$uibmodal loading main page not template - angularjs

bootstrap for angular and have this problem with $uibmodal it seems to load whole page not an template here is my code.
template: [
'<div class="modal-content">',
'<div class="modal-header">',
'<h3 class="modal-title">Regulamin</h3>',
'<div class="modal-body">',
'$1. Give us all your money!',
'<div class="modal-footer">',
'<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="$dismiss()">OK</button>',
controller: function ($scope) {
all things are imported correcly.

I'm newbie-.- forgot to add ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js


Anglular Transclude from child directive

I have a directive that I use to render a bootstrap panel, I use transclude to allow me to render custom content eg
<tn-Panel class="ng-cloak" title="'My Things'" >
The tn-panel renders a header with the title and places the directive tn-thing within.
I would like to be able to render content in the body and some other content in the footer.
The following plunk shows this
But, it does not render the bits from content and header
<pane title="Nested">
<panenested></panenested> <-- does not following the transclude
updated your directive
.directive('pane', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: {
'content': '?content',
'footer': '?footer',
scope: { title:'#' },
template: '<div style="border: 1px solid black;">' +
'<div style="background-color: gray">{{title}}</div>' +
'Content : <br> <ng-transclude ng-transclude="content"></ng-transclude> <br>' +
'Footer : <br> <ng-transclude ng-transclude="footer"></ng-transclude> <br>'
+'<br> <ng-transclude ng-transclude="panenested"></ng-transclude> <br>'+

AngularJS Issue with custom directive to upload excel

I am using ng-admin and I created a custom directive(following this example http://plnkr.co/edit/rYC3nd7undqJz2mr8Old) to upload a excel sheet, when I upload the file, I get the following TypeError: Cannot set property 'columnDefs' of undefined, my code
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ng- admin','ngStorage','chart.js','ui.grid']);
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.gridOptions = {};
vm.reset = reset;
function reset() {
vm.gridOptions.data = [];
vm.gridOptions.columnDefs = [];
myApp.directive('fileread', ['$http', function ($http) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
opts: '='
link: function ($scope, $elm, $attrs) {
$elm.on('change', function (changeEvent) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (evt) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
var data = evt.target.result;
var workbook = XLSX.read(data, {type: 'binary'});
var headerNames = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json( workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]], { header: 1 })[0];
var datasheet = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json( workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]]);
$scope.opts.columnDefs = [];
headerNames.forEach(function (h) {
$scope.opts.columnDefs.push({ field: h });
$scope.opts.data = datasheet;
var json_string = JSON.stringify($scope.opts.data);
}, template:
'<div ng-controller="MainCtrl as vm">'+
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-success"
ng-click="vm.reset()">Reset Grid</button>'+
'<br />'+
'<br />'+
'<div id="grid1" ui-grid="vm.gridOptions" class="grid">'+
'<div class="grid-msg-overlay"
'<div class="msg">'+
'<div class="center">'+
'<span class="muted">Select Spreadsheet File</span>'+
'<br />'+
'<input type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx,.ods" fileread="" opts="vm.gridOptions" multiple="false" />'+
Template from I am calling the directive
var customDashboardTemplate =
'<div class="row dashboard-starter"></div>' +
'<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" >'+
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="reset()">Reset Grid</button>'+
'<br />'+
'<br />'+
'<div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid">'+
'<div class="grid-msg-overlay" ng-show="!gridOptions.data.length">'+
'<div class="msg">'+
'<div class="center">'+
'<span class="muted">Select Spreadsheet File</span>'+
'<br />'+
'<input type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx,.ods" fileread="" opts="gridOptions" multiple="false" />'+
'<div class="row dashboard-content">' +
'<div class="col-md-6">' +
'<div class="panel panel-green">' +
'<ma-dashboard-panel collection="dashboardController.collections.last_users" entries="dashboardController.entries.last_users" datastore="dashboardController.datastore"></ma-dashboard-panel>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="col-md-6">' +
'<div class="panel panel-yellow">' +
'<ma-dashboard-panel collection="dashboardController.collections.last_tips" entries="dashboardController.entries.last_tips" datastore="dashboardController.datastore"></ma-dashboard-panel>' +
'</div>' +
It may just be the space inside the template separating the ng-click calling the reset function:
(ng- click)
With that space you are not calling the reset therefore not actually assigning the defaults?
You are calling the directive within the directive within the directive's template. This seems fishy. Can we see the HTML implementation of where you are calling the directive?

Calling function inside a directive in Angular

Sorry If this question has been asked before, but my issue is bit different and hope someone can help me out.
1) I have a Directive which has many buttons. I want to call a function on this buttons and inside a directive. But I don't know how.
// Directive for the login header to avoid the duplication of the code
restrict: 'AE',
template:'<h1 class="logo"> My App </h1>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New User</button>'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New Product</button>'+
'<span class="dropdown" on-toggle="toggled(open)">'+
'<a href class="dropdown-toggle">'+
'<img class="userProfile" src="" alt="User Profile">'+
'<b class="caret"></b>'+
// Here on my profile ????
'<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">'+
'<li> My Profile </a> </li>'+
'<li class="divider"></li>'+
// Here on my logout ??????
// This does not work
'<li> <a href="" ng-click="logOut()"> Sign Out </li>'+
My controller
(function() {
var logOutController = function($scope){
$scope.logOut = function(){
// Want to call this
logOutController .$inject = ['$scope'];
angular.module('App').controller('logOutController ',logOutController );
And my view will be only one line
<div main-header></div>
I don't know how to do this
Update 1: -
Please have a look at the Plunker
You will just need to add an isolate scope to your directive:
// Directive for the login header to avoid the duplication of the code
angular.module('App').directive('mainHeader', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
template: '<h1 class="logo"> My App </h1>' +
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New User</button>' +
'<button class="btn btn-primary">New Product</button>' +
'<span class="dropdown" on-toggle="toggled(open)">' +
'<a href class="dropdown-toggle">' +
'<img class="userProfile" src="" alt="User Profile">' +
'<b class="caret"></b>' +
'</a>' +
// Here on my profile ????
'<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">' +
'<li> My Profile </a> </li>' +
'<li class="divider"></li>' +
// Here on my logout ??????
// This does not work
'<li> <a href="" ng-click="logOut()"> Sign Out </li>' +
'</ul>' +
scope: {
'logOut': '&onLogOut' //<- this ties your directive's logOut function to an attr on the HTML tag
Then you just modify your HTML to:
<div main-header on-log-out="logOut()"></div>
Plunker Example

Conditional logic in ng-class in directives template

I'm using AngularJS and i'm writing my own directive. I want to use conditional logic in my custom directive. The problem is caused in the template part. Here's a piece of my code:
angular.module('myDirectives').directive('widget', function() {
return {
replace: true,
restrict: 'E',
'<div class="widget">' +
'<div class="panel panel-default">' +
'<div class="panel-heading">' +
'<a href="" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed">' +
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { 'fa-angle-up': !isCollapsed, 'fa-angle-down': isCollapsed } "></i>' +
'</a>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="panel-body" collapse="isCollapsed">' +
'<p>Panel Content</p>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
transclude: true
This line throws an error.
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { 'fa-angle-up': !isCollapsed, 'fa-angle-down': isCollapsed } "></i>'
The '' around fa-angle-up and fa-angle-down are causing this.
There's probably a very simple workaround, but I haven't figured it out yet. So my question for you guys; Is there any other way to write this line?
You have to escape the apostrophes
'<i class="fa" ng-class=" { \'fa-angle-up\': !isCollapsed, \'fa-angle-down\': isCollapsed } "></i>'

Using ngOptions inside directive

I have the following shuttle boxes directive:
<shuttle-boxes ng-options="item for item in itemList" ng-model="myModel" />
My template looks like this:
template: '<div class="shuttle-boxes">' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-left"></select>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button"><i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i></button>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button"><i class="icon icon-arrow-left"></i></button>' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-right"></select>' +
What I want to do is take the ng-options repeater from <shuttle-boxes> and use it to populate <select class="shuttle-boxes-left">.
The way I am trying to do it that isn't working is simply copying over the ng-options attribute to the select list like so:
var availableList = cElement.find('.shuttle-boxes-left'),
repeater = cAttrs.ngOptions;
availableList.attr('ng-options', repeater);
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/dkrotts/tHTAY/1/
What am I doing wrong?
I suggest you only pass the itemList to the directive (and myModel) and put the ng-options inside your template:
<shuttle-boxes items="itemList" ng-model="myModel"></shuttle-boxes>
myApp.directive('shuttleBoxes', function($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { items: '=', ngModel: '='},
template: '<div class="shuttle-boxes">' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-left"
ng-options="item for item in items" ng-model="ngModel"></select>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button">' +
'<i class="icon icon-arrow-right"></i></button>' +
'<button class="shuttle-boxes-btn" type="button">' +
'<i class="icon icon-arrow-left"></i></button>' +
'<select multiple="multiple" class="shuttle-boxes-right"></select>' +
replace: true
