Add databound dropdown to Azure API App logic app shape - azure-logic-apps

I have developed an azure API app that I am using in a logic app. For the purpose of this post, it doesn't matter what my app does.
In my logic app shape (Azure API App) I have managed to render a drop down list by making one of my API post params an ENUM. Then changing the swagger / swashbuckle configuration to render the definition differently.
This is a good start but I really need a data driven drop down that reads it's data from a constantly changing data source (blobs, documentDB for example but it doesn't matter).
I can't find any posts on this.
All help will be greatly appreciated

Great question - we have on our backlog to support what we call "Dynamic Swagger" that lets you do just this. I'm hoping it will be in production near the beginning of March. In the meantime you will need to just enter in the values of those fields manually.


React Native Data Base

Ok... I am so confused. I am new to React Native and I have created a simple mobile app that shows a list of news (containing a specific image, title, and description). I have a lot of experience with programming most of which comes from game development. I have created many games and I am familiar to cloud storage systems that you update and retrieve data.
Right now I just have a local json file with an array of 'news' Objects and then I loop through this array to show the news posts. Basically, I want to move this json file to somewhere online where the app just retrieves it. This would make it so that the News json file could be edited in order to change, add or remove new news. So, I don't need account or anything. I don't even need to be able to set/update data from the app. I just need a place to store images and files that can be retrieved from the app.
I have tried using the common react native data base systems like sqlite, realm, mongodb, and firebase, but must not understand how they work because they make no sense. Also, it seems like when making a mobile app all of these services require you to setup a backend and start a server, which from what I can tell doesn't work on mobile... It seems logical that there would be a global data base that I could store storage on and just receive it by a simple fetch or network call. Am I totally crazy here ?:) Any help or guidance is super appreciated. Thanks.

Rendering a React Widget on third party site

i'm looking for some advice on how I should go about creating my next project. I would like to create an app that allows users to embed widgets on their own personal sites. An example would be, the user could create events on my app, and then copy code to embed on their site that would display the events.
My hope was that I would be able to give them a minfied/uglified script that would handle fetching their data from my app's api, and even possibly allowing someone using the widget to post data to my app. Is that feasible?
What I am really unsure of :
1) How would I handle fetching data from my server? Are there CORS/other concerns I need to handle when fetching it?
2) I dont want users to have to go to a url to render my code, I just want to provide the minfied/uglified/compiled to es5 code to them. How do I go about doing that?

How can i update the data within my app without having the user update the app in the playstore

I'm taking a break from simple game development to do something totally different. I would like to create an android/ios app (something like a news app and new technology app) that i can daily update the data in it without having the user update the app every day within the playstore. My question(s) would be , what would be the easiest and less confusing way to do so. And would I be required to have a website to correlate it to and just sync data to the app.
I've researched for days and I have gotten some leads but none that really clarifies how it's done. If someone could show me a step by step or tutorials on this topic it'll be greatly appreciated!!
The best way to do this is to make the data available as a web service and have the app go fetch the data.

Setting up an Angular/Ionic Mobile Application with MongoDB

I was wondering if anyone could help me at all.
I posted a previous question in regards to this title but I didn't receive much of a response (probably due to lack of information).
I started out with an Ionic Application and built the view files using state URLS to navigate from page to page in the WWW folder. I've then created corresponding controllers for the view files, for basic calls and functionality that I want my app to do in the front-end via Ionic.
My question is how do I setup MongoDB + Mongoose so I can have access to the models I have created?
I have scoured the internet but to no avail, I mean I know there is no set way to define a model within this type of application but some general guidance would be really appreciated.
I understand that when building an application with Angular you're essentially building 2 applications, the front-end where your CSS, JS and HTML goes with the front-end frameworks on top of them.
Then the backend application that runs the server, stores data and runs the business logic. This is where I have created the User Schema model for my application and have inserted a document into my database via the MongoDB shell whilst running mongod.
However I also created a users.js in another models folder in my front-end where I'm returning a resource following a url with either a get, save, query, remove or delete.
First of all I would like to say I'm relatively new to building mobile applications so this may even be entirely wrong and secondly up to this point I get lost as to what to do in my application.
I have tried setting up an express server in my app.js file and I can connect to it via my terminal as it is listening on the port number, but in the browser it is coming up with cannot /GET.
If you need any more information please feel free to ask, I know I haven't really gone into any technicals, but I'm really not sure even if I'm asking the right questions to begin with.
Thank you in advance.

I need to implement Web API 2 and consume it by Sencha Ext JS

I want to implement a web-based API (using ASP.NET Web API 2) and consume it by the client Side library (Sencha Ext JS).
My application should include
A simple user registration form.
A login page for admin.
CRUD operations for users' submissions.
I do not want to include any backend code (i.e C#) in the we application, I want to implement it using the HTML/Javascript only, that is Ext JS.
I want the Web API to be RESTful.
I want to protect admin pages.
I want to use the SQL Server to store users' submissions.
All of that requirements should be implemented using the Web API 2 and Ext JS only.
So far, I did initial search and I got a lot of learning for either the API 2 or the Ext JS. But I couldn't have a guide that help me to fulfill the above requirements or help me to have both technologies work together.
Pleas help me on either way.
Or generally, can you help me get started work in combining both: Web API 2 and any client side that consumes it, such as Sencha Ext JS or any other client side. It is not necessarily to be Ext JS.
Thank you so much.
Thanks to
If it were me, I'd use the DirectAPI for
You create webapi controllers, just like you normally would. The only difference is the the controllers that need to be used by EXT should inherit from DirectController.
If you follow the directions on that page, you'll end up with a globally available proxy object that matches the name of the controller and the public methods hanging off of the controller become methods of that object.
That is, server side controller MyAwesomeController with method DoSomething() becomes MyAwesome.DoSomething.
If you attribute the method as [NamedArguements] you can create methods such as
DoSomething(int id, int foo)
and pass from javascript as DoSomething({id: 20, foo: 30});
Since it is still just a controller, you can attribute permissions and return json as you would in any other situation.
If you get stuck, use the debugger and spend the time to figure out what's really going on. This all works in 4.x and I've tried it in 5.x and it still works there as well. But I wouldn't jump into 5.x just yet as there are still several bugs that need to be worked out by the sencha team before it is ready for prime time.
ExtJs has a REST proxy for the data. So what you try to do should be possible. The proxy can be configured and be finetuned.
I used the JSON proxy. ExtJs has very powerful filter and sort capabilities, both server and client side. In my experience difficulties arose when filtering and sorting server side. There is only sparse documentation on how the parameters are passed and which configurations have what effects.
Since you also develop the REST api, you can adapt to those details. You just have to do some research.
Here is not the place to ask about guides. For Asp I cannot help you, I never touched it. If you use ExtJs, you are free to choose you backend. For ExtJs, the start is pretty straight forward :
get Sencha cmd and generate a skeleton app.
follow the tutorial
create one file per class definition.
the API docs are great. If you still lack something SO is great too.
what you have to find out by yourself is the exact way parameters are passed to the backend and how to format the response.
