cases.
To produce a negative zero on such a platform you could use ~INT_MAX, for example, but that would not be a zero for other representations, so the code wouldn't be very portable.
That is for an architecture using a CPU with one's complement numbers.
Ones complement is a way to represent negative numbers, having a -0. Still in use for floating point.
For unsigned numbers the maximal number is indeed -0 : all 1s.
We are accustomed to two's complement numbers, having one negative number more. Though one's complement has some troubles around zero, the same holds for two's complement around MIN_INT: -MIN_INT == MIN_INT.
In the code above probably intended was unsigned numbers:
uint16_t max = (uint16_t) -1;
No reason for it with C99 or later.
int16_t is an exact-width integer type.
The typedef name intN_t designates a signed integer type with width N, no padding bits, and a two’s complement representation. Thus, int8_t denotes such a signed integer type with a width of exactly 8 bits. C11dr § 1
There is no signed zero with two’s complement. So code is equivalent to
int16_t max = 0;
IMO, the int16_t max = -0; hoped for result, on a non-2's complement platform, was to initialize max to -0 to flag an array of length 0 or one that only contained elements with the value -0.

How to do a bit representation in a C-standard way?

As per the C standard the value representation of a integer type is implementation defined. So 5 might not be represented as 00000000000000000000000000000101 or -1 as 11111111111111111111111111111111 as we usually assume in a 32-bit 2's complement. So even though the operators ~, << and >> are well defined, the bit patterns they will work on is implementation defined. The only defined bit pattern I could find was "§5.2.1/3 A byte with all bits set to 0, called the null character, shall exist in the basic execution character set; it is used to terminate a character string.".
So my questions is - Is there a implementation independent way of converting integer types to a bit pattern?
We can always start with a null character and do enough bit operations on it to get it to a desired value, but I find it too cumbersome. I also realise that practically all implementations will use a 2's complement representation, but I want to know how to do it in a pure C standard way. Personally I find this topic quite intriguing due to the matter of device-driver programming where all code written till date assumes a particular implementation.
In general, it's not that hard to accommodate unusual platforms for the most cases (if you don't want to simply assume 8-bit char, 2's complement, no padding, no trap, and truncating unsigned-to-signed conversion), the standard mostly gives enough guarantees (a few macros to inspect certain implementation details would be helpful, though).
As far as a strictly conforming program can observe (outside bit-fields), 5 is always encoded as 00...0101. This is not necessarily the physical representation (whatever this should mean), but what is observable by portable code. A machine using Gray code internally, for example, would have to emulate a "pure binary notation" for bitwise operators and shifts.
For negative values of signed types, different encodings are allowed, which leads to different (but well-defined for every case) results when re-interpreting as the corresponding unsigned type. For example, strictly conforming code must distinguish between (unsigned)n and *(unsigned *)&n for a signed integer n: They are equal for two's complement without padding bits, but different for the other encodings if n is negative.
Further, padding bits may exist, and signed integer types may have more padding bits than their corresponding unsigned counterparts (but not the other way round, type-punning from signed to unsigned is always valid). sizeof cannot be used to get the number of non-padding bits, so e.g. to get an unsigned value where only the sign-bit (of the corresponding signed type) is set, something like this must be used:
#define TYPE_PUN(to, from, x) ( *(to *)&(from){(x)} )
unsigned sign_bit = TYPE_PUN(unsigned, int, INT_MIN) &
TYPE_PUN(unsigned, int, -1) & ~1u;
(there are probably nicer ways) instead of
unsigned sign_bit = 1u << sizeof sign_bit * CHAR_BIT - 1;
as this may shift by more than the width. (I don't know of a constant expression giving the width, but sign_bit from above can be right-shifted until it's 0 to determine it, Gcc can constant-fold that.) Padding bits can be inspected by memcpying into an unsigned char array, though they may appear to "wobble": Reading the same padding bit twice may give different results.
If you want the bit pattern (without padding bits) of a signed integer (little endian):
int print_bits_u(unsigned n) {
for(; n; n>>=1) {
putchar(n&1 ? '1' : '0'); // n&1 never traps
return 0;
int print_bits(int n) {
return print_bits_u(*(unsigned *)&n & INT_MAX);
/* This masks padding bits if int has more of them than unsigned int.
* Note that INT_MAX is promoted to unsigned int here. */
int print_bits_2scomp(int n) {
return print_bits_u(n);
print_bits gives different results for negative numbers depending on the representation used (it gives the raw bit pattern), print_bits_2scomp gives the two's complement representation (possibly with a greater width than a signed int has, if unsigned int has less padding bits).
Care must be taken not to generate trap representations when using bitwise operators and when type-punning from unsigned to signed, see below how these can potentially be generated (as an example, *(int *)&sign_bit can trap with two's complement, and -1 | 1 can trap with ones' complement).
Unsigned-to-signed integer conversion (if the converted value isn't representable in the target type) is always implementation-defined, I would expect non-2's complement machines to differ from the common definition more likely, though technically, it could also become an issue on 2's complement implementations.
From C11 (n1570)
(1) For unsigned integer types other than unsigned char, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into two groups: value bits and padding bits (there need not be any of the latter). If there are N value bits, each bit shall represent a different power of 2 between 1 and 2N-1, so that objects of that type shall be capable of representing values from 0 to 2N-1 using a pure binary representation; this shall be known as the value representation. The values of any padding bits are unspecified.
(2) For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit. There need not be any padding bits; signed char shall not have any padding bits. There shall be exactly one sign bit. Each bit that is a value bit shall have the same value as the same bit in the object representation of the corresponding unsigned type (if there are M value bits in the signed
type and N in the unsigned type, then M≤N ). If the sign bit is zero, it shall not affect the resulting value. If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
the sign bit has the value -(2M) (two's complement);
the sign bit has the value -(2M-1) (ones' complement).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value. In the case of sign and magnitude and ones' complement, if this representation is a normal value it is called a negative zero.
To add to mafso's excellent answer, there's a part of the ANSI C rationale which talks about this:
The Committee has explicitly restricted the C language to binary architectures, on the grounds that this stricture was implicit in any case:
Bit-fields are specified by a number of bits, with no mention of “invalid integer” representation. The only reasonable encoding for such bit-fields is binary.
The integer formats for printf suggest no provision for “invalid integer” values, implying that any result of bitwise manipulation produces an integer result which can be printed by printf.
All methods of specifying integer constants — decimal, hex, and octal — specify an integer value. No method independent of integers is defined for specifying “bit-string constants.” Only a binary encoding provides a complete one-to-one mapping between bit strings and integer values.
The restriction to binary numeration systems rules out such curiosities as Gray code and makes
possible arithmetic definitions of the bitwise operators on unsigned types.
The relevant part of the standard might be this quote: Types
The type char, the signed and unsigned integer types, and the
enumerated types are collectively called integral types. The
representations of integral types shall define values by use of a pure
binary numeration system.
If you want to get the bit-pattern of a given int, then bit-wise operators are your friends. If you want to convert an int to its 2-complement representation, then arithmetic operators are your friends. The two representations can be different, as it is implementation defined:
Std Draft 2011. 6.5/4. Some operators (the unary operator ~, and the
binary operators <<, >>, &, ^, and |, collectively described as
bitwise operators) are required to have operands that have integer
type. These operators yield values that depend on the internal
representations of integers, and have implementation-defined and
undefined aspects for signed types.
So it means that i<<1 will effectively shift the bit-pattern by one position to the left, but that the value produced can be different than i*2 (even for smal values of i).

