Need to understand in Netezza, how to see all view references - netezza

I come from SQL Server and Oracle of 15 years, and am having some conundrums in getting some fundamentals out of Netezza :). I have a database with 500 views, that I need to understand all of what they are referencing.
I imagine, there must be a better way to do this than looking through all the DDL. Unfortunately I do not know the internals of Netezza well, and am attempting to look through the system tables, but not finding what I am looking for.
I tried doing some google searches and searches through here and wasn't finding what I was looking for, so I am hoping someone here has a magic query to help with this, otherwise this will be a very daunting task :).

You need to Go to the unix prompt and run a script called nz_view_references. I started reproducing it once as a piece of SQL and it IS possible to do so - at least with the regular expression toolkit installed. But never quite finished it :)
The script contains sql against catalog tables and the help section specifies these tables to be relevant for a grant select... _T_OBJECT, _T_OBJECT_CLASSES, _T_DATABASE
Hope it helps...


Most Efficient Way to Migrate Un-Normalized Data in an Access Database to a Normalized Form in a SQL Server Database

I've been doing some research on this topic for a while now and can't seem to find a similar instance to my issue. I will try and explain everything as best I can, as simply as I can.
The problem is in the title; I am trying to migrate data from an Access database to SQL Server. Typically, this isn't really a hard problem as there exists several import/export tools within SQL Server but I am looking for the best solution. That or some advice/tips as I am somewhat new to database migration. I will now begin to explain my situation.
So I am currently working on migrating data that exists in an Access “database” (database in quotes because I don’t think it is actually a database, you’ll know why in a minute) in an un-normalized form. What I mean by un-normalized is that all of the data is in one table. This table has about 150+ columns and the rows number in the thousands. Yikes, I know; this is what I’ve walked into lol. Anyways, sitting down and sorting through everything, I’ve designed relationships for the data that normalize it nicely in its new home, SQL Server. Enter my predicament (or at least part of it). I have the normalized database set up to hold the data but I’m not sure how to import it, massage/cut it up, and place it in the respective tables I’ve set up.
Thus far I’ve done a bunch of research into what can be done and for starters I have found out about the SQL Server Migration Assistant. I’ve begun messing with it and was able to import the data from Access into SQL Server, but not in the way I wanted. All I got was a straight copy & paste of the data into my SQL Server database, exactly as it was in the Access database. I then learned about the typical practice of setting up a global table/staging area for this type of migration, but I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to using TSQL. The heart of my question comes down to this; Is there some feature in SQL Server (either its import/export tool or the SSMA) that will allow me to send the data to the right tables that already exist in my normalized SQL Server database? Or do I import to the staging area and write the script(s) to dissect and extract the data to the respective normalized table? If it is the latter, can someone please show me some tips/examples of what the TSQL would look like to do this sort of thing. Obviously I couldn’t expect exact scripts from anyone without me sharing the data (which I don’t have the liberty of as it is customer data), so some cookie cutter examples will work.
Additionally, future data is going to come into the new database from various sources (like maybe excel for example) so that is something to keep in mind. I would hate to create a new issue where every time someone wants to add data to the database, a new import, sort, and store script has to be written.
Hopefully this hasn’t been too convoluted and someone will be willing (and able) to help me out. I would greatly appreciate any advice/tips. I believe this would help other people besides me because I found a lot of other people searching for similar things. Additionally, it may lead to TSQL experts showing examples of such data migration scripts and/or an explanation of how to use the tools that exist in such a way the others hadn’t used before or have functions/capabilities not adequately explained in the documentation.
Thank you,
First this:
Additionally, future data is going to come into the new database from
various sources (like maybe excel for example)...?
That's what SSIS is for. Setting up SSIS is not a trivial task but it's not rocket science either. SQL Server Management Studio has an Import/Export Wizard which is a easy-to-use SSIS package creator. That will get you started. There's many alternatives such as Powershell but SSIS is the quickest and easiest solution IMO. Especially when dealing with data from multiple sources.
SSIS works nicely with Microsoft Products as data sources (such as Excel and Sharepoint).
For some things too, you can create an MS Access Front-end that interfaces with SQL Server via sql server stored procedures. It just depends on the target audience. This is easy to setup. A quick google search will return many simple examples. It's actually how I learned SQL server 20+ years ago.
Is there some feature in SQL Server that will allow me to send the
data to the right tables that already exist in my normalized SQL
Server database?
Yes and don't. For what you're describing it will be frustrating.
Or do I import to the staging area and write the script(s) to dissect
and extract the data to the respective normalized table?
If it is the latter, can someone please show me some tips/examples of
what the TSQL would look like to do this sort of thing.
When dealing with denormalized data a good splitter is important. Here's my two favorites:
In SQL Server 2016 you also have split_string which is faster (but has issues).
Another must have is a good NGrams function. The link I posted has the function attached at the bottom of the article. I have some string cleaning functions here.
The links I posted have some good examples.
I agree with all the approaches mentioned: Load the data into one staging table (possibly using SSIS) then shred it with T-SQL (probably wrapped up in stored procedures).
This is a custom piece of work that needs hand built scripts. There's no automated tool for this because both your source and target schemas are custom schemas. So you'd need to define all that mapping and rules somewhow.... and no SSIS does not magically do this!
It sounds like you have a target schema and mappings between source and target schema already worked out
As an example your first step is to load 'lookup' tables with this kind of query:
INSERT INTO TargetLookupTable1 (Field1,Field2,Field3)
SELECT DISTINCT Field1,Field2,Field3
FROM SourceStagingTable
TargetLookupTable1 should already have an identity primary key defined (which is not mentioned in the above query because it is auto generated)
This is where you will find your first problem. You'll almost definitely find your distinct query just gives you a whole lot of duplicated mispelt data rubbish data. So before you even load your lookup table you need to do data cleansing.
I suggest you clean the data in your source system directly but it depends how comfortable you are with that.
Next step is: assuming your data is all clean and you've loaded a dozen lookup tables in this way..
Now you need to load transactions but you don't know the lookup key that you just generated!
The trick is to pre-include an empty column for this in your staging table to record this
Once you've loaded up your lookup table you can write the key back into the staging table. This query matches back on the fields you used to load the lookup, and writes the key back into the staging table
SET MyNewLookupKey = NewLookupTable.MyKey
FROM SourceStagingTable TGT
ON TGT.Field1 = NewLookupTable.Field1
AND TGT.Field2 = NewLookupTable.Field2
AND TGT.Field3 = NewLookupTable.Field3
Now you have a column called MyNewLookupKey in your staging table which holds the correct lookup key to load into you transaction table
Ongoing uploads of data is a seperate issue but you might want to investigate an MS Access Data Project (although they are apparently being phased out, they are very handy for a front end into SQL Server)
The thing to remember is: if there is anything ambiguous about your data, for example, "these rows say my car is black but these rows say my car is white", then you (a human) needs to come up with a rule for "disambiguating" it. It can't be done automatically.
So there are quite a number of ways to skin this cat. I don't know much about the "Migration Assistant", but I somehow doubt it's going to make your life easier given what you're trying to do.
I'd just dump the whole denormalized mess into a single big staging table then shred it where you need it using SQL. I know you asked for help with the TSQL, but without having some idea of what the denormalized data is and how you want to re-shape it, all I can do really is suggest you read up on SQL in general (select, from, where, group by, etc).
You could also do the work in SSIS, but ultimately the solution you use is largely going to depend on the nature of how you need to normalize the big denormalized data set. IMHO doing this in SQL is usually the easiest way, but then again when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
As far as future proofing the process, how you import the Access data probably will have little bearing on how you'd import Excel data. If you have a whole lot of different data sources which you'll need to incorporate on a recurring basis, SSIS might be a good choice to invest some time and effort into for the long run. No matter what, incorporating data from a distinct data source takes time and effort. You'll have to do some extra work no matter what. I would weight how frequently you think you'll have to integrate a given data source, and how much effort is involved to massage it into the format you want.
I have a completely different opinion. Because I do both database development and Microsoft's Power BI - - on the PBI side we come across a lot of non-normalized data because a lot of the data is coming in from excel.
My guess is that what is now in Access was an import of something originally began in excel.
Excel Power Query and PBI offers transforms to pivot and unpivot layout. I would use these tools to do that task. Then import the results into SQL.

Need help understanding the difference between a script format and query

This is a very newbie question I fear... I was wondering if there are folks on here that can tell me what the difference is between SQL scripts and SQL queries (I've been inadvertently using these terms interchangeably for too long).
I have plenty of experience executing queries (SQL server, oracle, postgres), but I started working with a group that requires I submit scripts with said SQL queries through their department for review and explicitly told me not to send them queries, but the scripts. Can someone explain the difference for me?
If it matters, the SQL query I need to submit just joins fields from four tables together into one.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out with this!
In this context it sounds like they want to see any set of commands that will be changing (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.) data and are not concerned with any queries you're running to simply return or review data.
I suspect more people use these terms interchangeably than you think.
It's a very good idea to go back to this department unashamed and ask for clarification as different teams use different terms. I think you will find they're asking you to plan any data-changing action out in advance, put your commands in sequence in a file (like a .sql file if you work in Management studio, etc.) and forward that file to them for review.
Asking around was a great move. You cannot be too careful with these things!
A query consists of a single command. A script is just a file with a bunch of queries.
A SQL script is nothing but when, you save a bunch of SQL statements (select, insert delete, update etc) in a file.

correct way to migrate a sybase database to new hardware

I have a small Sybase ASE 15 database on a box that is scheduled to be de-commissioned. What is the best way to "clone" or "transfer" my database to the new box?
I tried to use the migration utility that comes with ASE 15 but it seems to never make it very far before big errors show up. The farthest its gotten was the creation of one table and no data ;[
I was thinking the best way would be to generate some sort of giant DDL that encompases the entire set of users, tables, and views. I have no idea how to generate this though.
Looking online it seems very difficult to find any sybase backup or migration information other than whats in sybooks ( which is hard to follow for a novice ).
I think that the best way to migrate all db objects is Michael Peppler's script
I have used it with success many times in production.

How to keep code base and database schema in synch?

So recently on a project I'm working on, we've been struggling to keep a solution's code base and the associated database schema in synch (Database = SQL Server 2008).
Database changes occur fairly regularly (adding columns, constraints, relationships, etc) and as a result it's not uncommon for people to do a 'Get Latest' from source control and
find that they also need to rebuild the database as well (and sometimes they forget to do the latter).
We're not using VSTS: Database Edition (DataDude) but the standard Visual Studio database project with a script (batch file) which tears down and recreates the database from T-SQL scripts. The solution is a .Net & solution with LINQ to SQL underlying as the ORM.
Anyone have ideas on an approach to take (automated or not) which would keep everyone up to date with the latest database schema?
Continuous integration with MSBuild is an option, but only helps pick up any breaking changes committed, it doesn't really help in the scenario I highlighted above.
We are using Team Foundation Server, if that helps..
We try to work forward from the creation scripts.
i.e a change to the database is not authorised unless the script has been tested and checked into source control.
But this assumes that the database team is integrated with your app team which is usually not the case in a large project...
(I was tempted to answer this "with great difficulty")
EDIT: Tools won't help you if your process isn't right.
Ok although its not the entire solution, you should include an assertion in the Application code that links up to the database to assert the correct schema is being used, that way at least it becomes obvious, and you avoid silent bugs and people complaining that stuff went crazy all of the sudden.
As for the schema version, you could use some database specific functionality if available, but i personally prefer to declare a schema version table and keep the version number in there, that way its portable and can be checked with a simple select statement
have a look at DB Ghost - you can create a dbp using the scripter in seconds and then manage all your database code with the change manager.
This is exactly what DB Ghost was designed to handle.
We basically do things the way you are, with the generation script checked into source control as well. I'm the designated database master so all changes to the script itself are done through me. People send me scripts of the changes they have made, I update my master copy of the schema, run a generate scripts (SSMS) to produce the new DB script, and then check it in. I keep my copy of the code current with any changes that are being made elsewhere. We're a small shop so this works pretty well for us. I realize that it probably doesn't scale.
If you are not using Visual Studio Database Professional Edition, then you will need another tool that can break the database down into its elemental pieces so that they are managable and changeable in an easier manner.
I'd recommend seriously considering Redgate's SQL tools if you want to maintain sanity over all your database changes and updates.
SQL Packager
SQL Multi Script
SQL Refactor
Use a tool like RedGate SQL Compare to generate the change schema between any given version of the database. You can then check that file into source code control
Have a look at this question: dynamic patching of databases. I think it's similar enough to your problem to be helpful.
My solution to this problem is simple. Define everything as XML, and make sure that both the database, the ORM and the UI are generated from this XML, no exceptions. That way, you can use code generation tools to quickly regenerate the database creation script, which will alter your schema while (hopefully) preserving some data. It takes some effort to do, but the net result is well worth it.

How Do I Follow A T-SQL Transaction?

Are there any programs that will allow you to follow a sql transaction through to it's end? For instance, say I've inherited a rather complex sql database with a data dictionary. The data dictionary is pretty good, but not as good as say, SQL Doc. I've taken a look at Red Gate's Dependency Tracker and, while that does a very good job of putting things together (triggers, stored procedures, tables, views, etc.), it still does nothing for following a transaction through it's various tracks.
What I'd like is software that will allow me to enter a transaction and based on everything in my db, tree it out visually to let me see what's happening during the transaction. Does that make sense or do I need to elaborate?
Edited to elaborate: While the answers below were very good, it's not exactly what I'm looking for. The front end of the sql database was built with PowerBuilder. I can use SqlSpy during frontend data input and that helps to follow transactions through, but it's all the t-sql and as you can imagine, reams of output. I'm looking for something that would do the same thing, but lay it out visually with the ability to tree out the detail if I wanted to.
If you open a connection in Visual Studio, you can run sprocs and queries in debug mode. i.e. you can go step by step over a query with intellisense and see the values in the variables.
The SQL Profiler will allow you to trace a transaction through, and see exactly what is going on. It is very flexible and allows you to be shown only the events you are interested in, but it won't show it in the tree format I think you're asking about.
The profiler is installed as part of the SQL Server Client Tools (along with Enterprise Manager and Query Analyser).
I guess if this way is doable. You can set up a test environment and run the transaction. Once transaction is submitted, compare the database in test environment with the prodution database.
You can use some tool to do this comparation. Like OpenDBDiff or you can look for other tool by googling.
I haven't used this yet, it appears to do what you're asking: apply IDE-style debugging tools to T-SQL statements. I woul be interested to see how it works out.
