GCC ARM : vtable not initialized - linker

I'm using arm-none-eabi-g++ to compile for an ARM Cortex M microcontroller. My code statically instantiates some modules, initialize them, and execute them sequentially in a loop. Each module (ModuleFoo, ModuleBar...) is a class which herits from a common Module class. The Module class defines two virtual functions, init() and exec(), which are implemented in every derived module. There are no explicit constructors, neither in the base nor the derived classes. Finally, I have a Context struct which is passed around and contains a list of pointers to the modules (Module* modules[]).
I had the following code which worked :
int main() {
ModuleFoo foo;
ModuleBar bar;
Context context;
const int N_MODULES = 2;
context.modules[0] = &foo; // Indexes are actually an enum but I stripped it to make it shorter
context.modules[1] = &bar;
for (int i = 0; i < N_MODULES; i++) {
while (1) {
for (int i = 0; i < N_MODULES; i++) {
So far, so good (at least I think so, in any case it worked).
Now, I want to make the system more maintainable by moving all the code related to "which modules are used in a particular configuration" to a separate config.cpp/config.h file :
config.cpp :
ModuleFoo foo;
ModuleBar bar;
void initContext(Context& context) {
context.nModules = 2;
context.modules[0] = &foo;
context.modules[1] = &bar;
main.cpp :
#include "config.h"
int main() {
Context context;
for (int i = 0; i < context.nModules; i++) {
while (1) {
for (int i = 0; i < context.nModules; i++) {
The problem appears when init() is called on the first module (the MCU HardFaults). This is because, according to GDB, the vtable pointer is not initialized :
(gdb) p foo
$1 = {
<Module> = {
_vptr.Module = 0x0 <__isr_vector>,
_enabled = false
I rolled back with Git to check, with the previous code structure the vtable pointer was correctly initialized. And according to the linker's map file and GDB, the vtable exists (at around the same address as before):
.rodata 0x0000000000008e14 0x2c ModuleFoo.o
0x0000000000008e14 typeinfo name for ModuleFoo
0x0000000000008e1c typeinfo for ModuleFoo
0x0000000000008e28 vtable for ModuleFoo
The pointer is simply not set. The only difference I see between the two versions is that in the first one the modules are instanciated on the stack, whereas on the second they are instanciated globally in the bss :
.bss 0x00000000200015fc 0x22c config.o
0x00000000200015fc foo
0x000000002000164c bar
Could this be the problem?
In any case, thanks for taking the time to read this far!
**EDIT : **
The problem was coming from the startup code and the linker script. I used the sample files provided with Atmel's ARM GCC toolchain, which seem to be poorely written and, most importantly, didn't call __libc_init_array() (which is used to call global constructors). I switched to using the startup/linker script from ASF, and it works way better. Thanks #FreddieChopin !

Show us the startup code you are using. Most likely you did not enable global constructors, which can be done by calling __libc_init_array() function. You can test this theory, by manually calling this function at the beginning of main() - it should work fine then. If it does, then you should add that function to your startup code (Reset_Handler).
Quick test:
int main() {
extern "C" void __libc_init_array();
// rest of your code...
To do it properly, find the place where your startup code calls main() (usually sth like ldr rX, =main and blx rX or maybe directly as bl main) and right before that do exactly the same but with __libc_init_array instead of main.


Arm scatter file issue

So I'm relatively new with arm and I'm having problems with scatter files. This next file is what I have in the project I entered:
ROOT 0x00020200 0x000DFDFC
ITCM 0x00020200
ssw01fiq.o (Startup, +First)
startup.o (+RO)
ssw01irq.o (+RO)
* (+RO)
DTCM 0x00400000 {startup.o (StartOfRAM, +First)}
SCT +0x348
ibmp_slot.o* (+ZI);
* (INIT)
* (+RW, +ZI)
startup.o* (DummyStack, +Last)
startup.o* (JustAfterRAM)
startup.o* (JustAfterROM)
So, what I would like to do is add a new execution region called INIT_CALL and then, on the source code, I will define pointers to init functions and place them at the INIT section (in a simple way this is what is done on the linux kernel...).
For that I use a macro like this:
typedef int (*_init_fn) (void);
#define component_init(__fn) static _init_fn fn __attribute__((section ("INIT"))) = __fn
And in one .c file im using it to initialize some init funtion.
void dump_fn()
printf("Here we have, fn=0x%08X, addr=0x%08X\n", fn, &fn);
On the other .c file i do this:
extern int productUiInitialize(void);
_init_fn *test = (_init_fn *)0x00400F78;
void do_init_calls( void )
printf("FUNC=0x%08X, INITCALL=0x%08X, ADDR=0x%08X\n",productUiInitialize, *test, test);
So, the outcome is really strange, I see that my pointers are not being well initialized, they have NULL value. I then noticed, if I use const in my define the pointer in the dump_fn function will be ok, so the addr is 0x00400F78 and value is the addr of productUiInitialize. But on the other c file, the value of test is naturally 0x00400F78, but when I dereference it I have NULL (I was expecting to have productUiInitialize).
Am I doing anything wrong at the scatter file?? Some inputs would be really appreciated...
UPDATE: So i recently had some more time to look into this. What i found is that, if i set my INIT section inside SRAM everything works as expected. The problem is, in this case i don't know how to force the init address and the size of my SECTION. Moreover i checked that if i initialized a variable like this in test.c :
_init_fn *fn attribute((section ("INIT"))) = (init *)0x00400F78;
The variable is not correctly initialized. When i print it's value is something else completely different of 0x00400F78. So it seems that if my section is outside the SRAM execution region (where RW and ZI section are) things don't work as i expected. So i have basically two questions, Does anyone knows why of this behavior? Also, is there any possibility of forcing an init address for my section INIT, if i place it inside SRAM execution region?
Thanks in advance!

How do you get the start and end addresses of a custom ELF section?

I'm working in C on Linux. I've seen the usage of of the gcc __section__ attribute (especially in the Linux kernel) to collect data (usually function pointers) into custom ELF sections. How is the "stuff" that gets put in those custom sections retrieved and used?
As long as the section name results in a valid C variable name, gcc (ld, rather) generates two magic variables: __start_SECTION and __stop_SECTION. Those can be used to retrieve the start and end addresses of a section, like so:
* Assuming you've tagged some stuff earlier with:
* __attribute((__section__("my_custom_section")))
struct thing *iter = &__start_my_custom_section;
for ( ; iter < &__stop_my_custom_section; ++iter) {
/* do something with *iter */
I couldn’t find any formal documentation for this feature, only a few obscure mailing list references. If you know where the docs are, drop a comment!
If you're using your own linker script (as the Linux kernel does) you'll have to add the magic variables yourself (see vmlinux.lds.[Sh] and this SO answer).
See here for another example of using custom ELF sections.
Collecting the information together from various answers, here is a working example of how to collect information into a custom linker section and then read the information from that section using the magic variables __start_SECTION and __stop_SECTION in your C program, where SECTION is the name of the section in the link map.
The __start_SECTION and __stop_SECTION variables are made available by the linker so explicit extern references need to be created for these variables when they are used from C code.
There are also some problems if the alignment used by the compiler for calculating pointer/array offsets is different than the alignment of the objects packed in each section by the linker. One solution (used in this example) is to store only a pointer to the data in the linker section.
#include <stdio.h>
struct thing {
int val;
const char* str;
int another_val;
struct thing data1 = {1, "one"};
struct thing data2 = {2, "two"};
/* The following two pointers will be placed in "my_custom_section".
* Store pointers (instead of structs) in "my_custom_section" to ensure
* matching alignment when accessed using iterator in main(). */
struct thing *p_one __attribute__((section("my_custom_section"))) = &data1;
struct thing *p_two __attribute__((section("my_custom_section"))) = &data2;
/* The linker automatically creates these symbols for "my_custom_section". */
extern struct thing *__start_my_custom_section;
extern struct thing *__stop_my_custom_section;
int main(void) {
struct thing **iter = &__start_my_custom_section;
for ( ; iter < &__stop_my_custom_section; ++iter) {
printf("Have thing %d: '%s'\n", (*iter)->val, (*iter)->str);
return 0;
Linker can use the symbols defined in the code, and can assign their initial values if you use the exact name in the linker script:
_smysection = .;
_emysection = .;
Just define a variable in C code:
const void * _smysection;
And then you can access that as a regular variable.
u32 someVar = (u32)&_smysection;
So the answer above, __start_SECTION and __stop_SECTION will work, however for the program to be able to use the information from the linker you to need to declare those variables as extern char* __start_SECTION. Enjoy!
extern char * __start_blobby;
printf("This section starts at %p\n", (unsigned int)&__start_blobby);
HI: like this.
extern const struct pseudo_ta_head __start_ta_head_section;
extern const struct pseudo_ta_head __stop_ta_head_section;
const struct pseudo_ta_head *start = &__start_ta_head_section;
const struct pseudo_ta_head *end = &__stop_ta_head_section;

In a C program, is it possible to reset all global variables to default vaues?

I have a legacy C Linux application that I need to reuse . This application uses a lot of global variables. I want to reuse this application's main method and invoke that in a loop. I have found that when I call the main method( renamed to callableMain) in a loop , the application behavior is not consistent as the values of global variables set in previous iteration impact the program flow in the new iteration.
What I would like to do is to reset all the global variables to the default value before the execution of the the new iteration.
for example , the original program is like this
#include <stdio.h>
int global = 3; /* This is the global variable. */
void doSomething(){
global++; /* Reference to global variable in a function. */
// i want to rename this main method to callableMain() and
// invoke it in a loop
int main(void){
if(global==3) {
printf(" All Is Well \n");
doSomething() ;
printf(" Noooo\n");
doNothing() ;
return 0;
I want to change this program as follows:
I changed the above file to rename the main() to callableMain()
And my new main methods is as follows:
int main(){
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
// this is where I need to reset the value of global vaiables
// otherwise the execution flow changes
Is this possible to reset all the global variables to the values before main() was invoked ?
The short answer is that there is no magical api call that would reset global variables. The global variables would have to be cached and reused.
I would invoke it as a subprocess, modifying its input and output as needed. Let the operating system do the dirty work for you.
The idea is to isolate the legacy program from your new program by relegating it to its own process. Then you have a clean separation between the two. Also, the legacy program is reset to a clean state every time you run it.
First, modify the program so that it reads the input data from a file, and writes its output in a machine-readable format to another file, with the files being given on the command line.
You can then create named pipes (using the mkfifo call) and invoke the legacy program using system, passing it the named pipes on the command line. Then you feed it its input and read back its output.
I am not an expert on these matters; there is probably a better way of doing the IPC. Others here have mentioned fork. However, the basic idea of separating out the legacy code and invoking it as a subprocess is probably the best approach here.
fork() early?
You could fork(2) at some early point when you think the globals are in a good state, and then have the child wait on a pipe or something for some work to do. This would require writing any changed state or at least the results back to the parent process but would decouple your worker from your primary control process.
In fact, it might make sense to fork() at least twice, once to set up a worker controller and save the initialized (but not too initialized :-) global state, and then have this worker controller fork() again for each loop you need run.
A simpler variation might be to just modify the code so that the process can start in a "worker mode", and then use fork() or system() to start the application at the top, but with an argument that puts it in to the slave mode.
There is a way to do this on certain platforms / compilers, you'd basically be performing the same initialization your compiler performs before calling main().
I have done this for a TI DSP, in that case I had the section with globals mapped to a specific section of memory and there were linker directives available that declared variables pointing to the start and end of this section (so you can memset() the whole area to zero before starting initialization). Then, the compiler provided a list of records, each of which comprised of an address, data length and the actual data to be copied into the address location. So you'd just loop through the records and do memcpy() into the target address to initialize all globals.
Very compiler specific, so hopefully the compiler you're using allows you to do something similar.
In short, no. What I would do in this instance is create definitions, constants if you will, and then use those to reset the global variables with.
#define var1 10
int vara = 10
etc... basic C right?
You can then go ahead and wrap the reinitialization in a handy function =)
I think you must change the way you see the problem.
Declare all the variables used by callableMain() inside callableMain()'s body, so they are not global anymore and are destroyed after the function is executed and created once again with the default values when you call callableMain() on the next iteration.
Ok, here's what you could do if you have the source code for callableMain(): in the beginning of the function, add a check to verify if its the first time the function its being called. Inside this check you will copy the values of all global variables used to another set of static variables (name them as you like). Then, on the function's body replace all occurences of the global variables by the static variables you created.
This way you will preserve the initial values of all the global variables and use them on every iteration of callableMain(). Does it makes sense to you?
void callableMain()
static bool first_iter = true;
if (first_iter)
first_iter = false;
static int my_global_var1 = global_var1;
static float my_global_var2 = global_var2;
// perform operations on my_global_var1 and my_global_var2,
// which store the default values of the original global variables.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int saved_var1 = global_var1;
char saved_var2 = global_var2;
double saved_var3 = global_var3;
global_var1 = saved_var1;
global_var2 = saved_var2;
global_var3 = saved_var2;
Or maybe you can find out where global variables start memcpy them. But I would always cringe when starting a loop ...
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static unsigned char global_copy[SIZEOFGLOBALDATA];
If you don't want to refactor the code and encapsulate these global variables, I think the best you can do is define a reset function and then call it within the loop.
Assuming we are dealing with ELF on Linux, then the following function to reset the variables works
// these extern variables come from glibc
// https://github.com/ysbaddaden/gc/blob/master/include/config.h
extern char __data_start[];
extern char __bss_start[];
extern char _end[];
#define DATA_START ((char *)&__data_start)
#define DATA_END ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_START ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_END ((char *)&_end)
/// first call saves globals, subsequent calls restore
void reset_static_data();
// variable for quick check
static int pepa = 42;
// writes to memory between global variables are reported as buffer overflows by asan
void reset_static_data()
// global variable, ok to leak it
static char * x;
size_t s = BSS_END - DATA_START;
// memcpy is always sanitized, so access memory as chars in a loop
if (x == NULL) { // store current static variables
x = (char *) malloc(s);
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(x+i) = *(DATA_START + i);
} else { // restore previously saved static variables
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(DATA_START + i) = *(x+i);
// quick check, see that pepa does not grow in stderr output
fprintf(stderr, "pepa: %d\n", pepa++);
The general approach is based on answer in How to get the data and bss address space in run time (In Unix C program), see the linked ysbaddaden/gc GitHub repo for macOS version of the macros.
To test the above code, just call it a few times and note that the incremented global variable pepa still keeps the value of 42.
Saving current state of the globals is convenient in that it does not require rerunning __attribute__((constructor)) functions which would be necessary if I set everything in .bss to zero (which is easy) and everything in .data to the initial values (which is not so easy). For example, if you load libpython3.so in your program, it does do run-time initialization which is lost by zeroing .bss. Calling into Python then crashes.
Writing into areas of memory immediately before or after a static variable will trigger buffer-overflow warning from Address Sanitizer. To prevent this, use the ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS macro the way the code above does. The macro is defined in sanitizer/asan_interface.h.
Code coverage
Code coverage counters are implemented as global variables. Therefore, resetting globals will cause coverage information to be forgotten. To solve this, always dump the coverage-to-date before restoring the globals. There does not seem to be a macro to detect whether code coverage is enabled or not in the compiler, so use your build system (CMake, ...) to define suitable macro yourself, such as QD_COVERAGE below.
// The __gcov_dump function writes the coverage counters to gcda files
// and the __gcov_reset function resets them to zero.
// The interface is defined at https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/7501eec65c60701f72621d04eeb5342bad2fe4fb/libgcc/libgcov-interface.c
extern "C" void __gcov_reset();
extern "C" void __gcov_dump();
void flush_coverage() {
#if defined(QD_COVERAGE)

How can I check that all my init functions have been called?

I am writing a large C program for embedded use. Every module in this program has an init() function (like a constructor) to set up its static variables.
The problem is that I have to remember to call all of these init functions from main(). I also have to remember to put them back if I have commented them out for some reason.
Is there anything clever I do to make sure that all of these functions are getting called? Something along the lines of putting a macro in each init function that, when you call a check_inited() function later, sends a warning to STDOUT if not all the functions are called.
I could increment a counter, but I'd have to maintain the correct number of init functions somewhere and that is also prone to error.
The following is the solution I decided on, with input from several people in this thread
My goal is to make sure that all my init functions are actually being called. I want to do
this without maintaining lists or counts of modules across several files. I can't call
them automatically as Nick D suggested because they need to be called in a certain order.
To accomplish this, a macro included in every module uses the gcc constructor attribute to
add the init function name to a global list.
Another macro included in the body of the init function updates the global list to make a
note that the function was actually called.
Finally, a check function is called in main() after all of the inits are done.
I chose to copy the strings into an array. This not strictly necessary because the
function names passed will always be static strings in normal usage. If memory was short
you could just store a pointer to the string that was passed in.
My reusable library of utility functions is called "nx_lib". Thus all the 'nxl' designations.
This isn't the most efficient code in the world but it's only called a boot time so that
doesn't matter for me.
There are two lines of code that need to be added to each module. If either is omitted,
the check function will let you know.
you might be able to make the constructor function static, which would avoid the need to give it a name that is unique across the project.
this code is only lightly tested and it's really late so please check carefully before trusting it.
Thank you to:
pierr who introduced me to the constructor attribute.
Nick D for demonstrating the ## preprocessor trick and giving me the framework.
tod frye for a clever linker-based approach that will work with many compilers.
Everyone else for helping out and sharing useful tidbits.
This is the relevant fragment of my library header file
typedef struct _nxl_function_element{
BOOL called;
} nxl_function_element;
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name);
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void);
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name);
#define NXL_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_ADD(function_name) \
void cons_ ## function_name() __attribute__((constructor)); \
void cons_ ## function_name() { nxl_func_run_check_add(#function_name); }
This is the libary code that is called to add function names and check them later.
static nxl_function_element m_functions[MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS];
static int m_func_cnt = 0;
// call automatically before main runs to register a function name.
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name)
// fail and complain if no more room.
if (m_func_cnt >= MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS) {
print ("nxl_func_run_check_add failed, out of space\r\n");
strncpy (m_functions[m_func_cnt].func, func_name,
m_functions[m_func_cnt].func[NX_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_NAME_SIZE-1] = 0;
m_functions[m_func_cnt++].called = FALSE;
// call from inside the init function
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name)
int i;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (! strncmp(m_functions[i].func, func_name,
m_functions[i].called = TRUE;
print("nxl_func_run_check_hit(): error, unregistered function was hit\r\n");
// checks that all registered functions were called
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void) {
int i;
BOOL success=TRUE;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (m_functions[i].called == FALSE) {
success = FALSE;
xil_printf("nxl_func_run_check error: %s() not called\r\n",
return success;
This is an example of a module that needs initialization
#include "nx_lib_public.h"
void solo_init(void)
nxl_func_run_check_hit((char *) __func__);
/* do module initialization here */
You can use gcc's extension __attribute__((constructor)) if gcc is ok for your project.
#include <stdio.h>
void func1() __attribute__((constructor));
void func2() __attribute__((constructor));
void func1()
void func2()
int main()
return 0;
//the output
I don't know how ugly the following looks but I post it anyway :-)
(The basic idea is to register function pointers, like what atexit function does.
Of course atexit implementation is different)
In the main module we can have something like this:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
static function_t vfunctions[100]; // we can store max 100 function pointers
static int vcnt = 0; // count the registered function pointers
int add2init(function_t f)
// todo: error checks
vfunctions[vcnt++] = f;
return 0;
int main(void) {
// iterate vfunctions[] and call the functions
... and in some other module:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
extern int add2init(function_t f);
#define M_add2init(function_name) static int int_ ## function_name = add2init(function_name)
int foo(void)
return 0;
M_add2init(foo); // <--- register foo function
Why not write a post processing script to do the checking for you. Then run that script as part of your build process... Or better yet, make it one of your tests. You are writing tests, right? :)
For example, if each of your modules has a header file, modX.c. And if the signature of your init() function is "void init()"...
Have your script grep through all your .h files, and create a list of module names that need to be init()ed. Then have the script check that init() is indeed called on each module in main().
If your single module represents "class" entity and has instance constructor, you can use following construction:
static inline void init(void) { ... }
static int initialized = 0;
#define INIT if (__predict_false(!initialized)) { init(); initialized = 1; }
struct Foo *
where "__predict_false" is your compiler's branch prediction hint. When first object is created, module is auto-initialized (for once).
Splint (and probably other Lint variants) can give a warning about functions that are defined but not called.
It's interesting that most compilers will warn you about unused variables, but not unused functions.
Larger running time is not a problem
You can conceivably implement a kind of "state-machine" for each module, wherein the actions of a function depend on the state the module is in. This state can be set to BEFORE_INIT or INITIALIZED.
For example, let's say we have module A with functions foo and bar.
The actual logic of the functions (i.e., what they actually do) would be declared like so:
void foo_logic();
void bar_logic();
Or whatever the signature is.
Then, the actual functions of the module (i.e., the actual function declared foo()) will perform a run-time check of the condition of the module, and decide what to do:
void foo() {
if (module_state == BEFORE_INIT) {
This logic is repeated for all functions.
A few things to note:
This will obviously incur a huge penalty performance-wise, so is
probably not a good idea (I posted
anyway because you said runtime is
not a problem).
This is not a real state-machine, since there are only two states which are checked using a basic if, without some kind of smart general logic.
This kind of "design-pattern" works great when you're using separate threads/tasks, and the functions you're calling are actually called using some kind of IPC.
A state machine can be nicely implemented in C++, might be worth reading up on it. The same kind of idea can conceivably be coded in C with arrays of function pointers, but it's almost certainly not worth your time.
you can do something along these lines with a linker section. whenever you define an init function, place a pointer to it in a linker section just for init function pointers. then you can at least find out how many init functions have been compiled.
and if it does not matter what order the init functions are called, and the all have the same prototype, you can just call them all in a loop from main.
the exact details elude my memory, but it works soemthing like this::
in the module file...
//this is the syntax in GCC..(or would be if the underscores came through in this text editor)
initFuncPtr thisInit __attribute((section(.myinits)))__= &moduleInit;
void moduleInit(void)
// so init here
this places a pointer to the module init function in the .myinits section, but leaves the code in the .code section. so the .myinits section is nothing but pointers. you can think of this as a variable length array that module files can add to.
then you can access the section start and end address from the main. and go from there.
if the init functions all have the same protoytpe, you can just iterate over this section, calling them all.
this, in effect, is creating your own static constructor system in C.
if you are doing a large project and your linker is not at least this fully featured, you may have a problem...
Can I put up an answer to my question?
My idea was to have each function add it's name to a global list of functions, like Nick D's solution.
Then I would run through the symbol table produced by -gstab, and look for any functions named init_* that had not been called.
This is an embedded app so I have the elf image handy in flash memory.
However I don't like this idea because it means I always have to include debugging info in the binary.

Can I replace a Linux kernel function with a module?

Im getting into kernel work for a bit of my summer research. We are looking to make modifications to the TCP, in specific RTT calculations. What I would like to do is replace the resolution of one of the functions in tcp_input.c to a function provided by a dynamically loaded kernel module. I think this would improve the pace at which we can develop and distribute the modification.
The function I'm interested in was declared as static, however I've recompiled the kernel with the function non-static and exported by EXPORT_SYMBOL. This means the function is now accessible to other modules/parts of the kernel. I have verified this by "cat /proc/kallsyms".
Now I'd like to be able to load a module that can rewrite the symbol address from the initial to my dynamically loaded function. Similarly, when the module is to be unloaded, it would restore the original address. Is this a feasible approach? Do you all have suggestions how this might be better implemented?
Same as Overriding functionality with modules in Linux kernel
This was my eventual approach.
Given the following function (which I wanted to override, and is not exported):
static void internal_function(void)
// do something interesting
modify like so:
static void internal_function_original(void)
// do something interesting
static void (*internal_function)(void) = &internal_function_original;
This redefines the expected function identifier instead as a function pointer (which can be called in a similar manner) pointing to the original implementation. EXPORT_SYMBOL() makes the address globally accessible, so we can modify it from a module (or other kernel location).
Now you can write a kernel module with the following form:
static void (*original_function_reference)(void);
extern void (*internal_function)(void);
static void new_function_implementation(void)
// do something new and interesting
// return
int init_module(void)
original_function_reference = internal_function;
internal_function = &new_function_implementation;
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void)
internal_function = original_function_reference;
This module replaces the original implementation with a dynamically loaded version. Upon unloading, the original reference (and implementation) is restored. In my specific case, I provided a new estimator for the RTT in TCP. By using a module, I am able to make small tweaks and restart testing, all without having to recompile and reboot the kernel.
I'm not sure that'll work - I believe the symbol resolution for the internal calls to the function you want to replace will have already been done by the time your module loads.
Instead, you could change the code by renaming the existing function, then creating a global function pointer with the original name of the function. Initialise the function pointer to the address of the internal function, so the existing code will work unmodified. Export the symbol of the global function pointer, then your module can just change its value by assignment at module load and unload time.
I once made a proof of concept of a hijack module that inserted it's own function in place of kernel function.
I just so happens that the new kernel tacing architecture uses a very similar system.
I injected my own function in the kernel by overwriting the first couple of bytes of code with a jump pointing to my custom function. As soon as the real function gets called, it jumps instead to my function that after it had done it's work called the original function.
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#define CODESIZE 12
static unsigned char original_code[CODESIZE];
static unsigned char jump_code[CODESIZE] =
"\x48\xb8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" /* movq $0, %rax */
"\xff\xe0" /* jump *%rax */
int (*real_printk)( char * fmt, ... ) = (int (*)(char *,...) )0xffffffff805e5f6e;
int hijack_start(void);
void hijack_stop(void);
void intercept_init(void);
void intercept_start(void);
void intercept_stop(void);
int fake_printk(char *, ... );
int hijack_start()
real_printk(KERN_INFO "I can haz hijack?\n" );
return 0;
void hijack_stop()
void intercept_init()
*(long *)&jump_code[2] = (long)fake_printk;
memcpy( original_code, real_printk, CODESIZE );
void intercept_start()
memcpy( real_printk, jump_code, CODESIZE );
void intercept_stop()
memcpy( real_printk, original_code, CODESIZE );
int fake_printk( char *fmt, ... )
int ret;
ret = real_printk(KERN_INFO "Someone called printk\n");
return ret;
module_init( hijack_start );
module_exit( hijack_stop );
I'm warning you, when you're going to experiment with these kind of things, watch out for kernel panics and other disastrous events. I would advise you to do this in a virtualised environment. This is a proof-of-concept code I wrote a while ago, I'm not sure it still works.
It's a really easy principle, but very effective. Of course, a real solution would use locks to make sure nobody would call the function while you're overwriting it.
Have fun!
You can try using ksplice - you don't even need to make it non static.
I think what you want is Kprobe.
Another way that caf has mentioned is to add a hook to the original routine, and register/unregister hook in the module.
