How to insert key value object into lua table inside redis - arrays

local users = {}
table.insert(users, {['uid']= 'xxx'})
How to insert object into table in Lua script. When I try to insert, Lua returns empty array, with empty array inside "[[]]".
table.insert(users, 'xxx')
When I insert string, it is properly returned. "['xxx']"
I'm running Lua inside redis. In node.
JavaScript example would be:
const arr = []
arr.push({uid: 'xxx'})

try this method to get element : users[1].uid or users[1].['uid']
local users = {}
table.insert(users, { ['uid'] = 'xxx'})
table.insert(users, { uid = 'yyy'})


Return Stringbuilder when using variable name to create string builder

trying to return string builder in a loop. is this workable.. I am collecting a list with each(), then appending 'it' to "scriptBldr_" to create a different object name each time to hold the string. then I collect the object names in a list. And trying to return using a for loop for each object name. But it's failing.
List.each {
String builderstring = "scriptBldr_" + it.replaceAll (/"/, '')
StringBuilder $builderstring = StringBuilder.newInstance()
if (ValidUDA == "Region") {
$builderstring <<"""
for(item in StringBuilders)
return item
I guess the following code does what you intended to code:
def myList = ['Hello "World"', 'asb"r"sd']
def ValidUDA = "Region"
def builders = [:]
myList.each {
String builderstring = "scriptBldr_" + it.replaceAll (/"/, '')
builders[builderstring] = StringBuilder.newInstance()
if (ValidUDA == "Region") {
builders[builderstring] <<"""
return builders
A return statement will immediatly return from the method and hence will exit the loop and only called once. So, I guess, what you wanted to achieve is to return a list of StrinngBuilders.
some hints:
it is unusual in Groovy to start a variable with $ and you can run into problems with such a naming
when asking a question on SO, try to come up with a working example. As you can see, you example was missing some definitions
Update: as you've stated in you comment that you tryed to create dynamic variable names, I've updated the code to use maps. The returned map now contains the StringBuilders together with their names.

Values printing in pairs issue? Lua

For some reason the countries that seem to be returned are all returning in pairs? How can you change the code so it only returns the countries in 'Europe' once?
function newcountry(continent,country)
local object = {}
object.continent = continent = country
local list = {}
for i in pairs( object ) do
if object.continent == "Europe" then
return object
a = newcountry("Africa","Algeria")
b = newcountry("Europe","England")
c = newcountry("Europe","France")
d = newcountry("Europe","Spain")
e = newcountry("Asia","China")
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish with this code, but to answer your question:
function newcountry(continent,country)
local object = {}
object.continent = continent = country
local list = {}
if object.continent == "Europe" then
return object
This code will print countries in Europe just once. When there was loop in there, it printed name of the country twice, because it did it for each element of object table (continent and country, hence two times).
Generic for loops in Programming in Lua (first edition).
I would also like to point out that list is quite useless at the moment. It is not being returned and stays local. On top of that, every time you call newcountry there is new list created. They are all unique - country objects are not added to single list. But again - I don't know what you are trying to accomplish.

Laravel 5.4 - Array returning NULL instead of a numeric value

Here's a problem that is bothering me for a while.
I have a service provider to pass data to all views, everytime the sidebar is rendered. like this:
public function boot()
$userrole = array (DB::table('users')->where('id','=', Auth::id())->value('role'));
$menucase1 = [3,4,9,10];
$menucase2 = [1,2,3,10];
$menucase3 = [1,3,4,9,10];
$menucase4 = [4,9];
$commondata = compact('userrole','menucase1','menucase2','menucase3','menucase4');
view()->share('commondata', $commondata);
View::composer('sidebar', function ($view) {
$userrole = array (DB::table('users')->where('id','=', Auth::id())->value('role'));
$menucase1 = [3,4,9,10];
$menucase2 = [1,2,3,10];
$menucase3 = [1,3,4,9,10];
$menucase4 = [4,9];
$commondata = compact('userrole','menucase1','menucase2','menucase3','menucase4');
$view->with('commondata', $commondata);
Doing a {{ dd($commondata) }} returns the correct values for the menucase arrays, but NULL for the $userrole
If i declare the same $userrole variable in a controller and call the variable in the view, the received data is correct.
Why is this happening?
Thanks in advance
Can't understand what are you actually trying to do.
If you want get user role as array, you can using pluck method:
$userRole = User::where('id', Auth::id())->pluck('role')->toArray();
But for current user you can just get the role
$userRole = [Auth::user()->role];
UPD: you also can do it in view without any sharing
{{ Auth::user()->role }}
If your user has many roles from a different table, and you have the relationship defined, you could do
$userrole = Auth::user()->roles->pluck('name');
//will return all the roles names in an array
//Replace name by the actual column you want from 'roles' table.

Lua 3d table pairs Function returns nil value

I have been researching for the past hour and have done it exactly how it should work.
I want to access data in a 3d table in Lua so here is my code:
test_table = {
info = {
name = "John",
age = 25
for key, value in pairs(test_table) do
It always gives me an error, that key is a nil value. But if use
for key, value in pairs(test_table) do
it returns info. So I am no sure what I did wrong, and I havent found a solution, so please help me! Thank you!
test_table = {
info = {
name = "John",
age = 25
for key, value in pairs(test_table) do
You were indexing test_table["key"][the_table] not test_table[key]
Speaking of, you can just use value and avoid a table lookup, since that's also returned.
for key, value in pairs(test_table) do

Adding tables to SQLite database using Slick and Scala

So I have SQLite database using Slick and I want to add and remove tables from it.
Here is what I have now:
Here is the database element class:
class Data(tag: Tag)
extends Table[(Int, String)](tag, "myDB") {
// This is the primary key column:
def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey)
def name = column[String]("NAME")
// Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter
def * : ProvenShape[(Int, String)] = (id, name)
I need to be able to create multiple tables using the class above. Something like this:
def addTable(name:String){
db withSession { implicit session =>
val newTable = TableQuery[Data]
Problem is that I cant create new table because one already exists with name "myDB". I tried to add a parameter for the name of the Table in the class Data like so:
class Data(tag: Tag,tableName:String)
But then I couldn't create a table at all and got an error
unspecified value parameter tableName
And how can I query a specific table from the database given the table name?
I tried to Implement this using Map with table name pointing to a table, but it doesnt work because the Map is not saved anywhere and is reset everytime the program starts.
This is what I had for querying a table:
def getDataFromTable(tableName:String)
var res = ""
db withSession { implicit session =>
tables(tableName) foreach{
case (id,name)=>
res += id + " " + name + " "
Any help is appreciated!
class Data(tag: Tag, tableName: String)
extends Table[(Int, String)](tag, tableName){
(new TableQuery(Data(_,"table_1"))).ddl.create
(new TableQuery(Data(_,"table_2"))).ddl.create
