Watson IoT Cloudant DBs are not being created automatically for historical data - cloudant

I am following the instructions in
however, no databases are created automatically in the Cloudant instance. The data from my sensor is flowing in fine, but I cannot store it. The Extensions page of the IOT dashboard indicates that Cloudant has been configured.

There was a temporary problem with cloudant database creation around the time you posted this question. It should now be fixed, please let us know if you still are experiencing the problem.


Cloud solutions eg Snowflake for server data filling up fast

Firstly I'm new to development and currently I have a problem with server data filling up rapidly. I'm looking at solutions such as watcher programs to help me detect when the server data is reaching the limit but I wanted to know if cloud solutions could help in this regard. Additionally I also wanted to know if companies such as Snowflake can help to handle fast growing data and in what way can a developer use it or will it be too costly to use this approach from an enterprise point of view.
I have tried to look up the documentations of Snowflake but I am unable to reach any conclusions as to whether it can help me. I could just see articles about storage and that they store data by compressing it but I wanted more clarity on this solution.
Snowflake stores the data using Cloud Storege Services (AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure), so you can't fill the server data in normal conditions (never heard that S3 is full on any region).
Check the pricing page to see if it will be costly for you (or not):

Database that links to shopify and syncs with firmhouse

I have a website on Shopify, linked to an Airtable database, and my transactions are sent to Firmhouse to be finalized.
I want to create a new database and was wondering, witch is the best software(most compatible) I can used to link to Shopify and Firmhouse? There are no sources out there that discuss this matter and I would like to know, from your experience, which is most optimal and easiest to manage.
Thank you for your continued help and support.
I tried to use MS SQL instead of air table to connect to shopify, but couldn't find a way to sink data from firmhouse back to mssql after transactions. This was also the same problem I faced with Airtable, were I would have to manually update it everytime a transaction is concluded or edited.
I would like, optimally, for there to be a database software that allows me to connect to shopify, and at the same time sync with Firmhouse. I don't mind if there is a "middle level" software that helps in these processes.

What kind of connector to snowflake that automaticly uploads new data would you use for IoT data?

I am just starting to set up a project to keep track of some open, home devices that are enabled for an at home network. I have a program that saves this data, and am putting together a process to upload that data to Snowflake automatically. I would like to know what you would recommend so I can easily access the home device information from anywhere.
The two options I am considering are aws's and snowflake's auto ingest option using the snowpipe rest api, which I have tested with only a few devices.
I am considering these two factors - which method can I set up to upload and select data quickly from a mobile app written in python or ruby depending on the device.
Any advice or resources you can point me to on this?
Thank you!
Your question is a pretty open question, so details from you might make this answer a bit more detailed, as well. However, in general, I would suggest that if your IoT data can be stored directly to Blob Storage (S3 in the case of AWS), then you should leverage Snowflake's Snowpipe for continuous ingestion. Also, look into Tasks and Streams to automate moving that data through whatever processes you'll setup once the data is in Snowflake.
A good reference for you:

Is an intermediate server for communication between Cloudant server and mobile device advisable?

I am new to servers and online databases, so please bear with me.
I have a question regarding database server communication on mobile devices as follows:
I am currently developing a game application on iOS. I have set up a non-SQL database on Cloudant and I would like to access that data on my iOS device. I have to update multiple database entries each time I complete a round, and I also need to read multiple entries on my database to refresh the leaderboard. I have tried to access multiple entries on Cloudant individually via device before, but most of them returned as timeout.
Thus, right now I have written several PHP scripts on my application server so that my device only needs to access the script once, and do multiple updates on my database or filter through the data I require from Cloudant. However, this means I need an additional server, meaning higher costs. I feel there should be a better or more elegant solution out there, and thus I would like to ask for help from everybody out here. Is it better to do all the updates directly from the device, or to enlist the help of a 3rd party?
Thanks for your time!
For security reasons alone it is necessary to use a server in front of the cloudant database. I assume you don't want every user of your app to be able to access the whole database. Also, the reasons you gave seem valid to me. It's generally a good idea to reduce the number and size of requests for a mobile application. Also, this might allow you to do some caching in the PHP server, ultimately reducing your costs.

sync sqlite on ipad with remote sql server

I am new to ipad development. I have to develop an app for a client whose employees use ipads.I am to develop this app that would take the data that they have and store it to the main sql server on their server. On researching i came across that people do that once they have their data on ipad and later sync it with their server. I have used sqlite for android before. But that was like a school project. CRUD operations basically. So since i have little knowledge of sqlite i want to pursue this app in this way. My question is can i write an app that will sync temporary sqlite data with server once they sync ? I have more questions..
It is certainly possible to synchronize data between multiple databases.
Generally speaking, you have to record all changes made since the last synchronization (usually done with serial numbers or timestamps), and apply those changes to the other database.
If the same data has been modified by multiple users, you have to resolve this conflict somehow.
If multiple users can add data, you have to prevent duplicates of primary keys.
See these Wikipedia articles for explanations of some related concepts:
Data synchronization
Change data capture
this Guy may solve the problem, but it only supports Xamarin(iOS or Android).
