Hamburger Menu & Overflow menu keep disappearing - codenameone

I am building an app in codenameone, and I am having issues with hamburger menu and overflow menu, they keep disappearing on some pages, sometimes they are there and sometimes they are gone
See attached image, these two menus keep going and coming sometimes in the app
Is there a way out?
I am using the Toolbar API to add commands
tb = new Toolbar();
tb.getStyle().setBgImage(new RR().getR().getImage("newmenuimage.png"));
tb.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

Add a theme Constant commandBehaviour if it doesn't already exist and set it to Side and make sure your sideMenuImage has a valid image name as a value. Do the same for menuImage which is for the overflow menu.
Customise TitleArea and set its border to Empty and Under color, uncheck Derive Transparency and set it to 255 and uncheck Derive Background and set it to the color of your choice (ensure there's contrast between this color and your menu images).


How to remove the hovering navigation menu while in Google Data Studio Presentation mode?

How do I control if the hovering navigation menu appears when the data studio dashboard that I have created enters presentation mode? There are already in-dashboard controls and this menu gets in the way, more than it helps.
Unfortunately, there is no way to hide this control box. However, if they bother you, I think you do not really need presentation mode.
You can mimic the presentation mode, hiding Header, Navigation Bar and setting the window to full screen.
In File > Theme And Layout > Layout > View Mode:
Select "Initially hidden" for Header visibility;
Select "Hidden" for Navigation type;
Select "Fit to width" for Display mode;
Un-select "Has margin".
Then, just set your browser to fullscreen during visualization (F11 on Windows, or just expand the window in MacOS). This way you get the same result, without the presentation controls.

Trouble changing background color of TextField in Codename One

I just started building my first App with Codename One and I'm having quite some trouble. :-)
I cant change the background color of a TextField, I changed everything in the Theme and named it "TextField". At the Color tab I changed the background color and set Transparency to 255. Since the Component is named TextField, shouldnt the style be applied automatically when I make a new TextField?
I also tried to set the UIID manually to "TextField", which didn't help either.
Am I missing something?
Kind regards,
The way backgrounds work in Codename One is this:
Border is applied first
Then image
Then gradient
Then color
TextField and other components such as Button etc. often have a default border derived from the theme.
Switch to the Border tab, click derive then click the ... button and select empty.

How do I set the color of the radio button's control?

How do I set the color of the radio button's control? No matter what color I specify in the style, it draws the outer circle and inner bullet in black. I want it to draw in in white on a black background to match my theme, but it always draws in black. (I'm actually doing this in a Multi-Button, setting the color of the Emblem UIID.)
I tried the first suggestion, to define the constants. That didn't work. Here's what happened.
I tried it two ways. First I defined just the radioSelectedImage and radioUnselectedImage. When that didn't work, I added both the radio*DisImage values, but it did the same thing. The selected and unselected images worked fine, but as soon as I touched a radio button, it got the focus, and the button was drawn in black, which made it invisible against my black background.
I did find an approach that worked, but it required the use of two deprecated classes. Here's what I added to the init() method of my main class:
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getInstance().getLookAndFeel();
if (lookAndFeel instanceof DefaultLookAndFeel) {
DefaultLookAndFeel defaultLookAndFeel = (DefaultLookAndFeel) lookAndFeel;
Image sel = theme.getImage("RadioButtonSelected.png");
Image unSel = theme.getImage("RadioButtonUnselected.png");
defaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonImages(sel, unSel, sel, unSel);
defaultLookAndFeel.setRadioButtonFocusImages(sel, unSel, sel, unSel);
The difference here is that I have a way to set the focus images. I can't do that using the constants, which is probably why it doesn't work. I'd really rather not use deprecated classes.
There are theme constants to allow you to add images to the radio button for unselected, selected, etc. Look here...

How can I rebuild Form Component in Codename One

I'm trying to create Custom Form configuration with scrollable TitleArea. The Form (black) has a BoxLayout.Y_AXIS Layout in BorderLayout.CENTER (blue). StatusBar (green) stays in BorderLayout.NORTH (green), when rest of the TitleArea (cyan) is in the first position in BoxLayout.
removeComponentFromForm function is unavailable for using in extended class. How can I remove components from Form to removing titleArea from BorderLayout.NORTH?
Why use the title area at all? Why not just add a component to the top of the box layout Y and style it as a Title that way you can scroll it out?
You can also use the new Toolbar API that includes many abilities to fade out the title as you scroll etc. See:

How to change the BarButtonItem back color?

I am currently working in the C# windows application with DevExpress controls.
Now I want to change back color of bar button item while loading the form.
I've tried following code:
barButton.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
but the bar button back color not changed to red.
By default, bars use the skins to draw their content. In this case, all background colors are provided by specific skin elements, which cannot be changed. The only way to change a specific item's background color is to disable skins:
put the BarAndDockingController component onto a form, and assign it to the BarManager.Controller property. Set BarAndDockingController.PaintStyleName or LookAndFeel to any non-skin style(for example "Flat"). Then use the Bar.Appearance.BackColor property to set the desired color.
Alternatively, you can create your own custom barItem in a way similar to the one described in the How to change the background color of highlighted links KB article.
