angularJS $dirty when value unchanged - angularjs

I have a form with multiple fields that the user can alter. I need to keep track of the state of the field and only allow the user to save if the value is changed. Now it looks like $dirty is set to true the moment when the value is altered even if it were changed back to the original value. Is there any way to use $dirty or something similar to be true only if the value is changed from it's original value?
*edit: okay it doesn't seem like it's possible with built in functions. Would I be better off storing all the original values? I'd avoid using $watch.

Angular FormController doesn't have any property you can use to achieve this. $dirty can only tell you if user has already interacted with the form. You have to watch the value and 'manually' check if it has changed.

use $pristine No fields have been modified yet


AngularJS fire change event when model updated programmatically

The fact that ng-change is only for user input, and does not fire when changes are made to the model programmatically, is really causing me a headache today. I'm working with a user input form which has the separate parts of a name, as well as dynamically built and ordered credentials. The form has a "displayName" field that gets updated when the name parts are changed. This is encapsulated in a directive which I need to use in a larger view. Here's where things get hairy. I need to hide the name part fields in my directive and use the outer form's name fields. I thought this would be easy by wiring up a function to update the hidden text input fields, and thus my displayName field. Then I found out programmatic changes to the model do not fire the change event.
I tried creating a watch for one of the name fields to see if I could get it to update the displayName field, but no luck.
this.scope.$watch('provider.firstName', function (event) {
namePropertyChanged2(displayNameOverridden, displayName, provider, credentials);
When I change the input field for firstName, it modifies the directive's value 'provider.firstName', and runs the 'namePropertyChanged2' function. The code listed runs in an initialize function, where 'displayName' is a local variable assigned from this.scope.provider.displayName. The watch assignment required me to make local variables instead of passing in controller variables. Not sure why, but whatever. So this function runs and 'displayName' is updated with the correct value... and the input field it's bound to is not updated. Bummer.
What would be ideal is to manually trigger the change event when the model changes, which would update the displayName and much rejoicing to be had.

How to clear the md-autocomplete cache?

I'm using md-autocomplete to show results of an api query. Attribute md-items is iterating over a promise: item in getItems(searchText).
This is working well, and using the cache subsequent uses of the same search text return immediately with the same results.
But I need to be able to clear the cache at some points, when other search parameters change. How can I do this? By accessing the md-autocomplete controller perhaps? Although that seems non-standard and I'm not sure how.
As of version 1.0.5 of angular-material this isn't possible. I didn't find any acceptable workarounds, so I'm just disabling the cache with md-no-cache="true".
I've logged an issue for this on the angular-material project including a suggestion on how it could work.
It is definitely possible to reset the md-no-cache attribute programmatically anytime on your md-autocomplete directive.
If you have a boolean variable on your controller, let's say:
$scope.noCacheResults = false;
Then on your directive you can bind this variable to the md-no-cache attribute:
<md-autocomplete ...
Like this, whenever your search parameters change you can set the $scope.noCacheResults to true or false depending whether you want to keep caching the query results or not.
Something that worked for me. Put an ng-if on your autocomplete. Then, in the code that changes the value of the other fields affecting this field, set that value to false, and then within a timeout, set it to true again. This will effectively remove the item from the DOM and put it back all nice and new with no cache.

Get pristine value for form element in Angular

Does Angular have anything built in that returns the pristine value of an input element?
I see that there's a $setPristine(), but there's no function to get the pristine value? Right now, I just create a copy of the pristine value in my controller when the controller initializes. I really can't believe that's correct—that there isn't anything that will give me the original form field's value.
The form field is dirty but the value is the same as it was when the form field was pristine. The user has dirtied the field, but when the user leaves the field, the value is the same as it was before the field was dirtied. What does Angular provide that will tell me that?
When your input element is dirty angular applies the ng-dirty class to it. You can check to see if this class is present on the element. It also applies the ng-pristine class on the element before it has been changed.
One thing to note: if you change the models value and set it back to it's original value, it will still be dirty. That tripped me up a bit.
not sure I understood what you're asking. but if you want to check if the element is clean or dirty just $scope.formName.inputName.$dirty (or $pristine) this will return true or false accordingly.
and if you want the value...well thats also simple :)

Directives, ngModelController and viewValue update

I'm currently refactoring an old directive of ours, which basically displays a date in the local date format, while keeping an ISO date as the underlying model. I rely on ngModel controller, parsers, formatters and so on. It works mostly as expected, except for one thing.
One datepicker can have a startBoundary argument. When set, if the startBoundary date is in the future, then the current value of the directive should be set to this startBoundary, and the value displayed in the input field updated as well, of course. But so far, even though my modelValue is correctly updated, the value displayed in the field isn't. I've though of a digest issue, but no luck with this so far.
Here's a codepen demonstrating what happens :
Any idea how I could solve this ? I don't get it. Thanks a lot guys !
You just need to call $render:
modelCtrl.$setViewValue moment.utc(start).format( dateFormat )

how to setup default ng-model value for mutiple switch-toggle inside ng-repeat

I have used switch-toggle inside ng-repeat. I don't know how to set default value to ng-model when you have multiple switch-toggle in your form and on form submit you need to have all the values. I am very much new to angular world and here is the Example In this example on form load the default value for switch-toggle is shown as "OFF". And if I submit form without making any change to the switch-toggle and check in browser console you can see empty model array. And on making some changes then I get the appropriate values.
So, how can I get all the values of the switch-toggle irrespective I make changes or not. As far as my angularJS knowledge is concern I guess it is related to its model. But how to do it in this case I feel I am lost.
This i believe should be model driven. You should intialize your switchModel, something like this
$scope.switchModel = {1:false,2:true,3:false };
instead of {}
