not reading the file when it was sent by postman - request

I have a problem with the sending of „Post” by postman
The request is constructed in this way:
my request
When I add various headers, I receive always the response „no data”.
When I send the file by the website, on which I tried to send the request, I receive always the returnable file – sending exacly the same file which I sent by postman.
The Problem is that when I don't send the file from the website, I receive the request „no file” and even as I send the request from postman without the file, I receive the request „no data”
So how can i send the file ?
request headers

The field containing the file has a name, and it's not "Content-Disposition." Check the web site HTML, see what the name of the field is, and enter it as the name of the File field in Postman. Note that the file field name appears in the request body, not the headers. It will look something like this:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile"; filename="0041e2b.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
In this case the field name is "datafile."


Workato - Hash containing an array when sent in a multipart form request is considered as a file

I am trying to send an array as value for a hash key in a POST multipart request.
input = {"attribute"=> ["Countries:India", "Category:Can"]}
This works when using Ruby's HTTP and also POSTMAN. I can also see the differences between how Postman and Workato handles the form data.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attribute"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attribute"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attribute"; filename="attribute"
Content-Type: Category:Can
Why does Workato consider an array as a file? or am I wrong with the call?
I solved this by changing the request type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and encode the input parameters as form data in the body (Using encode_www_form).
input = {"attribute"=> ["Countries:India", "Category:Can"]}
input = input.encode_www_form

How do I create a request in Swagger Inspector that accepts multiple data types?

I am currently trying to submit a request using the Swagger Inspector using multipart/form-data header to allow the submission of a file in conjunction with json data.
The JSON body of my request looks like:
And the headers with file upload look like:
For requests where I am just sending json to the server the Content-Type header is set to application/json and it is able to read from the body box. However I do not understand how this interface allows me to specify that the information coming from the body field is json and despite there being files on on the request.
I have seen requests that define multiple data types using the Conetent-Disspostion header, that look this this (reffenced from this Stack Overflow Post):
[[ Less interesting headers ... ]]
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------735323031399963166993862150
Content-Length: 834
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text1"
text default
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text2"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content of a.txt.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="a.html"
Content-Type: text/html
<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file3"; filename="binary"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
My question would be how do I create a request in swagger inspector that accepts multiple data types? It seems like I would need to set mulple sections in the body separated by boundaries with multiple Content-Disposition and Content-Type's for each. Would there be a cleaner way to do that through the Swagger Inspector interface? Or am I going about this in the wrong way?
Swagger Inspector currently supports multipart/form-data requests containing one or more files. It does not support arbitrary body parts in multipart requests (e.g. a file + JSON or text data). You'll need to use another HTTP client to test such requests.
You can submit feature request for Swagger Inspector here:

Form Data: wrong Content-Type for .p7m files

I need to save a file with correct MimeType for .p7m files (application/pkcs7-mime) via form upload to the server.
In the request I noticed that Content-Type is wrong:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file0"; filename="getmymimeplease.p7m"
Content-Type: application/pkcs7
it should be:
Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime
How is possible that the '-mime' part is missing (or truncated) ?
This is usually controlled by OS and/or Browser. On windows, this is set in the registry, in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.<fileextension>, e.g. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.p7m, in the Field Content Type:
So in the end, this is controlled by the client. So if there are several possible mime types for the same extension, you need to cover that in your server code (accept or decline, convert to your default or not)

What is the type you get when you call javax.mail.Message.getInputStream()

I am trying to parse an email then save the actual email as a file in the file system for auditing and remove it from the exchange server. (same way like you do email save as in outlook)
So to do that I have found out that I can call
To retrieve the file bytes. Its working Ok, and I can write the email as a file to the file system.
my question is what is this file type? is it .eml or .msg? or something else?
when looking at its content I see text and not binary data
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
getInputStream doesn't say much about the type of data...
Use getContentType on the message. Mime messages map to .eml on Windows.
You need to use Message.writeTo to save the message to a file.


I'm trying to upload a file using POST
here's my request :
POST /upload.php HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------552335022525
Content-Length: 192
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="12.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
Using HTTP live headers firefox plugin everything works
but when putting it a char *buffer and send it with winsocksapi I get 400 Bad Request error
You need a blank line between the headers and the payload.
Content-Length: 192
This is part of the HTTP protocol. HTTP request headers end with the first empty line (CR-LF by itself.) What you are sending is resulting in the string
being taken (along with the following two lines) as a request header which, of course, it isn't. The server can't make head or tail of that, so it responds with 400 Bad Request.
Also, sending the Content-length is not necessary with multipart/form-data, nor even a good idea, as the wrong value could create problems. The MIME multipart format is self describing.
