Toggle visibility in angular - angularjs

I’m trying to toggle the visibility of a div in angular
This is my view:
<div ng-repeat="item in data | orderBy:'address' | groupBy:'address'" >
<h5 onclick="toggle_visibility('item1');">{{item.address}}</h5>
<div id="item1">
<li>First Name: {{item.firstname}} </li>
In controller:
$ = [
firstname: "user",
address: “address1”
firstname: "user1",
address: “address2”
firstname: "user2",
address: “address1”
The issue is when I click on any address header it hides or shows the first name within the first header and it should be when I click on the address header it shows or hides the first name within that address header that I clicked on it. How can I fix this?

<div ng-repeat="item in data | orderBy:'address' | groupBy:'address'" >
<h5 ng-click="toggle_visibility(item);">{{item.address}}</h5>
<div ng-hide="item.invisible">
<li>First Name: {{item.firstname}} </li>
$scope.toggle_visibility = function(item) {
item.invisible = !item.invisible

add additional boolean property to array and assign that property to ng-hide. then inside click function change the boolean value of that property.
$ = [
firstname: "user",
address: "address1",
hideAddress : false
firstname: "user1",
address: "address2",
hideAddress : false
firstname: "user2",
address: "address3",
hideAddress : false
$scope.toggle_visibility = function(item){
item.hideAddress = !item.hideAddress;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<div ng-repeat="item in data | orderBy:'address' " >
<h5 ng-click="toggle_visibility(item);">{{item.address}}</h5>
<div ng-hide="item.hideAddress">
<li>First Name: {{item.firstname}} </li>


Hide headers in multiple ng-repeat if no values during filtering

I'm struggling with angularjs! Here's the problem. I've a list of employees from different company to show. Data are like these:
name : "company1",
employees : [
{ name : "emp1"},
{ .. }
I show them using two ng-repeat:
<div ng-repeat="company in companies ">
<div class="header">{{}}</div>
<div ng-repeat="employee in company.employees | filter:search">
Here we are, I want to avoid, during filtering the headers of company with no employees.
Hope you guys are smarter than me :)
<div ng-repeat="company in companies ">
<div class="header" ng-show="results.length>0"> {{}}</div>
<div ng-repeat="employee in company.employees | filter:search as results">
Explaination: after filtering your filtered data will be stored in ressults , which we can use to decide whether to show company name or not
Try this, I also attached demo.
ng-show="(company.employees | filter:search).length"
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('myctrl', function() {
var vm = this;
vm.companies = [{
name: "company1",
employees: [{
name: "emp1"
}, {
name: "poiuy"
}, {
name: "asdf"
}, {
name: "company2",
employees: [{
name: "ghj"
}, {
name: "jkl"
}, {
name: "ooo"
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myctrl as ct">
<input ng-model="">
<div ng-repeat="company in ct.companies ">
<div class="header" ng-show="(company.employees |">{{}}</div>
<div ng-repeat="employee in company.employees |">

ng-repeat is not creating list item in an unordered list

What is the mistake in my code? and are not displaying.
Why are no list items created?
<div data-ng-controller="SimpleController">
Name :
<br />
<input type="text" data-ng-model="name" placeholder="Enter Your Name " /> {{ name }}
<br />
<li data-ng-repeat="cust in customers | filter:name | orderBy:'city' ">
{{ | uppercase }} - {{ | lowercase }}
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
function SimpleController($scope) {
$scope.customers = [
name: 'Rishabh Shrivas',
city: 'New Delhi'
name: 'Rishabh Bharadawaj',
city: 'Noida'
name: 'Rishabh Sen',
city: 'Gurgaon'
You need an ng-app section in the HTML, even an empty one is sufficient. Also, you need to create the controller differently:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('SimpleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.customers = [
name: 'Rishabh Shrivas',
city: 'New Delhi'
name: 'Rishabh Bharadawaj',
city: 'Noida'
name: 'Rishabh Sen',
city: 'Gurgaon'

How to make filter to be viewed in html

On my home page I added a button named 'city'. On clicking it opens a popup listing the city names. On clicking the city 'paris' the data with city name must be displayed.
<ion-header-bar class="bar bar-subheader">
<button class="button button-flat button-positive"ng-click="citypopup();" style="padding-right: 63px;
padding-left: 18px;">
<l >City </l>
<l class="icon ion-chevron-down"></l>
<div class='card ' ng-repeat="item in list | filter:test.searchCity ">
<div class="list " >
<div class='item' style="padding-top:0px;" > {{}}
<l class="item-icon-right" style="padding-left:30%"> {{}} </l>
<div class='item' style="padding-top:0px;" >{{item.status }}
<l class="item-icon-right" style="text-align:right;">{{item.QCstatus}}</l>
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right"></i>
<b class='item '> {{item.Factory}} </b>
<l class='item '>{{ }}</l>
popup page
<ul class="list" ng-model="test.searchCity" ng-repeat="ci in cityList | orderBy:'city' " >
<li class="item" ng-click="test.searchCity">{{}} </li>
$scope.test = {
searchCity: null,
$scope.cityList = [
"city": "Chennai"
}, {
"city": "Banglore"
}, {
"city": "Delhi"
$scope.list = [
id: "#001",
date:"DEC 04 2016",
status: "Successful",
QCstatus: "Approve",
Factory: "ARUN ICE CREAM",
city: "paris"
id: "#002",
date: "JAN 11 2016",
status: "Successful",
QCstatus: "Approve",
Factory: "Floxtronics",
city: "Delhi"
id: "#003",
date: "Feb 14 2016",
status: "Bug fixing",
QCstatus: "Approve",
Factory: "Aachi",
city: "Chennai"
$scope.$watch('test.searchCity', function () {
$scope.test.searchCity = null;
$scope.citypopup = function() {
var myPopup = ${
scope: $scope,
templateUrl: 'templates/cityTemplate.html',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Cancel',
type: 'button-positive' },
What I need is when I click 'city' button, my city popup appears and when I click on a city nothing happens! Could someone help me?
No need to create another popup page, you can open popup content in citypopup() function
$scope.citypopup = function() {
$scope.popup = ${
template:"<ion-list><ul class='list' ng-model='test.searchCity' ng-repeat='ci in cityList | orderBy:city ' ><li class='item' ng-click='searchCity('>{{}} </li> </ul></ion-list>" ,
title: 'City',
scope: $scope
$scope.searchCity = function(city){
$scope.test.searchCity = city;
You never assign test.searchCity.
In you popup page code you use ng-click="test.searchCity", where you probably should use ng-click="test.searchCity =".
Unrelated to your problem (but a matter of correct use of patterns): No need for ngModel in a ul element (it's only for form elements), and ng-repeat makes more sense when used on lis rather than uls.
In conclusion:
<ul class="list">
<li class="item" ng-repeat="ci in cityList | orderBy:'city' " ng-click="test.searchCity =">{{}} </li>

Ng-Repeat Filter Empty string

I have tried to filter blank string item from ng-repeat. But didn't succeeded. Can someone please help me at this.
JSFiddel Link
HTML Code:
<div ng-app ng-controller="myCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="detail in details | filter: filter2 ">
JS Code:
function myCtrl($scope) {
$scope.details = [{
name: 'Bill',
shortDescription: null
}, {
name: 'Sally',
shortDescription: 'A girl'
name: 'Tally',
shortDescription: ''
function filter2(detail){
if (item.shortDescription.length == 0){
return true;
return false;
Expected Result:
Expected Result
<div ng-app ng-controller="myCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="detail in details" ng-if="detail.shortDescription">

How to implement PhoneJS SlideOut with AngularJS?

I tried the following code:
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngRoute', 'dx'])
app.controller('IndexCtrl', function($scope){
var contacts = [
{ name: "Barbara J. Coggins", phone: "512-964-2757", email: "", category: "Family" },
{ name: "Carol M. Das", phone: "360-684-1334", email: "", category: "Friends" },
{ name: "Janet R. Skinner", phone: "520-573-7903", email: "", category: "Work" }
$scope.slideOutOptions = {
dataSource: contacts,
itemTemplate: 'item',
menuItemTemlate: 'menuItem'
<!-- HTML -->
<div class="app-index" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
<div dx-slideout="slideOutOptions">
<div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'item' }">
<h1 data-bind="text: category"></h1>
<p><b>Name:</b> <span data-bind="text: name"></span></p>
<p><b>Phone:</b> <span data-bind="text: phone"></span></p>
<p><b>e-mail:</b> <span data-bind="text: email"></span></p>
<div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'menuItem' }">
<b data-bind="text: name"></b>
AngularJS there is not enough documentation on the DevExpress site. there are only examples using Knockout. Checkout PhoneJS DXSlideOut Documentation
The problem is in the HTML templates. You should use Angular syntax there.
<div dx-slideout="slideOutOptions">
<div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'item' }">
<p><b>Name:</b> <span>{{name}}</span></p>
<p><b>Phone:</b> <span>{{phone}}</span></p>
<p><b>e-mail:</b> <span>{{email}}</span></p>
<div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'menuItem' }">
Checkout docs about Angular approach.
